guidelines for authors - icpscg-9

Aim and scope
Crystal Research and Technology is an international journal devoted to the publication of research work in
experimental, industrial and theoretical crystallography.
Crystal Research and Technology invites manuscripts of review articles and original papers, and book reviews.
Only manuscripts of reviews and original papers not yet published and not submitted for publication elsewhere in
any medium of public nature, including electronic journals and computer databases, will be accepted for
publication in the journal.
Crystal Research and Technology will primarily cover the following aspects:
 Crystal growth techniques and phenomena (including bulk growth and thin film)
 Modern crystalline materials (e.g. smart materials, nanocrystals, quasicrystals and liquid crystals)
 Industrial crystallisation
 Application of crystals in materials science, electronics, data storage and optics
 Experimental, simulation and theoretical studies of the structural properties of crystals
 Crystallographic computing
 Structure and efficiency of biologically-active substances
The manuscript should fall within the scope of the Journal, and the motivation and relevance of the research
must be clearly emphasized in the introduction section. Manuscripts should be well-conceived (in terms of
novelty and formulation of aim of undertaking the study), well-organized (in terms of logic in selecting results
for inclusion in a manuscript) and well-written (in terms of presentation of the contents and scientific ideas in a
reasonably correct language).
Manuscripts describing minor extensions of previously published papers or describing routine growth
methodologies of different compounds and their characterization by standard techniques are not appropriate for
the journal and will not be considered for publication. Manuscripts, partly or entirely published elsewhere or
submitted for publication elsewhere, and written in bad English will not be considered for publication.
When preparing and submitting their manuscripts to the journal, the authors should keep in mind the following
key points:
1. Relevance and novelty (originality) of the contents of the manuscript should be emphasized.
2. There should be sound motivation for undertaking the study. It is not sufficient to mention that, so far the
authors are aware, the compound of the study has not been studies before.
3. There must be sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing. In a manuscript it is
not sufficient to present observations and results alone without explaining them against the background of the
existing scientific literature.
4. Significant parts of the manuscript should not have already been published. Serial publications are
discouraged and a follow-up paper must contain significant new material.
5. Expression and communication of ideas, readability and discussion of concepts should be clear.
6. The length of the manuscript should be appropriate for sufficient interest for the space required.
7. The manuscript should be submitted electronically.
Preparation of manuscripts
General guidelines for preparation of manuscripts are given below.
1. Manuscripts should be submitted in English electronically. However, while writing a manuscript the authors
should adhere to either British or American English.
2. Manuscripts prepared in the following formats and text processing programmes are accepted: MS-DOS or
Macintosh, Word for Windows or Macintosh, Rich Text Format (rtf) and pure Text.
3. As a general guideline, texts of manuscripts of reviews and original papers should not exceed 25 and 15
pages (format A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), one-sided, double-spaced, 2 cm overall margin) plus 15 and 10 figures
and/or tables, respectively.
4. All pages of the manuscript of a paper should be numbered consecutively.
The manuscript of a paper should be arranged as follows: title of the paper, author(s’) name(s) (initials
followed by family name), complete address(es) of his/her(their) institution(s), a maximum of 6 keywords
reflecting the contents of the paper, 2 to 6 PACS numbers (see PACS codes), abstract, main text
(including figure captions and tables), acknowledgements, and references. Please include figure captions
(not figures themselves) and tables in the main text as and when they are referred to in the text. Figures
should be appended after the text separately.
6. The corresponding author of a paper, his phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address must be given as a
footnote on the first page of the manuscript. The name of the corresponding author in the list of authors
should be indicated with an asterisk (*).
7. Introduction section should be written in such a way that it reflects the current state of the subject and
explains clearly why the study described in the manuscript was undertaken. While formulating the aim of the
study against the background of the existing literature, the authors are advised not to confine themselves to
the published papers of some colleagues and friends, thereby creating a pseudo-literature for referencing in
future publications.
8. Conclusions should enumerate only the main findings (not experimental observations) of the study after
presenting and discussing the observations. In the conclusions, the authors should state precisely and clearly
what they have achieved after carrying out their study against the background of the set goal and whether
the study has improved our understanding of the science of the phenomena and processes involved.
Conclusions are not a summary of what the authors do and observe in a study.
9. In the text of a paper references should be cited by numbers in square brackets; for example, [1], [25], [2,
4, 8, 15]. In the list of References, they should be numbered and listed in the order they are cited in the main
text. The list of references in References should be prepared according to the following style:
for journals:
[1] B. N. Roy and T. Wright, Cryst. Res. Technol. 31, 1039 (1996).
[2] C. H. Yang, J. L. Li, and B. Wang, Cryst. Res. Technol. 39, 297 (2004).
for books:
[3] C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Edition, Wiley, New York 2005.
[4] C. Janot, Quasicrystals - A Primer, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992.
[5] K. Scheerschmidt and R. Gleichmann, in: Electron Microscopy in Solid State
Physics, Eds. H. Bethge and J. Heydenreich, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1987, chap. 12,
p. 289.
Avoid references to conferences and doctoral theses because they are not accessible to the average reader.
10. The authors should carefully select appropriate references for inclusion in the manuscript and should give
due credit in the manuscript to relevant papers published previously by different authors. However, the
number of relevant references should be restricted to the minimum because citation of too many does not
improve the scientific quality of a manuscript.
11. Use symbol font for all Greek letters, while math mode for all mathematical equations and symbols. Do not
use math mode for chemical symbols.
12. Figures and tables should be restricted to the minimum needed to clarify the text. Figure captions (not
figures) and tables should be included in the main text of the manuscript. All figures (line drawings and
photographs for half-tone reproduction) should be submitted on separate sheets.
13. All the figures must be in a form suitable for direct reproduction, and should be prepared in Postscript (ps or
eps) or TIF-Format. Figures should preferably be submitted in full color, but should also be easily readable
on a black/white printout.
Submission of manuscripts
Papers have to be submitted only via the Crystal Research and Technology manuscript submission site:; see the journal homepage:
Documents to be submitted by the corresponding author
New manuscript
 An appropriately prepared manuscript following the guidelines given above (see: Preparation of
 A cover letter explaining novel features of the manuscript being submitted. In this letter the corresponding
author should state clearly that the contents of the manuscript are original and that the manuscript,
completely or partly, has not been published previously in any form and will not published in any journal.
 A list of at least 4 possible referees for the manuscript. However, the authors of manuscripts should keep in
mind that not more than two of the possible referees should be from the country of origin of the manuscript,
they should not be coauthors of papers previously published by the authors of the manuscript to be reviewed,
they should be active in the area of the manuscript, and that they should not be members of the Editorial
Board of Crystal Research and Technology. They may also indicate the names of persons that they do not
want to serve as referees.
Revised manuscript
 A suitably revised manuscript with all introduced changes indicated in red or blue font.
 A cover letter with list of main changes introduced in the manuscript.
 A list of response to each of the comments made by the referees in their reports in the form comment/reply.
Steps for using online submission system
 If you use the system for the first time, you need to click on the "Create Account" link. IMPORTANT: Please
check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. If you have
reviewed or authored for the journal in the past you will have had an account created. If you have forgotten
your login details, enter your email address under "Password Help" on the Log In screen. You will receive an
automatically generated e-mail, providing you with the details to access your personal site (login and
 Once logged in, please click on "Author Center" and let the system guide you through the submission
process. Online help is available at all times. It will be possible to exit and re-enter the system without losing
any information at any stage of the submission process. All submissions are kept strictly confidential.
 Authors can follow the progress of their manuscripts on their personal site. All manuscripts of the authors
submitted to and all review reports written for Crystal Research and Technology are archived here. This
author site should also be used to upload the revised and final versions of all manuscripts submitted to the
Note that when multiple files are uploaded ("Main Document" and "Image"), the system generates a single PDF
A full description covering the details of manuscript preparation and submission can be found as part of the
template package. Here you can find our Word template for Original Papers:
Word document template
Very important
In the interest of a fast and efficient refereeing and publication process, please make sure that your manuscript is
prepared according to the guidelines given above. Manuscripts that are clearly inappropriate for the journal can
be rejected without consulting referees. Manuscripts written in bad English are also likely to be rejected.
After acceptance
1. For final composition and printing of the manuscript a file having Microsoft Word-, Rich Text (rtf)- or pure
Text-Format is needed.
2. As a requirement of publication of your article, you must agree to the Conditions of Publication either
during online submission or by signing a hard copy of the copyright transfer agreement after acceptance.
Please send the filled Copyright Transfer Agreement to the Editorial Office by fax, mail or e-mail.
3. Galley-proofs will be send to the corresponding author by e-mail in pdf-format. Proof reading should be
limited to the correction of typographical errors. Deletions and insertions are not permitted in proof reading.
4. After publication the corresponding author will receive a high resolution PDF (300 dpi, not 72 dpi online
version) for 50 hardcopies through e-mail. Whole issues, reprints (at least 50 copies) and PDFs for an
unlimited number of hardcopies are available against payment.
Some important deadlines
for publication in Special Issue of Crystal Research and Technology of original manuscripts based on works
presented in IX International Conference of Polish Society for Crystal Growth (ICPSCG-9)
Submission of manuscripts:
Referees’ reports:
Submission of revised manuscripts:
Decision on final manuscripts:
30 June 2010.
15 August 2010.
15 September 2010.
30 September 2010.
Attention: The above deadlines can be kept only when authors and reviewers of manuscripts submitted to
ICPSCG-9 are cooperative. Manuscripts requiring extensive revisions or submitted after the deadlines will
not be included in the Special Issue.
Keshra Sangwal
Guest Editor of the Special Issue