Dinosaur Homework Grid - Berkeley Primary School

Year 1 – dinosaur homework
Think about the type of habitat a dinosaur lived in –
what would it have looked like? Can you create your
own? You might like to use an old shoe box and
collect natural materials from the outdoor
environment to create a suitable habitat. You could
choose to represent your ideas on paper, you may
even like to make your habitat outside and take a
photo to bring in to show!
Could you make a junk model dinosaur?
Think how you can reuse yoghurt pots,
toilet roll tubes, bubble wrap, corks,
straws, scrap paper, cardboard and egg
boxes to make a dinosaur. Bring it into
school to show and put on our display
table – if we get enough we could make
a mini role play area - ‘dino-land’!
Perhaps you might like to practise your
number bonds with your family and
friends. Attached to this grid are
resources, within this you should find
dino number flashcards that you could
print and cut up. Spot the T-rex
‘challenge yourself cards’! Don’t forget to
use your fingers and toes if you get
Do dino bark rubbings interest you?! There are
dinosaur colouring pages attached to this grid,
choose one that you like and use crayons to rub
over your picture on the bark of a tree trunk. Think
about using different colours to add more depth and
texture to your masterpiece!
Perhaps you might like to do a dinosaur word search
with a member of your family or even a friend. There
are a few attached to the grid. How many words can
you find? Are there any tricky words lurking around?!
We love reading poems in Year 1, could
you find a dinosaur one and bring it in?!
How did you rate it – how many stars
(out of 5) would you give it? Your poem
and review could feature in our book
corner on display.
Fancy a challenge…? Write your own
poem with an adult, see if you can
include some WOW words! You may
prefer to present your poem in a power
point presentation or a voice recording,
it’s up to you!
Can you research a dinosaur that lived in either the
Jurassic, Triassic or Cretaceous period? Some of the
websites listed under resources may help you find
this information. Lots of you have brought in
fantastic dinosaur encyclopaedias and non-fiction
books; use these to find out more about dinosaurs!
We can use this information as part of our timeline
in class.
Choose your favourite dinosaur and make a mini fact file or poster about it! We would love to
hear all about your favourite dinosaur!
Feeling peckish? Treat your family to some dinosaur egg cookies or flapjacks! Simple recipe
attached – remember to get an adult to help you! Prefer something savoury, why not try and
decorate a pizza base to look like a dinosaur. Not too scary though as your parents will be too
terrified to eat it!
We need your help to turn our classroom into a real dinosaur dungeon! Up for the challenge? Get
your art shirts out and switch your creative brains on, we would like some beautiful sculptures of
dinosaurs that we could hang in our classroom! You might like to try your hand at paper mache or
decorated junk modelling to give it an authentic 3D effect! Don’t forget part of this homework is
to tidy up after yourselves!
Fancy a day out? Why not visit the o2 Arena spectaclar ‘Walking with dinosaurs’? Immerse
yourself amongst life size dinosaurs featured in the BBC documentary. Wonder at them parading
around the arena putting on a show for you. For more information and ticket prices visit:
http://www.theo2.co.uk/general/walking-with-dinosaurs.html or ask your parents to show you
clips from the live shows on youtube.