OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual National Mental Health Dataset Project OP MH Depression Data Manual Based on OP MH Depression Dataset Draft Version 1.3 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 1 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual Distribution Author Further copies from Date of issue Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 2 On request Jimmy Bates Penny Bray NHS Information Authority Kings Court The Broadway Winchester, SO23 9BE Tel: 0121 333 0333 E-mail: penny.bray@nhsia.nhs.uk March 2005 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual Table of Contents A Introduction B Guide to Data Collection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C Person Demographics Depression Needs Assessment Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Depression and Screening for other potential issues Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Patient and Doctor’s perception of the patient’s progress and condition Access to Other Services/Facilities Appendices a b c Key – List of Abbreviations Clinical Codes References List of Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Full List of Business Requirements Data Items: Person Demographics Business Requirements Linked to Depression Needs Assessment Data Items Data Items: Depression Needs Assessment Business Requirements Linked to Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Data Items Data Items: Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Business Requirements Linked to Depression and Screening for other potential issues Data Items Data Items: Depression and Screening for other potential issues Business Requirements Linked to Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Data Items Data Items: Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Business Requirements Linked to Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Data Items Data Items: Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Business Requirements Linked to Patient and Doctor’s perception of the patients progress and condition Data Items Data Items: Patient and Doctor’s perception of the patients progress and condition Business Requirements Linked to Access to Other Services/Facilities Data Items Data Items: Access to Other Services/Facilities Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 3 OP MH Depression Dataset A OP MH Depression Data Manual Introduction Background The Depression dataset is one of five datasets to support the implementation of the National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People and has been produced by a multi-professional working group (WG) during 2004. NSF Standard seven: mental health in old people covers both depression and dementia (dementia is the subject of a separate, but related dataset). The aim of this standard is: “To promote good mental health in older people and to treat and support those older people with dementia and depression” Standard seven itself states “Older people who have mental health problems have access to integrated mental health services, provided by the NHS and councils to ensure effective diagnosis, treatment and support, for them and their carers. Mental health problems among older people exact a large social and economic toll on patients, their families and carers, and the statutory agencies. Under-detection of mental illness in older people is widespread, due to the nature of the symptoms and the fact that many older people live alone. Older people from black and minority ethnic communities need accessible and appropriate mental health services, which may not currently be readily accessible or fully appropriate - leading to distrust of agencies tasked with providing this support. Older people with mental health disabilities may also have difficulties obtaining appropriate mental health care. Although the focus tends to be on depression and dementia, which are particularly common in older people, illnesses such as schizophrenia also occur. In developing these two datasets (depression and dementia), the working group (WG) recognised that mental health problems can affect people of any age, but that mental health problems tend to increase by age. The WG took the view that much of the data will be collected in a primary care and community setting, with GPs, practice and community nurses being prime examples of professional staff users of these datasets. That being said, it is recognised that many other professional staff will be involved at various stages, including for example: consultants, psychiatrists, pharmacists, therapists, etc. The data items were generated from a set of related business requirements that were derived mainly from the Older People NSF, the GMS contract and guidelines from the National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness (NICE). This was complemented with NHS performance indicators and specialist advice from members of the Mental Health WG itself. The business requirements were compiled to identify a concise set of particular national and local information imperatives to enable depression dataset development, so that the monitoring of best practice in depression care can be monitored. Purpose of this document The purpose of this document is to provide additional information in support of the depression dataset. It functions as a reference guide for any health and care professional who comes into contact with older people. There are 15 major business requirements that will be met with the completion of the depression dataset – each one linked back to expert opinion or policy (or similar) guidance. The business requirements are listed in table 1 (page 8) – the origins of each one being outlined more fully in the relevant section. Developing a list of business requirements was a precursor to the development of the dataset: the WG defined what questions need to be answered through the business requirements and subsequently listed data items to meet these requirements. A summary of good practice for the provision of integrated mental health services can be seen in the National Service Framework for Older People, Chapter 2: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/HealthAndSocialCareTopics/OlderPeoplesServices/fs/en Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 4 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual Key Issues around Using the Depression Dataset: Use of the dataset is intended to help improve the prevention, care and treatment of mental health problems in old ages through: promoting good mental health early recognition and management of mental health problems access to specialist care The dataset is designed as a proactive approach for health and care professionals to begin entering depression data from the date when a depression assessment is carried out (as a routine for over 75 year olds), through diagnosis, screening, referral, progress and subsequent support, building up a long-term record of individual depression histories. The depression dataset is intended to be used for all patients identified as having a depression issue. The dataset covers all stages of the provision of integrated mental health services across the primary, secondary and residential care sectors. Each care provider will be responsible for collecting the required information relating to their contact with the patient, although demographic information will be supplemented by administrative data. The development and implementation of this dataset is a significant undertaking for all those involved in the management and delivery of mental health care. Finally, it should be noted that the first section of the dataset, Person Demographics, is common to all Older People (and other) Datasets. This section has been designed to be consistent in format with the NHS Data Dictionary, the National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT), NHS Information Authority standards and the Single Assessment Process (SAP). For those items subject to NHS Data Dictionary format, this is not defined in the dataset itself; rather, reference is made to the data dictionary as the source of information (which is only accessible online, because it is subject to continual update). Access to the NHS Data Dictionary is via: www.nhsia.nhs.uk/datastandards/pages/ddm/index.asp Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 5 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual How to use this guide The data items are grouped into 7 sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Person Demographics* Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Depression and Screening for other potential issues Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Patient and Doctor’s Perception of the Patient’s Progress and Condition Access to Other Services and Facilities * This section has been designed to be consistent in format with the NHS Data Dictionary, the National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT), NHS Information Authority standards and the Single Assessment Process (SAP) for older people. For each of the other main sections there is a brief text introduction, followed by a table listing the relevant business requirements for that particular section, eg: No. 8. Business Requirement Referral to specialist team for severe depression should be considered Document of Origin Clinical guidelines Comment Therapies to be taken from the MHMDS interventions document The ‘document of origin’ indicates where the main influence came from for the inclusion of the business requirement. The business requirement may not always be a straight quote and may differ slightly as the working group strove to balance the requirements of a number of documents and make the statements relevant to the dataset development. Where the business requirement was the result of expert opinion from the working group (or external reference group) it is indicated in this column. The ‘Comment’ column contains additional detail about the data that must be collected for each item. Each section then follows with a second table which lists the data items (from the dataset itself) for the section, eg: No. 2.1 Data Item Date of last routine health check Description The date of the last routine health check Purpose Routine health checks should screen for depression The first column is the number of the data item, the second is the title of the data item, the third is a description of the item and the fourth explains the purpose of collecting this data item (the format in which the data should be collected is described in the following sections of this manual). If the data item is defined to conform to another existing dataset (eg, Single Assessment Summary dataset), this is also indicated in this column. The fourth (‘Purpose’) column also includes a reference to the related business requirement that it is designed to meet (in full or part). A final column contained in the actual dataset itself provides a description of the format the required data is to be collected in.. These required formats are individually described in this manual immediately following each table. The appendices of this manual contain a list of clinical codes related to relevant data items, plus a listing of the abbreviations and references used in the depression dataset. Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 6 OP MH Depression Dataset Table 1 Ref 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. OP MH Depression Data Manual Full List of Mental Health Business Requirements Business Requirement Targeted screening in primary care for the prevention of depression in the elderly should take place. Key risk factors are: recent major physical illness (the last 3 months) chronic disabling illness, receiving high level of home support (personal care) Screening for depression be included in the over 75 check Depression starting late in life may be a predictor of dementia. Older patients presenting with depression for the first time should be screened for dementia Proportion of GP patients diagnosed with depression who have a record in their notes of being asked about suicidal intent There should be evidence that a full clinical evaluation has taken place according to local protocol Patient's full range of medication reviewed at home visit and medication needs support assessed Newer anti depressant drugs should be used All patients’ antipsychotics or benzodiazepines +/- 4 or more drugs should be reviewed every 6 months. Referral to specialist team for severe depression should be considered all patients should have fair and equal access to recognised non pharmacological interventions for depression (primary care) all patients should have fair and equal access to recognised interventions for depression (secondary care) Patients referred for specialist assessment and treatment should have access to a multiprofessional team, including Social Services (as multi-professional does not mean multi agency, as it would per dementia data requirements) Patients undergoing treatment for depression should undergo regular review: appropriate to their condition Both the patient's and Doctor's perception of the patient's progress should be recorded at each review There should be access to inpatient and day treatment facilities if required Intermediate care (emergency and planned), and 24 hour access to crisis support services should be available to patients and carers Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 7 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual B Guide to Data Collection 1 Person Demographics This section is common to all datasets and contains data items that provide information about the person. These data items are listed here together for reference, but it is not intended that they should necessarily all be collected at the same point in the pathway. Rather, some should be collected once, on initial contact with the person; others should be collected at each point during the course of treatment. Where this information is exchanged, the appropriate data item name should be used to identify the particular instance of the data. Some data items for a person will never change; others can and will change over time. As noted in the ‘How to Use this Guide’ section above, those data items already published in the NHS Dictionary contain only an associated reference to the data dictionary in the ‘Description’ column (rather than an actual description of the item, because it is which subject to continuous update). Likewise, this same reference is all that is contained in the ‘Codes and Classifications’ column for these same data items (rather than a definition of the format in which the data for these items is to be collected) for the same reason. Access to the NHS Data Dictionary can only be made online (rather than being able to obtain a paper or electronic disk-based copy), to ensure that professional users of the dataset are always provided with the latest up-to-date version. Table 2 Ref. Data Items: Person Demographics Data Item Description Purpose 1.1 NHS NUMBER See NHS Data Dictionary 1.2 LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER ORGANISATION CODE (LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER) CASE NUMBER See NHS Data Dictionary Used to uniquely identify the patient who is the subject of the dataset. Used to uniquely identify the patient within a health care provider No. 1.2a 1.3 1.3a 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.7 LOCAL AUTHORITY CODE PERSON FAMILY NAME PERSON GIVEN NAME PATIENT USUAL ADDRESS POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS PRESENT ADDRESS POSTCODE OF PRESENT ADDRESS Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 See NHS Data Dictionary The unique number assigned to a person when they are formally recognised as a social service user and have a case opened for them. The identifier of a local authority within the UK Used to uniquely identify the patient who is the subject of the Dataset within a local authority care provider See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies that part of a person's name that is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Identifies the forename or given name of a person. See NHS Data Dictionary See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies the address details for the person at their usual address See NHS Data Dictionary. This is the ADDRESS nominated by the PATIENT, with ADDRESS ASSOCIATION TYPE of Present address’ The POSTCODE of the ADDRESS nominated by the PATIENT with ADDRESS ASSOCIATION TYPE 'Present Address’. 8 Identifies the address details for the person at their present address where this is different from their usual address OP MH Depression Dataset Ref. OP MH Depression Data Manual Data Item Description Purpose 1.10 PERSON BIRTH DATE See NHS Data Dictionary 1.11 PERSON GENDER CURRENT ETHNIC CATEGORY See NHS Data Dictionary Additional identifier for the person who is the subject of the dataset. Also required for the calculation of age. To enable the provision of case mix indicators. Identifies the phenotypical gender classification that currently applies to the person. No. 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.14a 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.1 GP NAME (NAME OF REGISTERED OR REFERRING GMP) GMP (CODE OF REGISTERED OR REFERRING GMP) ORGANISATION NAME (GP PRACTICE) CODE OF GP PRACTICE (REGISTERED GMP) ORGANISATION CODE (PCT OF GP PRACTICE) ORGANISATION CODE (CODE OF PROVIDER) ORGANISATION CODE (CODE OF COMMISSIONER) See NHS Data Dictionary. Records the ethnicity of a person, as specified by the person. See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies the name of the person’s general medical practitioner See NHS Data Dictionary. Identifies the unique code for the person’s general medical practitioner The name of the GP practice for the GMP who has either registered or referred the PATIENT See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies the name for the person’s general medical practitioner See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies the unique code of the Primary Care Trust responsible for the GP practise at which the person is registered. Identifies the unique code of the ORGANISATION providing the care to the patient. Identifies the unique code of the ORGANISATION commissioning the care for the patient. See NHS Data Dictionary See NHS Data Dictionary Identifies the unique practise code for the person’s general medical practitioner NHS Number Record the person’s unique NHS Number. It is mandatory to record the new NHS number for each person. If the NHS number is not available for a person it can be accessed via the NHS Tracing Service. Access to the NSTS is via the secure website at http://nww.nhsia.nhs.uk/nsts This can take some time but need only be done once for each person and then the information shared as this is a permanent lifetime number that will not change. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.2 Local Patient Identifier Record the code used specifically within the organisation to uniquely identify the patient. This may be hospital site specific, that is, there may be different hospital numbers collected for the person at different points in the pathway – hence the data item should be a repeating item. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 9 OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual 1.2a Organisation Code (Local Patient Identifier) Record the code used specifically to identify the organisation responsible for the care or treatment of the patient. The patient may be treated at more than one organisation hence this will need to be a repeating data item. Format is 5 alphanumeric characters 1.3 Case Number Social services case number to allow identification of person records held by social services. NHS number should be the primary identifier for all persons. Up to 10 alphanumeric characters are allowed. 1.3a Local Authority Code This data item is used in conjunction with the previous one (Case Number) to provide a unique reference for the person. This pair of data items may occur any number of times. The organisation identifier of the local authority providing social care to the person: Format is an4, comprising 2 numeric characters followed by 2 alphabetical characters 1.4 Person Family Name Identifies that part of a person’s name which is used to describe the family, clan, tribal group or marital association who is the subject of the Depression Dataset. If the person’s family name (surname) changes during care, it is essential that the latest name is recorded. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.5 Person Given Name Identifies the forename or given name of the person who is the subject of the Depression Dataset. If the person’s forename(s) or personal name(s) changes during care, it is essential that the latest names are recorded Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.6 Patient Usual Address Identifies the address details for the person at their usual address. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.7 Postcode Of Usual Address Identifies the address details for the person at their usual address. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.8 Present Address Identifies the address details for the person at their present address where this is different from their usual address. Format is the same as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary for PATIENT USUAL ADDRESS 1.9 Postcode of Present Address Identifies the address details for the person at their present address where this is different from their usual address. Format is the same as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary for PATIENT USUAL ADDRESS 1.10 Person Birth Date This is an additional identified for the person who is subject to the dataset. It is also required to calculate the person’s age, and to enable the provision of case mix indicators. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 10 OP MH Depression Dataset 1.11 OP MH Depression Data Manual Person Gender Current Identifies the phenotypical gender classification that currently applies to the person Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.12 Ethnic Category Records the ethnicity of a person, as specified by the person. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.13 GP Name (Name of Registered or Referring GMP) Identifies the name of the person’s general medical practitioner. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.14 GMP (Code Of Registered Or Referring GMP) Identifies the unique code for the person’s general medical practitioner Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.14a Organisation Name (GP Practice) Identifies the name for the person’s general medical practitioner. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 1.15 Code of GP Practice (Registered GMP) Identifies the unique practice code for the person’s general medical practitioner. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.16 Organisation Code (PCT of GP Practice) Identifies the unique code of the Primary Care Trust responsible for the GP practice at which the person is registered Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.17 Organisation Code (Code of Provider) Identifies the unique code of the ORGANISATION providing care to the patient. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary 1.18 Organisation Code (Code of Commissioner) Identifies the unique code of the ORGANISATION commissioning the care for the patient. Format is as defined in the NHS Data Dictionary Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 11 OP MH Depression Dataset 2 OP MH Depression Data Manual Depression Needs Assessment Data items 2.1 to 2.4 relate to information about the initial assessment of depression, the role of the healthcare individual who collected the information, and related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back primarily to the Single Assessment Process (SAP), clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health dataset WG. Table 3 Business Requirements Linked to Depression Needs Assessment Data Items Ref Business Requirement 1. Screening for depression should be included in the over 75 check Document of Origin SAP Comment NICE guidelines Table 4 Data Items: Depression Needs Assessment Data Item 2.1 2.2 2.3 DATE OF LAST ROUTINE HEALTH CHECK DATE OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT (DEPRESSION) ASSESSMENT (DEPRESSION & MORALE) Description Purpose The date of the last routine health check Routine health checks should screen for depression The date the memory assessment was conducted Business Requirements Draft v0.8 Requirement 2 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 2 A summary of the person’s needs and circumstances related to their depression captured within a Single Assessment Process The person responsible for the depression needs and circumstances assessment 2.4 NEEDS ASSESSOR 2.1 Date of last Routine Health Check The date of the last routine health check. Format is 8 numeric characters (with 2 spaces) indicating the year-month-day (4-2-2) 2.2 Date of Needs Assessment (Depression) The date the memory assessment was conducted Format is 8 numeric characters (with 2 spaces) indicating the year-month-day (4-2-2) 2.3 Assessment (Depression & Morale) A summary of the person’s needs and circumstances related to their depression captured within a Single Assessment Process. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Need being addressed, not being addressed, No current need or Unknown) 2.4 Needs Assessor The person responsible for the depression and circumstances assessment: Format is text Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 12 OP MH Depression Dataset 3 OP MH Depression Data Manual Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Data items 3.1 to 3.12 relate to detailed assessment of depression and morale, including scale used and score, diagnosis and related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, SAP, clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the depression dataset WG. Table 5 Business Requirements Linked To Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Ref Business Requirement 1 Targeted screening in primary care for the prevention of depression in the elderly should take place. Key risk factors are: recent major physical illness (the last 3 months), chronic disabling illness, receiving high level of home support (personal care) Table 6 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Comment NICE guidelines Data Items: Depression & Morale Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis Data Item 3.1 Document of Origin SAP ASSESSMENT DATE (DEPRESSION & MORALE) ASSESSMENT SCALE USED (DEPRESSION & MORALE) ASSESSMENT SCORE (DEPRESSION & MORALE) PHYSICAL DISABILITY DIAGNOSIS (ENDURING IMPACT ON NEEDS ICD) DIAGNOSIS (ENDURING IMPACT ON NEEDS Read) DIAGNOSIS (ENDURING IMPACT ON NEEDS Snomed) DIAGNOSIS DATE (DEPRESSION) ASSESSMENT TOOL (SINGLE ASSESSMENT PROCESS) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 Description The date on which the depression and morale of the person were assessed using the identified assessment scale The assessment scale used to determine the person’s depression and morale The assessment score achieved by the person in relation to any depression and morale Purpose Targeted screening in primary care for the prevention of depression in the elderly should take place. Key risk factors are: recent major physical illness, (in the last three months), chronic disabling illness, receiving a high level of home support (personal care) Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 1 Identifies if the person has a physical disability that has substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities A medical diagnosis that potentially has an enduring impact on the health and social care needs of the person A medical diagnosis that potentially has an enduring impact on the health and social care needs of the person A medical diagnosis that potentially has an enduring impact on the health and social care needs of the person The date on which the diagnosis of depression was made The assessment tool used during the Single Assessment Process 13 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 1 Identifies the assessment tool, if any, used during overview assessment. OP MH Depression Dataset OP MH Depression Data Manual Data Item 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.1 ASSESSMENT DATE (DAILY LIVING ASSESSMENT) ASSESSMENT SCALE USED (DAILY LIVING ACTIVITIES) ASSESSMENT SCORE (DAILY LIVING ACTIVITIES) Description The date on which the activities and instrumental activities of daily living were assessed using the identified assessment scale. The assessment scale used to determine the person’s needs in relation to activities and instrumental activities of daily living The assessment score achieved by the person in relation to their needs for activities and instrumental activities of daily living Purpose Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 1 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 1 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 1 Assessment Date (Depression & Morale) The date on which the depression and morale of the person were assessed Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-2) 3.2 Assessment Scale Used (Depression & Morale) The assessment scale used to determine the person’s depression and morale. Format is 2 alphanumeric characters to indicate assessment scale used 3.3 Assessment Score (Depression & Morale) The assessment score achieved by the person in relation to any depression and morale. Format is alphanumeric 3.4 Physical Disability Identifies if the person has a physical disability that has substantial and long term adverse affect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate yes, No, Unknown) 3.5-3.7 Diagnosis (Enduring Impact on Needs) A medical diagnosis that potentially has an enduring impact on the health and social care needs of the person Format is relevant ICD, Read, Snomed code 3.8 Diagnosis Date (Depression) Date on which the diagnosis of depression was made: Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 3.9 Assessment Tool (Single Assessment Process) The assessment tool used during the Single Assessment Process. Format is 2 alphanumeric characters (to indicate tool used) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 14 OP MH Depression Dataset 3.10 OP MH Depression Data Manual Assessment Date (Daily Living Assessment) The date on which the activities and instrumental activities of daily living were assessed using the identified assessment scale Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 3.11 Assessment Scale Used (Daily Living Activities) The assessment scale used to determine the person’s needs in relation to activities and instrumental activities of daily living Format is 2 alphanumeric characters to indicate assessment scale used 3.12 Assessment Score (Daily Living Activities) The assessment score achieved by the person in relation to their needs for activities and instrumental activities of daily living Format is alphanumeric Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 15 OP MH Depression Dataset 4 OP MH Depression Data Manual Depression and Screening for Other Potential Issues Data items 4.1 to 4.5 relate to assessment and screening for other issues, plus related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, draft NHS performance indicators, clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health WG. Table 7 Business Requirements Linked To Depression and Screening for Other Potential Issues Ref Business Requirement 3 4 5 Depression starting late in life may be a precursor of dementia. Older patients presenting with depression for the first time should be screened for dementia Proportion of GP patients diagnosed with depression who have a record in their notes of being asked about suicidal intent There should be evidence that a full clinical evaluation has taken place according to local protocol Table 8 4.1 4.2 Comment Draft NHS performance indicators NICE clinical guidelines Data Items: Depression and Screening for Other Potential Issues Data Item Description DIAGNOSIS DATE (OTHER ISSUES) The start date on which the diagnosis of depression was made Monitor start date of diagnosis against screening for other issues (see below) A summary of the person’s memory loss needs and circumstances captured within a Single Assessment Process Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 3 Depression starting later in life may be a predictor of dementia. Older patients presenting with depression for the first time should be screened for dementia ASSESSMENT (MEMORY LOSS) 4.3 NEEDS ASSESSOR (MEMORY LOSS) 4.4 CONSULTATION DATE (SUICIDE INTENT) 4.5 Document of Origin NICE clinical guidelines DATE (LAST FULL CLINICAL EXAMINATION) The person responsible for the memory loss needs and circumstances assessment. The date the person was screened for suicide intent The last date that the person received a full clinical examination Purpose Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 3 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 3 To monitor the proportion of GP patients diagnosed with depression who have a record in their notes about being asked about suicidal intent Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 4 To monitor evidence that a full clinical examination has taken place according to local protocol Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 5 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 16 OP MH Depression Dataset 4.1 OP MH Depression Data Manual Diagnostic Date (Other Issues) The start date on which the diagnosis of depression was made. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 4.2 Assessment (Memory Loss) A summary of the person’s memory loss needs and circumstances captured within a Single Assessment Process. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Need being addressed, not being addressed, No current need or Unknown) 4.3 Needs Assessor (Memory Loss) The person responsible for the memory loss needs and circumstances assessment. Format is text 4.4 Consultation Date (Suicide Intent) The date the person was screened for suicide intent. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 4.5 Date (Last Full Clinical Examination) The last date that the person received a full clinical examination. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 17 OP MH Depression Dataset 5 OP MH Depression Data Manual Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Data items 5.1 to 5.19 relate to medication reviews, care plan, prescribing source and related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, NICE clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health WG. Table 9 Business Requirements Linked To Medication Review & Antidepressant Drug Therapy Ref Business Requirement Patient’s full range of medication reviewed at home visit and medication needs support assessed Document of Origin NSF Medicines 6 Newer antidepressant drugs should be used NICE clinical guidelines 7 All patients on antipsychotics or benzodiazepines +/- 4 or more drugs should be reviewed every 6 months NSF Table 10 Data Items: Medication Review and Antidepressant Drug Therapy Data Item 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Comment (MEDICATION REVIEW) LAST REVIEW DATE PERSON NAME (CARE PROFESSIONAL) PERSON ROLE IN ORGANISATION (CARE PROFESSIONAL) ORGANISATION (CARE PROFESSIONAL) DATE (OF HOME VISIT) Description The date that the person’s medication was last reviewed with their Doctor This is the PERSON NAME where PERSON NAME TYPE classification is 'Preferred Name' of the CARE PROFESSIONAL. NAME FORMAT CODE indicates whether it is a PERSON NAME STRUCTURED or PERSON NAME UNSTRUCTURED. This is role in the organisation performed by the care professional The name of the organisation associated with the care professional The date of a home visit when the person’s medication is reviewed Purpose To monitor evidence that persons with depression have their prescribed drugs reviewed regularly Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 5 Identifies the contact details for a care professional involved with the care of the person Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 5 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 5 Patient’s full range of medication reviewed at home and medication needs support assessed. Monitors compliance with local protocol Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 18 OP MH Depression Dataset 5.6 Data Item PERSON ROLE IN ORGANISATION (CARE PROFESSIONAL) OP MH Depression Data Manual Description This is role in the organisation performed by the care professional who undertook the home visit 5.7 CARE PLAN (PHARMACEUTICAL CARE PLAN) The care plan as it relates to the person’s medication 5.8 CARE PLAN AGREED DATE DRUG THERAPY TYPE (First Line) The date the care plan is agreed Purpose Business Requirements Draft 0.8 To collect details re the care plan related to the person’s medication Business Requirements Draft 0.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 START DATE PRESCRIBING SOURCE (ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUG) DRUG THERAPY TYPE (second Line) START DATE DATE (GENERAL MEDICATION REVIEW) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (COMPLETING MEDICATION REVIEW) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 The type of first line drug therapy treatment for depression The start date for the first line treatment of the antidepressant drug therapy The originating source of the prescription of the antidepressant drug The type of second line drug therapy treatment(s) for depression The start date for the second line treatment(s) of antidepressant drug therapy The date that the patient’s medications were reviewed This is the professional role in the organisation of the person reviewing the patient’s medications. 19 To monitor types of drugs used as the first line of treatment for depression in the elderly. Newer types of antidepressant drugs should be used where possible Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 6 To monitor efficacy of drug prescribing in relation to diagnosis of depression Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 6 To monitor the prescribing source patterns for antidepressant drugs To monitor types of drugs used as the second line of treatment for depression in the elderly. Newer types of antidepressant drugs should be used where possible (Possible repeat group) Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 6 To monitor efficacy of drug prescribing in relation to diagnosis of depression Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 6 All patients receiving antipsychotics or benzodiazepines +/- 4 or more drugs should have their drugs reviewed every six months. Therefore data collected to monitor review process in patients with depression Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 7 Identifies contact details for the person who conducted the medication review OP MH Depression Dataset 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.1 Data Item DATE (END DATE ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUG THERAPY) REASON (ANTIDEPRESSANTS STOPPED) DATE (RE START DATE ANTIDEPRESSANTS) REASON (ANTIDEPRESSANT) OP MH Depression Data Manual Description The date that the antidepressant treatment ended. Purpose To monitor prescribing of antidepressants. The reason why the antidepressant treatment was ended. The date that the antidepressant treatment was re started. Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 7 To monitor prescribing patterns for antidepressants relevant to depression/morale assessments To monitor instances of antidepressant treatment being restarted The reason why the antidepressant treatment was re started. To monitor prescribing patterns for antidepressants relevant to depression/morale assessments Last Review Date (Medication Review) The date that the person’s medication was last reviewed with their doctor. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.2 Person name (Care Professional) Identifies the contact details for a care professional involved with the care of the person. Format is a maximum of 70 alphanumeric characters 5.3 Person Role in Organisation (Care Professional) This is the role in the organisation performed by the care professional. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 5.4 Organisation (Care Professional) The name of the organisation associated with the care professional. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 5.5 Date (of Home Visit) The date of a home visit when the person’s medication is reviewed Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.6 Person Role in Organisation (Care Professional) This is the role in the organisation performed by the care professional who undertook the home visit. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 5.7 Care Plan (Pharmaceutical Care Plan) The care plan as it relates to the person’s medication. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 5.8 Care Plan Agreed Date The date the care plan is agreed. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 20 OP MH Depression Dataset 5.9 OP MH Depression Data Manual Drug Therapy Type The type of first line drug therapy treatment for depression. Format is 1 alphabetical character (to indicate type of drug) 5.10 Start Date The start date for the first line treatment of the antidepressant drug therapy Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.11 Prescribing Source (Antidepressant Drug) The originating source of the prescription of the antidepressant drug Format is 1 alphabetical character (to indicate type of NHS organisation) 5.12 Drug Therapy Type The type of second line drug therapy treatment(s) for depression Format is 1 alphabetical character (to indicate type of treatment) 5.13 Start Date The start date for the second line treatment(s) of antidepressant drug therapy. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.14 Date (General Medication Review) The date that the patient’s medications were reviewed. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.15 Professional Role in Organisation (Completing Medication Review) The professional role in the organisation of the person reviewing the patient’s medications. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 5.16 Date (End Date Antidepressant Drug Therapy) The date that the antidepressant treatment ended. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.17 Reason (Antidepressants Stopped) The reason why the antidepressant treatment was ended. Suggested format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Patient unable to cooperate, patient refused, Depression/low morale score indicates withdrawal, Unknown) 5.18 Date (Restart Date Antidepressants) The date that the antidepressant treatment was restarted. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 5.19 Reason (Antidepressant) The reason why the antidepressant treatment was restarted. Suggested format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate reason) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 21 OP MH Depression Dataset 6 OP MH Depression Data Manual Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Data items 6.1 to 6.38 relate to referrals, assessments, diagnoses, therapies and related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, NICE clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health WG. Table 11 Business Requirements Linked To Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Ref Business Requirement 8 Referral to specialist team for severe depression should be considered 9 All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised nonpharmacological interventions for depression (primary care) All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised interventions for depression (secondary care) Patients referred for specialist assessment and treatment should have access to multi-professional team, including Social Services (as multiprofessional does not mean multiagency, as it would per dementia data requirements) 10 11 Table 12 Document of Origin NICE clinical guidelines Comment Therapies to be taken from the MHMDS interventions document. Would need to have space to record a number of therapies? NICE clinical guidelines Data Items: Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatment and Therapies Data Item Description 6.1 REFERRED ON? (TO SPECIALIST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE) To capture whether the person was referred onto a specialist mental health service 6.2 REFERRAL SOURCE Source of referral to specialist mental health service 6.3 REASON (FOR REFERRAL) 6.4 DATE (REFERRAL TO SPECIALIST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE) The reason the person was referred to the specialist mental health service The date a referral was made to a specialist mental health service 6.5 DATE (SEEN BY SPECIALIST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 The date the person was seen by a specialist mental health service 22 Purpose To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for specialist mental health services. Referral to a specialist team should be considered To provide information on sources of referral to specialist mental health service To monitor referral patterns to mental health services Provides data on the time between referral and first appointment Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.6 Data Item SERVICE TYPE 6.7 PERSON ROLE IN ORGANISATION (FIRST MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST) 6.8 ASSESSMENT DATE 6.9 ASSESSMENT LOCATION 6.10 DIAGNOSIS ICD (POST SPECIALIST ASSESSMENT) 6.11 DIAGNOSIS (Read) 6.12 DIAGNOSIS (Snomed) 6.13 REFERRED ON? (TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES) 6.14 REASON (FOR REFERRAL) 6.15 DATE (REFERRAL TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES) 6.16 6.17 DATE (SEEN BY PSYCHOLOGICALTH ERAPIST) THERAPY TYPE OP MH Depression Data Manual Description The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. The professional role of the person making the first specialist assessment Date assessed by other relevant professional Location where the other health professional conducted assessment The medical diagnosis code ICD Format arising from the assessment by the specialist service The medical diagnosis code Read Format arising from the assessment by the specialist service The medical diagnosis code Snomed Format arising from the assessment by the specialist service To capture whether the person was referred onto a specialist psychological therapies The reason the person was referred for psychological therapies The date a referral was made for Psychological therapy Purpose Patients referred for specialist assessment and treatment should have access to a multi professional team, including Social Services. (Multi professional does not mean multi agency for this data set as it would do for dementia) Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for specialist psychological therapies. All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised non pharmacological interventions for depression (primary care) Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 8 To monitor referral patterns to psychological therapies Provides data on the time between referral and first appointment The date the person was seen by a psychological therapist Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 9 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 9 The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. To monitor the types of psychological therapies utilised in a primary care setting Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 9 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 23 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 OP MH Depression Data Manual Data Item REFERRED ON? (TO OTHER THERAPIES) Description To capture whether the person was referred onto another type of therapy REASON (FOR REFERRAL) DATE (OTHER THERAPIES) The reason the person was referred for other therapies The date a referral was made for other types of therapy Purpose To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for other therapies in a primary care setting. All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised non pharmacological interventions for depression (primary care) To monitor referral patterns to psychological therapies Provides data on the time between referral and first appointment The date the person was seen by another type of therapist Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 9 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 9 DATE (SEEN BY OTHER THERAPIST) Secondary Care Referrals 6.22 REFERRED ON? (TO SPECIALIST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE, SECONDARY CARE) To capture whether the person was referred onto a specialist mental health service at Secondary care level 6.23 REFERRAL SOURCE Source of referral to specialist mental health service (ECT) 6.24 REASON (FOR REFERRAL) The reason the person was referred for ECT therapy 6.25 REFERRAL DATE (ECT THERAPY) DATE (START DATE ECT THERAPY) REFERRED ON? (TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES, SECONDARY CARE) The date a referral was made for ECT therapy The date the ECT therapy was started To capture whether the person was referred onto a psychological therapies at Secondary care level 6.28 REFERRAL SOURCE Source of referral to psychological therapies 6.29 DATE (REFERRAL TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES SECONDARY CARE) The date a referral was made for psychological therapy in a secondary care setting START DATE (SEEN BY PSYCHOLOGICALTH ERAPIST, SECONDARY CARE) The date the person was seen by a psychological therapist and therapy therefore started 6.26 6.27 6.30 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 24 To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for specialist mental health services within a secondary care setting. All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised interventions for depression. Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 To provide information on sources of referral to specialist mental health services (ECT) provided in a secondary care setting To monitor referral patterns to mental health services providing ECT in secondary care Provides data on the time between referral and start of ECT therapy. Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for psychological services within a Secondary Care setting. All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised interventions for depression. To provide information on sources of referral to psychological therapies provided in a secondary care setting Provides data on the time between referral and first appointment Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.31 Data Item THERAPY TYPE OP MH Depression Data Manual Description The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. 6.32 REFERRED ON? (TO OTHER THERAPIES, SECONDARY CARE) To capture whether the person was referred onto another type of therapy 6.33 REASON (FOR REFERRAL) DATE (OTHER THERAPIES) The reason the person was referred for other therapies The date a referral was made for Other types of therapy 6.34 6.35 DATE (SEEN BY OTHER THERAPIST) 6.36 THERAPY TYPE The date the person was seen by another type of therapist in a secondary care setting The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. 6.37 DATE DISCUSSED Date on which the case is discussed at the MDT (Multi Disciplinary Team) 6.38 REVIEW DATE Date on which the patient is reviewed Purpose To monitor the types of Psychological therapies utilised in a secondary care setting Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 To capture those cases who are or who are not referred on for other therapies in a Secondary Care setting. All patients should have fair and equal access to recognised non pharmacological interventions for depression (secondary care) To monitor referral patterns to psychological therapies Provides data on the time between referral and first appointment Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 To monitor the types of psychological therapies utilised in a secondary care setting Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 10 Patients referred for specialist assessment and treatment should have access to a multi professional team including social services. To monitor that patients with depression are provided regular review as appropriate to their condition Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 11 6.1 Referred On? (to specialist mental health service) To capture whether the person was referred onto specialist mental health service Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) 6.2 Referral Source Source of referral to specialist mental health service. Format is 2 numeric characters to indicate type of organisation 6.3 Reason for Referral The reason the person was referred to the specialist mental health service Format is 2 numeric characters to indicate reason Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 25 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.4 OP MH Depression Data Manual Date (Referral to Specialist Mental Health Service) The date a referral was made to a specialist mental health service Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.5 Date (Seen by Specialist Mental Health Service) The date the person was seen by a specialist mental health service Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.6 Service Type The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. Format is 2 numeric characters to indicate service type 6.7 Person Role in Organisation (First Mental Health Specialist) The professional role of the person making the first specialist assessment Format is a free text or coded in SAP 7.0 6.8 Assessment Date Date assessed by other relevant professional Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.9 Assessment Location Location where the other health professional conducted assessment Format is free text or 2 numeric characters to indicate location 6.10 Diagnosis ICD (post specialist assessment) The medical diagnosis code ICD format arising from the assessment by the specialist service. Format is 6 alphanumeric characters 6.11 Diagnosis (Read) The medical diagnosis code Read format arising from the assessment by the specialist service. Format is 6 alphanumeric characters 6.12 Diagnosis (Snomed) The medical diagnosis code Snomed format arising from the assessment by the specialist service. Format is 6 alphanumeric characters 6.13 Referred On? (to Psychological Therapies) To capture whether the person was referred onto specialist psychological therapies Suggested format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) 6.14 Reason for Referral The reason the person was referred for psychological therapies. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate reason) 6.15 Date (Referral to Psychological Therapies) The date a referral was made for psychological therapy. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 26 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.16 OP MH Depression Data Manual Date (Seen by Psychological Therapist) The date the person was seen by a psychological therapist. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.17 Therapy Type The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. Format to be agreed 6.18 Referred On? (to other Therapies) To capture whether the person was referred onto another type of therapy Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) 6.19 Reason (for Referral) The reason the person was referred for other therapies. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate reason 6.20 Date (Other Therapies) The date a referral was made for other types of therapy. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.21 Date (Seen by other Therapist) The date the person was seen by another type of therapist. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.22 Referred On? (to Specialist Mental Health Service Secondary Care) To capture whether the person was referred onto another a specialist mental health service at secondary care level. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) 6.23 Referral Source Source of referral to specialist mental health service (ECT) Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate reason) 6.24 Reason (for Referral) The reason the person was referred for ECT therapy. Format to be agreed 6.25 Referral Date (ECT Therapy) The date a referral was made for ECT therapy. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.26 Date (Start Date ECT Therapy) The date the ECT therapy was started. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.27 Referred On? (to Psychological Therapies, Secondary Care) To capture whether the person was referred onto psychological therapies at secondary care level. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 27 OP MH Depression Dataset 6.28 OP MH Depression Data Manual Referral Source Source of referral to psychological therapies Format to be confirmed 6.29 Date (Referral to Psychological Therapies Secondary Care) The date a referral was made for psychological therapy in a secondary care setting. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.30 Start Date (Seen by Psychological Therapies Secondary Care) The date the person was seen by a psychological therapist and therapy was started. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.31 Therapy Type The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. Format to be agreed 6.32 Referred On? (to Other Therapies, Secondary Care) To capture whether the person was referred onto another type of therapy at secondary care level. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate Yes, No, Unknown) 6.33 Reason for Referral The reason the person was referred for other therapies Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate reason) 6.34 Date (Other Therapies) The date a referral was made for other types of therapy. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.35 Date (Seen by Other Therapist) The date the person was seen by a another type of therapist in a secondary care setting. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.36 Therapy Type The type of specialist mental health service the person was referred to. Format is 2 numeric characters (to indicate type of service) 6.37 Date Discussed The date on which the patient is reviewed. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 6.38 Review Date The date on which the patient is reviewed. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 28 OP MH Depression Dataset 7 OP MH Depression Data Manual Patient and Doctor’s Perception of the Patient’s Progress and Condition Data items 7.1 to7.4 relate to progress review and related date. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health WG. Table 13 Business Requirements Linked To Patient and Doctor’s Perception of the Patient’s Progress and Condition Ref Business Requirement 12 Patients undergoing treatment for depression should undergo regular review: appropriate to their condition Both the patient’s and doctor’s perception of the patient’s progress should be recorded at each review 13 Table 14 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.1 Comment WG Data Items: Patient and Doctor’s Perception of the Patient’s Progress and Condition Data Item 7.1 Document of Origin WG REVIEW DATE PROGRESS AT REVIEW (PATIENT’S PERCEPTION) PROGRESS AT REVIEW (DOCTOR’S PERCEPTION) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REVIEW CONSULTATION) Description Date on which the patient is reviewed The patient’s perception of their progress as discussed during the review consultation The healthcare professional’s perception of the patient’s progress as discussed during the review consultation This is the role in the organisation of the person conducting the review Purpose To monitor that patient’s with depression are provided with regular review as appropriate to their condition Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 12, 13 Both the patient’s and doctor’s perception of progress should be recorded for those patients with depression at each review Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 13 Identifies contact details for the professional involved with the patient’s review Review Date The date on which the patient is reviewed. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 7.2 Progress at Review (Patient’s Perception) The patient’s perception of their progress as discussed during the review consultation. Format is free text (maximum 255 alphanumeric characters) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 29 OP MH Depression Dataset 7.3 OP MH Depression Data Manual Progress at Review (Doctor’s Perception) The healthcare professional’s perception of the patient’s progress as discussed during the review consultation. Format is free text (maximum 255 alphanumeric characters) 7.4 Professional Role in Organisation (Review Consultation) The role in the organisation of the person conducting the review. Format is free text (maximum 255 alphanumeric characters) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 30 OP MH Depression Dataset 8 OP MH Depression Data Manual Access to Other Services/Facilities Data items 8.1 to 8.25 relate to other referrals and treatments, including hospital-based, emergency, 24 hour crisis support, and related dates. They originate from a number of business requirements (see below) and can be referenced back to the National Service Framework for Older People, NICE clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the mental health WG. Table 15 Business Requirements Linked To Referral to Specialist & Referral to Specialist Treatments and Therapies Ref Business Requirement 14 There should be access to inpatient and day treatment facilities if required Intermediate care (emergency and planned) and 24 hour access to crisis support services should be available to patients and cares 15 Table 16 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Comment This business requirement also needs to be monitored via organisational audit Data Items: Access to Other Services/Facilities Data Item 8.1 Document of Origin WG DATE (CONSULTATION RE AVAILABLE SERVICES) REFERRAL DATE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE END DATE REFERRAL DATE (DAY TREATMENT) Description The date the person received a consultation explaining the various services available to patients and carers including 24 hour support The date the person was referred for a Hospital based provider spell This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the hospital facilities. The start date that the person attended a hospital based spell The end date that the person completed a hospital based spell The date the person was referred for a Day Treatment provider spell Purpose To monitor good practice in advising patients and carers of available services. This requirement should also be monitored via the organisational audits Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 15 There should be access to Inpatient facilities if required Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 Identifies role and contact details for the referring source Monitor time between referral and admission for hospital based facilities/treatment Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised hospital based facilities/treatment Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 There should be access to day treatment facilities if required Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 31 OP MH Depression Dataset 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 Data Item PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE (DAY TREATMENT) END DATE (DAY TREATMENT) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE (EMERGENCY RESPITE STAY) END DATE (EMERGENCY RESPITE) REFERRAL DATE (PLANNED INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITIES) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE (PLANNED INTERMEDIATE CARE STAY) END DATE (PLANNED INTERMEDIATE CARE STAY) REFERRAL DATE (EMERGENCY INTERMEDIATE FACILITIES) PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE (EMERGENCY INTERMEDIATE CARE STAY) END DATE (EMERGENCY INTERMEDIATE CARE STAY) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 OP MH Depression Data Manual Description This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the Day Treatment. Purpose Identifies role and contact details for the referring source The start date that the person attended a day treatment based spell Monitor time between referral and admission for day treatment based facilities/treatment The end date that the person completed a day treatment based spell Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised day treatment based facilities This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the emergency respite facilities. The start date that the person was admitted for emergency respite care The end date that the person completed a planned respite care stay The date the person was referred for Planned intermediate care facilities This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the Planned Intermediate care facilities. The start date that the person was admitted for Planned Intermediate care The end date that the person completed a planned intermediate care stay The date the person was referred for emergency intermediate care facilities This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the emergency intermediate care facilities. The start date that the person was admitted for emergency Intermediate care The end date that the person completed a emergency intermediate care stay 32 Business Requirements Draft 0.8 Requirement 14 Identifies role and contact details for the referring source Monitor time between referral and admission for planned respite care Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised planned respite care facilities Monitor the uptake of planned intermediate care facilities which should be available if required for persons with depression Identifies role and contact details for the referring source Monitor time between referral and admission for planned intermediate care spells Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised planned intermediate care facilities Monitor the uptake of emergency intermediate facilities which should be available if required for persons with depression Identifies role and contact details for the referring source Monitor time between referral and admission for planned Intermediate care Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised emergency Intermediate care facilities which should be available for persons with depression OP MH Depression Dataset 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.1 OP MH Depression Data Manual Data Item REFERRAL DATE (24 HOUR CRISIS SUPPORT) Description The date the person was referred for 24 hour crisis support services PROFESSIONAL ROLE IN ORGANISATION (REFERRING SOURCE) START DATE (24 HOUR CRISIS SUPPORT SERVICES) END DATE (24 HOUR CRISIS SUPPORT SERVICES 24 HOUR SUPPORT CRISIS SUPPORT SERVICE USED This is the role in the organisation of the referring source for the 24 hour crisis support services The start date that the person used 24 hour crisis support services The end date that the person stopped using 24 hour crisis support services The actual service(s) that the person or their carers used Purpose Monitor the uptake of 24 hour crisis support services which should be available if required for persons with depression Identifies role and contact details for the referring source Monitor time between referral and admission for planned respite care Monitor the period of time that the patient utilised 24 hour crisis support services Monitor uptake of specific 24 hour support services Date (Consultation re: Available Services) The date the person received a consultation explaining the various services available to patients and carers including 24 hour support Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.2 Referral Date (Hospital Provider Spell) The date the person was referred for a hospital based provider spell. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.3 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for hospital facilities Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 8.4 Start Date The start date that the person attended a hospital based spell. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.5 End Date The end date that the person completed a hospital based spell. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.6 Referral Date The date the person was referred for a day treatment provider spell. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.7 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for day treatment. Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 33 OP MH Depression Dataset 8.8 OP MH Depression Data Manual Start Date (Day Treatment) The start date that the person attended a day treatment based spell Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.9 End Date (Day Treatment) The end date that the person completed a day treatment based spell. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.10 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for emergency respite facilities Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 8.11 Start Date (Emergency Respite) The start date that the person was admitted for emergency respite care. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.12 End Date (Emergency Respite) The end date that the person completed a planned respite care stay. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.13 Referral Date (Planned Intermediate Care Facilities) The date the person was referred for planned intermediate care facilities. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.14 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for planned intermediate care facilities Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 8.15 Start Date (Planned Intermediate Care Stay) The start date that the person was admitted for planned intermediate care. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.16 End Date (Planned Intermediate Care) The end date that the person completed a planned intermediate care stay. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.17 Referral Date (Emergency Intermediate Care Facilities) The date the person was referred for emergency intermediate care facilities. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.18 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for emergency intermediate care facilities Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 8.19 Start Date (Emergency Intermediate Care Stay) The start date that the person was admitted for emergency intermediate care. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 34 OP MH Depression Dataset 8.20 OP MH Depression Data Manual End Date (Emergency Intermediate Care Stay) The end date that the person completed an emergency intermediate care stay. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.21 Referral Date (24 Hour Crisis Support) The date the person was referred for 24 hour crisis support services. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.22 Professional Role in Organisation (Referring Source) The role in the organisation of the referring source for 24 hour crisis support services Format is a maximum of 255 alphanumeric characters 8.23 Start Date (24 Hour Crisis Support Services) The start date that the person used 24 hour crisis support services. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.24 End Date (24 Hour Crisis Support Services) The end date that the person stopped using 24 hour crisis support servcies. Format is 8 numeric characters with 2 spaces to indicate year-month-day: (4-2-4) 8.25 24 Hour Crisis Service Used The actual service(s) that the person or their carers used. Format to be identified Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 35 OP MH Depression Dataset C Appendices a List of Abbreviations b Read Codes c ICD10 Codes d References Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 OP MH Depression Data Manual 36 OP MH Depression Dataset a OP MH Depression Data Manual List of Abbreviations A&E Accident and Emergency DoH Department of Health ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy GMS General Medical Services GP/GMP General Practitioner/General Medical Practioner ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases (version 10) IT Information Technology MDT Multi-disciplinary Team MHMDS Mental Health Minimum Data Set NHS National Health Service NHSIA NHS Information Authority NICE National Institute for Clinical Excellence NPfIT National Programme for Information Technology NSF National Service Framework NSTS NHS Strategic Tracing Service PCT Primary Care Trust (Read code) (Clinical code) SAP Single Assessment Process Snomed Systemized Terms Nomenclature of Medicine UK United Kingdom V(1.2) version (1.2) WG Working Group Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 37 OP MH Depression Dataset b OP MH Depression Data Manual Clinical Codes CLINICAL TERM READ CODE TERM Id ICD-10 Depression X00SO Y01FA F32.9[D] (to be completed) Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 38 OP MH Depression Dataset c OP MH Depression Data Manual References Older People Information Strategy National Service Framework for Older People National Institute for Clinical Excellence NHS Data Dictionary NHS Tracing Service NSF Medicines Single Assessment Process for Health and Social Care for Older People Draft Version 0.2 March 2005 39