E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 1 CURRICULUM VITAE E. RUSSELL RITENOUR, Ph.D. Business Address: Medical University of South Carolina Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences 96 Jonathan Lucas St., MSC 323 Charleston, SC 29425-3230 Bus. Phone Num.: E-mail Address: 843/792-4033 ritenoue@musc.edu ACADEMIC and HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS: 2014 – present Medical University of South Carolina Professor and Chief Medical Physicist 1989 - 2014 University of Minnesota -- Medical School Department of Radiology Director: Center for Interdisciplinary Medical Imaging Research Professor Director: Physics Section Associate Professor 2008 - 2014 1999 - 2014 1989 - 2014 1989 - 1999 1989 University of Minnesota -- Graduate School present Graduate Program in Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics 1993 - 2014 Director of Graduate Studies 1989 - present Member: Graduate School Faculty 2007 - 2014 Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center, Maple Grove, Minnesota Radiation Safety Officer 2004 - 2013 Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Medical Physicist 2005 - 2013 Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Medical Physicist and Radiation Safety Officer 1980 - 1989 University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Radiology: Assistant Professor Instructor Postdoctoral Fellow 1984-1989 1982-1984 1980-1982 1986 - 1989 AMC Cancer Research Center, Denver Colorado MRI Physicist 1982 - 1986 Mountain View Hospital, Denver Colorado Radiation Safety Officer E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 2 OTHER PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: 2007 - 2012 American College of Radiology/MRI Accreditation Program Image Reviewer 1995 - 1999 Advanced Medical Education Lecturer on Vascular Physics and General Ultrasound Physics 1990 - 1991 Compton's Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Britannica Contributor and Consultant 1985 - 1989 U. S. Army Consultant, Physics Training. for Radiology. Residents: Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, Denver Colorado 1987 - 1990 Educational Systems Testing Corporation / Jostens Learning Corporation Member: Science Advisory Board EDUCATION: 1971-1973 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia Fall 1973Spring 1975 B.A. Physics University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Fall 1975Spring 1981 Ph.D., Physics University of Virginia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Charlottesville, Virginia POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING: NIH Research Fellowship in Medical Physics 1980-1982 University of Colorado Health Sciences Center CERTIFICATION: 1986 Certified by the American Board of Radiology in: Therapeutic Radiological Physics Diagnostic Radiological Physics RESEARCH INTERESTS: Diagnostic Imaging Ultrasound Dosimetry Bioeffects of Ionizing and NonIonizing Radiation Distance Learning Systems for Medical Education Picture Archiving and Communications Systems E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 3 Medical Telecommunication VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS: 9/16/2004-9/30/2004 Tianjin University Tianjin, China 3/26/2004-3/29/2004 United States Naval Hospital San Diego, California 3/24/2003-3/26/2003 United States Naval Hospital San Diego, California 1/1/1999-6/30/1999 American Board of Radiology (sabbatical) Tucson, Arizona 7/10/1998 Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5/1/1995-5/3/1995 Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota 9/9/1994 University of Virginia Department of Radiology Charlottesville, Virginia 12/7/1989 Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota AWARDS and HONORS: 1972-73 1979 Highest Academic Average in the General Physics Program, Madison College (now James Madison University). President's and Visitors' Prize for the best research paper in the natural sciences at the University of Virginia: PNAS 74:pp.1983-87, May 1977. 1980-1982 National Research Service Award NIH, 2 Year Fellowship. 1993 Terrance Matzuk Memorial Award presented at the annual meeting of The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine: for innovative research in the development of ultrasonic instrumentation and technology - for the development of heat conduction calorimetry for measurement of ultrasonic power and energy. March 17, 1993. 1996 Distinguished Commission Service Award, American College of Radiology, September 16, 1996. 2001 Fellow American Association of Physicists in Medicine 2003 Fellow American College of Radiology 2015 Keynote Speaker: International Conference on Advancements of Medical Electronics (ICAME 2015), Kalyani India, 29th - 30th, January 2015 E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 4 MAJOR COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: 1986- present American Board of Radiology Written Examination Committee for Radiologist's Certification 1991 – 1999 Chair 1986 – 1991 Member Oral Examination for Physicist's Certification 1991 – present Examiner 1/1/1999-6/30/1999 Sabbatical for Special Projects in Electronic Testing Diagnostic Written Exam Committee for Physicists 2007 – present Chair 1999 – 2007 Member 2007 - present 2008 – present American Institute of Physics Advisory Committee on Physics Education 2007 – present Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging 1997 - 2003 Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Educational Programs Chair, Committee on Continuing Education 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences Grant Reviewer 1995 - 2000 World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Chair, Scientific Program Executive Committee 1988 National Institutes of Health Review Committee, National Cooperative Drug Discovery Group 1993 National Cancer Institute Ad Hoc Technical Review Group 1995 - 1996 and 2006 U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command Radiological Sciences Peer Review Panel 1994 Department of Energy Reviewer, Small Business Innovation Research Program 1989 - present 2000 - 2014 Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota Medical School Chair: Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair: External Review Committee 2000 Chair: Personal Computing Policy Undergraduate Medical Education Committee Quality Assurance Committee Liaison Committee on Medical Education Clinical Research Program Graduate Education Section Chiefs Resident Education 1997 University of Minnesota Medical School Information Technology and Education Committee E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 5 1997 1997 2004-2006 2007 – 2014 2008 - 2014 1990-1992 2007 - 2014 1993 - 2014 1997 Education Work Group Liaison Committee for Medical Education Self-Study Human Use Subcommittee Member Chair Promotion and Tenure Committee University of Minnesota Campus Wide Imaging Technology Policy Working Group All University Radiation Protection Advisory Committee Chair: Human Use Subcommittee University of Minnesota Graduate School Policy and Review Council Chair: Semester Conversion Committee B/Physical Sciences P & R 1995-1996 Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program United States Army Medical Research and Material Command Scientific Peer Review Panel 1996 University Hospital Faculty Practice Organization Task Force on Medical Information Systems 1997 1986-89 Fairview Healthcare System Focus Group on Picture Archiving and Communications Systems University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Radioactive Drug Research Committee Graduate Education Committee Radiology, Residency Selection Committee PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: 2008 - 2010 2007 - 2012 2007 2006 2005 20031985 - 1992 1991 - 1998 1992 - 1998 1993 - 1998 1998 - 2000 1993 - 1997 1992 - 1998 1992 - 1998 1995 - 1996 American Association of Physicists in Medicine Liaison to the American Institute of Physics, Advisory Committee on Physics Education Liaison to the Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging Chairman of the Board President President-elect Board of Directors Committee on Education and Training of Radiologists Program Committee Education Council Task Group #1, Multimedia Educational Materials Publication Continuing Education by Remote Means Subcommittee Continuing Education Committee, RSNA Ed. Coord. Subcomm. Chair, Committee on Education & Training of Medical Physicists Chair, Secondary Education and Teaching Subcommittee President, North Central Chapter 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences Grant Reviewer 1985 - 1986 1986 Health Physics Society President, Central Rocky Mountain Chapter Session Chairman and Scientific Program Committee for Midyear Symposium of the National Health Physics Society E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 6 1990 - 1995 Medical Physics Section Steering Committee 1987- 1996 2000-2005 2000-2008 2007-2012 American College of Radiology Committee on Communications and Public Information Chair, Education Committee, of Commission, on Medical Physics Councilor-at-Large MRI Accreditation Image Reviewer 1991 - 1995 1992 - 1995 2005-2008 2007-2012 Radiological Society of North America Program Committee Chair, Subcommittee on Physics American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Radiologist Assistant Committee Board of Directors Research and Education Fund Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 2009 – 2012 Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs Board Member at Large 2014 - present 2014 – present American Roentgen Ray Society Editorial Manager for Medical Physics and Informatics EDITORIAL BOARD ASSIGNMENTS: 2014 - present 2014 - present American Journal of Roentgenology Editorial Board Section Editor Medical Physics and Informatics 1997 - 2013 1997 - 2013 Radiographics Editorial Board Chair, Scientific Exhibit Review Panel 1998 International Organization of Medical Physics Editorial Board, Global On-line Medical Physics Reviewer: Medical Physics Radiology Investigative Radiology Radiographics Health Physics Academic Radiology MAJOR ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES: 2008 2014 Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Medical Imaging Research University of Minnesota Department of Radiology, Physics Section 1993 2014 Director, Graduate Studies University of Minnesota Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics Graduate School Program E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 7 1989 2014 Director, Physics Section University of Minnesota Academic Health Center Department of Radiology 1985 - 1989 Director, Graduate Medical Physics Program University of Colorado School of Medicine TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Graduate Students Physics of Diagnostic Radiology, Bphy 5174; 3 cr., Fall qtr. Taught Course 1989 – 1998 Medical and Health Physics of Imaging II, BPHY 5174; 3 cr., Spring Semester Co-taught course 1999 - present Physics of Nuclear Medicine, Bphy 5171; 3 cr., Winter qtr. Course Director, taught 1/3 of course 1990 – 1999 Medical and Health Physics of Imaging I, BPHY 5171; 3 cr., Fall Semester Course Director, Co-taught course 1998 - present Physics of Radiation Therapy, Bphy 5173; 3 cr., Fall qtr. 3 - 1 hr. lectures 1990 – 1998 Medical and Health Physics of Radiation Theraphy, BPHY 5173, Spring Semester 1 -1 hr. lecture 1999 - present Biophysical Sciences Seminar, Bphy 5138; Fall, Winter, Spring Course Director for weekly seminar series, 1990 - 1999 Research Seminar, BPHY 5138, Fall Semester, 1998 to present Seminar and Journal Club, BPHY 5139; Spring Semester Weekly journal club and seminar, 1999 to present Biomedical Engineering Internship, BME 8002, Summer Directed Summer Internships in MRI for Biomedical Engineering Master's Degree students 1990, 1993 Biomedical Instrumentation, EE 5560, Fall, Summer Directed Student Projects in Doppler Ultrasound 1992 - present Directed Study, BPhy 8222, Spring, Summer Individual study in X-ray measurement 1990 - 1999 Directed Study in Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics, BPHY 8293, Fall, Spring Semester, 1998 – present Directed Research in Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics, BPHY 8294, Fall, Spring Semester, 1998 - present E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 8 Medical Students MUSC IP 701, Transforming Health Care for the Future, Required for first year med and nursing students, 2015 Radiology Elective #5101; medical students Lecture 1.5 hr - twice per month 1989 - present Radiology Residents MUSC Rad. Residents – six hours/month plus course director Physics and Radiobiology; 2 hr./wk, Oct.'90 - April '91, 1 hr./wk, May 1991 - present Introduction to Radiation Physics and Safety; 5 hr./wk.. July, 1990 - present ABR Exam Review; 2 hr./wk., Aug. - Sept., 1990 – 2004 ABR Exam Review: Physics for Radiology Residents; 1 hr./wk., April - Sept. 2005 - present Cardiology Residents and Fellows Three Lectures -- Radiation Safety, Anatomy of X-ray Equipment, Digital Imaging Techniques; Sept.-Oct., 1992 – present Physics of Nuclear Medicine; Sept. 2008 - May 2009 - present Radiologic Technology Students Physics of Radiology, Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, 2004 - present Radiobiology and Radiation Safety, Veterans Affairs’ Medical Center, 2004 - present Radiobiology and Radiation Safety, Fairview Health Systems, 2005 - present Radiologic Technologists, Nurses, Laboratory Personnel Radiation Safety Inservices (1-2 hr.): 1989 - present Delivered separately to personnel at Hennepin County Medical Center Fairview-University Medical Center Minnesota Medical Foundation Physics Teachers, National Workshop Educational Programs and Career Opportunities in Medical Physics Annual meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers: 1990 Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Educator’s Day Program: 1991 - 98 Graduate Student Advising - Biophysical Sciences and Medical Physics Advisor - 13 Ph.D. Students, 17 Masters Students, 2 Post-Doctoral Fellows Committee Member - 10 PhD Students, 9 Masters Students Oral Exam Committees, other programs Kariniemi, Robert C., Masters in Electrical Engineering, Degree Completed, January 1991 Mihailidis, Dimitris, Ph.D., Dept. of Physics, Degree Completed, August 1994 Sen, Anindya, Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. Completion, July 1996 Ross, Gregory, Dept. of Oral Sciences, School of Dentistry, Ph.D. degree candidate Wu, Xiaoping, Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D., September 2006 E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 9 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS: Scimed - November 1990 - February 1991 -, with Dr. Bruce Hasselquist, Feasibility study for exposure of vascular structures to radiation. $2000. Emtek, Inc. - February 1991 - Present - Development of an image transmission system for the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Access to Emtek proprietary database system provided by Emtek, Computer Image Processing equipment valued at $50,000 Dental School, UMHC (w/Dr Ralph DeLong) - February 1991 - September 1991 - Feasibility of use of image processing techniques to quantitate bone recession in panorex dental films. Graduate student salary support and workstation usage fees: $7680 Radiological Society of North America Seed Grant - April 1991 - April 1993 - Aminoglycoside Nephrotoxicity: Sonographic Characterization. PI: P.A.Walter, DVM , E.R. Ritenour is listed as investigator, funding for animal costs:$9500. Image, PSL - May 1992 - May 1993 - Evaluation of image quality of a system for medical image transmission and archive, graduate student salary support: $9000. Mine Safety and Health Administration - November 1992 - February 1993 - Use of image processing to detect evidence of tampering with air filter samples. Graduate student support and workstation usage fees: $28,380 US West - November 1992 - December 1994 - Construction and Evaluation of a High-definition Distance Learning System using 155 Mbps Asynchronous Mode Technology. This system has been used to teach radiology residents at Hennepin County Medical Center and the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center from the University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinics location. US West provided three full-time equivalent employees for technical support with equipment valued at $2,500,000. Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship - January 19, 1993 - October 19, 1994 - Energy Deposition and Temperature Increase During magnetic Resonance Imaging. $10,955 University of Minnesota Radiology Research Fund: Small Grants Program for Research - January 20, 1994 - September 1, 1995 - Development of a Heat Conduction Calorimeter for Practical Measurement of Ultrasound Power. $5,625 Fairview Health System - 1989 - present (formerly with University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinics), Contract for radiologic physics support under the direct supervision of Dr. Ritenour. - Current yearly salary support for physicists in the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Radiology:$307,204 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis MN - 1989 - present, Contract for radiologic physics support under the direct supervision of Dr. Ritenour - Current yearly salary support for physicists in the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Radiology:$248,502 Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis MN - 1989 - present, contract for radiologic physics support under the direct supervision of Dr. Ritenour - current yearly salary support for physicists in the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Radiology: $89,860 National Library of Medicine - 9/29/98 - 6/30/99 - Distributed Evolutionary Medical Education Environment - This project plans uses of a high-speed backbone communications system for medical education of undergraduate, graduates, and continuing education. Emphasis will be on delivery of real-time data, images, laboratory results, conferencing, and library resources. Co-PI's: Dr. Lael Gatewood and Dean Gregory Vercelotti, Dr. Ritenour is an investigator with $2,432 Salary support. Technology Partnership Fund, Minnesota Technology Inc. - 6/22/98 - 1/31/99 - EOS Universal Workstation - Co-PI’s E. Russell Ritenour, PhD (radiology), Joseph Konstan, PhD (computer science). An existing E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 10 high-resolution medical imaging workstation is to be converted to Windows OS and the proprietary graphics controller board is to be replaced with an open-system device. The performance of the workstation will then be compared to other image-viewing devices in a formal observer performance study involving consultants from the Biostatistics Department of the School of Public Health. - $55,000. American Board of Radiology - 1/1/99 - 6/30/99 - Computer Based Testing System - Dr. Ritenour will lead a project to convert the certification exam that is currently administered to radiology residents at regional centers on specific dates in a A paper booklet and machine graded@ format to a computer based exam that will be available on demand at all residency training sites. The format will be expanded to include images, sound, and interactive simulations. The ABR is funding 50% of Dr. Ritenour’s salary for a six month period, furnishing all computer hardware and is paying travel expenses for approximately six trips to ABR headquarters in Tucson, AZ and to work with a computer consulting firm based in Lexington, KY. $50,000. SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS at REGIONAL, NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS: 1. Ritenour ER, Cacak RK, Hendee WR: Electron scattering under curved surfaces. Oral presentation, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Session H, Paper #2. Abstract appeared in Medical Physics 8(4):563-564, 1981. 2. Nelson TN, Ritenour ER, Rossi RP: Evaluation of "in the field" DR system performance. Presented at The Radiological Society of North America, 70th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, paper #869, Washington, D.C., November 1984. 3. Ritenour ER: Site planning, patient and personnel protection in magnetic resonance imaging installation. Presented at the Annual Technical Meeting of the Central Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Health Physics Society, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, April 30, 1985. 4. Ritenour ER, Alamoudi OA, Rao NAHK, Manco-Johnson ML: Measurement of dwell time and calculation of absorbed energy for specific fetal organs during normal obstetrical ultrasound exams. Presented at the Fifth Meeting of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology/American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, October, 1988. 5. Ritenour ER, Ekpere E: Calibration and use of a phantom for evaluation of commercially available Doppler systems. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 23-27, 1989. 6. Ritenour ER: RF heating in MRI at high field strengths. Presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, La Crosse, WI, April 10, 1992. 7. Ritenour ER, Lau M, Hammer BE, Garwood M, Merkle H: SAR in high duty cycle adiabatic pulsing schemes for MR at 4 Tesla. Presented at the Society For Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 10th Annual Meeting, New York, N.Y., April 25-29, 1992. 8. Ritenour ER, Conroy MJ, Lovrien RE: Heat conduction calorimetry for ultrasound acoustic power measurement. Presented at the 37th Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 15, 1993. 9. Ritenour ER, Goldberg ME, Walling WR: Design of a digital teleconferencing system for remote teaching of radiology residents. Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, Boston, Massachusetts, May 4-8, 1994. 10. Ritenour ER, Experience with a High Resolution Remote Teaching System for Radiology Residents, Presented at the Radiological Society of North America, Info-Rad Theater, Chicago, Illinois, Nov.29, 1994. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 11 11. Ritenour ER: The physics of screen-film radiography. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, November 30, 1995. 12. Ritenour ER, Anderson CA: MR angiography vs. CT angiography, Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, November 30, 1995. 13. Ritenour, ER, Ong HS: Dual chamber Heat conduction Calorimetry for Measurement of Ultrasonic Power in the Diagnostic Range, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, September 15, 1997. 14. Ritenour, ER: Physical basis of Magnetic Resonance, presented at the Annual Meeting of the North Central Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 5, 2000. 15. Magnetic Resonance Safety Issues at High Field Strength, International Conference on Advancements of Medical Electronics (ICAME 2015),Kalyani India, 29th - 30th, January 2015 SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITS: 1. Ritenour ER, Thickman D, Spitzer VM: 3D scanning of extremities: Preliminary results. Poster/Scientific Exhibit. World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Joint Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 17-21, 1988. 2. Carlson JE, Hedlund LJ, Ritenour ER, Halvorsen RA: Scientific Exhibit. Safe Power Injection of Contrast Media Through Portacaths During Computerized Tomographic Examinations. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, November 25 - 30, 1990. 3. Ritenour ER, Goldberg ME, Walling WR: Evaluation of an ATM System for Remote Teaching of Radiology Residents. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, November 28 - December 3, 1993. 4. Pesun IJ, Nemeth BR, Rehm K, Ritenour ER, Rudney JD: Evaluation of Bone Resorption Under Maxillary Complete Dentures Opposing Implant Retained Mandibular Prosthesis, International Association for Dental Research, Orlando, Florida, March 22, 1997. 5. Ritenour ER: A High Definition Distance Learning System for Radiology Residents. Educom’97, Minneapolis, MN, October 28-31, 1997. INVITED PRESENTATIONS: 1. Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, Presented to: American Pharmaceutical Association Nuclear Pharmacy Group, Las Vegas, April 1982. 2. Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, Presented to: Colorado Public Health Association, June, 1981. 3. Health Effects of Low Level Radiation. Presented to: Southwestern Chapter of the Colorado Society of Radiologic Technologists, October, 1982. 4. Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, Presented to: Staffs of various hospitals in the Colorado Region, 1981-82. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 12 5. Joint Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of the American Nuclear Society and the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Health Physics Society, Invited Speaker, Topic: Providing Information to Health Care Professionals on the Health Effects of Low Level Radiation 6. Third Annual Life Sciences Convocation, Metropolitan Denver Chapter of the March of Dimes. Risk vs. Benefits of Ionizing Radiation, Denver, Colorado, March 13, 1984. 7. University of Colorado at Denver, Spring Lecture Series: Mathematical Applications in the Natural and Physical Sciences. Computer Applications and Medical Image Processing, Ritenour ER, Nelson T., April 30, 1984. 8. American Nuclear Society, Colorado Section. Medical Applications of Radioactive Materials, January 17, 1985. 9. Winter Regional Workshop, Colorado Dental Hygienists Association. Dental Radiation Safety, January 12, 1985. 10. Medsource Teleconference Network: Biological Effects of Radiation, July 28, 1987 MRI: Bioeffects and Site Planning, August 2 and 16, 1988 Cable and Satellite link to medical centers throughout the U.S. 11. Winter Institute of Medical Physics, Dillon, CO: Computer Based Instruction on the Microcomputer, February 12, 1986. Non-Ionizing Radiation: Bioeffects, Feb. 9, 1988. Radiologist's Opinion of Physics Instruction: Results of a Nationwide Survey, Feb. 11, 1989. Teaching Techniques: Programmed Instruction, Feb. 12, 1990. High-Definition Distance Learning, February 13, 1994 12. AIUM Registry Review, Denver, CO Physics Review 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 13. Educational Symposium on Radon, Sponsored Jointly By the American Medical Association and the Colorado Radiological Society, Denver, CO: What is Radon and Where Does It Come From?: March 4, 1989. 14. Regional Meeting on Radon Sponsored by the American Medical Association and the Minnesota Radiological Society, Minneapolis, MN: Radon : Its Discovery and Examination, June 2, 1990. 15. Ritenour ER: Endorectal Ultrasonography A Hands-on Experience: Continuing Medical Education Sponsored by the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical School, University of Minnesota, September 23, 1992. 16. Ritenour ER, Holm J: Personal Computers and Workstations in Integrated Systems, Presented at the Summer School of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, August 1-6, 1993. 17. Ritenour ER: Remote Teaching of Radiology Residents: High Speed High Definition Distance Learning on E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 13 an Information Superhighway - Visiting Professor Lecture, University of Virginia Department of Radiology, Charlottesville, VA, September 9, 1994. 18. Ritenour ER: Imaging with X-Rays Since 1895 - Bakken Museum of Medical Devices, Minneapolis, MN, June 23, 1996. 19. Ritenour ER: Image Networking at the University of Minnesota Hospital - Spring Seminar Series, University of Wisconsin, Department of Medical Physics, February 26, 1996. 20. Ritenour ER: Remote Teaching Systems for Radiology Residents, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 7, 1998. 21. Ritenour, ER: Medical Imaging Technologies: A Systems Overview, Technical Workshops 2000, Motorola Corp., Tempe, AZ, January 24, 2000. 22. Ritenour, ER: The AAPM: Past and Present Challenges, Philadelphia Chapter of the AAPM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22, 2005. Ritenour, ER: The AAPM: Past and Present Challenges, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, New York, September 23, 2005. 23. 24. Ritenour, ER- Basic Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, World Congress on Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Seoul, Korea, August 29, 2006. 25. Ritenour, ER: Basic Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Chinese Medical Physicists Association, Honzhou, China, September 5, 2006. 26. Ritenour, ER: A Survey of Physics Instruction in Radiology Residencies, Association of University Radiologists. 27. Ritenour, ER: Cardiac MRI on Patients with Pacemakers: It Can Be Done, Association of University Radiologists, Denver, Colorado, April 26, 2007 to April 29, 2007. 28. Ritenour, ER: Duties of a Board Member, AAPM New Board Member Orientation, College Park, Maryland, October 10, 2007 to October 13, 2007. 29. Ritenour, ER: The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging: The Image Gently Campaign, Rocky Mountain Chapter of the AAPM, Boulder, Colorado, April 26, 2008. 30. Ritenour, ER: The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging: The Image Gently Campaign, Missouri River Valley Chapter of the AAPM, Des Moines, Iowa, October 4, 2008. 31. Ritenour ER: How Physicists Learn to Become Medical Physicists, Workshop on Physics Teaching, Houston, Texas, July 31, 2008 to August 3, 2008. 32. Ritenour ER: The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging: The Image Gently Campaign, Robert J. Wissink Memorial Lecture, North Central Chapter Health Physics Society, Hamlin University, St. Paul, Minnesota, September 26, 2008. 33. Ritenour ER: The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging: The Image Gently Campaign, North Central Chapter of the AAPM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 24, 2008. 34. Ritenour ER: Best Practices in Pediatric Dose Reduction, Minnesota Radiological Society, St. Paul, MN, E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 14 November 1, 2008. 35. Magnetic Resonance Safety Issues at High Field Strength: International Conference on Advancements of Medical Electronics (ICAME 2015), Kalyani India, 29th - 30th, January 2015 PUBLICATIONS: 1. Looney WB, Trefil JS, Hopkins HA, Kovacks CJ, Ritenour ER, Schaffner JG: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: Therapeutic strategy for sequential chemotherapy with radiotherapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 74:1983-1987, May, 1977. 2. Looney WB, Hopkins HA, MacLeon MS, Ritenour ER: Combined chemotherapy-radiotherapy: Variation of time interval between time of administration of 5-fluorouracil and radiation and its effect on the control of tumor growth. Cancer 44:437-445, 1979. 3. Looney WB, Hopkins HA, MacLeod MS, Ritenour ER: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: XIV: Evaluation of host and tumor response to cyclophosphamide and radiation. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 5:1461-1466, 1979. 4. Rowley R, Backarach M, Hopkins HA, MacLeod MS, Ritenour ER, Moore JV, Looney WB: Adriamycin and X-radiation effects upon an experimental solid tumor resistant to therapy. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 5:1291-1295, 1979. 5. Moore JV, Rowley R, Hopkins HA, Ritenour ER, Looney WB: Cyclo-phosphamide (CTX) as an adjuvant to X-rays in treatment of a radio-resistant solid tumor of the rat, hepatoma H-4-II-E. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 5:1471-1474, 1979. 6. Hopkins HA, Ritenour ER, MacLeod MS, Looney WB: The effect of varying the time between radiation and cyclophosphamide on growth response of hepatoma 392A. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 5:1455-1459, 1979. 7. Looney WB, Hopkins HA, Grover WH, MacLeod MS, Ritenour ER, Hobson AS: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: XIII: Comparison of response and recovery of host and solid tumor to cyclophosphamide and radiation. Cancer 45:2793-2804, June 1980. 8. Looney WB, Ritenour ER, Hopkins HA: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: XVIII: Changes in growth rates of an experimental solid tumor following increasing doses of cyclophosphamide. Cancer Research 40:2179-2183, July 1980. 9. Rowley R, Hopkins HA, Betsill WL Jr, Ritenour ER, Looney WB: Response and recovery kinetics of a solid tumor after irradiation. Brit Jour of Cancer 42(4):586-595, Oct. 1980. 10. Looney WB, Ritenour ER, Hopkins HA: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: XVI: Sequential combined modality (cyclophosphamide-radiation therapy. Cancer 47:860869, March 1981. 11. Looney WB, Ritenour ER, Hopkins HA: Solid tumor models for the assessment of different treatment modalities: XIX: Tumor cure rates and tumor control following sequential administration of radiation and cyclo-phosphamide. Amer J Clin Oncol V:209-220, 1982. 12. Looney WB, Ritenour ER, Hopkins HA: Changes in growth rates of clinical and experimental solid tumors following radiotherapy and chemotherapy. A preliminary report. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ASTR meeting. Abstract appeared in Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys VI:1346-1347, October 1980. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 15 13. Looney WB, Ritenour ER, Hopkins HA: The effect of combined modality (cyclophosphamide-radiation) therapy on tumor cure rates: Control of tumor growth and increased life expectancy. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ASTR meeting. Abstract appeared in Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys IV:1399, October 1980. 14. Ritenour ER, Cacak RK, Hendee WR: Ionization produced by electron beams beneath curved surfaces. Medical Physics 10:669-671, Sept./Oct. 1983. 15. Ritenour ER, Nelson TR, Raff U: Applications of the median filter to digital radiographic image enhancement. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol 2, paper 23.1.1, 1984. 16. Nelson TR, Ritenour ER, Davis K, Pretorius DH: Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: The basic physical and clinical concepts: Part I. Radiologic Technology, 56(6):410-415, 1985. 17. Nelson TR, Ritenour ER, Davis K, Pretorius DH: Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: The basic physical and clinical concepts: Part II. Radiologic Technology, 57(1):26-30, 1985. 18. Nelson TR, Ritenour ER, Davis K, Pretorius DH: Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: the basic physical and clinical concepts: Part III. Radiologic Technology, 57(2):142-150, 1985. 19. Nelson TR, Ritenour ER, Rossi RP: Evaluation of "In-the-Field" digital radiographic system performance. J Radiol Eng, 3(3):3-7, 1985. 20. Nelson TR, McFaul JA, Ritenour ER, Rossi RP: Considerations in the design of a test object for assessing the performance of digital radiographic systems. J Radiol Eng, 3(2):3-8, 1985. 21. Ramalanjaona GR, Pearce WH, Ritenour ER: Radiation exposure risk to the surgeon during operative angiography. J Vasc Surg, December, 1985. 22. Ritenour ER: Health effects of low level radiation: Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis, and Mutagenesis, Seminars in Nucl Med, 16(2):106-117, April, 1986. 23. Ritenour ER, Sahu SN, Rossi RP, Nelson TR: Quantitative methods for hard copy device adjustment. Proceedings of SPIE Medicine/Pattern Recognition, Newport Beach, 1987. 24. Ritenour ER, Plott CM, Ahrens CR: Exposure of the thyroid and lens of the eye from scatter during mammography. Proceedings of the 20th Midyear Symposium of the Health Physics Society, Reno, Nevada, February, 1987. 25. Rao N, Ritenour ER, Hendrick RE: Frequency modulated pulse for ultrasonic imaging. Proceedings of SPIE, 914:67-74, Medical Imaging II, 1988. 26. Ritenour ER, Hendee WR: Screening mammography: A risk vs. risk decision. Invest Radiol 24:17-19, January, 1989. 27. Dixon RL, Edwards ML, Ritenour ER, Morin RL.: Radiological physics instruction for diagnostic radiologists: Results of an Opinion Survey by the AAPM Committee on Training of Radiologists American Journal of Roentgenology, 152:393-397, February, 1989. 28. Ritenour ER, Braaton M, Harrison GH, Ueno A, Gadd M, Manco-Johnson M, Parker R, Shih S, Waldren CA: Absence of mutagenic effects of continuous and pulsed ultrasound in cultured (A L) human-hamster hybrid cells. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 17(9):921-930, 1991. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 16 29. Rossi RP, Ritenour ER, Christodoulou E: Broad beam transmission properties of some common shielding materials for use in diagnostic radiology. Health Physics, 61(5):601-608, 1991. 30. Dopke KP, Morin RL, Chu W, Gerbi BG, Gould, RG, Hefner LV, Marsden DS, Pavlicek W, Ritenour ER, Schoenfeld AH: A survey of radiation oncologists regarding their radiation physics instruction. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 25(2):345-53, January, 1993. 31. Geise RA, Hobbie RK, Ritenour ER: Some factors affecting cavitational erosion of metal foils used for monitoring lithotripter performance. The Journal of Stone Disease, 5(4):199-207, 1993. 32. Holte JE, Rehm K, Sen A, Ritenour ER, Holm J: MTF evaluation of a medical film archival system using optical disk storage. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology 9th NIP Congress, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, October 4-8, 1993. 33. Goldberg, ME, Ritenour ER: A teleconferencing system. American Medical Informatics Association 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1993. 34. Engeler C, Tashjian JH, Engeler CM, Geise RA, Holm JC, Ritenour ER: Volumetric high-resolution CT in the diagnosis of interstitial Lung disease and bronchiectasis: Diagnostic accuracy and radiation dose. Am Journ Roent, 163:31-35, 1994. 35. Sen A, Ramsay, G, Ritenour ER, Holte JE: Evaluation of image quality in an analog optical disk archival system. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology 46th Annual Conference, pp. 292-295, 1993. 36. Goldberg ME, Ritenour ER: A teleconferencing system. Proceedings - 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Medical Informatics Association, pp. 803-807, 1994. 37. Wagner LK, Bronskill MJ, Chen GTY, Chenevert TL, Gardner E, Geise R, Madsen M, Ritenour ER, Schueler B, Seibert JA: RSNA '93 Meeting Notes - Medical physics. Radiology, 190:3:945-951, 1994. 38. Schnepf J, Du DHC, Ritenour ER, Fahrmann AJ: Building future medical education environments over ATM networks, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 38:2:54-69, 1995. 39. Engeler CE, Ritenour ER, Amplatz K: Axial and lateral resolution of rotational intravascular ultrasound: In vitro observations and diagnostic implications, CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 18:239242, 1995. 40. Fajardo LC, Geise RA, Ritenour ER: A survey of films for use as dosimeters in interventional radiology, Health Physics, 68(4):595-599,1995. 41. Ritenour ER: Physics overview of screen-film radiography, Radiographics, 16(4):903-916,1996. 42. Rivers BJ, Walter PA, Letourneau JG, Finlay DE, Ritenour ER, King VL, O’Brien TD, Polzin DJ: Estimation of arcuate artery resistive index as a diagnostic tool for aminoglycoside-induces acute renal failure in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 57(11):1536-44, November, 1996. 43. Rivers BJ, Walter PA, Letourneau JG, Finlay DE, Ritenour ER, King VL, O’Brien TD, Polzin DJ: Duplex Doppler estimation of resistive index in arcuate arteries of sedated, normal female dogs: implications for use in the diagnosis of renal failure. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. 33(1): 69-76, January 1997. 44. Rivers BJ, Walter PA, Holm JC, Letourneau JG, Finlay DE, Ritenour ER, King VL, O’Brien TD, Polzin DJ: Gray-scale sonographic characterization of aminboglycoside-induced nephrotoxicosis in a canine model. Investigative Radiology. 31(10):639-51, October 1996. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 17 45. Schueler BA, Parrish TB, Lin J-C, Hammer BE, Pangrle BJ, Ritenour ER, Kucharczyk J, Truwit C: MRI compatibility and visibility assessment of implantable medical devices. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 9:596-603, 1999. 46. O’Dea TJ, Geise RA, Ritenour ER: The potential for radiation-induced skin damage in interventional neuroradiological procedures: a review of 522 cases using automated dosimetry. Medical Physics. 26(9):2027-3033, September 1999. 47. Ritenour ER, Maidment ADA, Hendee WR: Lossy compression should not be used in certain imaging applications such as chest radiography. Medical Physics. 26(9):1773-1775, September 1999. 48. Fetterly KA, Hangiandreou NJ, Schueler BA, Ritenour ER: Measurement of the presampled twodimensional modulation transfer function of digital imaging systems. Medical Physics. 29(5):913-21, May 2002. 49. Zhang J, Weir V, Fajardo L, Lin J, Hsiung H, Ritenour ER: Dosimetric characterization of a cone-beam O-arm imaging system. J Xray Sci Technol. 17(4):305-17, 2009. 50. Strauss KJ, Butler PF, Goske MJ, Ritenour ER: Image gently: reducing radiation dose in pediatric computed tomography through collaboration. Med Phys. 36(12):5719-20, Dec 2009 51. Lee J, Holte J, Ritenour ER: A real-time data acquisition and control of gradient coil noise for fMRI identification of hearing disorder in children with history of ear infection. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 3(1):28-42, February 2013. 52. Cheng EY, Nararje S, Ritenour ER: Radiation dosimetry of intraoperative Cone-Beam compared with conventional CT for radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 96(9):735-742, May 2014. BOOKS and MONOGRAPHS: 1. Ritenour ER, Hendee WR: Computer Applications in Diagnostic Radiology, Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, Published Audiovisual Series for Radiologic Education, 310 slides, 3 hrs. audio cassettes, 120p. Instructor's Manual and Workbook, 1983. 2. Ritenour ER, Hendee WR: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Physical Principles and Clinical Use, MultiMedia Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, Published Audiovisual Series for Radiologic Education, 200 slides, 3 hrs. audio cassettes, 120p Instructor's Manual and Workbook, 1984. 3. Statkiewicz MA, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection for Student Radiographers, Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 277p., 1984. 4. Ritenour ER, Hendee WR, Bontrager KL: Radiation Physics Series, Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, Published Audiovisual Series for Radiologic Education, 600 slides, 7 hours audio cassettes, 350p. Instructor's Manual and Workbook, 1984. 5. Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection and Biology, Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, Published Audiovisual Series for Radiologic Education, 450 Slides, 6 hours audio cassettes, 200p. Instructor's Manual and Workbook, 1985. 6. Edwards C, Statkiewicz MA, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection for Dental Radiographers, Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 288p., 1984. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 18 7. Hendee WR, Ritenour ER: Medical Imaging Physics, 3rd ed, Mosby Yearbook, St. Louis, 1992. 8. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Ritenour ER, Visconti PJ: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, Mosby Yearbook, St. Louis, 1993. 9. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Visconti PJ, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 3rd ed., Mosby, St. Louis, 1998. 10. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Visconti PJ, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 4th ed, Mosby Yearbook, St. Louis, 2002. 11. Hendee WR, Ritenour ER: Medical Imaging Physics, 4th ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002. 12. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Visconti PJ, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 5th ed, Mosby Yearbook, St. Louis, 2006. 13. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Visconti PJ, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 6th ed, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2010. 14. Statkiewicz-Sherer MA, Visconti PJ, Ritenour ER: Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 7th ed, , 2013. BOOK CHAPTERS: 1. Ritenour ER: An overview of the hazards of low level exposure to radiation. In: Health Effects of Low Level Radiation. Hendee WR (ed.), Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, CT, 1983. 2. Ritenour ER: Sources of low level radiation exposure to the public. In: Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, Hendee, W.R. (ed.), Appleton-Century-Crofts, E. Norwalk, CT, 1983. 3. Ritenour ER: History of radiation protection agencies and standards. In: Health Effects of Low Level Radiation, Hendee, W.R. (ed.), Appleton-Century-Crofts, E. Norwalk, CT, 1983. 4. Ritenour ER: Magnetic resonance imaging: In: Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, Bontrager KL and Anthony BT, C.V. Mosby Publishing, Inc., St. Louis, 2nd Ed., 1982. 5. Anthony B, Martensen K, Ritenour ER: General anatomy, terminology, imaging principles, radiation protection and positioning principles. In: Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, Bontrager KL, C.V. Mosby Publishing, St. Louis, 3rd Ed., 1993. 6. Radke J, Ritenour ER: Magnetic resonance imaging. In: Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, Bontrager KL, C.V. Mosby Publishing, St. Louis, 3rd Ed., 1993. 7. Hendee WR, Hendrick RE, Ritenour ER: Magnetic resonance. In: Textbook of Diagnostic Imaging, Putman CE, Ravin CE, eds., WB Saunders, Philadelphia, (in press). 8. Ritenour ER, Holm J: Personal Computers and Workstations in Integrated Systems. In: Digital Imaging, Hendee WR, Trueblood JH (ed.), American Association of Physicists in Medicine, AAPM Monograph No. 22, Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, WI, 1993. 9. Ritenour ER, Geise RA: Radiation Sources: Medicine. In: Health Effects of Exposure to Low-Level Ionizing Radiation, Hendee WR, Edwards FM (eds.), Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 1996. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 19 10. Science Education Project Committee (incl. Ritenour ER):In: Radiation Science: Uses in Medical Imaging and Therapy, Carson PL (ed.), Radiology Centennial Incorporated Science Education Project, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA, 1996 Module B, Principles of Medical Radiation and Imaging 1. How X-rays are Produced 2. Detecting X-rays and Gamma Rays Module E, Medical Imaging without X-rays and Gamma Rays 1. Imaging with Echoes Module G, Appendix, Supplementary Video 1. Radiation Doses and Nomenclature 11. Ritenour ER, Hobbie RK: Imaging with Nonionizing Radiation. Chapter 10, Volume 1 In: Biomedical Uses of Radiation, Hendee WR (ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, (in press) ABSTRACTS: 1. Ritenour ER, Cacak RK, Hendee WR: Electron scattering under curved surfaces. Oral presentation, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Session H, Paper #2. Abstract appeared in Medical Physics 8(4):563-564, 1981. 2. Harnish BD, Cacak RK, Ritenour ER, Hendee WR: Electron dosimetry calculations beneath curved surfaces. Oral presentation, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Session H, Paper #3, New Orleans, LA, 1982. 3. Raff U, Nelson TR, Ritenour ER: Improvement of SPECT imaging for myocardial perfusion studies using a median filter preprocessing technique. Presented at The Society of Nuclear Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, June 5-8, 1984. 4. Nelson TN, Ritenour ER, Rossi RP: Evaluation of "in the field" DR system performance. Presented at The Radiological Society of North America, 70th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, paper #869, Washington, D.C., November 1984. 5. Ritenour ER: Site planning, patient and personnel protection in magnetic resonance imaging installation. Presented at the Annual Technical Meeting of the Central Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Health Physics Society, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, April 30, 1985. 6. Lii MF, Ibbott GS, Ritenour ER: Variations in film dosimetry introduced by film orientation. 73rd Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, 1987. 7. Shih S, Rao N, Ritenour ER, Waldren C: Bioeffects of ultrasonic waves on somatic hybrid mammalian cells. Presented at the Aspen MD/PhD Conference, Frontiers of Neuroscience, July, 1987. 8. Shih S, Hung L, Ritenour ER, Hendrick RE: A microscopic theory for the generation of transient radical species in liquids by ultrasound waves. Radiology, 165, pp241, 1987. 9. Hendrick RE, Ritenour ER, Geise R, Thickman D, Freeman K: Normal lumbar spine bone mineral densities with single-energy CT. Radiology 169, pp195, 1988. 10. Ritenour ER, Alamoudi OA, Rao NAHK, Manco-Johnson ML: Measurement of dwell time and calculation of absorbed energy for specific fetal organs during normal obstetrical ultrasound exams. Presented at the Fifth Meeting of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology/American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, October, 1988. E. Russell Ritenour, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae - Page 20 11. Ritenour ER, Thickman D, Spitzer VM: 3D scanning of extremities: Preliminary results. Poster/Scientific Exhibit. World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Joint Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 17-21, 1988. 12. Ritenour ER, Ekpere E: Calibration and use of a phantom for evaluation of commercially available Doppler systems. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 23-27, 1989. 13. Ritenour ER, Lau M, Hammer BE, Garwood M, Merkle H: SAR in high duty cycle adiabatic pulsing schemes for MR at 4 Tesla. Presented at the Society For Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 10th Annual Meeting, New York, N.Y., April 25-29, 1992. 14. Geise RA, Moore MJ, Latchaw, RE, Ritenour ER, Rufenacht DA: Dose reduction in neurological embolization procedures. Presented at the 78th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Radiology, 185(P)Sup:330, November, 1992. 15. Geise RA, Peters NE, Dunnigan A, Franz SC, Ritenour ER: Radiation dosimetry during radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures. Presented at the 65th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16-19, 1992. 16. Ritenour ER, Conroy MJ, Lovrien RE: Heat conduction calorimetry for ultrasound acoustic power measurement. Presented at the 37th Annual Convention of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 15, 1993. 17. Ritenour ER, Ong HS: Dual chamber heat conduction calorimetry for measurement of ultrasonic power in the diagnostic range, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 35, supplement Part 1, p400, Abstract D88-PSI1.04, 1997. 18. O’Dea TJ, Geise RA, Ritenour ER: Estimation of patient skin dose from fluoroscopy time and number of angiographic frames during embolizations and cerebral angiograms, CD-ROM Proceedings of the World Contress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Abstract + 4 pp, July 23-28, 2000. 19. Weir V, Zhang J and Ritenour ER: Effect of multiple dopants on the quantum efficiency of LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) and BaFX (X=Br, Ci,I) storage phosphors. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, USA, Feb 17-22, 2007. Proc. SPIE Vol. 6510, 65103Z. 20. Weir V, Zhang J, Fajardo L, Hsiung H, Ritenour ER: Dosimetric characteristics of a cone beam O-arm system, AAPM 50th Annual meeting, Houston, TX, July 27-31, 2008. 21. Zhang J, Weir V, Hsiung H, Ritenour ER: Image quality of a cone beam O-arm imaging system, submitted to SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, FL, Feb 7-12, 2009. 22. Cheng EY, Nararje S, Ritenour ER: Radiation dosimetry of intraoperative O’arm® versus CT for radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteomas, 2014 AAOS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 1115, 2014.