Military Writing Guide for CFMWS Staff September 2014 En

Military Writing Guide for CFMWS Staff
The CF Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) developed the CAF Staff Work Guide
for their Junior Officer Development Programme. CFLRS has provided CFMWS with the
Guide to assist CFMWS staff with military writing. Version 4 of the Guide is provided
below; CFLRS will provide any updated versions.
The purpose of this guide is to provide essential information with regard to writing
military correspondence. Clear explanations and templates have been included.
It is important to note that commanders may establish their own military writing
guidelines. This guide is a basic document and, depending on where you work, you may
be required to adjust a little. For example, note the font type and size requirements for
the different offices below.
CFMWS staff – please pay particular attention to the requirements below.
Font type and size
Requirement / Comment
12 pt Arial for the CDS, CMP & DGMWS
12 pt Times New Roman for the MND & DM
Documents seeking
Telephone number in
signature block
It is not acceptable to reduce the font size to 11 pt to fit
the content on one page.
Ensure the font type and size of the page numbers
match the font of the text in the body.
Add the following annotation at the end of the
document, above the signature block of the approver "Approved/Not Approved".
A telephone # is only included in the signature block of a
memorandum, not in a letter. Contact information should
be included in the last paragraph of the letter.