EXAMPLE OF LEARNING STATEMENTS (1b) Skill Set, Interpersonal Communication: Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing for a wide range of purposes Learning Outcome: Expresses self clearly/demonstrates effectiveness in speech and writing Criteria Concisely argues or documents presentation of ideas Learning Statement I demonstrated these skills when I presented ideas involving school usage, upcoming events, and programs to individuals or groups of students, staff and the principal while employed as a Community School Coordinator. I demonstrate concise effectiveness in speech and writing via presentations to youth at schools. I also put together in print and power point format information based on the resources provided by ABC Training Inc. During these presentations youth often ask questions and offer arguments regarding the various topics presented. As a presenter I am always willing to discuss these topics with them during or after the presentation. On a regular basis I am required to concisely argue and explain facts from these presentations as well as give hand outs to students that are based on the information delivered throughout the presentation. Origin of Learning ABC Community College Athabasca University XYZ School Division Documentation ABC Community College Certificate: Tab A Job Description: Tab B Athabasca University Evaluation of Transfer Credit: Tab C ABC Training Inc. Certificates & Certificates of Appreciation: Tab D Letters of Attestation: Tab E Tab D-4 EXAMPLE OF LEARNING STATEMENTS (1b) Communicates to support a position with evidence and argument Completed and submitted to government, a Community School Three-year Summary report for XYZ Community High that supported the position of the school remaining a Community School by reporting the learning area’s actions and outcomes. Also I was responsible for grant writing using concise, specific criteria to obtain funding for community schools which also required demonstration of evidence and argument in order to support our need of the grants applied for. As a counselor I researched current literature and reports to determine what issues should be addressed within the student body and the community. I made written and oral referrals for clients to allied agencies. In my volunteer position as an officer in the Edu Kae Club, I communicated to members at meetings various arguments to either support or deny financial requests made by individuals or the community at large. XYZ School Division Plains Wellness Centre Picture Hills School Division Action plan (Tab 7 page 12) Funding Proposal (Tab 7 page 13-37) Youth Group Events (Tab 7 page 38) Letter of support (Tab 7 page 39)