Proposal to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Washington DC for Severe Weather and Tropical Cyclone Product Development for the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project Submitted by Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Colorado State University West Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375 Dr. Lewis D. Grasso Principal Investigator CIRA/Colorado State University Telephone: 970-491-8380 Email: In partnership with Dr. Mark DeMaria Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Team Leader NESDIS Office of Research and Applications Telephone: 970-491-8405 Email: Period of Activity: July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004 _______________________ _____________________ Thomas H. Vonder Haar Lewis D. Grasso, P.I. Director, CIRA Research Scientist, CIRA (970) 491-8448 (970) 491-8380 __________________________ Mary Atella Senior Research Administrator Office of Sponsored Programs (970) 491-5574 1. Introduction The Advanced Microwave Sounder Unit (AMSU) on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration (NOAA) K, L, and M satellites was incorporated into operations in a relatively short period of time. Because of previous success, preparation is needed before new sensors are launched; as a result, operational use of the instruments can be extended. In this proposal, we describe a program to use output from mesoscale and radiative transfer models to develop simulated Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) imagery that will be included as part of the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) program. Simulated VIIRS imagery will be used to design new products for severe thunderstorms and tropical cyclones. Applications will include the following: precipitation estimation, tropical cyclone intensity diagnosis--an advanced Dvorak technique (Dvorak 1984), and severe weather signatures--such as the enhanced-V (McCann 1983). 2. Numerical Model Description The numerical model planned for this study is version 4.29 of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) developed at Colorado State University (Pielke et al. 1992). The model includes the following features: Non-hydrostatic and compressible (Tripoli and Cotton 1982); Momentum is advanced using a leapfrog scheme; scalars are advanced using a forward scheme: Both methods used second order advection; Vertical and horizontal turbulence are parameterized using a Smagorinsky deformation based eddy viscosity (Smagorinsky 1963) with stability modifications (Lilly 1962); Hydrometeors are predicted with a new two-moment bulk microphysical scheme (Meyers et al. 1997). Hydrometeor mixing ratio and number concentrations are prognosed while the mean diameter is diagnosed. The following hydrometeor species are available: cloud droplets, rain droplets, aggregates, grauple, hail, snow, and pristine ice; Other prognostic variables are the three components of momentum--u, v, w; Exner function, π; total water, rt; and ice-liquid potential temperature, thetail (Tripoli and Cotton 1981); Arakawa fully staggered C grid (Arakawa and Lamb 1981); Exner function tendencies used to update the momentum variables are computed using a time split scheme, similar to Klemp and Wilhelmson (1978); Lateral boundaries use the Klemp-Wilhelmson condition, in which the normal velocity component specified at the lateral boundary is effectively advected from the interior. 3. Radiative Transfer Modeling VIIRS will have a total of 22 channels (Welsch et al. 2001). Six of these channels (I1-6), which cover parts of the visible and infrared (0.645, 0.7, 0.865, 1.61, 3.74, and 11.45 μm will be devoted to imagery. Other channels--designated M--will be used more quantitatively for a number of different applications: Visible/NIR - M1-5, M7: Ocean color and aerosols; NIR - M8: 1.24 μm, clouds; M9: 1.378 μm, clouds; M10: 1.61 μm, snow; M11: 2.25 μm, clouds; M12: 3.70 μm, SST, clouds; and M13: 4.05 μm, SST, fires, clouds; IR - M14: 8.55 μm, clouds; M15-16: Split window; and Spatial resolution for most channels will be 742 m x 262 m at nadir. Our main interest is the cloud information supplied by IR channels M8-16. Channels M14-16 measure emission and scattering of thermal radiation, while channels M8-13 include scattering of solar radiation as well as thermal emission. The radiative transfer models for computing radiances, the cloud single-scatter (or optical) models, and gas models contain the following features: M8-13: Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method (SHDOM; Evans 1998); M14-16: Eddington 2-stream method (e.g, Deeter and Evans 1998); M8-16: Cloud optical model: Modified Anomalous Diffraction Theory (MADT; Mitchell 2000) applied to both liquid and ice particles; and M8-16: Gas extinction model: Optical Path TRANsmittance (OPTRAN; McMillin et al. 1995). SHDOM, a fast multi-stream model, and Eddington 2-stream model are currently part of CIRA's Regional Atmospheric Modeling and Data Assimilation System (RAMDAS; Greenwald et al. 2001). MADT has been successfully applied to liquid clouds in RAMDAS (Greenwald et al. 2001; Vukicevic et al. 2001). Because of our interest in cloudy radiances, precise values of surface emissivity/albedo are not critical, thus, typical values are used. Surface temperature is derived from RAMS. 4. First Year Demonstration Project As a first year demonstration project, the VIIRS infrared channels will be simulated. Idealized thunderstorm and tropical cyclones simulations will be conducted with RAMS; horizontal grid spacings will be specified to closely match the footprint of the infrared channels. Output from each event will be saved during the simulation. Examples of output variables are temperature, pressure, vertical levels, number concentration and mass mixing ratio for each hydrometeor type, and water vapor mixing ratio. Output from each simulated event will be used as input to the radiative transfer model. Because components of the radiative transfer model are flexible, a specific VIIRS channel can be simulated from RAMS output. That is, once a given VIIRS channel is simulated, the radiative transfer model will be run again to simulate a different channel until all channels simulated. After a number of channels have been simulated, product development may commence. First year goals will be to determine which simulated VIIRS products provides the best measurement of two specific parameters: thunderstorm precipitation and tropical cyclone minimum pressure. Each satellite derived parameter will then be compared with RAMS output to determine a ``best measurement.'' The procedure outlined above has been conducted. Output from a RAMS thunderstorm simulation was used as input to a radiative transfer model to simulate channel 4 on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 9 imager. An observable feature on some severe thunderstorms was indicated in the simulated satellite image: The enhanced-V (Figure 1). 5. Future activities Plans are to simulate cloud reflectance for one or more of the visible channels (e.g., I1) on VIIRS. These channels provide important information on cloud optical depth. Simulations of selected Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) channels are also planned. ATMS will consist of at least the following 22 channels (9 additional channels near the 118 GHz O2 line may be added): Water vapor channels: 23.8 GHz, 31.4 GHz, 87-91 GHz, 166.31 GHz, 183 ±7, 183 ±4.5, 183 ±3, 183 ±1.8, and 183 ±1 GHz; and Temperature channels: 50.3 GHz, 51.76 GHz, 52.8 GHz, 53.6 GHz, 54.4 GHz, 54.94 GHz, 55.5 GHz, and other stratospheric channels. Forward models and assumptions to be used at microwave frequencies include the following: Radiative transfer model: Eddington 2-stream; Gas/cloud absorption: Liebe's Millimeter-wave Propagation Model (MPM) (e.g., Liebe, 1993); Precipitation properties: Lorenz-Mie Theory; and Surface properties: Fresnel over water, constant emissivity over land. These efforts are directly related to the development of a satellite radiance assimilation system because the forward radiative transfer models constitute the observational operator portion of the system. In addition, we plan to simulate observed severe thunderstorm and tropical cyclone events. Two cases are of interest: First, a tornado outbreak that occurred during two consecutive days near Oklahoma City, OK, in early May of 2003; Secondly, a tropical cyclone--hurricane Lili--that moved over the Gulf of Mexico during October of 2002. 6. Coordination with NOAA This work will be coordinated with other individuals within NOAA ORA, including Dr. Fuzhong Weng, Dr. Andrew Heidinger, and Dr. Thomas Kleespies. We already have experience working with Dr. Kleespies, who provided support for OPTRAN in developing RAMDAS, and have had limited collaboration with Dr. Heidinger in retrieving cloud properties at visible/NIR wavelengths. Dr. Weng would provide assistance with ATMS simulations. Forward radiative transfer models developed here could be incorporated into operational models, once their cloud physics parameterizations are improved. 7. First year budget A detailed budget is provided in the Appendix. Further details on the Budget items are provided below. Budget Item 1: PERSONNEL The project personnel include Lewis Grasso, Mark DeMaria, Thomas H. Vonder Haar, Hiro Gosden, Manajit Sengupta, and Kathy Fryer. The project will be directed by M. DeMaria and L. Grasso, with general oversight by the director of CIRA (T. Vonder Haar). No funds are requested for M. DeMaria or T. Vonder Haar, since these will be covered by NESDIS and CIRA base funding, respectively. It is anticipated that M. DeMaria will contribute one month for project oversight. Funds are also included for 5 months for L. Grasso for modeling, M. Sengupta (2 months) for modeling, 1.5 months for H. Gosden for computer support, and 1.2 months for K. Fryer for administrative support. Base salaries included in this proposal reflect the actual salaries approved by the Governing Board of Colorado State University for the period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003; with a 4% increase for inflation for FY 03-04. Fringe Benefits: The following federally approved CSU rates were applied to the FY 2003-04 salaries based on the individual’s payroll classification: Faculty/Administrative Professional 20.0%, State Classified 18.2%. Budget Item 2: DOMESTIC TRAVEL Travel is budgeted based on the successful completion of the project and the proposed dissemination of the research results. An actual travel destination is noted in the budget. Per diem rates are applied when the destination is to a location listed in the CSU per diem/city publication. Per diem is distributed at the rate $42/day for Orlando, FL with only 1/2 of that amount allowed for the departure day. A rental car is needed for transportation in the Orlando area. Standard mileage distances and rates are used for transportation between DIA and Fort Collins (160 miles @ $.28/mile). Parking at DIA is on a daily basis for non-covered lots ($7/day). One trip per year is requested for IPO program review. Budget Item 3: OTHER The CIRA Infrastructure charge provides computer and data support associated with this project. The NT hourly rate is determined by CIRA and depends on the actual cost of the CIRA computer operations. CIRA charges Windows NT computer costs on an hourly basis, based on log-on time collected electronically via infrastructure programs. Gosden is estimated at 7.67 hrs/mo at $2.06/hr + 121 hrs/mo at $4.11/hr. Sengupta is estimated at 30 hrs/mo at $2.28/hr + 68 hrs/mo at $4.55/hr. Fryer is estimated at 5 hrs/mo at $.30/hr + 121 hrs/mo at $.59/hr. Grasso does not use the NT system at CIRA. Publication charges have also been added for the dissemination of research results. Budget Item 4: EQUIPMENT A Dell Precision Workstation will be purchased for Grasso’s research work. An estimate quote is attached. Budget Item 5: INDIRECT COST RATE The Indirect Rate of 20% is charged on this proposal. The rate is applied to Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC is defined as Total Direct Costs less Equipment, GRA Tuition, and Subcontracts > $25,000. 8. References Arakawa, A., and V. Lamb, 1981: A potential enstrophy and energy conserving scheme for the shallow water equations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 18-36. Deeter, and K. F. Evans, 1998: A hybrid Eddington-single scattering radiative transfer model for computing radiances from thermally emitting atmospheres. J. Quant. Spect. Rad. Transfer, 60, 635-648. Dvorak, V. F., 1984: Tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data. NOAA Tech. Rep. NESDIS 11, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC, 47 pp. [Available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Sills Bldg., 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.] Evans, K. F., 1998: The spherical harmonics discrete ordinate method for three-dimensional atmospheric radiative transfer. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 429-446. Greenwald, T. J., R. Hertenstein, and T. Vukicevic, 2001: Evaluation of a mesoscale forecast model with explicit microphysics using cloudy GOES imager radiances. Mon. Wea. Rev., in review. Klemp, J.B. and R.B. Wilhelmson, 1978: The simulation of three-dimensional convective storm dynamics. J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 1070-1096. Liebe, H. J., G. A. Hufford, and M. G. Cotton, 1993: Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz. Atmospheric propagation effects through natural and man-made obscurants for visible to MM-wave radiation, AGARD Conference proceedings, No. 542, 3.1-3.10. Lilly, D. K., 1962: On the numerical simulation of buoyant convection. Tellus, 14, 148-172. McCann, D.W., 1983: The enhanced-V, a satellite observable severe storm signature. Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 887-894. McMillin, L. M., L. J. Crone, M. D. Goldberg, and T. J. Kleespies, 1995: Atmospheric transmittance of an absorbing gas, 4. OPTRAN: A computationally fast and accurate transmittance model for absorbing gases with fixed and variable mixing ratios at variable viewing angles. Appl. Opt., 34, 6269-6274. Meyers, M. P., R. L. Walko, J. Y. Harrington, and W. R. Cotton, 1997: New RAMS cloud microphysics parameterization. Part II: The two-moment scheme. J. Atmos. Res., 45, 3-39. Mitchell, D. L., 2000: Parameterization of the Mie extinction and absorption coefficients for water clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 1311-1326. Pielke, R.A., W.R. Cotton, R.L. Walko, C.J. Tremback, W.A. Lyons, L.D. Grasso, M.E. Nicholls, M.D. Moran, D.A. Wesley, T.J. Lee, J.H. Copeland, 1992: A comprehensive meteorological modeling system-RAMS. Meteor. and Atmos. Phys., 49, 69-91. Smagorinsky, J., 1963: General circulation experiments with the primitive equations. Part 1: The basic experiment. Mon. Wea. Rev., 91, 99-164. Tripoli, G.J., and W.R. Cotton, 1982: The Colorado State University three dimensional cloud mesoscale model,1982. Part I: General theoretical framework and sensitivity experiments. J. Rech. Atmos., 16, 185-220. Tripoli, G.J., and W.R. Cotton, 1981: The use of ice-liquid water potential temperature as a thermodynamic variable in deep atmospheric models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 1094-1102. Welsch et al., 2001: VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite): A next-generation operational environmental sensor for NPOESS, International Geosc. and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS) Proc., July 8-14. Vukicevic, T., T. Greenwald, R. Hertenstein, and M. Ghemires, 2001: Use of cloudy radiance observations in mesoscale data assimilation. 5th Symp. Integ. Obs. Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 9. Figures Figure 1. Shaded and contoured values of 10.7 µm Tbs (°K) along with ground relative horizontal wind vectors at anvil level. In addition, values of perturbation Exner Function are contoured and shows the location of the upstream region of high pressure that also flanked the anvil on the left and right sides.