B - University of Wisconsin

Program Review
2006-07 Planning and Review Committee
2008-2009 Status Report
B.S. Art Education
Program Director: Mr. Joseph Haid
Committee Findings: The committee recommends that the student, key instructor, and program
advisory committee surveys be conducted in the Fall of 2008 with a subsequent status report by
the program director addressing the concerns brought forth in this report, particularly as it relates
to course overlap, program director communication with key instructors and students, student
preparation in the areas of assessment, practicum experience and curriculum-based instruction,
and classroom/lab-oriented improvement-based needs. Contingent upon a satisfactory 2008-2009
status report, continuation of this program is approved through academic year 2013-2014.
Program Strengths
1. The Art Education Program emphasizes the creation of
teachers who will be leaders in and out of the art classroom.
2. Student enrollments as well as the placement rates of
graduates are perceived as being strong
3. Program advisory committee meetings have been conducted
on a regular basis and members appear to be reasonably
informed of program-related practices/issues
4. The studio arts-related courses are highly beneficial
5. The practicum (i.e., observation and practice teaching)
experiences public in schools are worthwhile
6. Students are provided opportunities to present public art
and art education exhibitions on campus
7. Art education faculty maintain close contact with the
public schools
Self-study & advisory
Committee survey
Self-study & advisory
committee survey
Self-study & advisory
committee survey
Issues of Concern
Student survey
Self-study, student &
advisory committee surveys
Self-study & advisory
committee survey
Self-Study & advisory
committee survey
1. Conflicting advisement/instructor- based communications
regarding program requirements and expectations
Student & advisory
committee surveys
2. Inadequate communication appears to exist between
the Art Education and the B.F.A. Program faculty/staff
Student and key
instructor surveys
1. Course repetition/overlap exists between the Practice of Art
and Senior Seminar courses, as well as the Intro to Art
Education and the Foundations of Education courses
Student & advisory
committee surveys
2. Students may not be sufficiently prepared in the areas of
assessment, teaching strategies and content/curriculum
3. A need for more practicum experience spread throughout
the program.
Student & advisory
committee surveys
Self-study, student,
advisory committee
and key faculty surveys
Self-study, student &
advisory committee
4. A need to update the curriculum/develop new methods of
5. Low freshmen retention rates
1. Some classrooms and labs do not provide the necessary
Cleanup (i.e., water and sink-related) as well as storagebased needs for methods courses.
Self-study, student and
key instructor surveys
2. There is a perceived need for additional clerical staff for
both the Art Education and the BFA programs.
Key instructor surveys
Recommendations for the Program Director
1. Identify and institute ongoing practices which will foster an alignment in advisement as well as
instructor-based communications regarding program requirements and expectations.
2009 Response:
The Program Director has instituted group meetings on advisement day to review program
requirements, respond to questions/concerns, and provide program updates. The PD
communicates with all students via email a minimum of once per month. These
communications provide students with information about benchmark interviews, scheduling
information, program updates, etc.
Beginning spring semester 2009 the Program Director will teach each of the three core
ARTED courses. Adjunct faculty with a minimum of a master’s degree and multiple years of
teaching experience will assist with student teaching supervision. This will eliminate
inconsistencies in PD/Instructor communications.
In response to the concerns noted on the student surveys the Program Director will serve as
the advisor for sophomore, junior, and senior students. This will eliminate the issue of
inconsistent advisement. A program assistant will be assigned to work closely with the
Program Director to assure that students have a mechanism for making individual
appointments, program changes (substitutions, waivers) are done in a timely manner, and that
program files are maintained and regularly updated. The Program Director will also work
with a mentor to review and update advisement materials such as the Four-Year- Sequence
and the Frequently Asked Questions.
The School of Education has implemented changes to improve the advisement of all
education students. The redesign of the SOE web site has made it easier to navigate.
Workshops to prepare education students for the Benchmark I and Benchmark II interviews
were implemented beginning spring 2008. The Student Teacher Handbook has been revised
and new materials have been developed to clarify expectations for the e-portfolio
development. Beginning in spring 2009 pre-education students will be introduced to the eportfolio during their enrollment in the introduction to the major course, resulting in a more
seamless preparation and review of the e-portfolio artifacts.
2. Continue and modify as needed, current efforts to ensure that planning-based needs/concerns are
being addressed among Art Education and B.F.A. Program faculty/staff.
2009 Response:
The Program Director has engaged in regular communications with the faculty and the
Chair of the Department of Art and Design. These have included several faculty meetings to
plan events and activities, including the Mid-program review, the Senior Show and the
Visual Arts Classic Competition activities. With the relocation of the Program Director from
Applied Arts to McCalmont Hall, it will become even more important that the PD maintain
communication with the content faculty. The Program Director will continue to involve
content faculty on the ARTED Advisory Committee, he will request being able to attend the
Art and Design Department meetings, and he will seek out opportunities to cohost events
such as the Visual Arts Classic to assure continued collaboration and communication.
3. Identify and minimize the presence of unnecessary course overlap in the program, especially
as it relates to the Practices of Art and the Senior Seminar as well as Intro to Art Education
and the Foundation of Education courses.
2009 Response:
A Program Revision was completed in spring 2008 that included replacing ART 211
Sculpture with ART 203 Found. Of Des., eliminating an area of duplication among art
content coursework. This will improve the art content area. A Program Revision will be
submitted for approval by early fall 2009 that includes removing Practices of Art, revision of
all ARTED courses and adding an Introduction to Curriculum, Methods and Assessment. The
revision will also carefully review the alignment of ARTED and ART coursework including
preparation for the mid and final review. A mentor will be assigned to assist the Program
Director with the programmatic and curricular revisions. The Advisory Committee will be
expanded to provide input, and cooperating teachers will also be invited to provide input on
the curriculum revision.
4. Analyze, identify and consequently modify specific areas of the curriculum where the subject
areas of assessment, teaching strategies and new methods of instruction can be bolstered.
2009 Response:
The course revisions described in section 3 will include incorporation of a minimum of two
developmental field experiences prior to student teaching, elimination of duplication between
EDUC 326 and ARTED 108, incorporation of Teacher Work Sample pedagogy, and careful
attention to all pedagogical areas indicated as weaknesses in the ARTED annual assessment
results. All pedagogical coursework will be aligned with the Wisconsin Teaching Standards,
the Four Domains for Learning and the Art and Design Academic Standards. The Program
Director will review the assessment processes in each core course to assure various methods
of inquiry including reflection tools, student dialogue, group development on curriculum,
student-centered learning, and research and development through the laptop technology
available to all students. All art education courses will be enhanced through the use of D2L
and other appropriate technologies.
5. Identify and institute measures which will increase the extent of student-based practicum
experience throughout the curriculum.
2009 Response:
See Response to Item 4.
The Program Director will work closely with cooperating teachers to monitor improvement
in the areas identified as weaknesses for ARTED students and seek input through the
program’s bi-annual Advisory Board Committee meetings The Program Director will
continue to work closely with placement personnel to match students with appropriate school
placements and provide a better environment for learning in the classroom. The Program
Director will continue to meet annually with the art educators in the Menomonie School
District to understand their needs and concerns.
Once a year the art education program hosts a regional high school art competition that
utilizes pre-service art education students as judges. The Art and Design Department has
hosted professional development activities for school districts in the region which provides
opportunities to connect with alumni and service learning opportunities for students.
6. Identify and consequently institute measures which are intended to bolster freshman retention
rates in the program.
2009 Response:
Retention of art education students from freshman through program completion continues to
be problematic. In regard to freshmen, the The Program Director will communicate with all
Art Education freshmen a minimum of three times per semester. A group freshmen meeting
will be held each Advisement Day. A representative from the Student Chapter of the
National Art Education Association will present in ARTED 108 and send individual
invitations to freshmen, and they will include freshmen in their email announcements
regarding membership, future campus activities and events. The Program Director will
request that members of the student association will also serve as freshmen student mentors.
The Program Director makes advisement meetings available to students each week.
Beginning in fall 2007, each education program selected a Student Ambassador. The Student
Ambassador assists the Program Director with recruitment/retention initiatives and serves as
a communication link between the School, Program Director, and students in the program.
Some students are not retained because of their inability to successfully complete the Praxis I
and Praxis II exams. A number of student supports have been implemented to bolster Praxis
pass rates. Graduate Assistant Praxis tutors are available to work individually and with
groups. A Praxis I Writing preparation course is offered twice per year, and students are
encouraged to access free online tutorial assistance.
Recommendations for the SOE Chair
1. Support the efforts of the Program Director to address the issues of inter/intra departmental
2008 Response:
Dr. Brian McAlister took over as the department chair in the Fall of 2007. The Program Director
and the chair have met individually and in 3-way meetings with the Interim Dean/Director of the
School of education on a regular basis to discus programmatic needs since that time. The
program director is also consulted regularly regarding staffing needs for the program.
Chair McAlister has attempted to facilitate a better working relationship between the Program
Director and the other key art education instructor. This has been a challenge because of what the
chair perceives to be a dysfunctional working relationship that the instructor denies is a problem,
and therefore refuses to meet to discuss it.
With support from the Chair and Director, the Program Director expanded the Art Education
Disciplinary Work Group to include two additional faculty who teach core professional
education courses, with the intent of reducing friction between the two art education instructors
and enhancing Art Education faculty members and the other faculty within the School of
Education. This has unfortunately not resulted in better communication between the two art
education instructors. The Program Director assignment has been modified, at least for the near
future, to include all advisement of sophomore, junior and senior students and the three core Art
Education courses.
2. Support the program director’s efforts to improve student performance in the areas of
assessment, teaching strategies and content/curriculum.
2009 Response:
The School of Education approved a new policy during the spring of 2008 that now requires all
courses in the school of education to be evaluated regardless of the status of the faculty member.
This will allow the quality of instruction to be monitored more closely than it was in the past.
The Chair has addressed some of these concerns with key Art Education faculty during
performance reviews and now has the ability to monitor instructional performance more closely.
Faculty are being encouraged to develop professional development goals to address issues that
have come to light based on SOE data and the data compiled for this review. In addition, the
school of education continues to refine its evaluation system that provides data for annual
assessment in the major reports. Our system will now allow us to monitor these areas of
In response to the results of the PRC Student Survey and Student Course Evaluations of ARTED
coursework, significant changes of assignment for the ARTED courses and field experience were
made beginning spring 2009.
The PD will be encouraged to continue professional development in the areas of assessment,
teaching strategies, and curriculum in the area of Art Education.
The Chair will closely supervision the curricular revisions needed in Art Education. The Program
Director will receive curricular revision support in summer 2009.
3. Work with the program director and other departmental chairs to eliminate course repetition
and overlap.
2009 Response:
The Chair will continue to encourage the PD to meet regularly with faculty from the Department
of Art and Design to identifying any overlapping curricula in those content areas.
The ART ED program director successfully submitted a program revision during this last year to
address one course where duplication was cited as an issue. There is an additional program
revision in the works that is scheduled to come through the approval process in the spring or fall
of 2009. A mentor will be assigned to work with the Program Director.
The program director was assigned to teach a section of Foundations of Education this last year.
This provided an opportunity for the Program director to reflect on the content of Foundations of
Education and Introduction to Art Education so that overlap can be avoided in the future.
Recommendations for the SOE Director and Dean, CEHHS
1.Support the efforts of the Program director to address the issues of inter/intra departmental
2009 Response:
The School of Education Director will continue to meet with the Program Director each month
to review any concerns including communication. The Program Director’s course schedule was
changed in 2007-08 to assure that he can attend the SOE Council meetings. The Chair and the
Director have addressed issues related to miscommunication among Art Education faculty.
2. Analyze the current classroom/lab needs as well as perceived need for additional clerical
support and make efforts to improve these resources.
2009 Response:
A lab modernization grant has been received to completely remodel one of the main classrooms
used in art education (HE 103). New and appropriate cabinets, sinks, chairs and tables, storage
cabinets on wheels and demonstration carts will be implemented by the end of the WinTerm
Break 2009.
The Art Education Program Director was relocated to McCalmont Hall in January 2009 so that
he has clerical support and regular interaction with his education colleagues.