
Wuling National Forest Recreational Area is situated in northeastern Hopin Township
in Taichung County. The tributaries of Dajia River (Chijiawan, Snow Mountain and Taoshan
Creeks) wind through this vast area ranging from 1800 to 3884 meters above sea level. The
main recreation area spans the portion of land from the river terrace around Wuling to
Taoshan Waterfall. Wuling is the ideal place for ecotourism and environmental education
because there are no strong winds and the climate is a comfortable 16ºC in mean annual
Since the entire area is part of the Snow Mountain range, Wuling has always been the
rest area for climbers going to Wulingsisho (Four Beauty Mountain) and Holy Ridgeline.
Climbers are proud to have climbed Snow Mountain and enjoy observing unique views of
Cuichi Cirque and Flaky Juniper. Visitors typically also make a stop at Wuling Farm. Since
this area is almost entirely surrounded by pine trees, it is prone to forest fire. Despite this
problem, the beautiful Qijawan Creek and Wuling Terrace are still popular destinations for
visitors. In this mountain-village atmosphere, Wuling Farm produces many varieties of
mountain vegetables and fruits. Not only are there peaches, pears, apples, and nectar
blossoms at the farm, but there also are lovely Taiwanese Walnuts, Formosan Alders and
Taiwanese Cherries along the creek. In late autumn, the exquisite yellow and red colors of
Liquidambars, Green Maples, and Chinese Cork Oaks are also worthwhile to observe.
Ecological Description
The pure Qijawan Creek is home to Formosan Landlocked Salmon, which is a
national treasure. This rare migratory species, dating back to the ice age during the Tertiary
Period, has evolved into a landlocked species as a result of an increase in crustal uplift. It is
now considered the "flagship species." This species only inhabits a 6.5-kilometer area within
the Qijiawan River, and there are only about 600 salmon in the community. Not only does the
temperature have to stay below 16 ºC in order for the salmon to survive, but overpopulation
in Wuling and the prevalence of wild fires also pose problems. Two important points need to
be stressed in environmental education regarding Wuling. First. visitors should only observe
Formosan Landlocked Salmon from a distance. Second, forest fire must be avoided. Taoshan
Waterfalls, which is 50 meters tall and pours down a high volume of water, is the origin of
Qijawan Creek. When it is breezy, the splashes of water appears almost smoky, earning the
falls the nickname of “Smoky Melody Waterfall.” Visitors can observe the soaring Taiwanese
Red Pine, Taiwanese Spruce, Hemlock, Incense Cedar, and Red Cypress next to the waterfall,
as well as Red Hairy Azalea and Egg-Leaf Rhododendron throughout the mountains each
spring. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful melodies in nature created by the combined
sounds of birds, running water and wind rustling the pine leaves. 77 birds make up a chorus
lead by the White-tailed Blue Robins, Strong-footed Bush Warblers, and Yellow-bellied
Bush Warblers. Some visitors might even be fortunate enough to locate Mandarin Ducks on
the bank. Highland Red-belly Swallowtail Butterflies and Pachliopta aristolochiae are the
most typical butterflies while stag beetles and moths usually appear at night near the cabins.
Pines, creeks, waterfalls, mountains, color-changing plants, birds, and salmon are the
images that make Wuling unique. Visitors wishing to experience an eco-tour can don a hat,
light cotton shirt, and a pair of sturdy, slip-resistant shoes, to hike along the creek from the
farm to Taoshan Waterfall and enjoy the view and ecosystem. Although the trip maye be
difficult, it will certainly be full of delightful surprises.
By Bus
From Taichung, take the Lishan-bound Fongyuan Bus, transfer to the Wuling branch line,
and continue to the recreation area. There are only a few buses each day, so make sure to get
schedule information in advance from Fongyuan Bus Co., tel.: (04) 2523-4175.
By Car
Taipei→Taipei-Yilan Expressway→Oucheng→Provincial Hwy. 9
Route 1 :
→Provincial Hwy. 7→Cilan→ Provincial Hwy. 7A→Wuling
Puli→Provincial Hwy. 14→Wushe→Dayuling→Lishan→Provincial Hwy.
Route 2:
Taroko Gorge (Hualien)→Provincial Hwy. 8 (Central Cross-island
Route 3:
Expressway) → Dayuling→Lishan→Provincial Hwy. 7A→Wuling
Taoshan Waterfall
Taoshan Waterfall is located at the headwaters of Cijiawan River. On the 4.5-kilometer forest
trail leading up to the falls from Wuling Villa, visitors pass through Taiwanese Red Pines and
can listen to the pleasant songs of birds. Several dozen avian species can be sighted along the
way, making this a popular birding trail. The trail ends at Taoshan Waterfall. The falls
cascades down from an impressive height of 80 meters, giving off a thunderous roar as it
makes its descent. In spring, the water descends with particular force, enveloping the area in a
light mist.
Tourist Train and Maosing
The clear waters of Cijiawan River serve as a habitat to one of Taiwan's most precious fish
species—the Formosan Landlocked Salmon. A rare survivor of the ice age, the Formosan
Landlocked Salmon can only live in alpine forest rivers with an abundant supply of clean
water and temperatures lower than 16ºC. Since its disappearance from the overdeveloped
Dajia River, the Formosan Landlocked Salmon is only found today in the upstream portions
of the Cijiawan River.
One of the best vantage points for viewing the Formosan Landlocked Salmon is from the
Wuling Suspension Bridge spanning the Cijiawan River. However, binoculars are still
recommended. On the other side of the bridge is a small path leading through dense growths
of Red Cypress, Cryptomeria, Taiwanese Red Pine, Taiwanese Alder and an undergrowth of
Chinese Gugertree, Bayberry, and Rhododendron noriakianum.
Suggested Tour
2 Days, 1 Night
Day 1:
Yilan → Nanshan Village → Wuling Farm → Overnight at Wuling Villa
Day 2:
Taoshan Waterfall → Cijiawan River to view Formosan Landlocked Salmon →
Hot springs soak in Renze → Tea tasting at Yulan Tea Garden → Duck dinner in
Yilan → Return
Suggested Activities
Mountain-climbing, sightseeing, researching river fish, studying ecology, hiking.
Suggested Season
Any time during the year