Chapter 2

My Thesis Title
Chapter 2 – Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
This example file is for use with Part 2 of the course notes Using Microsoft Word for
a Thesis. It is based on a special template ( developed in Part 1 of the
2.1.1 Different Styles
The special template contains both page setup and style settings. The page setup
settings conform to the Rules for the Submission of Theses. Heading styles like the
above are used by Word to generate the Table of Contents.
1. First numbered list item
2. Second numbered list item
Back to normal text – the style for this paragraph had to be set manually. Below this
next paragraph is a graph and caption. Captions are used by Word to generate a Table
of Figures.
Table 1 Example
Kjg gkjg dgjg dj dfdf jd1
jgdfj ddgdfg df gdg dgj
dkfjg djg
lkg gjfg fg jg jgkjg jgkjgv jvjfdi fd jfgjf jvj vkj dg jvkj vb jbj fgb jbfk jv jvk jv jb jgbk jbk j jfvk jv jk
jbk j
Page 1
My Thesis Title
Jg ghd dh dg dg df dgkjfgj
gfjhf gh v hv dv d v hvh
Page 2
My Thesis Title
Page 2
Figure 1 Seasonal Variation in Temperature
My Thesis Title
Note how the caption is linked to the chart – the caption paragraph has the Keep with
next option turned on, which ensures the two paragraphs move together even when
there is plenty of room for the caption on the previous page.
Captions can also be used to generate a Table of Equations or Table of Tables. These
alternative choices are built into Word, but you can also create your own caption
labels – to generate, for example, a Table of Maps or Table of Photographs. If you
haven’t used captions for your figures, tables, etc then you’ll have to type the lists in
2.2 Adding References
This next paragraph is being used to test out the EndNote software (Coventry 1989)
which compiles a reference library (Driscoll 1998). It can be used to add references to
a document and it generates a list of references at the end of the text (Coventry 1989).
As you add further references, the list grows; as you delete them they are automatically removed from the list. Each reference is included only once in the final list.
EndNote will generate a reference list at the end of each thesis chapter. To combine
these separate lists into a single reference list for the whole thesis, the recommended
method is to employ a Master Document. Most users don’t know about this facility in
Word and instead copy and paste individual chapters into a single huge file. The
problem with this method is that the larger the file, the more potential there is for
Word to crash and corrupt your work. You’ll be learning about Master Documents on
today’s course.
Page 4
My Thesis Title
Coventry (1989). P.E. and I.T. Coventry teachers report on the use of information
technology in the physical education curriculum. Coventry, City of Coventry
Education Department.
Driscoll, M. (1998). Web-based training using technology to design adult learning
experiences. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
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