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Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2008
Annotated Item 1
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Life Science
B. Describe the characteristics of an organism in terms of a combination of
inherited traits and recognize reproduction as a characteristic of living organisms
essential to the continuation of the species.
Multiple Choice Question:
Use the following pictures to answer question #.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 08
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2008
Annotated Item 1
The reproductive success of an organism depends in part on the ability of the organism to
How does the physical appearance of these organisms help them survive?
Their physical appearance helps them find a habitat.
Their physical appearance helps them resist parasites.
Their physical appearance helps them avoid predators.
Their physical appearance helps them defend a territory.
This multiple choice question asks students to communicate how variations in structure,
behavior or physiology increase the chances of survival in a particular environment. Students
are provided with three different examples of camouflaged organisms and then asked to explain
how their physical appearances help the organisms to survive. In this question, students need to
understand that camouflaged appearance allows an organism to hide from predators. Students
should recall that in nature, there is strong evolutionary pressure for animals to blend into their
environment or conceal their shape so that prey animals can avoid predators and so that
predators are able to sneak up on prey. Answer choice C is correct, because the three
organisms pictured blend in with their surrounding by appearing similar to structures in their
habitat. Answer choice A is incorrect, an organism's appearance may be specialized to make
the organism appear larger or more dominant which can result in that organism gaining better
habitat than another organism of its same species, camouflage is not typically associated with
this type of intraspecific competition. Being camouflaged helps organisms evade detection by
predators. Answer choice B is incorrect, a relationship between coloration and parasite load has
been observed in some brightly colored birds, camouflage is not related to parasite resistance in
these organisms. Answer choice D is incorrect, an organism's appearance may be specialized
to make the organism appear larger or more dominant which can result in that organism gaining
better habitat than another organism of its same species, camouflage is not typically associated
with this type of intraspecific competition. Being camouflaged helps organisms evade detection
by predators.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 08
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2008
Annotated Item 1
This item is Communicating Understanding/Analyzing Science Information, because given rich
scientific data students are required to communicate understanding of science concepts and
relationships (e.g., structure and function).
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students selecting answer choice B for question 1 on the May 2008
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science was 89%.
Keywords: interdependence of life, structure and function, camouflage
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 08