CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY GENERIC CITY COUNCIL NOTE: DECC needs to amend green shaded text before the Generic Brief is finalised and put out to tender (see bottom of this page and Section 5.1) CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR: GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY IN TWO (2) PARTS: PART A: OBJECTIVES, REQUIRED SERVICES, DELIVERABLES and RELEVANT INFORMATION PART B: LODGEMENT of PROPOSALS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT and CONDITIONS of ENGAGEMENT NOTE: This Brief is based on DECC's Generic Flood Study Brief. Text shaded “grey” is “standard” text that was last amended on 11 September, 2007 and is current at **INSERT DATE BRIEF GOES TO TENDER**. February 16 Note: Council should amend this document (text shaded “turquoise” or “yellow”) as appropriate to their requirements and/or to included local information. Text in “grey” shaded sections is password protected and cannot be readily changed. If Council wishes to change protected text it should contact the Department of Environment and Climate Change’s (DECC) representative to discuss the reasons for requiring the change. CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY TABLE of CONTENTS PART A: OBJECTIVES, REQUIRED SERVICES, DELIVERABLES & RELEVANT INFORMATION A1. INTRODUCTION A2. BACKGROUND AND STUDY AREA A3. OBJECTIVES A4. DELIVERABLES A4.1 General A4.2 Key Project Stages A4.3 Progress Reports A4.4 Draft and Final Reports A4.5 Survey Data A4.6 Hydrological, Hydraulic and Flood Damage Modelling and Results A4.7 Geographic Information System (GIS) Files A4.8 Format of Deliverables A5. AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND REFERENCES A6. SCOPE OF WORK A6.1 Collect, Compile and Review of Available Information A6.2 Consultation A6.3 Topographical Survey A6.4 Acquisition of Additional Data A6.5 Hydrology A6.6 Hydraulic Modelling A6.7 Model Calibration and Validation A6.8 Modelling of Design Events for Existing Conditions A6.9 Model Parameter Sensitivity and Checks with Alternative Methods A6.10 Hydraulic and Provisional Hazard Categorisation A6.11 Flood Damage Assessment A6.12 Hand-over of the Study Materials A7. MEETINGS 16 A8. HOLD POINTS FIGURE A1 – LOCALITY PLAN FIGURE A2 – STUDY AREA FIGURE A3 – TYPICAL FILE STRUCTURE PART B - LODGEMENT OF PROPOSALS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT B1. CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT B2. CONDITIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL B2.1 Council Contact Officer B2.2 Completion of Proposal B2.3 Lodgement of Proposal B2.4 Alternative Proposals B2.5 Assessment/Acceptance of Proposals B2.6 Acceptable Legal Entities B2.7 Outline Plan B3. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS B3.1 Consultant Management of the Study B3.2 Expert Witness B3.3 Variations B3.4 The Study Budget B3.5 Standards B3.6 Consultant Performance B3.7 Study Duration B3.8 Suspension of Flood Study B4. COUNCIL’S AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE ATTACHMENT A FEE PROPOSAL FORM (MANDATORY) ATTACHMENT B HOURLY RATES FOR STUDY TEAM (MANDATORY) ATTACHMENT C COST SCHEDULE (MANDATORY) ATTACHMENT D CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT D:\106735821.doc Page i 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY PART A: OBJECTIVES, REQUIRED SERVICES, DELIVERABLES & RELEVANT INFORMATION A1. INTRODUCTION The primary objective of the New South Wales Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy is to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on individual owners and occupiers of flood prone property, and to reduce private and public losses resulting from floods, utilising ecologically positive methods wherever possible. Through the Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) the Department of Planning (DoP) and the State Emergency Service (SES), the NSW Government provides specialist technical assistance to local government on all flooding and land use planning matters. The Floodplain Development Manual (NSW Government, 2005) is provided to assist councils to meet their obligations through the preparation of floodplain risk management plans. The following Figure 2.1 from the Manual documents the process for plan preparation, implementation and review. Floodplain Risk Management Committee Established by the local council, must include community groups and state agency specialists Section 2.2 Appendix D Data Collection Flood Study Section 2.3 Appendix E Compilation of existing data and collection of additional data. Usually undertaken by consultants appointed by council. Section 2.4 Appendix F Defines the nature and extent of the flood problem, in technical rather than map form. Usually undertaken by consultants appointed by council. Floodplain Risk Management Study Section 2.5 Appendix G Determines options in consideration of social, ecological and economic factors relating to flood risk. Usually undertaken by consultants appointed by council. Floodplain Risk Management Plan Sections 2.6 and 2.7 Appendix H Preferred options publicly exhibited and subject to revision in light of responses. Formally approved by council after public exhibition and any necessary revisions due to public comments. Plan Implementation Sections 2.8 and 2.9 Appendix I Implementation of flood, response and property modification measures (including mitigation works, planning controls, flood warnings, flood readiness and response plans, environmental rehabilitation, ongoing data collection and monitoring) by council. Generic City Council is responsible for local land use planning in the Generic Creek catchment including that land on the floodplain of the drainage system. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 2 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Through its Floodplain Risk Management Committee the Council proposes to prepare a comprehensive floodplain risk management plan for the study area in accordance with the NSW Government’s “Floodplain Development Manual: the management of flood liable land”, April 2005 (The Manual). This brief relates to the flood study phase of the process. A2. BACKGROUND and STUDY AREA Geurie (population approx %%%%) is located approximately 400 km north west of Sydney, between Wellington and Dubbo in the Central West of NSW (Figure 1) The town has a history of both mainstream and overland flooding and there is a need to define the extent of flooding and to determine appropriate development controls and risk management plans. Three drainage systems called the Boori, Geurie and Limestone Creeks all converge at the village of Geurie. They all form in farmland areas on higher uphill slopes to the north and east of Geurie then flow through the village before joining into the Macquarie River (Figure 2) The combined catchment area is approximately 60 km 2. Geurie has been a traditional farming community with local flood knowledge guiding sensible development patterns and restricting development on the flood liable parts of the village. Unfortunately though, in recent years, the number of people with this generational knowledge base is decreasing. This loss coupled with more development pressure due to the recent State Government announcement to build a Correctional Services facility at Wellington and the proximity of Geurie to Dubbo means that the likelihood of inappropriate development in flood liable areas is increased. Wellington Council is reviewing the Geurie Development Control Plan and it is proposed to integrate the results of this Flood Study into that plan to reduce flood risk. The village has experienced several flood events with Geurie and Limestone Creeks causing flooding of the lower lying areas around Tom Culkin oval in the 1950’s. Around this time a series of contour banks were constructed on the lower slopes of Geurie Bald Hill to divert floodwater away from the village; the effect of these structures needs to be considered when assessing the full range of flood events in this study. In recent years some houses in the village have experienced flooding due to overland flows from catchment areas outside the village boundary. The areas affected are indicated on There is opportunity to mitigate the effect of flood events as the village expands into the Rural Residential Zone 1(c) areas to the west; the subsequent Floodplain Risk Management Study would explore such options. The study area and the area for which detailed, reliable information on flooding is required is shown on Figure 2. Also shown on Figure 2 are the watercourses to be specifically modelled and the areas for which there is some anecdotal indication of flooding problems due to local overland flow. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 3 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY A3. OBJECTIVES The primary objective of the study is to define the flood behaviour under historical and existing conditions in the Study Area (Figure A2). Subject to budget constraints it is also desired to quantify the flood damages that would occur under current floodplain conditions. The study will produce information on flood levels, velocities, flows, hydraulic categories, provisional hazard categories and flood damages for under historical and existing conditions a full range of design flood events under existing catchment and floodplain conditions. To achieve this objective the consultant is expected to collect, compile and review all available relevant data (including survey, aerial photography and satellite imagery The design events of interest shall include the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event or another specified extreme flood event (see Section A6.8), the 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 10% AEP and 5 year ARI events. Only mainstream flooding/Local Overland Flow flooding/tidal combination.)- AMEND AS APPROPRIATE – is to be investigated. inundation (or any It is expected that hydrologic and hydraulic modelling will be required to satisfy the study objectives (see also Sections A6.5 and A6.6). The models and results produced in this study are intended to also form the basis for a subsequent floodplain risk management study where detailed assessment of flood mitigation options and floodplain risk management measures will be undertaken. Therefore the models established in the flood study must be suitable for use to assess a range of management options in the floodplain risk management study. A3.1 Specific Objectives for the Study Area Are there any specific objectives/issues for the study area that need to be investigated (locations where flooding is a particular problem, obstructions within the waterway/floodway or on the floodplain etc – Refer to Section A3.1 of “Guidelines For The Preparation Of A Consultant Brief For A Flood Study”)?. Provide details and if appropriate, indicate location on Figure A2. Any emergency management issues such as information on when evacuation/access roads get cut? If there are no specific objectives for the study area enter “Nil”. A4. DELIVERABLES A4.1 General The deliverables specified in Section A4 are to be provided as a minium from this study. Handover of these deliverables is specified in Section A6.12. A4.2 Key Project Stages A4.2.1 General Requirements Key project stages for reporting and the making of progress payments shall be: Stage 1. D:\106735821.doc[ Completion of Data Collection and Assessment and Community Consultation Report Page 4 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Stage 2. Completion of Model Calibration and Validation Report Stage 3. Completion of Modelling and Flood Damages Assessment Stage 4. Draft Flood Study Report Stage 5. Final Flood Study Report Stage 6. Completion of Contract All reports including all diagrams, figures and inserts, are to be provided in hardcopy form plus an electronic copy compatible with the word processing software outlined in Section A4.8. Electronic model output files for all design runs and scenarios are also to be provided as waterRIDETM files or raw results suitable for translation into waterRIDETM - see DECC's Guideline “Model Reporting & Supporting Information (including Model Files) for Review” for requirements. A4.2.2 Specific Requirements Additional key project stages are to be added where required to Section A4.2.1 above. If there are no additional key project stages enter “NIL”. A4.3 Progress Reports A4.3.1 General Requirements Upon acceptance of their proposal, the Consultant shall provide a final draft of the program and timetable of major tasks for completion of the study, together with estimated monthly expenditure. The program shall be in a form suitable for updating to show the status of the technical work, timing and expenditure during the course of the study. The Consultant shall submit brief monthly progress reports to the Council outlining progress on the technical work, together with an updated program showing the status of project completion, timing and budget. Any issues that may affect the timely and efficient completion of the study shall be identified in the progress reports. More detailed progress reports are required at Stages 1 to 3 as indicated in Section A4.2. Sufficient information shall be provided to enable the Council to review the progress of the study. The progress reports may include draft versions of the relevant sections of the final report, where appropriate. Where progress reports relate to the study stages identified in Section A4.2.1 above and are to be discussed at a meeting of the Committee or Council, the reports are to be submitted no later than 7 days (5 working days) prior the date of the relevant meeting. Whenever possible, progress and draft reports are to be submitted electronically in the word processor format outlined in Section A4.8. A4.3.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements for progress reports and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A4.3.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 5 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY A4.4 Draft and Final Reports A4.4.1 General Requirements On completion of the study, the Consultant shall present a final report. The final report shall not be printed without written direction from Council. Whilst the format is not rigid, the report shall incorporate the methodology and findings of the study in sufficient detail to support the validity of the conclusions. The report shall include the following as a minimum: i. Flood profiles (A3 size minimum) for the number of design events specified in Section A4.4.2. ii. Tabulated flood levels, velocities and flow distributions for all design events. iii. Maps (A3 size minimum) showing hydraulic categories for the number of design events specified in Section A4.4.2. iv. Maps (A3 size minimum) showing the provisional hazard categories for the number of design events specified in Section A4.4.2. v. Electronic model output files for all design runs and scenarios as waterRIDETM files or raw results suitable for translation into waterRIDETM vi. The number of properties flooded over floor in each design event, flood damage details and Average Annual Damages The draft report shall be provided in hard copy form plus one electronic copy on CD (in the word processor format outlined in Section A4.8) to assist in the review process. The number of hard copies to be provided is specified in Section A4.4.2. After review of the draft report by the Council, the Consultant shall undertake any additional work necessary to achieve the final draft for approval by the Council (Refer to Part B – Attachment A – Fee Proposal Form). The final report will be required in hard copy form, plus an electronic version (PDF formats). The electronic versions are to be provided on CD/DVD(s) to be placed in a suitable wallet to be inserted in copies of the final report. The number of hard copy final reports to be provided with CD/DVD(s) in a wallet is specified in Section A4.4.2. The wallet is also to include CD/DVD(s) containing the information specified in Section A6.12. Printing of the final report shall not proceed without the written direction of the Council. The cost of all work associated with preparing the approved final report shall be included in the Consultant’s fee estimate. A4.4.2 Specific Requirements Required number of hard copy draft reports – Three (3) Required number of hard copy final reports – Fifteen (15) NOTE: The Conditions for Financial Assistance that accompanied the Minister’s letter of offer specify that 7 copies (plus one electronic version) are to be provided to DECC. Number of hard copy final reports to be provided with electronic versions (PDF format) on CD/DVD(s) in a suitable wallet - Three (3) Both draft and final reports are to include: D:\106735821.doc[ Page 6 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Flood profiles for “X” number of design events (see Section A4.4.1, i above). The selection of the design events for this purpose is to be approved by Council. Hydraulic category maps for “Y” number of design events (see Section A4.4.1, iii above). The selection of the design events for this purpose is to be approved by Council. Provisional hazard category maps for “Z” number of design events (see Section A4.4.1, iv above). The selection of the design events for this purpose is to be approved by Council. No other specific requirements or list any other specific issues or requirements for draft and final reports and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A4.4.1. Delete as required. A4.5 Survey Data Survey data including any DTM model is to be provided in a form compatible with the survey package indicated in Section A4.8 and arranged in a file structure similar to that shown in Figure A3. In addition the cross-sectional data points or topographical terrain x, y, z coordinates in the case of 2D models and structure geometry should be provided in ASCII format. A4.6 Hydrological, Hydraulic and Flood Damage Modelling and Results In addition to the deliverables required to be included in the reports (see Section A4.4) the following deliverables are also required, preferably as an appendix or similar: Model data files and accompanying specifications, including flood damage data files, arranged in a file structure similar to that shown in Figure A3. Model data including; adopted design inflows, recorded flood levels, flowpaths, major floodways, development data and major infrastructures; Model run data, ie, the input files used to make up each model run, to enable recreation of results in future. Complete model results including; flood heights, flow distributions, velocities and flood storage variations and hydraulic and provisional hazard categories for all calibration, validation and design events. All raw flood damage data including the location, floor level, size, age and nature of all buildings likely to be affected by flooding. The flood damage model data for the current situation for all design runs as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. A4.7 Geographic Information System (GIS) Files A4.7.1 General Requirements A complete set of GIS files, arranged in a suitable file structure in a format compatible with Council’s systems as indicated in Section A4.8. Information requirements for the State Emergency Service and Bureau of Meteorology are to meet the requirements outlined in the relevant DECC Guideline (refer Section A5). A4.7.2 D:\106735821.doc[ Specific Requirements Page 7 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Any additional requirements for GIS data and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A4.7.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A4.8 Format of Deliverables The Relevant Software packages for deliverables are as follows: Survey Package: Civilcad GIS: Arcview Spreadsheet: Excel Word processor: MSWord A5. AVAILABLE INFORMATION and REFERENCES A5.1 General Reference Information Unless stated otherwise in Section A5.2 below the following relevant Data, Documents and DECC Guidelines are to be considered in this investigation: NSW Flood Prone Land Policy (Section 1.1 - Floodplain Development Manual, 2005) NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual – the management of flood liable land, April 2005. The Institution of Engineers, Australia 1987 and 1998, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, A Guide to Flood Estimation. Austroads "Waterway Design A Guide to the Hydraulic Design of Bridges, Culverts and Floodways", 1994) Bureau of Meteorology rainfall data River flow data from Department of Commerce’s Manly Hydraulics Laboratory River flow data from Department of Water and Energy Floodplain Risk Management Guidelines (DECC Guidelines): Floodway Definition Residential Flood Damages Ocean Boundary Conditions Information Requirements for SES Aerial Survey Methods Guideline Practical Consideration of Climate Change Model Reporting & Supporting Information (including Model Files) for Review – includes specifications for the provision of model files in a format compatible with waterRIDETM Others ???? A5.2. D:\106735821.doc[ Specific Relevant Information Page 8 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY List and give a brief précis of all currently available relevant data such as: Topographic survey Floor levels of existing properties Details of relevant hydraulic structures (details of bridges, culverts, dams etc) Connections between Australian Height Datum (AHD) and other datums that may have been used in the study area Historical flood information especially flood levels/marks Flood photography Any GIS information including cadastre Previous flood related studies/reports. Rainfall and stream flow information Reports of flood damage to infrastructure within the study area. Any other relevant information, studies that Council may be aware of etc A6. SCOPE OF WORK The Consultant shall provide all services required to satisfy the objectives of the flood study. The services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following major tasks, listed in Section A6.1 to A6.12 and the provision of the deliverables outlined in Section A4. Any additions or amendments considered necessary will be received and should be submitted as “additional” or “amended” works respectively and itemised and scheduled accordingly (see Part B, Section B2.4). The consultant needs to clearly indicate in the proposal if their offer for services will not provide any of the deliverables or meet the scope of works as outlined in this brief. A6.1 Collect, Compile and Review of Available Information A6.1.1 General Requirements All data listed in Section A5 shall be collected, compiled and reviewed and any additional data required to achieve the objectives of this Brief shall be identified. Where the need and availability for data additional to that listed in Section A5 could have reasonably been anticipated prior to the close of tenders the consultant shall obtain the data. The cost of obtaining this data is to be included in the proposal fee. A6.1.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.1.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.2 Consultation A6.2.1 General Requirements D:\106735821.doc[ Page 9 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY A6.2.1 (a) Community Consultation Council recognises the important role that community consultation will have in this study. Council’s goals for community consultation are to inform the community about the study, identify community concerns, to gather information from the community and to develop and maintain community confidence in the study results. Consultants need to demonstrate how they intend to meet these goals by providing a preliminary community consultation program. This program will be tabled for discussion at the inception meeting of the floodplain risk management committee. A6.2.1 (b) Other Consultation In addition to the local community and community groups consultation by consultants should include (but not limited to) the following key stakeholders and agencies: (i) Council’s Planners and Engineers (ii) Council’s floodplain risk management committee (FMC). (iii) Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC), (iv) State Water (v) State Emergency Services (SES), (vi) Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), (vii) Department of Water and Energy - stream flow data. (viii) Department of Commerce (Manly Hydraulics Laboratory) – stream flow data (ix) Roads and Traffic Authority (if appropriate) (x) State Rail Authority (if appropriate), (xi) Department of Lands (xii) Geographical Names Board ( ) Consultants will need to demonstrate how they intend to consult with these bodies and in particular the types of issues that will need to be addressed. A progress report is required at the end of Stage 1 (see Sections A4.2.1 and A4.3.1) addressing the outcomes from data collection and the consultation processes. A6.2.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.2.1? Local landowners? Specific community groups, progress and/or historical societies Others (please specify) If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.3 Topographical Survey A6.3.1 General Requirements A topographic survey of watercourses and the adjoining floodplain is required for the purposes of hydraulic modelling and hydraulic and hazard categorisation. Additional survey of structures such as bridges, culverts and road levels should also be taken if required. Watercourses to be specifically modelled are shown on Figure A2. In addition, survey may be required to estimate floor levels within the PMF extent as the basis for assessment of flood damages. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 10 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Proposals are to include a realistic estimate of the cost of the required survey that reflects a considered provisional hydraulic model configuration. The provisional hydraulic model configuration should be based on the information reasonably available to consultants at the time of tendering following reasonable enquiry. If alternative modelling approaches with different survey requirements are proposed for consideration, then realistic survey costs associated with each option must be provided. If flood damage assessment is to be included within the flood study, then a realistic estimate of the associated survey requirements and costs must also be provided. Following engagement and a detailed inspection of the study area, the successful consultant shall submit to the Council a survey brief outlining details of the survey required together with a firm fee to undertake this portion of work. Following receipt of written approval from Council, the Consultant shall arrange for the survey to be undertaken. The consultant shall be responsible for the engagement and supervision of the approved sub-consultant to complete the work. If approved by Council the successful consultant may carry out the survey component using in-house resources, however the consultant will have to demonstrate that its price for the work is competitive by participating in a competitive tendering process. Council will arrange for other quotations to be obtained, evaluate the quotations (including that of the study consultant) and engage the successful survey sub consultant. The flood study consultant will supervise the work of the successful sub-consultant. A6.3.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.3.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.4 Acquisition of Additional Data A6.4.1 General Requirements If, during the course of the study, it becomes necessary or desirable to acquire additional data, including survey, flood photography and satellite imagery, and it can be shown that the need or availability could not have been reasonably anticipated prior to the close of tenders, the Consultant may submit to Council a brief outlining details of the data required, together with a firm quotation for the cost and timing of the work. Following receipt of written approval by Council, the Consultant will undertake the additional data collection. Where additional survey is required the Consultant will use the services of the successful sub-consultant appointed to undertake the topographical survey component of the flood study, unless directed otherwise by Council. A6.4.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.4.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. . D:\106735821.doc[ Page 11 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY A6.5 Hydrology A6.5.1 Hydrologic Modelling A6.5.1(a) General Requirements The Consultant shall set up appropriate computer-based hydrologic model to suit the purposes of the study considering the potential use of the model in assessing management options. The Consultant shall nominate the choice of hydrologic modelling technique, the model to be used and a sound basis for doing so. The model shall have the capability to represent all features of the study area, which are likely to have a significant effect on flood behaviour. The extent of the model shall be sufficient to establish reliable boundary conditions for input to the hydraulic model covering the defined study area. A6.5.1(b) Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.5.1(a)? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.5.2 A6.5.2(a) Flood Frequency Analysis General Requirements Where a long and preferably continuous record of stream gauging is available in the catchment a flood frequency analysis is required. The flood frequency is to be carried out in accordance with procedures outlined in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff (1987) and the forthcoming Australian Rainfall and Runoff, At-Site Flood Frequency Analysis, Book 4, Chapter 2. The stream gauging data used for flood frequency analysis should be checked for consistency and accuracy. Issues to be considered include: Any relocation of the gauge though its recording history, Any change of gauge zero datum, Any change of gauge equipment, and Any change of channel cross-section at the control point. The rating curve and its accuracy especially in the upper range and extrapolation of the rating curve. Adjustments to the stream gauging data is only anticipated where a definite error can be proved. The results of the flood frequency analysis should be consistent with that of the hydrologic model (if one is set up) in keeping with the relevant sections of the current version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff. To this end the hydrologic model parameters should be adjusted to fit the flood frequency curve, if warranted not the frequency analysis adjusted to suit the model. A6.5.2(b) Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.5.2(a)? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 12 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY A6.6 Hydraulic Modelling A6.6.1 General Requirements The Consultant shall nominate the choice of hydraulic modelling technique, the model to be used and a sound basis for doing so. This decision should consider the potential use of the model in assessing mitigation options as part of a future management study. The proposal shall indicate if it is proposed to run the model(s) in steady state mode and the reasons for doing so. The concurrence of the Council shall be obtained in relation to the selection and design of the model. The Council reserves the right to select the technique deemed most appropriate and direct the Consultant accordingly. The extent of the floodplain modelled shall be sufficient to ensure the reliability of the model results in the area shown in Figure A2. The watercourses identified on Figure A2 are to be specifically modelled in the hydraulic model A6.6.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.6.2 (eg any already identified potential mitigation options that may need to be modelled in the subsequent Floodplain Risk Management Study)? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.7 Model Calibration and Validation A6.7.1 General Requirements The Consultant shall calibrate and validate the hydrologic and hydraulic models using available data from historical flood event(s). Where sufficient data is available at least 3 flood events, the selection of which is to be approved by Council, are to be used for calibration/validation. Model parameters for calibration events should reflect the relevant catchment and floodplain conditions at the time of these events. The differences between the current situation and that at the time of the selected events is to be clearly outlined. A clear outline of the modelling parameters used for each event is to be given. A6.7.2 Specific Requirements Calibration events should include: List historical events for which calibration data is available Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.5.1)? If there are no other specific requirements enter “No other specific requirements”. A6.8 Modelling of Design Events for Existing Conditions A6.8.1 General Requirements The design floods to be modelled are specified in Section A3. The use of an extreme flood event instead of the PMF is to be approved by Council. The Consultant shall modify the calibrated models as necessary to represent accurately the existing catchment and floodplain conditions, and clearly outline the changes in the model D:\106735821.doc[ Page 13 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY and modelling parameters. The Consultant shall liaise with Council in relation to the definition of existing conditions, the selection of design inputs to the model, the adoption of model parameters and adoption of design results. Where investigation of flood impacts from a variety of flood mechanisms are to be modelled (eg mainstream flooding from catchment runoff &/or from tidal &/or other receiving water backwater flooding, &/or Local Overland Flow) then each mechanism should be appropriately modelled and an envelope approach to reporting adopted. A6.8.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.8.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.9 Methods Model Parameter Sensitivity and Checks with Alternative A6.9.1 General Requirements Sensitivity analyses shall be carried out to assess how much influence the model parameter values have on the results of the calibration and validation. The principal parameters are those simulating rainfall (spatial and temporal), rainfall losses, catchment storage and lag, friction, energy losses and blockage at culverts, bridges and other structures. The sensitivity of the model results to downstream boundary condition shall also be tested. The Consultant is to clearly state the nature and extent of sensitivity testing to be undertaken. Sensitivity analyses shall also be carried out to assess the relative uncertainty associated with the design results. The Consultant is to clearly state the proposed approach and methodology along with nature and extent of sensitivity testing that will be undertaken. Sensitivity analyses shall also be undertaken to the potential impacts of climate change in accordance with the Floodplain Development Manual, 2005 and the relevant DECC Guideline. Where Local Overland Flow flooding &/or tidal &/or other receiving water backwater influence is being investigated, the sensitivity of the model results to downstream boundary conditions due to the interaction between the Local Overland Flow &/or tidal &/or other receiving water influences and mainstream flooding shall be tested, as appropriate. Where appropriate the model results shall be checked using alternative methods such as the probabilistic Rational Method (AR&R, 1987 and 1998) and waterway calculations (eg Austroads "Waterway Design A Guide to the Hydraulic Design of Bridges, Culverts and Floodways", 1994). The concurrence of the Council shall be obtained in relation to the adoption of model parameter values. The Flood Study report shall include a section outlining the results of the sensitivity analyses and model checks and the associated potential ramifications of climate change. A6.9.2 Specific Requirements Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.9.1? D:\106735821.doc[ Page 14 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.10 Hydraulic and Provisional Hazard Categorisation A6.10.1 General Requirements Hydraulic categories and provisional hazard categories are to be determined for design events in accordance with the Floodplain Development Manual, and the relevant DECC Guideline or as agreed in writing by Council. See Section A4.4.2 for the number of design events for which this information is required. A6.10.2 Specific Requirements .Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.10.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “NIL”. A6.11 Flood Damage Assessment Optional Item – Activities associated with this item are not to proceed without a written instruction from Council A6.11.1 General Requirements After the full extent of the floodplain has been determined, flood damages for the study area for all design events specified in Section A3 shall be estimated. Residential damages shall be estimated in accordance with the relevant DECC guideline or as approved by Council. Information produced for each flood event shall include the number of properties affected (residential, commercial, industrial, public institutions and public utilities- as appropriate), the tangible damages (direct and indirect) for each property category and the Average Annual Damage (AAD). For the purpose of proposal preparation Consultants shall assume that the damages for the number of developed properties of all types specified in Section A6.11.2 below are to be assessed. If floor levels are to be surveyed, all costs associated with this survey is to be included in the proposal fee. A separate cost (including any survey) for each property in excess of the figure above is to be provided. (Refer to Part B, Attachment A – Fee Proposal Form). A6.11.2 Specific Requirements For the purposes of tendering, consultants shall assume that the damages for “X” number of developed properties of all types are to be assessed. Insert number. .Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.10.1? If there are no other specific requirements enter “No other specific requirements”. . A6.12 Hand-over of the Study Materials A6.12.1 General Requirements At the completion of the project the Consultant is required to handover all data files and provide details of the hardware and software requirements to run the models. The hydrologic and hydraulic software are not required in the hand-over. However any software developed (including source) or acquired by the Consultant to interface or transfer data D:\106735821.doc[ Page 15 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY between the hydrologic model to the hydraulic model or to pre-process data into a format required for input to these models or post-process data to a required output format is to be supplied (along with any licences) to the Council as part of the study. As a minimum Council needs to be confident that all results presented in the Final Report can be recreated by a specialist Consultant. The Consultant is to provide the following documentation at handover: Survey data including any DTM model in a format compatible with the software specified in Section A4.8 arranged in file structure similar to that shown in Part A, Figure A3. In addition the cross-sectional data points or topographical terrain x, y, z coordinates in the case of 2D models and structure geometry should be provided in ASCII format. A complete set of GIS files, arranged in a suitable file structure in a format compatible with the software specified in Section A4.8. Model data files and accompanying specifications, including flood damage data files, arranged in a file structure similar to that shown in Part A, Figure A3. Electronic model output files for all design runs and scenarios as waterRIDETM files or raw results suitable for translation into waterRIDETM Originals of the report including all diagrams, figures and inserts, and a copy of the report compatible with the software specified in Section A4.8. Model data including; adopted design inflows, recorded flood levels, flowpaths, major floodways, development data and major infrastructures; Complete model results including; flood heights, flow distributions, velocities and flood storage variations for all calibration, validation and design events and hydraulic and provisional hazard categories.. All raw flood damage data including the location, floor level, size, age and nature of all buildings likely to be affected by flooding. Copies of any aerial photographs and satellite images (hard copy and/or electronic) that may have been acquired during the course of the study. The Consultant should provide all items requested in the first three dot points on CD(s)/DVD(s). As much of the remaining items requested should also be provided on CD(s)/DVD(s). Each CD/DVD is to include a fully detailed “Read Me” file to explain the content and purpose of all files on the CD/DVD. The CD(s)/DVD(s) are to be placed in a suitable wallet to be inserted in copies of the final report as specified in Section A4.4. A6.12.2 Specific Requirements .Any additional requirements and/or any amendments or clarification to Section A6.12.1? If there are no specific requirements enter “Nil”. A7. MEETINGS A7.1 General Requirements The Consultant shall attend meetings with Council’s representatives and/or the Floodplain Risk Management Committee at inception and to discuss the progress of the study. It is envisaged that such meetings will usually take place at Inception and the end of Stages 1 to D:\106735821.doc[ Page 16 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY 5 described in Section A4.2.1 or at the interval specified in Section A7.2 throughout the study period. The number of meetings to be allowed for and their location is specified in Section A7.2. These are to be included in the fee for the study. A separate cost for additional meetings is to be provided in the proposal (see Attachment C - Cost Schedule, Item A1). Council may also direct the Consultant to: Present the draft flood study report to a public meeting and/or mount a display of the principal findings of the flood study. For this purpose a display period should be allowed for in the study program. An itemised cost for providing this component of work should be provided as part of the fee proposal (see, Attachment C - Cost Schedule). Present the Final Flood Study Report to a meeting of Council. An itemised cost for providing this component of work should be provided as part of the fee proposal. (see Attachment C - Cost Schedule). A7.2 Specific Requirements All meetings to be held at …..insert location Expected frequency of meeting – every 4 to 6 weeks (amend as required) Number of meetings to be allowed for in proposal price – Five (5) meeting Insert number If there are no other specific requirements enter “No other specific requirements”. A8. HOLD POINTS Progress on the study will observe hold points after Stages 2, 3 and 4 (see Section A4.2) have been completed. In addition the following hold points will be observed: – List (see also Part B, Section B3.7) or delete as required. The Consultant shall not progress the study beyond the above hold points without the written approval of Council. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 17 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY FIGURE A1 – LOCALITY PLAN This Figure should identify the location of the study area in relation to other readily recognisable features in the wider region to help assist consultants from outside the area orient themselves D:\106735821.doc[ Page 18 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY FIGURE A2 – STUDY AREA This Figure needs to identify with clarity: The area(s) for which Council wants reliable flood information (including new release areas and areas that could be subject to development pressure in the foreseeable future), The watercourses that Council wishes to be specifically modelled in the study, Any specific problem areas or areas/locations for which information is required that have been identified in Section A3.1 The Figure should include a scale and north point. D:\106735821.doc[ Page 19 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY FIGURE A3 – TYPICAL FILE STRUCTURE Sample File Structure for submission of data D:\106735821.doc[ Page 20 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY PART B - LODGEMENT OF PROPOSALS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT B1. CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT The study shall be carried out generally in accordance with DECC’s “Consultancy Agreement”, Part B, Attachment D, except that the roles of DECC and its officers will be transferred to Generic City Council and its staff. In relation to the Consultancy Agreement, the consultant’s attention is particularly drawn to: Clause 3.15 – Conflict of Interest (see also the declaration in Attachment A – Fee Proposal Form). Clause 7.3 - Limitations on Use of Contract Material. Consultants that are currently involved in flood related studies or the provision of flood/floodplain management advice to landowners/developers within the same catchment or study area as this study are strongly urged to discuss the potential for a conflict of interest with Council’s Contact Officer (see Section B2.1 below) BEFORE commencing the preparation of its proposal Final contract documents will include: This Brief Attachment A - Fee Proposal Form Attachment B - Hourly Rates For Study Team Attachment C - Cost Schedule Attachment D - Consultancy Agreement The Consultant’s Proposal the Outline Plan for the Work Council's letter of acceptance The Consultant's letter of acceptance Other – List or delete as required B2. B2.1 CONDITIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Council Contact Officer Refer requests for information or advice regarding documents only to: Name: ………………………………………... Telephone: (02) …………….. E-mail:………………… D:\106735821.doc Page 21 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY B2.2 Completion of Proposal Consultants should complete the Proposal documents listed below. All information called for in the briefing documents must be supplied. Where an alternative Proposal is offered the Consultant is to submit alternative Proposal schedules where the information submitted for the conforming Proposal will differ from the alternative. The Consultant is to clearly identify each schedule and the alternative to which it applies (see Part B, Section B2.4). Listed below are the Proposal documents which must be lodged with the Proposal. Attachment A - Fee Proposal Form - Returnable Schedule Attachment B - Hourly Rates For Study Team - Returnable Schedule Attachment C - Cost Schedule - Returnable Schedule the Outline Plan for the Work Short Curriculum Vitae for all personnel nominated in the proposal showing only experience relevant to the project Electronic copies of the various “Returnable Schedules” (Attachments A, B, & C to this Brief) are available from Council’s Contact Officer (Part B, Section B2.1 above) on request. The Consultant is to submit an original plus three (3) copies of the proposal (including all Proposal documents listed above) to allow distribution to a reviewing panel. Alternatively, one (1) original hard copy plus one (1) electronic version (PDF format on CD or DVD) may be submitted. Note: General information about the Consultant firm, such as brochures and firm's history, are NOT required to be submitted with the proposal. B2.3 Lodgement of Proposal The Principal will treat late lodgement of proposals strictly in accordance with the NSW Government Code of Tendering for the Construction Industry. Clause 3 of the Code states: "Late Tenders should not be accepted, except where it is clear both that the circumstances beyond the tenderer's control were the cause of the lateness, and the integrity of the tendering process will not be compromised by accepting a late tender." Proposals which are lodged in the Tender Box after the closing date and time will be considered for acceptance only if: they have been mailed through Australia Post and are postmarked no later than the day before the closing date for proposals. The Consultant is to seal the Proposal (and copies) in an envelope (or parcel) marked “GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY” with the closing date written on the envelope (or parcel). Lodge the Proposal (and copies) in the Tender Box at the address shown on the Fee Proposal Form by the date and time nominated on the Fee Proposal Form (Part B – Attachment A – Fee Proposal Form). B2.4 Alternative Proposals The Consultant is to submit a Proposal in full compliance with the work as specified without any conditions or qualifications attached. Alternative additional Proposals may also be D:\106735821.doc Page 22 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY submitted. Any conditions, qualifications and departures from the specified work shall be fully described and priced in any alternative Proposal. Proposals submitted by consultants who do not intend to follow the relevant DECC Guidelines listed in Section A5.1 of the Brief may be considered non-conforming. In addition to documenting departures from the specified work, any alternative Proposal is also to be supported by a similar set of documents as listed in the Section B2.2 Completion of Proposals. The Consultant is to submit an original plus three (3) copies of any alternative proposal. Alternatively, one (1) original hard copy plus one (1) electronic version (PDF format on CD or DVD) may be submitted. B2.5 Assessment/Acceptance of Proposals The Assessment of Proposals will take into account both price and non-price attributes of the following factors: The consultant’s appreciation of the work involved as demonstrated by a) The proposed methodology and work activities to meet the study purpose and requirements. b) Ability and knowledge of various techniques to appraise relevant factors and to conceive effective options and measures taking into account appropriate consideration of these factors. The consultant’s demonstrated understanding of relevant Commonwealth, State and Local Government issues including legal implications. The consultant’s proposed consultation plan. The consultants resources and expertise, including capability of the proposed study team and their experience in projects of a similar nature. The consultants proposed budget, as well as resource allocations and hourly rates. The consultant’s ability to complete the Study within the stipulated time frame. The assessment of the factors listed above will also be based on the information provided in the outline Plan. Proposals which are considered unsatisfactory in any of the above factors will not be considered further. Any Proposal may be rejected which does not comply with any requirement of, or which contains provisions not required or allowed by, the Brief. A Proposal shall not be deemed to have been accepted unless and until notice in writing of such acceptance is given to the Consultant or transmitted by facsimile to the Consultant's facsimile number. B2.6 Acceptable Legal Entities The Principal contracts only with recognised and acceptable legal entities having appropriate financial assets and current Professional Indemnity Insurance cover ie companies with ACN No. Proposals will not be considered from entities such as a business name. D:\106735821.doc Page 23 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Consultants may be required to provide evidence of their legal entity either by giving a copy of an official document such as company registration and names of office bearers issued by the Australian Securities Commission or a statement confirming the legal entity signed by a practicing Solicitor. If so requested, Consultants are to submit the information within three working days after receipt of such request. B2.7 Outline Plan Consultants are to submit with the Proposal: An OUTLINE PLAN FOR THE WORK: An outline of the Plan for the Work to be done under the engagement is required. After engagement, the outline Plan is to be upgraded to a detailed Plan by the successful consultant. The outline of the Plan shall include as a minimum a study program showing all key activities for the Work, their timing sequence and time allowed for each proposed activity. The consultant is to clearly define the key activities, detailing their objectives, scope of actions and undertakings involved (inputs) and required outcomes (outputs), and where “hold points” or approval points are required for review or approval of the work by the Floodplain Risk Management Committee and the Principal. The consultant’s plan must detail where consultation and reports to the Committee shall occur as part of the proposed study work. For the purpose of this engagement, activities are a series of discrete work elements which subdivide the engagement into smaller manageable packages. Activities are to be quantifiable elements, with a defined commencement and completion, for which a criteria can be set for verification of a satisfactory completion, eg. a meeting which achieves specified outcomes or approval of a component report which advances the work of the engagement towards completion. Those activities which are regarded as milestones should be identified as such. Details pertaining to SUBCONSULTANTS AND SECONDARY CONSULTANTS: Where the Engagement includes the management of sub-consultants or secondary consultants the Consultant is to submit an outline of the Consultant's proposed methodology for controlling, coordinating, reviewing and verifying the work of sub-consultants and secondary Consultants. B3. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS B3.1 Consultant Management of the Study The Consultant shall nominate a Project Manager for the Study. The Consultant’s Project Manager shall be responsible for the delivery of all of the Work set out in the previous Part A of the Brief (Objectives, Required Services, Deliverables And Relevant Information). It will also be the role and responsibility of the Consultant’s Project Manager to ensure the successful carriage of the work from inception to completion and to be responsible for dayto-day liaison with the Council’s authorised representative (Part B, section 4). No change of personnel for this role will be permitted without the approval of the Council. The Consultant shall nominate the names of the project team members who will undertake the work (Part B, Attachment B – Hourly Rates for Study Team). Any variations in the members making up the nominated project team will require the approval of Council. If the Principal does not approve of a substitute or if no substitute is put forth by the Consultant for approval then the Principal may regard the Consultant as in default of this Agreement. D:\106735821.doc Page 24 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY Apart from in-house resources, all other members of the study team are to be engaged as sub-consultants responsible to the project manager who will be responsible for the adequacy of the collaborative work by the various study team members. The study project manager will be responsible for the planning and interactive controlling of both human, financial and other resources to achieve time, cost, quality, functional and scope requirements. It will involve the anticipation of changes to resources and the level and nature of input by stakeholders due to changing circumstances and the making of such changes to minimise their overall effect. Wherever possible, to control and achieve time and cost targets, various increases in the level of resources required for some tasks, are to be offset by savings/adjustments elsewhere, which do not impair the end user’s requirements. The study project manager is responsible for, but not limited to: preparing, monitoring and controlling an overall program for the work, setting out the times which the various parts of the work, including all relevant liaison and consultation activities, are to be executed. including in the program, the time by which information and actions are required by all involved in the work. examining possible options for potential problems, delays and bottlenecks and taking appropriate action to mitigate delays. preparing and controlling an overall cost plan to deliver the work within the cost target. coordinate and manage the various sub-consultants, ensuring all necessary skills are effectively and appropriately utilised. undertake the necessary liaison with external persons and agencies, as necessary. report regularly as required. B3.2 Expert Witness The Consultant must be prepared to support its work in any inquiry or court hearing B3.3 Variations If at any time the Consultant considers that the scope of work under this brief has been varied, the Consultant shall immediately advise the Council in writing of the additional costs (if any) and impacts on the study program associated with such variations. The Consultant shall not proceed with the additional work without the written approval of Council. B3.4 The Study Budget The Engagement will be on the basis of the accepted resources, their respective hourly rates and accepted time inputs for each individual resource. The Principal is to be given an early warning, in writing, on any matter which could increase the total cost of the study (including advice of any difficulties in achieving progress commensurate with the level of expenditure whereby there is a likelihood of the Budget not being met), delay completion or impair the fitness for purpose of the study results. An early warning meeting may be convened between the consultant and the Principal to cooperatively make and consider proposals for how the effect of each matter which has been notified, can be avoided or reduced and to decide upon action to be taken. Unless it can be demonstrated that the necessity for the meeting is due to factors beyond the consultant’s reasonable control, the consultant’s costs in preparing for and attending the meeting shall be met by the consultant. D:\106735821.doc Page 25 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY The Principal is also to be advised in writing, regarding any significant proposed change to maintain the Budget and/or completion date and these are not to be instituted without prior written approval of the Principal. B3.4.1 Progress Claims and Payment Payments will be based upon receipt of claims made by the Consultant at the satisfactory completion of the following stages (see Part A, Section A4.2.1 for all project stages): Stage 1 - Completion of data collection and assessment ; Stage 2 - Completion of model calibration/validation Stage 3 - Completion of modelling and flood damages assessment; Stage 4 - Completion of Draft Report; Stage 5 - Completion of Final Report; Stage 6 - Completion of Contract. Council shall withhold payment of 10% of the project cost until Council has approved the Final Report and all material identified in Part A, Section A6.12 – Hand-over of the Study Materials, has been given to Council. The Council shall not be obligated to make any payment unless it is satisfied that the work satisfies the requirement of the brief. B3.5 Standards All work carried out as part of this study is to comply with the following documents: New South Wales Government management of flood liable land”. The Institution of Engineers, Australia 1987 and 1998, Australian Rainfall and Runoff, A Guide to Flood Estimation. 2005, “Floodplain Development Manual: the Where appropriate the relevant DECC guidelines (see Part A, Section A5) are also to be followed. Any Additional Standards required by Council? If not, Delete. B3.6 Consultant Performance During the course of the Consultancy Engagement, the Consultant's performance will be monitored. Unsatisfactory performance will be taken into account in the consideration of future opportunities for Consultant engagements for NSW Government agencies and under the Floodplain Management Program The consultants work, particularly work involving modelling, may be subject to peer review at the discretion of Council. Where a peer review is initiated the consultant shall not be entitled to any additional payment associated with the provision of the necessary data for the review or additional costs associated with delays to the project. B3.7 Study Duration D:\106735821.doc Page 26 CONSULTANT BRIEF FOR THE GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY The study is to be completed (deliver of Final report) within a period of 12 months from the date of the letter of acceptance. The duration shall include periods for review of study progress (Hold Points – see also Part A, Section A8) at the following stages (see Section B3.4.1): End of Stage 2 – Model calibration/validation – allow two (2) weeks End of Stage 3- Modelling and flood damages – allow two (2) weeks End of Stage 4 – Draft Report - allow three (3) weeks Any additional periods for review (Hold Points – see also Part A, Section A8)? If not, Delete. The study duration should also allow for the final report be delivered within four (4) weeks of the Council’s written approval for printing. Any proposed variation to this duration shall be specified by the Consultant. B3.8 Suspension of Flood Study If the flood study is suspended or delayed for reasons that are attributed to the Principal for a period exceeding three months, and during that period the flood study is not progressed, then the Consultant may claim a cost for re-familiarising themselves with the project on recommencement of the project. The value of this cost should be included in Attachment C – Cost Schedule, Item A3. B4. COUNCIL’S AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE The study will be administered by the Council. Personnel authorised to issue instructions in regard to this study are:Name of Council Authorised Representative(s), contact phone number, fax, and e-mail The Council may request, at any time, the advice and support of DECC in any aspect of the study. D:\106735821.doc Page 27 ATTACHMENT A FEE PROPOSAL FORM (MANDATORY) Refer Clause 5 of the Consultancy Agreement Proposal to be lodged at: Insert details by 10:00 am/pm on: Insert date Name of Consultant: (in block letters) _________________________________________ A.C.N. (if applicable): _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ hereby proposes to perform consultancy services in accordance with the Brief for: Generic Creek Flood Study …………………………………………………………. Study Fee ……………………………….($...............................) Alternative Study Fee (if applicable) …………………………………………………………. ……………………………….($................................) In accordance with the attached hourly rates for he study team and cost schedule and in accordance with the attached outline Plan dated: / / comprising __________ pages I/We declare that no conflict of interest exists in the performance of the consultancy services at the date of this declaration Signed for the Consultant by: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ (Authorised Officer) In the Office Bearer capacity of: _________________________________________ Name (in block letters): _________________________________________ Date Notes: This is a fixed lump sum Contract. Fees may not exceed those nominated on this fee proposal form without the prior written approval of the Principal. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 28 ATTACHMENT B HOURLY RATES FOR STUDY TEAM (MANDATORY) GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY ROLE NAME HOURS HOURLY RATE BUDGET COMPONENT Notes: Fees will only be paid for personnel nominated on this schedule. Variations to nominated personnel will require the prior written approval of the Principal. Fees may not exceed those nominated on this schedule without the prior written approval of the Principal. Date: Signed for the Consultant by: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (Authorised Officer) In the Office Bearer capacity of: _________________________________________________________ Name (in block letters): [ D:\106735821.doc ] __________________________________________________ Page 29 ATTACHMENT C COST SCHEDULE (MANDATORY) GENERIC CREEK FLOOD STUDY ITEM 1) Preliminary Data Collection and Review 1.1) Data collection and review 1.2) Site inspection 1.3) Survey including cost of preparing and managing survey Brief) 2) Community Consultation 3) Hydrology 3.1)Flood Frequency Analysis 3.2) Establish Hydrologic Model(s) 3.3) Calibrate/Validate Hydrologic Model(s) 3.4) Develop Design Hydrographs 4) Hydraulics 4.1) Establish Hydraulic Model(s) 4.2) Calibrate/Validate Hydraulic Model(s) 4.3) Model Design Flood Events 4.4)Determine Hydraulic and Provisional Hazard Categories 5) Prepare Progress, Draft and Final Reports - costs not covered under Report Printing, Item 8 below 6) Meetings with Council’s representative and/or FRMC. Allow for “X” meetings at ……………(see Part A, Section A7. 7) Report Printing 7.1) Draft reports 7.2) Final Report (All other minor reports and briefs - printing to be included in cost for that item) 8) Handover of Study materials 9) Disbursements (to be itemised) 10) GST Allowance TOTAL COST ADDITIONAL COSTS (not included in TOTAL COST) A1) Flood Damage Assessment A1.1) Assess Flood Damages for “X” number of Developed Properties (survey included if applicable) A1.2) Cost of Assessing Damages (including any survey) of additional Properties A2) Additional Meetings at…………….. (see Part A, Section A7).insert meeting location A3) Public presentation and display (see Part A, Section A7.1). A4) Re-familiarising with suspended project (see Part B, Section B3.8). A5) Itemised cost of work NOT detailed in this brief Estimates only - not included in total cost of proposal [ D:\106735821.doc ] DETAILS REQUIRED Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Cost Total Cost Cost Cost Cost Estimated cost of each item Cost $ Estimated hours for each team member and cost Cost per Property Cost per meeting Cost Cost Estimated hours for each team member and cost Page 30 ATTACHMENT D CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT Dated 2006 [name of project] between Department of Environment and Climate Change and Consultant] CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 31 AGREEMENT made the between: 1. 2. day of 2006 Department of Environment and Climate Change , 59-61 Goulburn Street, Sydney, PO Box A290, Sydney South NSW 1232, (Principal); and [name of Consultant] of ,(ABN *** *** ***), (Consultant). IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS "Agreement" means this document including any and all Schedule(s) and Annexure(s); "Consultant" means the person(s) or bodies being the party to this Agreement engaged to perform the Services and includes officers, employees, agents and authorised sub-Consultants/subConsultants (and their employees and agents) utilised by the Consultant; "Contract Material" means all Material: (a) brought into existence as part of, or for the purpose of performing the Services; (b) incorporated in, supplied or required to be supplied along with the Material referred to in paragraph (a); and (c) copied or derived from Material referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b). "Fees" means the fee as referred to in Clause 5 and Annexure 2 of this Agreement; "Intellectual Property" means all rights in copyright, patents, registered and unregistered trademarks, registered designs, trade secrets and all other right of intellectual property as recognised by New South Wales and Australian law; "Material" includes: documents, equipment, software, code; goods, information, data; and the embodiment of the capacity to contain and/or express information, processes and concepts, stored by any means "Principal" means the Department of Environment and Climate Change.; "Principal's Materials" means any documentation, information or material supplied by the Principal in connection with this Agreement to the Consultant by whatever means; "Program" means the timing arrangements, if any, specified in the Schedule; [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 32 "Principal's Representative" means the person named in the Schedule or any other person substituted by the Principal to liaise with the Consultant; "Proposal" means the response submitted to the Principal by the Consultant to perform the work required under the Terms of Reference or Consultancy Brief; "Records" includes the Contract Material and any other information, documents or data brought into existence by any means and stored by any means in connection with the performance of the Agreement; “Terms of Reference" or "Consultancy Brief” means the Terms of Reference, Consultancy Brief or any other document issued by the Principal to the Consultant for the purpose of obtaining the Proposal and which describes the Services to be performed by the Consultant; "Services" means the services described in Annexure 1 to be performed pursuant to this Agreement; "Schedule" means the Schedule(s) annexed to this Agreement. 2. 2.1 ENGAGEMENT Consultant to provided Services The Principal engages the Consultant to provide the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this document and any other provision of a Schedule or Annexure hereto including a document of the Principal incorporated by reference. 2.2 Inconsistency between provisions Without limitation to Clause 14, in the event of inconsistency between the provisions of the documents referred to in Clause 2.1, the terms and conditions of this document shall prevail over any document incorporated by reference. 3. CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 Due Diligence The Consultant must perform the Services in a diligent manner and with all necessary skill and care expected in accordance with the provision of such Services and in accordance with all representations and warranties made by the Consultant whether as to the Consultant's experience and ability or otherwise expressly or impliedly made in its Proposal and/or this Agreement, or by law. 3.2 Knowledge of Requirements of the Principal The Consultant must use all reasonable efforts to have informed itself and to remain informed of the requirements of the Principal in performing the Services under this Agreement and to this end must regularly consult with the Principal during the performance of the Services to the satisfaction of the Principal. 3.3 Consultant's Personnel (a) The Consultant represents and warrants that all personnel to be engaged in and about the performance of the Services are appropriately qualified, competent and experienced. (b) The Consultant must use its best endeavours to ensure that the persons named either in its Proposal or in the Schedule are engaged in the performance of the Services. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 33 3.4 (c) The Consultant shall notify the Principal immediately if a person named either in its Proposal or in the Schedule ceases to be engaged in the performance of the Services and shall forthwith provide details of similarly qualified or experienced substitutes for that person. (d) Any substitute for a person named either in the Proposal or in the Schedule must be approved by the Principal before commencing work under this Agreement, however, in this regard the Principal must not unreasonably withhold its approval. (e) If the Department does not approve of a substitute or if no substitute is put forth by the Consultant for approval then the Principal may regard the Consultant as in default of this Agreement. Program The Consultant must adhere to the Program if specified in the Schedule for the performance and completion of the Services. 3.5 Timely Provision of Services In the event no Program is specified the Consultant must perform the Services expeditiously to the satisfaction of the Principal. 3.6 3.7 Cost and/or Time Overruns (a) If at any time it becomes apparent to the Consultant that the cost, where fees are to be paid on a time/unit rate basis, and/or the time for completion of the Project, or any stage of the Project or component of such stage, will exceed the cost and/or time estimated for the same by the Consultant, then the Consultant shall immediately so inform the Principal with a written explanation and a revised estimate. The Consultant shall obtain the written approval of the Principal before continuing. The Principal shall not be responsible for any claim for additional fees or expenses unless the Consultant has obtained the written consent of the Principal, to incur such additional fees or expenses before any such expenditure is incurred. (b) In the event the delivery of the Services is delayed the Principal reserves its rights under Clause 11. Principal’s instructions (a) The Consultant shall ensure that it, its employees, servants, and agents shall, whenever on the Principal's premises, obey all reasonable instructions and directions issued by the Principal. (b) The Consultant shall attend such meetings as required by the Consultancy Brief or as may be reasonably required by the Principal with officers of the Principal and with any other persons connected with the Project. (c) The Consultant shall maintain liaison and promptly observe and comply with the directions of the person(s) and/or Steering Committee appointed by the Principal to liaise with the Consultant and when required to do so, by this Agreement or otherwise, report on or explain any aspect of the Consultant’s work which may require clarification by such person(s) or Steering Committee. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 34 3.8 3.9 Principal's materials (a) The Consultant accepts all responsibility for the secure guardianship of all materials and documentation provided by the Principal to the Consultant. (b) Upon completion of this Agreement or in the event of termination, the Consultant must as soon as practicable return to the Principal any of the Principal's Materials and the Contract Material it has in its possession. (c) The Consultant must not make any substantial alteration to the Principal's Materials or the Contract Material except as required by professional/standards, such as working papers, without the written consent of the Principal. (e) Clause 3.8(b) does not operate to prevent the Consultant from retaining a bona fide copy of the Contract Material for its records. Cooperation by the Consultant The Consultant must consult, cooperate and confer with others as directed by the Principal. 3.10 Approvals Unless otherwise specified in the Brief, the Consultant must obtain all necessary approvals, licences and permits which may be required for the provision of the Services. 3.11 3.12 Confidentiality (a) The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that, unless already in the public domain, any and all information concerning the Principal's business is "confidential", and agrees that it will not permit the duplication, use or disclosure of any such information to any person (other than its own employee, agent or representative who must have such information for the performance of its obligations to the Principal), unless such duplication, use or disclosure is specifically authorised in writing by the Principal. (b) This provision does not merge on completion. Consultant's Representative The Person named in the Schedule will be responsible on behalf of the Consultant in respect of provision of the Services. Any substituted representative must be agreed to in writing by the Principal. 3.13 Sub-contracting/No Agency (a) The Consultant must not assign or sub-contract any part of the Services without the prior written consent of the Principal. (b) Any consent given by the Principal in accordance with this clause does not relieve the Consultant from its obligations under this Agreement. (c) The Consultant acknowledges that neither the Consultant nor any of the Consultant's employees and/or agents: (i) are employees or agents of the Principal or (ii) have any authority to bind the Principal to any third party or otherwise to act in any way as the representative of the Principal. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 35 (d) 3.14 The Consultant, its employees and/or agents shall not represent that they nor the Consultant are employees or agents of the Principal and shall not purport to bind the Principal to any third party or otherwise to act in any way as the representative of the Principal. Statutory Requirements The Consultant must ensure that all work done in connection with the Services complies with all applicable legislation, regulations, codes of conduct and all relevant Australian Standards applicable to the Services. Without limiting the generality of this clause, the Consultant must comply with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998. The Consultant must protect personal information from: 3.15 3.16 (a) misuse; (b) loss; (c) unauthorised access; (d) modification; and (e) disclosure. Conflict of Interest (a) The Consultant represents and warrants that no conflict of interest exists in the performance of the Services at the date of this Agreement. (b) Immediately upon becoming aware of the existence, or possibility of a conflict of interest the Consultant must advise the Principal in writing and on receipt of such advice the Principal reserves its rights under Clause 11. Access to Consultant The Consultant must upon reasonable notice from the Principal provide access to the Consultant in order for the Principal to inspect discuss or assess the provision of the Services. 3.17 File Access The Consultant shall provide to the Principal access to all of the Consultant’s files containing Principal information from time to time in connection with the performance of the Services. 4. Principal's Obligations 4.1 Provide Information The Principal will as soon as practicable, or as required by this Agreement: 4.2 (a) make available to the Consultant all relevant instructions, information, documentation or data or any other material as required for the performance of the Services; and (b) provide assistance to the Consultant as reasonably required so that the Consultant may competently perform its duties under this Agreement. Principal's Representative The person named in the Schedule, or any other person the Principal nominates in writing, will act as the Principal's representative in connection with this Agreement. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 36 5. FEES 5.1 Payment of Fees (a) The Principal will pay the Fees to the Consultant in accordance with Annexure 2, subject to the conditions of this Agreement. (b) The Consultant will be paid on: (i) a Lump Sum basis; (ii) a Percentage basis; (iii) a Time/unit rate basis, (with or without an Upper Limiting Fee); or (iv) a combination of (i), (ii) and (iii) above, as stated in Annexure 2. (c) (i) where payment is on a Lump Sum basis, the Consultant must perform the whole of the work referable to the payment for the Lump Sum stated in Annexure 2. (ii) the Lump Sum may be paid by such progress payments as the parties agree. (d) Where payment is on a Percentage basis the Consultant must perform the whole of the work referable to the payment for the Percentage calculated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. (e) where payment is to be on a Time basis, the Consultant must perform the whole of the work referable to the payment for a payment based on the time spent on the work by the Consultant, its professional and technical staff. Payment will be calculated in accordance with the rates of fees agreed to by the Department. If applicable rates of fees are not specified in the Department's Brief then provisions of the Proposal shall apply. In computing payment on a Time basis, the time spent by general and non-technical staff, who provide support activities and by staff engaged in: (i) Office management and supervision; (ii) Secretarial and Clerical; (iii) Unless separately proposed by the Consultant and accepted by the Department, typing including word processing (other than printing of final documents allowed under Clause 5.4 (d)); (iv) Unless separately proposed by the Consultant and accepted by the Department, photocopying (other than printing of final documents allowed under clause 5.4 (d)); (v) Accounting and claims; and (vi) Miscellaneous support activities, such as filing, reception, library, etc; shall not be taken into consideration. (f) Where the Services are to be performed to an Upper Limiting Fee, the Consultant must perform the whole of the work referable to the fee for a fee not in excess of the Upper Limiting Fee. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 37 (g) 5.2 The rates of fees proposed by the Consultant and accepted by the Department shall not be increased during the term of the Agreement except in accordance with any proposed and agreed rise and fall provision. Set-off The Principal may deduct from amounts otherwise payable to the Consultant any amount due from the Consultant to the Principal in connection with the provision of the Services. 5.3 Payment no Acceptance or Waiver Payment, in part or in total, of the Fees in accordance with this Agreement does not constitute acceptance by the Principal of the Services and does not amount to a waiver of any rights either under this Agreement or at law which the Principal may otherwise have at any time against the Consultant. 5.4 Expenses and disbursements Subject to the provisions of paragraph (h) hereunder: 5.5 (a) travelling, accommodation and sustenance expenses shall be paid for at reasonable actual costs or at rates approved in advance by the Principal. The Principal shall not pay any travelling and accommodation or sustenance expenses unless the Consultant first has and obtains the Principal's consent in writing to incur such expense. (b) except where prior agreement of the Principal has been obtained to alternative arrangements, recoupment of costs of air travel shall only be made on the basis of economy class fare. (c) for engagement on a Time basis, travelling time shall be paid for at the agreed hourly rate (Clause 3(d)) between 8.00 am. and 6.00 pm. and at 33% of the agreed hourly rate between 6.00 pm. on one day and 8.00 am. on the next day. (d) printing of final documents being specifications, drawings and reports shall be paid for at commercial rates agreed in advance. In the absence of such agreement, the Principal shall not be liable for printing expenses. (e) computer services excluding word processing shall be paid for at commercial rates agreed in advance. In the absence of such agreement, the Principal shall not be liable for computer services expenses. (f) provision of specialised equipment, materials, plants and/or installations shall be paid for at cost agreed in advance. In the absence of agreement, the Principal shall not be liable for expenses referred to in this paragraph. (g) other items or services approved in advance by the Principal shall be paid for at cost. In the absence of approval the Principal shall not be liable for the expenses referred to in this paragraph. (h) when the basis of engagement is Lump Sum and/or Percentage, no amount will be payable for expenses and disbursements howsoever incurred. Invoices (a) For payments of fees, claims are to be submitted by the Consultant: [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 38 (i) within the first week of each month or as agreed; and (ii) 5.6 are to be accompanied by an itemised statement indicating the services performed and their respective costs. (b) The Principal’s Accountant and/or other officers nominated by him will be allowed free access to all accounts associated with any claim submitted by the Consultant to enable the Principal to meet the requirements of the relevant legislation regarding such matters as performance of services, rates of charge and computations. (c) In accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance and Audit Act the Principal will pay to the Consultant the Principal’s assessment of the value of the work performed to the date of the claim less any amounts the Principal is entitled to set off. Payment Deferral If any report required to be prepared or presented is not prepared or presented in accordance with this Agreement, or the Consultant's performance of Services hereunder is unsatisfactory then the Principal shall be entitled to defer payment of any sum due to the Consultant hereunder until such time as the requirements of this Agreement have been fulfilled. 5.7 Pay As You Go (PAYG) No payments will be made to the Consultant until the Consultant has provided to the Principal a valid Australian Business Number. 6. VARIATIONS 6.1 Request 6.2 6.3 (a) The Principal may request in writing the Consultant to vary the Services, provided the variation is within the general scope of the Services. (b) The Consultant must respond to a written request under Clause 6.1(a) within a reasonable time, advise the Principal whether it is will to undertake the variation, and, if so, provide a quotation in accordance with Clause 6.2(a). Consequences of Variation or Proposed Variation (a) The Consultant, if it is will to undertake the variation referred to in clause 6.1(b), must provide the Principal with a written quotation of the time, cost and timing of the proposed variation. (b) Within fourteen (14) days of receipt of a quotation under Clause 6.2(a), the Principal if it wishes the variation to proceed, shall promptly notify the Consultant in writing that the Consultant’s quotation is accepted. Variation Fees The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that: [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 39 (a) (b) 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 fees for varied Services must be in accordance with the quotation supplied by the Consultant under Clause 6.2(a) or as otherwise agreed in writing between the parties; and its the current hourly rates are as set out in Annexure 4. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Ownership (a) Subject to Clause 7.1(b), ownership of Intellectual Property in or in relation to Contract Material (other than the Contract Material listed in Annexure 5) vests upon its creation in the Principal. The Consultant must at its own cost do all things necessary to vest ownership and title of such Intellectual Property in the Principal. (b) If ownership of or title in Intellectual Property in relation to Contract Material is not capable of being vested in the Principal under Clause 7.1(a) because the Consultant itself does not own, and is unable at a reasonable cost to obtain ownership of that Intellectual Property, the Consultant must at its own cost ensure that the Principal is suitably and irrevocably licensed to use that Contract Material or that Intellectual Property. (c) The Consultant must ensure all licence fees and/or consents required under law are paid and/or obtained as a result of any reproduction, adaptation or use of any Intellectual Property or Contract Material necessary for the provision of the Services. Delivery of Contract Material (a) Subject always to the provisions of the Consultancy Brief, on or as soon as practicable after the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, the Consultant must deliver to the Principal all Contract Material. (b) Subject to Clause 3.11, Clause 7.2(a) does not prevent the Consultant from keeping a bona fide copy of the Contract Material for its records. Limitations on Use of Contract Material The Consultant must ensure the Contract Material is used, copied, supplied or reproduced only for the purposes of this Agreement unless it has obtained the prior written approval of the Principal to do otherwise. Whilst the Principal will not unreasonably withhold approval, it may attach any terms and conditions it considers appropriate. 8. INDEMNITY 8.1 Consultant to indemnify The Consultant hereby indemnifies the Principal and any employee or agent thereof (each being referred to individually as "Indemnified Party") against (including reasonable legal costs): (a) all liability to third parties arising from or in connection with the violation of any third party's trade secrets, proprietary information, trademarks, copyright, or patent rights in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement; (b) all liability for or in respect of physical injury (death) to persons or damage to property arising directly or indirectly out of any negligent act or omission or wilful wrongdoing of the [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 40 Consultant its employees Consultants or agents done or omitted in the course of carrying out the Services. The Consultant's liability to indemnify an Indemnified Party shall be reduced in proportion and to the extent that an Indemnified Party has contributed to the liabilities referred to in clauses 8.1(a) and/or 8.1(b). 8.2 Indemnity to survive The Consultant's obligation to indemnify an Indemnified Party will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9. INSURANCE 9.1 Professional Indemnity Insurance The Consultant must hold or obtain and maintain a policy of professional liability and indemnity insurance with an insurer and in terms approved by the Principal (which approval will not be unreasonably withheld) for a period from the commencement of the provision of the Services until the expiration of the period nominated in the Schedule. 9.2 Workers' Compensation The Consultant must ensure that a suitable insurance policy is effected prior to commencing performance of the Services and remains current for the duration of this Agreement, in accordance with any relevant legislation applicable during the provision of the Services 9.3 Public Liability In the absence of anything to the contrary in the Consultancy Brief, the following shall apply: 9.4 (a) The Consultant must hold or obtain a policy of public insurance with an insurer and, in terms approved by, the Principal (which approval will not be unreasonably withheld) prior to commencing the performance of the Services and must maintain that policy for the duration of this Agreement. (b) The policy must be: (i) in the joint names of the Consultant, its sub-Consultants and the Principal; and (ii) for an amount not less than that stated in the Schedule in respect of any single occurrence. Motor Vehicle Liability The Consultant shall insure against all losses and damages which arise out of any motor vehicle liability of the Consultant. 9.5 Insurance The Consultant must provide the Principal with proof of all insurance required to be maintained by the Consultant under this Agreement. 10. KEEPING OF RECORDS 10.1 Records [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 41 The Consultant must keep proper accounts, records, (including information stored by computer and other devices), in accordance with relevant accounting principles generally applied in relevant commercial practice in respect of its charges and/or billing, and reimbursable expenses payable pursuant to this Agreement. 10.2 Access The Consultant must, within a reasonable time of any request, give the Principal access to, or verified copies of, any information which may be reasonably required to enable any claim to be substantiated and verified. 11. TERMINATION 11.1 Termination by the Principal other than for Default by the Consultant (a) The Principal may at any stage of this Agreement terminate the whole or any part of the performance of the Services upon such notice as set out in item 10 of the Schedule, by written notice addressed to the Consultant but such Termination shall not expose the Principal to any claim for damages by reason of that Termination. (b) The Consultant must, within the time specified in item 11 of the Schedule after receipt of a notice under Clause 11.1(a), as soon as practicable cease work in an orderly fashion on the terminated services. (c) As soon as practicable after ceasing work under this clause, the Consultant must lodge with the Principal a statement of the fee (and any approved reimbursable expenses) claimed by the Consultant to be payable for Services performed to the earlier of: (i) the date of cessation of the terminated Services; and (ii) (d) 11.2 the date by which the Consultant was required to cease work on those Services. The statement must be accompanied by supporting records as required by the Principal. Termination by the Principal for Default by the Consultant The Principal may, if the Consultant: (a) becomes bankrupt, or insolvent, or enters into a scheme or arrangement with its creditors; (b) fails to carry out the Services with due diligence and competence; (c) without reasonable cause suspends the carrying out of the Services; (d) commits a substantial breach of this Agreement; or (e) breaches the following clauses, ie., 3.1-3.17, 7.1(b) and (c), and 9.1-9.5: 11.3 (i) in the case of the default specified in Clause 11.2(a) forthwith terminate this Agreement by written notice addressed to the Consultant; and (ii) in the case of any other default, terminate this Agreement by written notice addressed to the Consultant if the Consultant fails to remedy the default to the satisfaction of the Principal ill within 14 days from the date of service of a notice by the Principal on the Consultant specifying the relevant default. Termination by the Consultant [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 42 If the Principal: (a) fails to pay the Consultant in accordance with this Agreement; or (b) commits a substantial breach of this Agreement; the Consultant may, in the case of any unremedied specified default, terminate this Agreement by written notice addressed to the Principal only if the Principal has failed to remedy the default to the satisfaction of the Consultant within 14 days from the date of service of a notice by the Consultant on the Principal specifying the relevant default. 11.4 Continuing Liability Termination of this Agreement by one party will not release the other party from liability in respect of any breach of, nor non-performance of any obligation pursuant to, this Agreement. 11.5 Termination Without Prejudice Termination of this Agreement by either party is without prejudice to any accrued rights or remedies of each party. 11.6 11.7 Adjustment of the Fee on Termination (a) Upon termination of the Services pursuant to Clause 11.1, the Principal will pay Fees in accordance with Clause 11.1(c) and a further amount calculated in the manner set out in item 13 of the Schedule, as adjusted by any additions or deductions in accordance with this Agreement in full and final satisfaction of any claim the Consultant has or may have. (b) Upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to Clause 11.2, the Principal will pay the Consultant for the Services performed by the Consultant as at the date of termination, taking into account any adjustments and deductions for loss or damage suffered, or reasonably likely to be suffered by the Principal as a consequence of breach by the Consultant the Principal may recover any shortfall from the Consultant as a debt due and payable. (c) Upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to Clause 11.3, the Principal will pay the Consultant for the Services performed by the Consultant as at the date of termination together with the amount calculated in the manner set out in item 12 of the Schedule in full and final satisfaction of any claim the Consultant has or may have. Staged Implementation (a) Clauses 11.7(b) and 11.7(c) do not apply unless it is specified by the Principal in the Brief or in another provision of this Agreement. (b) The Consultant shall not commence any Work in a Stage until it receives prior written notification from the Principal to proceed with the work in that Stage. The formation of the Contract shall be deemed to be sufficient notification for the purposes of this subclause to proceed with work in Stage One. (c) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as obliging the Customer to give the notification referred to on clause 11.7(b) in respect of Stage Two or any subsequent Stage. The Principal shall not be liable to the Consultant in any manner whatsoever for not giving such notification and the Contractor acknowledges that work under this Agreement shall proceed from Stage to Stage in accordance with this Agreement only upon receipt of such notification which may be given or withheld in the absolute discretion of the Principal. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 43 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1 Conciliation/Arbitration The Consultant and the Principal will endeavour to resolve any dispute speedily by negotiation. If a dispute between the Consultant and the Principal is not resolved by negotiation, then before either party has recourse to litigation, the party must submit the dispute to expert determination. If the Consultant and the Principal do not agree upon an independent expert, either party may request the Secretary General of the Australian Commercial Disputes Centre to nominate an expert. The appointment of a expert shall be conclusive evidence that the particular dispute relates to matters properly the subject of conciliation/arbitration as referred to in this clause. 12.2 Submissions Within 14 days of acceptance by the expert of the appointment, the party making a claim will submit in writing to the expert the claim and all the evidence which the party wishes the expert to take into account. Within 28 days thereafter the other party will submit in writing to the expert that party's response to the claim, particulars of any counterclaim and all the evidence which that party wishes the expert to take into account. 12.3 Procedure Copies of documents sent to the expert must be sent to the other party at the same time. The expert may meet with the parties jointly but not separately and may ask questions of the parties which must be answered orally or in writing as requested by the expert. 12.4 Determination As soon as possible the expert must give the parties the expert's determination in writing as to: (i) (ii) the respective rights and entitlements of the parties; and the amount or service if any which the expert considers is due from one party to the other. The determination of the expert but shall be final and binding on the parties except where the expert's determination relating to a dispute is that one party shall pay to the other an amount, or carry out work, in excess of $100,000. Such determination shall not be final and binding, provided either party gives notice to the other party of its dissatisfaction within 28 days of the determination being given. 12.5 Liability The expert will not be liable to the parties for negligence in the conduct of the determination. 12.6 Costs The Principal and the Consultant will be jointly and severally liable to the expert fees of the expert. As between themselves, the Principal and the Consultant will each bear half the expert's fee, and each will bear their own costs of the determination. 12.7 Continuing performance Each party must continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement, notwithstanding the existence of a dispute. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 44 13. APPLICABLE LAW The Agreement shall be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws for the time being in force in New South Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of courts of New South Wales. 14 INCONSISTENCIES If there are any inconsistencies between the Services to be provided and/or the terms and conditions for the provision of Services as detailed in this Agreement, the Terms of Reference or Consultancy Brief and the Proposal, to the extent of any inconsistency, the Terms of Reference or Consultancy Brief and this Agreement will have precedence over the Proposal. 15. DISCONTINUANCE OF PRINCIPAL Subject to any contrary legislative intention: 16. (a) if an authority, institute or association or other body being the Principal in this Agreement is reconstituted, renamed or replaced or if its powers or functions are transferred to another entity, this Agreement is deemed to refer to that new entity; and (b) if an authority, institute or association or other body being the Principal in this Agreement ceases to exist, this Agreement is deemed to refer to that entity which serves substantially the same purpose or object as the former entity. NOTICES The addresses of the parties for purposes of giving any notice shall be as set out in Item 14 of the Schedule or as may from time to time be specified in writing between the parties. 17. GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (a) In this clause, the expressions “consideration”, “GST”, “GST Law”, “recipient”, “supply”, “adjustment note”, “adjustment event”, “input tax credit” and “tax invoice” have the same meanings given to those expressions in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. A reference to a party to this Agreement includes a reference to that party’s “representative number” as defined in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. (b) The Consultant may recover from the Department any GST payable in relation to this Agreement. The amount of any GST shall be paid at the same time as the consideration is paid for the supply to which it relates. (c) not used (d) Unless expressly stated otherwise, the prices or other consideration specified are inclusive of GST at the GST rate prevailing at the Agreement date. In the GST rate is varied during the currency of the Agreement, the GST inclusive amount maybe varied to reflect those changes. (e) If the abolition of GST or any subsequent change in the GST Law is accompanied by an abolition or reduction in any existing taxes, duties, excises or statutory charges the consideration payable by the Department shall be reduced by the same proportion as the reduction in the Consultant’s cost. The Department may request that the Consultant provide it with all reasonable evidence necessary to demonstrate compliance with this clause. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 45 (f) All invoices or claims submitted by the Consultant under this Agreement will be accompanied by a tax invoice. The Department is not required to pay any amount on account of GST until this requirement has been complied with. (g) Where an adjustment event occurs in relation to any supply under this Agreement, the supplier must provide an adjustment note to the other party within 14 days after that adjustment event. (h) To the extent the Department is liable under this Agreement to reimburse the Consultant for any costs that the Consultant has incurred with a third party, the Department will only by liable to reimburse the Consultant for the amount of those costs less any input tax credit the Consultant is entitled to. (i) If GST applies to any supply made by the Department under this Agreement, the Consultant will pay an amount on account of the GST liability to the Department within 14 days of being provided with a tax invoice. (j) Unless expressly stated otherwise all monetary limits in the Agreement are exclusive of GST. THE SCHEDULE Item 1 Specified persons and job category: Item 2 Program: as set out in the Proposal as set out in the Proposal Item 3 Time to complete Services: [to be completed on award of contract] Item 4 Approvals to be obtained by Principal: nil Item 5 Consultant’s representative: [to be completed on award of Item 6 contract] Principal’s representative: *******, or such other person as the Principal may notify from time to time. Item 7 Currency of professional indemnity insurance; 6 years from completion of the Services: Item 8 Quantum of professional indemnity insurance: $2 million. Item 9 Quantum of public liability insurance: $10 million. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 46 Item 10 Termination notice period: Item 11 Cessation of work period Item 12 two weeks the termination notice period Percentage on Termination: [to be completed on award of contract] percentage of fee remaining Item 13 Notices to: Principal contact name: notify from ******, or such other person as the Principal may time to time Address: Fax: Consultant’s contact name: [to be completed on award of contract] Address:…………………….. Fax:………………………….. EXECUTED for and on behalf of the Department of Environment and Climate Change by but not so as to incur personal liability ) ) ) ) ................................................... before me: .............................................................. EXECUTED by and on behalf of (name of Consultant] by but not so as to incur personal liability ) ) ) )................................................... before me: .............................................................. ANNEXURE 1 THE SERVICES …………………… PART 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE OR CONSULTANCY BRIEF As set out in the Department’s Brief entitled ****** [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 47 PART 2. PROPOSAL [set out name and date of Consultant’s Proposal] ANNEXURE 2 THE FEE (Clause 5) ………………………………………………… ANNEXURE 3 Not used ANNEXURE 4 HOURLY RATES FOR VARIATIONS (Clause 6) Roles, names and hourly rates to be listed. ANNEXURE 5 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NOT VESTING IN PRINCIPAL (Clause 7.1) Nil. [ D:\106735821.doc ] Page 48