Stress Control anxiety and depression course – referral guidelines Stress control is a self help psycho-education course about anxiety and depression. It is based on cognitive behaviour therapy and the principle that these problems can sometimes be maintained by habits of thinking and behaviour. Is the person’s main problem anxiety? YES If there is depression is this secondary to anxiety being the main problem? YES Is the depression mild-moderate? NO, it’s severe and the main problem Treat depression first YES The person does not have current or recent thoughts/actions of ending their own life, harming their self or harming others? NO Stress control is not be suitable at this time NB: IAPT does not offer an urgent or crisis response service. YES Does the person understand that the course is a self help course with no 1:1 help during the course? Does the person understand the course is run by the NHS and not by YSJ. Are they willing to engage on this basis? NO Stress control not suitable - consider alternative treatment YES Provide information on what the course covers (see leaflet), dates/times/venues available and tell them that there is no requirement to speak/share information. Do they wish to proceed with referral on to one of the courses? NO Consider alternatives YES Stress Control is suitable: NB: Stress control may not be suitable for individuals with severe social anxiety that find sitting in a group intolerable. Reassurance that they are not asked to speak may suffice for some. It may also not be suitable for individuals with PTSD. If you are unsure, please contact an IAPT worker to discuss.