Normal Faults are inclined dip-slip faults that accommodate the extension of the Earth’s crust. Along a normal fault, the hanging wall block moves downward relative to the footwall block. Normal faults generally emplace younger rocks on top of older layers, such that stratigraphic section is missing in a vertical section through the fault. 4.1 Characteristics of Normal Faulting The separations caused by normal faulting parallel to the strike and the dip depend on the relative orientations of the fault and the stratigraphic layering. In areas where flat-lying beds are deformed by normal faults, rollover folds in the hanging wall block are common. The beds in the hanging wall block tilt down into the fault. Listric normal faults: concave upward faults whose dip decreases with increasing depth. Features of fault surfaces are variable and depend on the fault’s shape, the depth of movement, and brittle vs. ductile deformation. Surface features such as cataclastic rocks and slickensides are evidence of normal faulting in the field. 4.2 Shape and Displacement of Normal Faults The surface trace of a normal fault is not generally a straight line, but rather may be a curve or series of connected line segments. Because normal faults do not always maintain a constant dip with increasing depth, a cross section fails to capture a fault’s complete geometry. Detachment fault: a low-angle fault that marks a major boundary between unfaulted rocks below and a hanging wall block above that is commonly deformed and faulted. Imbricate faults: closely spaced parallel faults of the same type that either terminate against the detachment fault or merge with it. Displacement on ideal normal faults is parallel to the dip of the fault surface, but the hanging wall’s rigid movement relative to the footwall block is not down the dip along an entire fault. Movement on normal faults can be nonrotational or rotational depending on whether the fault blocks’ orientations remain constant through the faulting. Thus, a hanging wall block moving over a fault must deform internally 4.3 Structural Associations of Normal Faults Normal faults are generally present as systems of many associated faults (see figure 4.4, pg. 94) Synthetic faults: small scale faults parallel to the major fault with the same sense of shear. Antithetic faults: small scale faults with comparable dips but in the opposite dip direction from the main faults. Graben: a down dropped block bounded on both sides by conjugate normal faults that dip toward the down-dropped block on both sides. Half-graben: a down-dropped tilted block bounded on only one side by a major normal fault. Horst: an uplifted block bounded by two conjugate normal faults that dip away from the uplifted block on both sides. Horst-and-graben structure: alternating uplifted and downdropped fault blocks. Faults and sediments can reveal when major periods of uplift occurred as well as the sequence and the time of exposure of the different rock types in the uplifted fault blocks, known as the unroofing sequence. 1 Local normal fault systems are frequently associated with other structures that require extension of crustal layers, such as domes, folds, cavities, and pull-apart structures on strike-slip faults. Ring faults: a system of concentric normal faults into which surficial rocks collapse when a cavity forms at depth. Diatremes: volcanic pipes explosively blasted through crustal rocks Regional systems of normal faults exist all around the world (e.g. Basin and Range province in N. America) in which the faults form in conjugate sets and have roughly the same strike but have dips of varying magnitude and opposite directions. Transfer zone: area between normal faults in which deformation is accommodated by folding, faulting, and fracturing. Transfer faults: transfer zones that are distinct strike-slip faults. In extreme extensional areas, normal faulting strips off the shallow layers of rock to expose originally deeper crustal rocks. Metamorphic core complex: exposures of deep crust exhumed in association with largely amagmatic extension. A detachment fault often has a corrugated shape, with the axis of the corrugations parallel to the slip direction of the fault. The corrugations are an original structure of the fault (mega-mullion structure). The footwall basement rocks and the detachment fault may form a structural dome (turtle-back). Buried normal fault systems along rifted continental margins, e.g. Gulf Coast, resemble exposed rifted regions. The Gulf Coast region is characterized by thick sediment, subsidence, and normal fault systems. Many normal faults here are growth faults, or regional contemporaneous faults, that are active during sedimentation and form by differential compaction of shale layers or by gravity sliding toward the basin. These faults are characterized by stratigraphic Daniel Jensen, 2011 Edited by Curtis Baden and Bridget Floyd, 2013 sequences with units thicker on the hanging wall block than they are on the footwall block. In the Gulf Coast region, the underlying salt formations have interacted with these fault systems to form large-scale hydrocarbon traps of great interest to the petroleum industry. 4.4 Kinematic Models of Normal Fault Systems A kinematic model of a fault system is a description of the motions that have occurred on the faults in it. Kinematic models depicted in cross section are typically oversimplified in their inferred geometry and tectonic behavior. Fault termination lines can easily be left out due to lack of data, and many models fail to conserve mass within the faulted system. See figures 4.19-4.22 (pg. 108) for listric normal fault kinematic models. Note that true fault systems are generally far more complex than our cross-sectional models can depict. applicability of the model (see pg. 112 for equations), but it can be used for approximation of extension along major faults. Palinspastic restoration can be used to construct a balanced cross section parallel to the slip direction and restore the geology to its original configuration prior to deformation. This technique requires excellent data from both the subsurface (geophysical methods) and the surface, however, severely limiting the applicability of this approach. Eroded fault systems can introduce difficulty in that the precise original geometry and curvature of the fault can be lost. References & Resources Robert J. Twiss, Eldridge M. Moores, Structural Geology 2nd edition, (W. H. Freeman), p. 91-114, 2006 Extensional Duplex: a stack of horses that are progressively cut from the footwall block and transferred to the hanging wall block. Floor Fault: The bottom of the duplex. It is also the active fault, while the roof fault bounding the top of the duplex is never active as a single fault. Figure 4.23 depicts two models of balanced, complete cross sections of normal fault systems. Both models account for all fault termination lines and for all required tectonic motions (lacking in simplified cross sections). 4.5 Determination of Extension Associated with Normal Faults Estimates of extension based on fault geometry Extension can be defined as the change in length in a given direction caused by deformation of the system, devided by the original length. To quantitatively evaluate the extension across a region using fault geometry, assumptions regarding fault strike uniformity and a region’s change in length must be made. This model assumes that extension is accommodated by the largest faults within a system, and assumes extension along the smaller faults to be negligible. Assumptions limit the Daniel Jensen, 2011 Edited by Curtis Baden and Bridget Floyd, 2013 2