
General Information
NSAIDs are a class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are commonly used as
pain medications. They include Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Alleve in human medicine, and Rimadyl,
Metacam and Previcoxx in veterinary medicine. Used as instructed they are very safe
medications, though they can have side effects. In cases of overdose, the side effects can be
severe and life-threatening.
NSAIDs block inflammation and pain, in part, by inhibiting the production of the
protective chemicals called Prostaglandins. While this action does help with pain control, it also
can effect normal kidney and intestinal function. Prostaglandins also work to protect the stomach
and esophageal linings from ulceration, and the kidneys from a variety of inflammations. Without
prostaglandins, severe gastric ulcers and acute kidney failure can occur. Caught early enough, this
damage can be reversible, permanent kidney failure or sepsis from GI ulceration, can lead to
death if the ingested dose is high enough, or the ingestion isn't caught early enough.
NSAIDs are also predominantly metabolized by the liver. In cases of overdose,
sensitivity,or underlying liver disease, ingestion of NSAIDs can lead to liver inflammation or
failure. Often liver inflammation heals once the medications are discontinued but in some severe
cases the liver damage can be permanent.
Signs depend upon the amount of irritation and the cause of the inflammation. Common
signs include vomiting, abdominal discomfort, reduced appetite, diarrhea, excessive thirst and
and excessive urination. Treatment involves fluid therapy to prevent dehydration and support
kidney function, and medications to control the GI signs, prevent infection, and support kidney
function. Generally dogs turn around within 4 – 6 days of ingestion
Important Points in Treatment
1. Blood tests will need to be done daily to determine response to therapy and appropriate
therapy. Improvement is usually expected within 48 hours of the initiation of treatment.
2. Give all medication as directed. Call the doctor if you cannot give the medication.
3. Fluid therapy needs to be continued until all vomiting and diarrhea are controlled, and
kidney and liver values are at least close to normal. Discontinuing fluids too soon could lead to
relapse of signs.
mg -
Please give
tablet twice daily for
mg – Please give
tablet twice daily for
mg- Please give
once daily for
three times daily for
mg- Please give
twice daily for
Please give
Please give
daily for
4. Diet: Follow the instructions checked:
___ Feed the normal Diet.
___ A special diet is required. Feed as follows: _________________________
5. Activity: Follow the instructions checked:
___ Allow normal activity.
___ Restrict activity as follows:
6. Water: Follow the instructions checked:
___ Allow free access to fresh water at all times.
___ Restrict water intake as follows:
Notify the Doctor if Any of the Following Occur:
Your pet seems depressed or reluctant to eat.
Your pet vomits or has diarrhea or blood in the stool.
Your pet shows signs of abdominal pain.
Your pet's signs recur or there is a change in your pet's general health