1 Supporting Methods 2 3 Creating of the targeting construct to generate the Acta1(H40Y) KI mouse line 4 The 5.1kb and the 2.3kb fragments were PCR amplified from total genomic DNA obtained 5 from wt/wt ES (129/Sv) using the following primers: 5’AGGTGTGCGGCCGCAGGTTT 6 CCTGTAG3’ and 5’ACGGCCAGCGGCCGCCTGTTCGCA3’ for the 5.1kb fragment and 7 5’CTTCCTATCGATCAAATGCTGGTGGCAC3’ 8 CCCTA3’ for the 2.3kb fragment. This amplification introduces a NotI and a ClaI restriction 9 site into the 5.1kb and the 2.3kb fragments, respectively. The NotI digested 5.1kb fragment 10 and ClaI digested 2.3kb fragment were cloned into linearized pBluescript and pPGK-Neo- 11 DTA vectors, respectively, to generate pBluescript-5.1kb and pPGK-Neo-DTA-2.3kb 12 plasmids. Correct orientation of the inserted fragments was confirmed and the 5.1kb and 13 2.3kb inserts were sequenced to ensure that no mutations or rearrangements were introduced 14 by PCR and the cloning procedures. and 5’AGCTTCATGGTGCCCTCT 15 16 A 3 step PCR-based approach was used to generate the site-directed mutagenesis of the Acta1 17 sequence in the pBluescript-5.1kb plasmid. Primers (5’CGTGGGCCGACCCCGTT 18 ACCAGGTCAGGCTGCTGGCAGGG3’ and 5’CCCTGCCAGCAGCCTGACCTGGTAAC 19 GGGGTCGGCCCACG3’) were designed to bind to either sides of the mutation site in 20 pBluescript-5.1kb to introduce the single nucleotide base change A to G. This single-base 21 -skeletal actin 22 protein. The 23 5’TCCCCTGCATGCCTAGTTGGA3’ and 5’CCCTGCCAGCAGCCTGACCTGGTAACG 24 GGGTCGGCCCACG3’; 5’CTTCTGCATGCGGTCAGCGATAC3’ and 5’CGTGGGCCG 25 ACCCCGTTACCAGGTCAGGCTGCTGGCAGGG3’) on the pBluescript-5.1kb template to 26 generate 400bp and 1.3kb fragments, respectively. The third PCR reaction was performed on 27 DNA from first the two first PCR two reactions reactions 1 were using performed the (primer following pairs primers: 28 5’TCCCCTGCATGCCTAGTTGGA3’ and 5’CTTCTGCATGCGGTCAGCG ATAC3’. 29 These two primers were designed to bind on either side of the mutation, across a SphI 30 restriction site to allow for the cloning of the PCR mutated fragment back into the 31 pBluescript-5.1kb plasmid. The resultant 1.7kb PCR fragment was extracted from a 1.2% 32 agarose gel, linearized with SphI and then ligated into a SphI digested pBluescript-5.1kb. The 33 entire mutated sequence within pBluescript-5.1kb was sequenced to ensure there were no 34 additional PCR-induced mutations or cloning-induced rearrangements. 35 36 The mutated 5.1kb fragment was removed from pBluescript-5.1kb using NotI and was then 37 inserted into NotI linearized pPGK-Neo-DTA-2.3kb to create the complete KI construct. PCR 38 (primers 5’GCTTGCCTGGTCCCTGGCTGCTTG3’ and 5’GTGGTTGTGTGTTGTCCTA 39 G3’) was used to confirm the correct orientation of the 5.1kb fragment. 40 41 In-Gel digestion and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass 42 spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis 43 The MALDI- 44 skeletal muscles of ACTA1(H40Y) KI mice. Total protein was extracted from the skeletal 45 muscles of an 8 week-old KI mouse as described previously.24 Two microlitres of total 46 protein were fractionated through a 12.5% SDS-PAGE gel and protein bands were visualised 47 with Colloidal Coomassie staining (BioRad, Regents Park, Australia). The α-skeletal actin 48 protein band was excised from the gel and processed as previously described.25, 26 A Voyager- 49 DE PRO matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Applied 50 Biosystems, Scoresby Vic, Australia) equipped with delayed extraction was employed for 51 peptide mapping in positive reflector mode. Database search and protein identification was 52 done with In-house Mascot search engine (www.matrixscience.com), and all post-acquisition -skeletal actin in 2 53 data analysis and calculations were performed using Data Explorer TM software (Applied 54 Biosystems). 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Supplemental Figure 1. Acta1(H40Y) KI construct and screening strategies. (A) The KI targeting construct is shown in black. The PGK-Neo sequence is flanked on either side by Cre-lox P recombination sites (triangles). Downstream of the PGK-Neo gene is an additional 2.3kb genomic DNA sequence that is at the 3’ end of the Acta1 gene. Upstream of the PGKNeo sequence is 5.1kb of DNA sequence from Acta1, including 1.8kb sequence upstream of exon 1. The PCR-generated mutation occurs in exon 2 of Acta1. The placement of the 3 probes designed for Southern screening and the locations of EcoRI restriction sites are shown. (B) DNA samples extracted from embryonic stem cells (ESC) were digested with EcoRI before Southern analyses. An example of a Southern blot of ESC is shown. Clone #65 (*) contains the smaller knock-in (ki) allele when screened with the 3 probes. The WT (wt) allele gives a larger 7.3kb band. All KI mice described in this study were derived from this clone. 3 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Genomic DNA was extracted from the gastrocnemius muscles of the 9 chimaeric mice that died and screened for the neomycin sequence (C) and sequenced to determine the presence of the single base pair mutation (*) (D). (E) MALDI-TOF MS detection of mutant (H40Y) and WT α-skeletal actin peptides in skeletal muscle from the KI mice. Supplemental Figure 2. (A) Absolute twitch and (B) tetanic (200Hz) force output in isolated EDL muscles from WT (wt/wt) and KI (ki/wt) 8 week old mice (n = 5-7 mice/group). (C) Specific twitch and (D) tetanic (150Hz) force output in isolated soleus muscles from 8 week 4 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 old WT (wt/wt) and KI (ki/wt) mice (n = 5-6 mice/group). (E) Body weights of 8 week old female WT, KI and KI mice crossed with the c-ski (ki/c-ski), FHL1 (ki/FHL1) and IGF-I (ki/IGF-I) transgenic mice (n = 7-23 mice/group). (F) Gastrocnemius and (G) EDL muscle weights in 8 week old female WT (wt/wt), KI (ki/wt) and KI mice crossed with the c-ski, FHL1 and IGF-I transgenic mice (n = 4-11 mice/group). (H) Forearm grip strength of female WT, KI and KI mice crossed with the c-ski transgenic mice (n = 4-28 mice/group). (I) The number of ambulations over a 20 minute period in an Open Filed apparatus for female WT, KI and KI mice crossed with the c-ski transgenic mice (n = 6-22 mice/group). For all graphs (A-I), data are expressed as mean ± SE. Statistical significance from the wt/wt mice are indicated by + (P < 0.05) and significance compared to the ki/wt mice are indicated by * (P < 0.05). 5