Ironing Out Jesse`s Problem

Certificate of Initial Mastery Task Booklet
2011-2012 School Year
Students’ Task Guide
Ironing Out Jesse’s Problem
On-Demand Task 4.1.02
Section 3. The Standards and Grade Span Expectations Assessed by this Task
RIDE Applied Learning
RIDE Applied Learning
Critical thinking, in which the student detects incompleteness, inconsistency, and opportunities for expansion of
ideas, products, procedures, etc. and formulates core questions and assertions about topics or areas of interest.
Problem solving, in which the student organizes and conducts a process to create intellectual or physical
products, hold an event, conduct a process, or otherwise move towards the solution of an identified issue or
Communication, in which the student questions, informs, and learns from others.
Science GSEs
LS1 (9-11) – 2a, 2b and 2c - Understanding of the molecular basis for heredity
LS3 (9-11) -7 – understanding of Natural Selection/evolution by investigating how the sorting and
recombination of genes in sexual reproduction results in a great variety of possible gene combinations
in the offspring of any two parents.
Common Core: Math - Statistics and Probability: S-MD7. (+) Analyze decisions and strategies using
probability concepts (e.g., product testing, medical testing, pulling a hockey goalie at the end of a game)
Academic Expectations
2.2PS Collecting, interpreting, organizing, analyzing and utilizing data to arrive at effective solutions
relevant to the real world
Applied Learning Standard – Problem Solving
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
Section 5. Task Criteria
This list of criteria describes what your students need to do in order to meet standard on this task. You should explain
each expectation in the Meets Standard column. Be sure all your students understand what each expectation means
before you give your class this task. In order to meet standard on this task, a students cannot get a “zero” on any
expectation in this task.
When you discuss these criteria with your class, ask them to use the right hand column to take notes, write down hints
to themselves, record points that seem important to them or things that they don’t want to forget.
Meets Standard
Determine the experimental or
theoretical probability of an event in
a problem-solving situation and
express the result as a fraction,
decimal, or percent.
Student correctly determines the
answer and expresses it in a
fraction, decimal, or percent.
Student correctly determines the
answer and expresses it in a
fraction, decimal, or percent but
bases it on incorrect evidence.
Question 1a (DOK 2)
Explain how the sorting and
recombination of genes in sexual
reproduction results in a great
variety of possible gene
combinations in the offspring of any
two parents. (e.g. manipulate
models to represent and predict
genotypes and phenotypes, Punnett
Squares, probability activities).
Student correctly relates genetic
inheritance and probability to
Mendel’s Law of Segregation.
Minor errors do not detract from
Written description demonstrates
a connection to the Punnett
Square work. LS3 (9-11)-7b
LS3 (9-11)-7b
Question 1b (DOK 3)
Determine how genetic information
in DNA molecules provides
instructions for assembling protein
molecules. Understand that the
code used is virtually the same for
all life forms.
LS1 (9-11)-2a, 2b and 2 c
Question 2a (DOK 3)
Question 2b (DOK 3)
Question 3b (DOK 3)
Student determines the amino
acid sequences for both
segments allowing for 1-2
Student accurately describes
transcription and translation in
the cell in writing and/or labeled
diagrams. Minor errors do not
detract from meaning.
LS1 (9-11)-2a and c
Student Notes:
Section 5. Task Criteria
Explain how DNA may be
altered and how this affects
LS1 (9-11)-2b
Meets Standard
Student correctly identifies the
specific difference between the
normal segment and the diseasecausing segment of the amino
acid sequences.
Describes an accurate
mechanism by which the genetic
change could have occurred.
Minor errors do not detract from
Question 3a (DOK 3)
Explain how DNA may be
altered and how this affects
LS1 (9-11)-2b
Student explains the impact of
amino acid sequence changes on
the function of proteins. Minor
errors do not detract from
LS1 (9-11)-2b
Question 3b (DOK 3)
Demonstrates an understanding of
the molecular basis for heredity by
explaining how DNA may be
altered and how this effect
LS1 (9-11)-2b
A.E. 2.2
AL Problem Solving
Question 4 (DOK 3)
LS1 (9-11)-2b
Student correctly describes and
cites examples for the
occurrence of the Hemoglobin
LS1 (9-11)-2b
A.E. 2.2
AL Problem Solving
Student Notes:
Section 6.
Background Information
Jesse has been diagnosed with hereditary Hemoglobin disorder, a genetic
disease caused by a mutated gene that results in a serious medical condition.
This condition causes his body to absorb too much iron in the pancreas, liver
and skin. Without treatment, the iron deposits can damage these organs.
His parents do not have the Hemoglobin disorder and do not understand
anything about the disease or its causes. They are considering having another
child and are concerned that their next child could also have the Hemoglobin
As a genetic counselor you have access to diagrams of the normal gene, the
mutated Hemoglobin gene sequence, and the genetic code chart so that you
can show and explain to Jesse’s parents exactly how Jesse got the inherited
disease and the probability of it occurring in future offspring.
Task Prompt
As a genetic counselor, you will use the data from your research (punnet
squares, amino acid sequencing, Mendel’s Law of Segregation, transcription,
translation, mutations, hemoglobin protein) to explain to Jesse’s parents how
he got the hemoglobin disease. You will also use the data to discuss the
probability of their future children inheriting the same disorder. (You will do
so by answering questions 1-4)
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
1a. Given the information in the prompt, determine the probability that Jesse’s parents will have another
child with Hemoglobin disorder. Using a Punnett Square.
Punnet Square:
Probability (report your answer as a fraction, decimal or percent):
1b. Using the information from problem 1a and what you know about Jesse and his parents, explain
how Jesse inherited the Hemoglobin disorder in terms of Mendel’s Law of Segregation. Diagrams
may be used to enhance your answer.
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
2a. List the corresponding amino acid sequences that result from each of the small segments of DNA
within the Hemoglobin gene shown below (NOTE: one side of the DNA double helix is shown). A
genetic code table has been provided in the prompt.
Normal DNA sequence
T C T - A T A - T G C -A C G- G T C - C A C- C T C
Amino Acid Sequence:
Jesse’s DNA sequence
T C T - A T A- T G C -A T G- G T C- C A C- C T C
Amino Acid Sequence:
2b. Describe how the transcription AND translation of Jesse’s sequence would occur in the cell. You
may include labeled diagrams in your answer.
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
3a. Identify and indicate the specific mutation between the normal sequence and Jesse’s sequence of
amino acids. Explain how the mutation might have occurred in the DNA. (Refer to Question 2a)
3b. Explain why changing Jesse’s amino acid sequence affected the function of Jesse’s hemoglobin
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
4. Mutations occur naturally 1% of the time. As a genetic counselor you have analyzed all of the data
relating to Jessie’s hemoglobin disorder. It is your job to consult with his parents regarding your
findings. Include in your report the probability of their future children being affected by the disorder. Be
sure to explain the effect on the amino acid sequence, and the function of that protein.
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee
Section 7. Task Rubric: Ironing Out Jesse’s Problem
Scorer 1
This rubric explains the elements of the prompt and standards that should be included in the work. To achieve a successful score on this task, a student must MEET or
EXCEED standard on any expectation with an asterisk. In order to meet standard on this task, a students cannot get a “zero” on any expectation in this task.
Exceeds standard
Meets standard
Determine the experimental or theoretical
probability of an event in a problem-solving
situation and express the result as a fraction,
decimal, or percent. S-MD7
Question 1a (DOK 2)
Student correctly determines the probability
and expresses it in a fraction, decimal, or
All evidence is accurately shown.
Student correctly determines the answer and
expresses it in a fraction, decimal, or percent.
Student correctly determines the answer and
expresses it in a fraction, decimal, or percent
but bases it on incorrect evidence. S-MD7
Explain how the sorting and recombination
of genes in sexual reproduction results in a
great variety of possible gene combinations
in the offspring of any two parents. (e.g.
manipulate models to represent and predict
genotypes and phenotypes, Punnett Squares,
probability activities). LS3 (9-11)-7b
Question 1b (DOK 3)
Student thoroughly relates genetic
inheritance and probability to Mendel’s
Law of Segregation.
Detailed written or diagrammed
descriptions of Mendel’s Law and
demonstrate a clear connection to the
Punnett Square work.
Appropriate vocabulary is used.
Student correctly relates genetic inheritance
and probability to Mendel’s Law of
Segregation. Minor errors do not detract
from meaning.
Written description demonstrates a
connection to the Punnett Square work. LS3
Student relates genetic inheritance
and probability to Mendel’s Law of
Student does not relate the
description to the Punnett square.
Student does not relate
connections between genetic
inheritance and probability to
Mendel’s Law of Segregation.
Major misconceptions are
apparent in the explanation.
Determine how genetic information in DNA
molecules provides instructions for
assembling protein molecules. Understand
that the code used is virtually the same for
all life forms.LS1 (9-11)-2a and c
Question 2a (DOK 1)
Question 2b (DOK 2)
Student determines the correct amino acid
sequences for both segments of DNA.
Student thoroughly describes transcription
and translation in the cell in writing and/ or
thoroughly labeled diagrams. Appropriate
vocabulary is used.
Student determines the amino acid sequences
for both segments allowing for 1-2 mistakes.
Student accurately describes transcription
and translation in the cell in writing and/or
labeled diagrams. Minor errors do not
detract from meaning. LS1 (9-11)-2a and c
Student determines the amino acid
sequences for both segments of
DNA allowing for 3-4 mistakes
Student accurately describes
transcription and/or translation in
writing and/or labeled diagrams.
Minor errors do not detract from
Student is unable to determine the
correct amino acid sequences.
The student incorrectly describes
the processes by which amino
acids are determined.
Explain how DNA may be altered and how
this affects genes/heredity.
LS1 (9-11)-2b
Question 3a (DOK 3)
Question 3b (DOK 3)
Student correctly identifies the specific
difference between the normal segment and
the disease-causing segment of amino acid
Describes an accurate mechanism by which
the genetic change could have occurred
using appropriate vocabulary to thoroughly
describe the mechanism
AND how it affects the function of the
Student correctly describes and correctly
analyzes the relationship between the
change in amino acid sequence which
results in a new protein. Student also
describes the probability of any future
children inheriting the disease. Student
uses proper vocabulary terms.
Student correctly identifies the specific
difference between the normal segment and
the disease-causing segment of the amino
acid sequences.
Describes an accurate mechanism by which
the genetic change could have occurred.
Minor errors do not detract from meaning.
And how it affects the function of the
protein. LS1 (9-11)-2b
Student identifies a difference
between the normal and the
disease-causing segment of the
amino acid sequences.
Describes a cause of the change
that does not necessarily include a
mechanism by which the change
AND incorrectly describes how it
affects the function of the protein.
Student identifies the relationship
between the change in amino acid
sequence but fails to understand the
Student incorrectly identifies a
difference between the normal
and disease-causing segment of
amino acid sequences.
No description of a cause or
mechanism for the change is
AND incorrectly describes how it
affects the function of the protein.
Demonstrates and understanding of the
molecular basis for heredity by explaining
how DNA may be altered and how this
effect genes/heredity.
LS1 (9-11)-2b
A.E. 2.2
AL Problem Solving
Question 4 (DOK 3)
Student correctly describes and correctly
analyses the relationship between the change
in amino acid sequence which results in a
new protein. Student also describes the
probability of any future children inheriting
the disease. Minor errors do not detract from
meaning. LS1 (9-11)-2b, A.E. 2.2
AL Problem Solving
Nearly meets
Student determines an incorrect
answer, but the answer correctly
corresponds to the evidence
provided by the student.
Below standard
Student shows little to no
knowledge of how to determine
genetic probability.
Student attempts to describe the
connection between amino acid
sequence and protein function.
Comments _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Score ______________ Scorer’s Initials ______________
Altered by Warwick Science Proficiency Committee