Curriculum Vitae Ruohui Zhao, Associate Professor/Ph.D. Department of Sociology, Fax: + (853) 28838312 Faculty of Social Sciences Tel: + (853) 88228835 University of Macau, Email: Av. Padre Tomas Pereira, Taipa, Macau _______________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION Academic Background Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, August, 2007, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, USA Dissertation: Determinants of Anomie: A Cross-National Study MA in Criminology and Criminal Justice, August, 2003, College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA Thesis: Facing the Challenges: Juvenile-Related Delinquency in Cyberspace BA in Archival Science, July, 2000, College of Information Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China Working Experience Associate Professor: University of Macau, Department of Sociology, Macau, China. August, 2014— Assistant Professor: University of Macau, Department of Sociology, Macau, China. September, 2008—July, 2014 Assistant Professor: Guangxi University, Law School, Nanning, Guangxi, China. August, 2007—August, 2008 Instructor: University of Nebraska at Omaha, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. January, 2006—December, 2007 Research Assistant: University of Nebraska at Omaha, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. August, 2003—May, 2007 Teaching Assistant: Sam Houston State University, College of Criminal Justice, Huntsville, Texas, USA. August, 2001—August, 2003 Foreign Academic Experience Visiting Scholar: University of Tuebingen, Institute of Criminology, Tuebingen, Germany, JuneJuly, 2008 1 Areas of Interests Corrections, Comparative Study of Crime and Criminal Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Control in China Award Zhao, Ruohui & Jianhong Liu: A System’s Approach of Crime Prevention: The Case of Macau (a research paper published in Asian Journal of Criminology), The Third Macau Humanity and Social Science Research Award, Second Place, Macau Foundation, Macau, 2012 (第三屆澳門人 文社會科學研究優秀成果評獎论文类二等獎,澳门基金会,2012) RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS Research Grants Principal Investigator: An Exploratory Study of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Attitude toward the Police in a Less-Developed Western City of China (MYRG2014-00105-FSS), University of Macau, Macau MOP148,980 [US$18,600 equivalent], January, 2014— December, 2015 Principal Investigator: Perceptions of Fear of Crime and Punitivity among College Students in Macau SAR and Mainland China (MYRG046(Y1-L1)-FSH11-ZRH), University of Macau, Macau MOP135,000 [US$16,800 equivalent], January, 2011—December, 2012 Principal Investigator (Co-principal Investigator: Prof.Jianhong Liu): Evaluation of CommunityBased Correction Programs in Macau (09-Y1-UL018-FSH), University of Macau, Macau MOP142,000 [US$17,700 equivalent], January, 2009—December, 2011 Principal Investigator: The Juvenile Justice Reform in Modern China, Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, National Ministry of Education, China, Chinese RMB¥30,000 [US$4,200 equivalent] (January, 2009—December, 2010). Principal Investigator: Application of Juvenile Justice in the Procuratorate’s Settings, Guangxi Provincial Procuratorate, China, Chinese RMB¥5,000 [US$735 equivalent], January, 2008—August, 2008. Principal Investigator: Juvenile Justice Reform in China, Guangxi Provincial Department of Education, China, Chinese RMB¥24,000 [US$ 3,000 equivalent], December, 2007— August, 2008. 2 Principal Investigator: Exploration of the Victimological Theories, Guangxi University, China, Chinese RMB¥20,000 [US$ 2,700 equivalent], September, 2007—August, 2008. Investigator (Principal Investigator: Prof. Hongwei Zhang, Guangxi University, China).: Victim Analysis in China, Ford Foundation, USA, US $30,000, September, 2004—August, 2006. Publications Book Zhao, Ruohui (2009). Determinants of Anomie—A Cross-National Study (in English). Beijing: People’s Publishing House (人民出版社) Refereed Book Chapters Zhao, Ruohui, Hongwei Zhang, & Jianhong Liu (2014). Juvenile Justice System in China: A System in Transition. In John Winterdyk (ed.) International Juvenile Justice Systems. Taylor and Francis. Zhao, Ruohui (2013). Official Responses to Crime in Macau. In L, Cao, I. Sun, & W. Hebenton (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Criminology, New York: Routledge. Zhao, Ruohui, Liqun Cao, & Jihong Zhao (2013). Fear of Crime and Punitivity among College Students in Macau, China. In Helmut Kury and John Winterdyk (eds.) Fear of Crime and Punitiveness: Results from International Students Surveys. Bochum, Germany: Universitaetsverlag Brockmeyer. Liu, Jianhong & Ruohui Zhao (2011). Social Order and Crime in Macau (澳门的社会治安与犯 罪状况). Pp239-260. Book chapter in Yufan Hao and Zhiliang Wu (editors) Bluebook of Macau: Annual report on Economy and Society of Macau (2010-2011)《澳门蓝皮书: 澳门经济社会发展报告, 2010-2011》Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (北京:社 会科学文献出版社). Zhao, Ruohui & Jianhong Liu (2010). Social Order and Crime in Macau (澳门的社会治安与犯 罪状况). Pp186-204. Book chapter in Yufan Hao and Zhiliang Wu (editors) Bluebook of Macau: Annual report on Economy and Society of Macau (2009-2010) 《澳门蓝皮书: 澳门经济社会发展报告, 2009-2010》. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (北京: 社会科学文献出版社). 3 Zhao, Ruohui & Hongwei Zhang (2009). Teaching Criminology (犯罪学实践性教学方法讲义) Pp218-246. Book Chapter in Jianmin Cheng (editor) Teaching Techniques in Legal Education 《 实践性法学教育讲义 :把课堂当作社会 》. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press (北京:清华大学出版社). Zhang, Hongwei & Ruohui Zhao (2009). Victimology (犯罪被害与被害人) Pp140-171. Book chapter in Haobo Song and Gaofeng Jin (editors) Criminology 《犯罪学》 . Shanghai: Fudan University Press (上海:复旦大学出版社). Zhang, Hongwei & Ruohui Zhao (2006). Chapter Two of the American Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice (Translation on Rolando del Carmen’s Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice, Wadsworth Publishing, 6th edition, August 11, 2003) (翻译第二章,《美国刑 事诉讼:法律与实践》). Wuhan, China: Wuhan University Press (武汉:武汉大学出 版社). Refereed Journal Articles Zhang, Hongwei, Ruohui Zhao, Ling Ren, and Jihong Zhao (forthcoming). Social attachment and juvenile attitudes toward the police in China: Bridging Eastern and Western wisdom. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Zhang, Hongwei, Jihong Zhao, Lin Ren & Ruohui Zhao (2014). Social Bonds, Traditional Models and Juvenile Attitudes toward the Police in China. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 37(3): 596-611 Zhao, Ruohui & Jianhong Liu (2014). A Review of Macau Correctional System and Relevant Research—From the Comparative Perspective (比較犯罪學視野下的澳門犯罪矯治及其 相關研究). Macau Studies (澳门研究). 73 (2):52-60 Hilal, Susan, James Densley & Ruohui Zhao (2013). Cops in College: Police Officers’ Perceptions on Formal Education. Journal of Criminal Justice Education. 24(4) : 461-477 Cao, Liqun & Ruohui Zhao (2012). The Impact of Culture on Acceptance of Soft Drugs across Europe. Journal of Criminal Justice. 40(4) : 296-305 Liu, Jianhong, Ruohui Zhao, Haiyan Xiong, and Jinlin Gong (2012). Chinese Legal Traditions: Punitiveness versus Mercy. Asia Pacific Journal of Police and Criminal Justice (An official Publication of Asian Society of Policing). 9(1) :17-33 4 Huang, Kaicheng, Jianhong Liu, Ruohui Zhao, Guoling Zhao, & Paul C. Friday (2012). Chinese Narcotics Trafficking: A Preliminary Report. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 56(1): 134-152 Cao, Liqun, Yunlien Lai, & Ruohui Zhao (2012). Shade of Blue: Confidence in the Police in the World. Journal of Criminal Justice. 40(1): 40-49 Zhao, Ruohui (2012). Anomie/Strain Theory and Juvenile Delinquency (迷乱/紧张理论和青少 年偏差与犯罪). Shandong Police Academy Journal (山东警察学院学报). 24 (4):107111) Zhao, Ruohui & Jianhong Liu (2011). A System’s Approach of Crime Prevention: The Case of Macau. Asian Journal of Criminology. 6(2): 207-227 Zhao, Ruohui (2011). Exploring Trends and Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquency in Macau (澳门青少年犯罪的状况与特点). Journal of Guangxi University (广西大学学报). 33(6): 63-65 Zhao, Ruohui & Liqun Cao (2010). Social Change and Anomie - A Cross-National Study. Social Forces. 88(3): 1209-1229 Cao, Liqun, Ruohui Zhao, Lin Ren & Jihong Zhao (2010). Social Support and Anomie: A Multilevel Analysis of Anomie in Europe and North America. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 54(4): 625-639 Garland, Brett E., William P. Mccarty, and Ruohui Zhao (2009). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Prisons—An Examination of Psychological Staff, Teachers, and Unit Management Staff. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 36 (2): 163-183 Zhao, Ruohui & Hongwei Zhang. (2008). Exploring Restorative Justice in Korean Juvenile Justice Settings: An Observation from Outsiders. Hanyang Law Review, 25(1): 217-227 Zhao, Ruohui & Hongwei Zhang (2008). An Empirical Study of Victimization in Nanning (逻 辑回归对犯罪被害的应用研究—以南宁市为实证分析). Social Scientist (社会科学家). 132(4): 79-83. Zhao, Ruohui & Hongwei Zhang. (2008). Juvenile Gangs—Control and Prevention Mechanism (少年帮派的特征、催生因素与防治刍议). Journal of Guangxi University (广西大学学 报 ). 30(2):82-87. fully-cited by Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC: Youth Study (人大复印资料: 青少年研究全文转载). 5 Zhao, Ruohui. (2007). The Effect of Poverty and Economic Inequality on Crime Rates in the United States. Corrections and Rehabilitation Research Center Journal, Ryukoku University, Japan, 1: 142-172 Zhao, Ruohui & Hongwei Zhang. (2007). Study of Public Order and Fear of Crime: A Sample from Nanning City (社会治安评价与被害恐惧研究—以南宁市为实证分析). Nanjing University Law Review (南京大学法律评论). Spring Issue:125-136. Zhang, Hongwei & Ruohui Zhao. (2006). The Trends and Issues on the Life Imprisonment in the United States: A Critical Analysis Review and Forecast on the American Prison Reform. Corrections and Rehabilitation Research Center Journal, Ryukoku University, Japan. 3:24-51 Zhang, Hongwei & Ruohui Zhao (2005) Disparity vs. Discrimination: the Influence of Race in Police Arrest. Asian Policing. 1:99-112 Un-refereed Publications Zhao, Ruohui (forthcoming). Administrative Punishment. The Encyclopedia of Corrections. Wiley. Liu, Jianhong & Ruohui Zhao (2008). Book Review: New Crime in China: Public Order and Human Rights. International Criminal Justice Review. 18(4): 477-479 Zhao, Ruohui. (2002) Book Review: An Introduction to Criminological Theory. Criminal Justice Review. 27: 377-378. Sahapattana, Prapon & Ruohui Zhao (2005). “Policing in Thailand.” Larry E. Sullivan (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Ren, Ling & Ruohui Zhao (2005). “Policing in Qatar.” Larry E. Sullivan (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Professional Presentations Zhao, Ruohui, Hongwei Zhang & Liqun Cao, “An Exploratory Study on Attitude toward the Death Penalty in China” Presented at the 2011 meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington D.C., USA. Cao, Liqun & Ruohui Zhao, “Survivalism and Tolerance of Illegal Drugs: A Cross-National Analysis”. Paper presented at the 2010 meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, USA Zhao, Ruohui & Jianhong Liu. “Community-based Corrections in Macau”. Presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, USA. 6 Zhao, Ruohui, Jianhong Liu and Haiyan Xiong. “Crime Prevention Strategies around the World: A Lesson for Macau”. Presented at the International Symposium on Preventing Offending & Reducing Re-offending. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. April, 2009. Zhao, Ruohui. “Determinants of Anomie: A Cross-National Study”. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, GA, USA. Zhao, Ruohui and Hank Robinson. “Introduction to an Automatic Inmates Grievance Case Management System in a Midwestern County Correctional Facility”. Presented at the 2005 conference of the American Society of Criminology in Ottawa, Canada. Zhang, Hongwei and Ruohui Zhao. “Enforcement of Protective Orders to Domestic Violence: A Narrative Analysis in Harris County, Texas” Presented at the 2005 conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Chicago, IL, USA. Zhang, Hongwei, Mitchell Roth and Ruohui Zhao. “Carnal Internet and Social Control in China”. Presented at the 2002 conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Anaheim, CA, USA. ACADEMIC SERVICES University and Faculty/Unit Services Programme coordinator of master of social sickness in criminology, fall, 2014 Acting programme coordinator of master of social sciences in criminology, spring, 2014 Member of Academic Council of Faculty of Social Sciences, 2008 to present External Services Peer reviewer for the following academic journals: Justice Quarterly, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Asian Journal of Criminology, International Journal of Sociology and Criminology, and Journal of Crime and Criminal Justice Research (Taiwan) Managing editor, Asian Journal of Criminology, 2008-present Executive board member and treasurer, Asian Criminological Society, 2009-present Member, American Society of Criminology (ASC), USA Member and general assembly chair, Macao Society of Criminology (MSC), Macau, China Grant Reviewer, Nebraska Crime Commission: 2006 Federal/2007 State Juvenile Justice Grant, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, February 2007 7