ALL Suffolk Pre-Referral Guidance ENT (tonsillitis, grommets, rhinosinusitis and dizziness) This form should be attached electronically to your referral letter and any investigations (see below) and submitted via C&B to the IHT Advice Letter Listing ENT Clinic. Patient Information GP Information Name: Title Forename Surname GP Name: Sender name Address: Patient address house Patient address road Patient address post town Patient post code Practice address: Tel (Home): Patient home telephone number Tel (Mobile): Patient mobile telephone number Tel: NHS No: NHS number Referral date: Todays date DOB: Date of birth Gender: Gender Referrer name: Sender name UBRN: Referrer signature: Fax: Please tick the reason for referral and that the pre-referral tasks have been completed Reason for referral (tick boxes) Tonsillitis In ordinary circumstances, referral should not be considered unless the patient meets the NHS Suffolk threshold procedure guidance PCT criteria Low priority criteria Pre-referral work up done and results sent with this referral (tick boxes) (Urgent hospital admission is required for patients with sore throat who have any of the following symptoms; stridor, progressive difficulty swallowing, increasing pain or severe systemic symptoms) Grommets In ordinary circumstances, referral should not be considered unless the patient meets the NHS Suffolk threshold procedure guidance PCT criteria Low priority criteria Complete at least 3 months of watchful waiting The otoscopic features are atypical and accompanied by a persistent foul-smelling discharge suggestive of cholesteatoma (Urgent referral) The child has excessive hearing loss suggestive of additional sensorineural deafness (Urgent referral) Child has persistent hearing loss AND the hearing loss is having a significant impact on child’s developmental, social or educational status Rhinosinusitis Diagnosis based on patients with nasal obstruction or nasal discharge/post nasal drip plus one of the following - facial pain/pressure OR changing sense of smell. Nasal steroids, oral steroids, nasal saline irrigation and antihistamines and do use antibiotics for the purulent form. Refer after for further investigation and possible surgery. Dizziness or imbalance Could be due to vestibular, cardiovascular or neurological causes. Referrals should be made to the appropriate departments ENT for vestibular disorders, neurologists for neurological disorders or to cardiologists for cardiovascular disorders Perform a drug review - ?dizziness a side effect of medications Check BP & pulse – if symptoms of dizziness on standing up, take BP lying & standing (drop of 20 mm on standing ?postural hypotension) Syncope/pre-syncope indicates cardiovascular, refer to cardiologists Sensation of surrounding moving indicates vestibular, refer to ENT If vestibular problems suspected perform Dix-Hallpike positional test to look for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). If positive, try the Epley’s manoeuver first. ✔ Clinical Indication/Problem: ✔ Relevant Past Medical History - include previous & current treatment/medication where relevant (attached) ✔ Current Medication (attached) ✔ Allergies (attached) Preferred Hospital if Referral to Secondary Care is Necessary: …IPSWICH HOSPITAL……………………………….. Title Forename Surname Date of birth Medical History Summary Past Summary Allergies Allergies Medication Current repeat TemplatesCurrent Repeat IssuesCurrent Repeat Templates Current acute issuesCurrent Acute Issues Recent pathology results Recent Pathology NHS number