Software Packages for Electronics Thermal Analysis and Management

Electronics Thermal Analysis and Management
Flow Network Modeling (FNM)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Heat Transfer Correlation
Experimental Measurement Techniques
Software Packages:
IcePAK, IcePro, IceMax, QFin (
Gambit (
FloCAD (
Pro/Mechanica (cfdesign) ( : Products
Electronics Cooling Products
Fully interactive, object-based, thermal management software
The new Pro/Engineer-Icepak direct CAD interface
The Most Advanced Parasitic Extraction Tool for Analyzing Complex IC
Package Designs
The optimized heat sink design and analysis tool
Icepak 4.0 Features
Model Building Features
Automatic Mesh Generation Features
Comprehensive Modeling Capabilities
Advanced Physical Models
Boundary Conditions for Flexible Model Building
Solver Attributes
Visualization and Reporting
Online Help and Documentation
Supported Hardware
Icepak is a fully interactive, object-based, thermal management software tool.The Icepak design
environment allows engineers to reduce design costs and reduce the time-to-market of highperformance electronic systems.
Icepak offers enhanced CAD geometry import in IGES and DXF formats for easy integration with
other mechanical engineering CAD tools and EDA software. Icepak uses Fluent's flagship solver
engine, FLUENT, providing complete flexibility to model complex geometries on unstructured
mesh. FLUENT's sophisticated multigrid solver and segregated solution algorithm make Icepak
calculations robust and fast.
Icepak provides features that are not available in other analysis packages, including accurate
modeling of non-rectangular devices, contact resistance modeling, anisotropic conductivity, nonlinear fan curves, lumped-parameter heat sink devices, external heat exchangers, and automatic
radiation heat transfer view factor calculations.
Model Building Features:
Icepak's mouse-driven selection, placement, and sizing of predefined objects makes model
building fast and easy. Complex geometries can be represented without approximations.
Object-based model building with predefined objects, including cabinets, blocks, fans,
Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and racks, vents, openings, plates, walls, ducts, sources,
resistances, and compact heat sinks
Comprehensive object shapes, including rectangular blocks, cylinders, ellipsoids,
elliptical cylinders, concentric cylinders, prisms of polygonal cross-section, prisms of
varying cross-section, and ducts of arbitrary cross-section
Rectangular or circular 3D/2D fans with hubs, guards, and power specifications
Inclined rectangular plates, fans, vents, openings, and resistances
Advanced object for heat sinks - both detailed and compact model representations
are available
"ModelManager": A graphical "explorer-tree-style" model management tool that
allows you to quickly create, edit, and manage objects, assemblies, libraries, projects,
configurations & settings
Mouse-driven interactive GUI controls, including:
o Mouse or keyboard control of placement, movement, and sizing of objects
o Ruler option to guide in sizing/resizing of objects
o 3D mouse-based view manipulation with dynamic rotation, translation, and zoom
o Undo/redo functions
o Active/inactive option for all objects
o Error and tolerance checking
o Flexible/Customizable units for all input fields
ModelManager entities
o Advanced objects specification for heat sinks, IC packages, and fans
Graphical alignment tools
Parameterized geometry and boundary conditions - ability to set up and run multiple
trials/design options from the Icepak interface
Geometry inputs using local coordinates
Library functions, that allow you to store or retrieve groups of objects in a parts library
Comprehensive material property database
Geometry import from MCAD/ECAD:
o IcePro: A direct Pro/ENGINEER® to Icepak interface
o IGES import feature included in Icepak
o IDF wizard to import EDA PCB layout information
Editable model summaries, import to and export from spreadsheets
Capability to setup user-defined macros
Polygonal and circular shapes allowed for fans, vents, resistances, plates, openings
Automatic Mesh Generation Features:
Icepak provides a full range of meshing options:
o Automatic unstructured body conforming
Automatic structured Cartesian meshing for convenient analysis of models
with predominantly rectangular geometric shapes
Automatic non-conformal (for unstructured and structured) to mesh regions
of the model separately, simplify meshing, and reduce the cell count, thereby
increasing the speed of solutions
o Automatic tetra mesher to accommodate the very difficult geometric shapes
Icepak's fully-automatic unstructured mesh generation lets you model complex
geometries with ease.
Fully-automatic, unstructured mesh generation for true geometry representation (no stairstepped approximations)
Hexahedra, tetrahedra, pentahedra, prisms, and mixed element mesh types for high
quality mesh on complex objects
Coarse mesh generation option for first-cut analysis
Full user control of meshing parameters and mesh deployment
Intuitive mesh viewing tools that facilitate review of mesh quality
See Illustrative Meshing Examples
Comprehensive Modeling Capabilities:
Forced, natural, and mixed convection heat transfer modes; conduction in solids;
conjugate heat transfer between solid and fluid regions
Surface-to-surface radiation heat transfer, with automatic view-factor calculation
Laminar or turbulent flows
Steady-state or transient analyses
Volumetric resistances and sources for velocity and energy
Advanced Physical Models:
Icepak's depth in physical models ensures that you can include the flow and heat transfer
physics that are important to your process, with the confidence that predictions will be
accurate and dependable.
Choice of mixing-length or two-equation k-epsilon turbulence models
RNG turbulence model is available
Input for full anisotropic conductivity in solids
Temperature-dependent material properties
Contact resistance modeling
Non-isotropic volumetric flow resistance modeling, with non-isotropic resistance
proportional to velocity (linear and/or quadratic)
Internal heat generation in volumetric flow resistances
Non-linear fan curves for realistic fan modeling
Radiation view factor computation models - two methods are available: (1) Improved
hemicube method (2) Adaptive method
Lumped-parameter models for fans, resistances, and vents
Robust shell conduction model - accounts for planar/lateral conduction effects in zerothickness plates
Resistance network model - can be used to model IC packages, once characterized in
terms of known resistance networks
Network implementations to model external heat exchangers coupled to CFD
calculations; users specify mass flow rate through the heat exchanger and overall heat
transfer coefficients
Ideal gas law available
Boundary Conditions for Flexible Model Building:
Wall/Surface boundaries with options for specification of heat flux, temperature,
convective heat transfer coefficient, radiation, and symmetry conditions
Openings and vents with options for specification of inlet/exit velocity, mass flow rate, exit
static pressure, inlet total pressure, inlet temperature, and turbulence parameters
Vents and resistances have an automatic loss coefficient calculation based on free area
Fans, with options for specified mass flow rate or fan performance curve
Recirculating boundary conditions, for external heat exchanger simulation
Planar heat exchanger for external heat exchanges
Time-dependent and temperature-dependent sources
Time-varying ambient temperature input
Profiles of velocity, temperature, heat flux/heat transfer coefficients can be specified on
openings and walls
Pressure boundaries can be a function of time
Variable time-stepping for transient problems - any desired time step variation can be
specified; this is useful for problems where changes of interest occur over very small time
Solver Attributes:
Icepak's state-of-the-art solver is the industry-leading finite volume solver used in FLUENT 5.6.
Robust, fast, and accurate, Icepak uses a segregated solution algorithm with a sophisticated
multigrid solver to reduce computational time.
State-of-the-art fluid flow and heat transfer solver for complex geometries
Choice of first-order upwinding, for first-cut solutions, or a higher-order scheme for
improved accuracy
Automatic adjustment of solver underrelaxation, for robust and fast convergence
Parallel solver for multiprocessor machines - solver speedup depends on the size of the
problem and the number of processors
Parallel solver for networked machines, NT or UNIX is available.
Grid to grid interpolation for restart is available.
Automatic setting to decouple the flow and energy solution to reduce the time to
convergence (by over 30%) in forced convection flows
Visualization and Reporting:
Icepak includes a full-function 3D object-based postprocessor, so you can interpret results with
ease. Customized reports help you identify and compare trends during parametric analysis of
design options.
Fully-integrated, interactive, object-based visualized with:
o Three-dimensional modeling
o Dynamic mouse-based view manipulation (rotation, translation, zoom)
o View selection and resetting options
o Hidden line/surface removal
o On/off toggling of object visualization
o Mouse-driven cut-plane determination
o Dynamic movement of cut-planes through the domain
o Viewing planes that are arbitrary planar surfaces in the domain
Visualization of velocity vectors, contours, particle traces, or mesh on object faces, cut
planes, and iso-surfaces
Point probes and XY plotting for data reporting
Mouse probe for data probing on any post-processing object
Point summary tables
Contours of velocity components, speed, temperature, pressure, heat flux, heat transfer
coefficient, flow rate, turbulence parameters, vorticity and many more quantities
Velocity vectors - color-coded by temperature, velocity magnitude, pressure, or other
solved/derived quantities
Animation for viewing of particle and dye traces
Animation of vectors and contours in transient analyses
Reporting to user-specified ASCII files of all solved quantities and derived quantities
(heat flux, mass flow rate, heat transfer coefficient, etc.) on all objects, parts of objects,
and user-specified regions of the domain
Time history of solution variables at any point in the model
Graphical monitoring of convergence history during the solution process
Additional convergence monitoring tool - point monitors for solved variables to monitor
solution convergence
Direct graphics output to printers and/or to user-specified files; hard copy options include
color or monochrome postscript, PPM,TIFF, GIF, JPEG, and RGB file formats
Create animations directly from Icepak by writing out data MPEG and AVI formats
Animation capability to write out MPEG movies and animated GIFs
Seamless transfer of data between Windows NT and UNIX
Single point object that can be used as a monitor point, post-processing object or for
point reports
Ability to report fan operating points
Autotherm users can export heat transfer coefficients and temperature for use in
Data can also be exported to NASTRAN™, PATRAN™, and IDEAS™ Universal file
Data can be saved in point format on all postprocessing objects
Ability to remap mouse-button preferences
3D objects (e.g. block) can be converted to 2D objects (plate) and vice-versa
Automatic save interval can be specified
Online Help and Documentation:
Context-sensitive online help for all panels/menus
Bubble help available for all functional menus
Tutorial manual, with validation examples
Training manual
Supported Hardware:
UNIX workstations and PCs using Windows/NT
IcePro 3.1:
The New Pro/Engineer-Icepak Direct CAD Interface
IcePro 3.1, the new Pro/Engineer-to-Icepak interface, builds on its successful integration of CAD
software with Icepak’s thermal modeling software. The IcePro user can take advantage of many
of Pro/Engineer's CAD and database features. By allowing the user to use simplification tools
available in Pro/Engineer itself, the time required to get thermal models from CAD systems is
reduced dramatically. The philosophy of the integrated Pro/Engineer CAD interface is to take
advantage of design engineers' expertise in using Pro/Engineer to define the thermal model.
IcePro Features
Key Attributes in IcePro 3.1
Auto Export
o Allows you to configure export to suppress/identify features
o Auto-export to convert the ProE model to an Icepak model
o Show un-exported features
Menu structure showing the auto export
Configure translation to do the following
o Automatically simplify the geometry by suppressing features that modify a
protrusion, for example, rounds, chamfers fillets, etc.
o Ignore small cut and protrusion features
Configure translation
Results of translation shown in Icepak
Apply sensible object recognition, such as patterns of cuts and extrusions
Decompose complex shapes into prismatic shapes
Preserve the ProE model tree layout when transferred into Icepak
Image as viewed in ProEngineer
In addition, the manual export can also recognize extrusions, split polygons and preserve the
ProE model tree. The features introduced in v 3.0 of the interface have been retained.
Key Attributes in IcePro 3.0
1. Easier object/face selection procedure through elimination of the surface/object
abstraction procedure
Enhanced circular or rectangular geometry selection through curve selection
2. Direct import of material property from Pro/E to Icepak
3. Retain the dimensional unit information from Pro/E
4. Easier procedure for cylinder/polygonal object selection
The objects highlighted in red show single-click polygonal object selection
5. List manager – manage/edit/delete objects selected in Pro/E before exporting to Icepak
The List Manager is shown deleting objects
All of the following features in Version 2.0 have been retained in IcePro 3.0 and several feature
improvements have been made as referenced above. The details for Version 2.0 are:
Version 2.0 of the Pro/E-Icepak direct CAD interface contains features that drastically reduce
the time required to transfer a CAD model from Pro/E to Icepak. You can now export Icepak
models from individual parts, directly from the assembly, or designate Icepak objects in individual
parts from within Pro/E. There's also a feature that allows you to write out data without rescanning the entire part/assembly.
New Features in Version 2.0
1. Icepak and Pro/E users can now use the new interface with both assembly and part files.
2. If you have repetitive objects (for example, heat sink fins, PCBs) in your part or assembly
files, you do not need to pick these entities one-by-one. The repetitive features will
automatically come into Icepak.
3. Major improvements to polygonal objects selection and how they were written out.
4. Create circular surfaces for fans and openings without actually creating the surface
abstractions, as long as you select the two common surfaces to create the object.
5. The xyz extends of the picked surfaces can now be used to define all prism blocks.
6. Easier and more flexible way to import inclined plates.
7. The new "Fast Write Data" button allows you to write data out without rescanning the entire part or assembly. This option should only be exercised if no
geometric changes have been made, since the Icepak button was first pushed
inside the current model.
8. The new feature "Remove All Objects" allows the user to select multiple objects
without having to push "Remove Object" button for each one of the objects.
Icemax: The Most Advanced Parasitic Extraction Tool for Analyzing Complex IC
Package Designs
Soon To Be Released!!
Icemax is the most advanced parasitic extraction tool for analyzing complex IC package designs.
Icemax is based on state-of-the-art finite volume field solver technologies, which allow quick and
accurate electrical characterization of IC package performance. Engineers and researchers
involved in IC package design can now easily generate detailed, reliable RLCG information for
the entire package in a matter of minutes. Output can be generated in matrix, SPICE, or IBIS
Icemax Features
Icemax is the most advanced parasitic extraction tool for analyzing complex IC package designs.
Icemax is based on state-of-the-art finite volume field solver technologies, which allow quick and
accurate electrical characterization of IC package performance. Engineers and researchers
involved in IC package design can now easily generate detailed, reliable RLCG information for
the entire package in a matter of minutes. Output can be generated in matrix, SPICE, or IBIS
Import of layout data from Cadence, Synopsys, Zuken, Mentor
Single-chip and multi-chip Modules
Bond wire and C4 (flip chip) packages
4-point and 5-point JEDEC standards for 3-D representation of bond wire profiles
Detailed 3-D modeling of solder ball and solder bump geometry
AIF file input for net names and node coordinates
Fully interactive, 3-D model viewing for full package or selected nets
Full package characterization
Automatic detection of nearest neighbors for mutual L/C calculations
Flexibility in assigning source or sink boundary conditions
Fast finite-volume field solver
Lumped and distributed output
RLCG representation in matrix, SPICE and IBIS formats
Ground/power net simulation
Frequency-dependent parasitic extraction
Buried, blind and through-hole vias
3-D field distribution plots
Automatic reporting (Word, Excel)
The Optimized Heat Sink Design and Analysis Tool
Fluent and QFinsoft bring you QFin to help take the guesswork out of your design process. This
software tool enables you to simulate every aspect of heat sink design and analysis. The software
is quick and easy-to-use, with a comprehensive database of commercially available heat sinks
and component casings as well as the ability to design a heat sink to your own specifications.
QFin Features:
General Program Capabilities
The core of Qfin 3 is an easy to use, parameterized, fully 3D designer, allowing the engineer to
model an assembly consisting of a heat sink with multiple fans inside a cabinet. Several
advanced air flow models ensure accurate boundary calculations, and an efficient direct solver
calculates accurate heat transfer in seconds.
Because assembly designs are fully parameterized, Qfin3 allows easy range solving and
optimization of virtually all design variables. Full histories are also available for both range solving
and optimization, so that each solved design can be inspected along with its solution.
Other noteworthy program capabilities include the following:
Comprehensive project and assembly management through the Qfin3 Browser
Easy import, export and emailing of projects and assemblies
Import of Qfin2 assemblies
Wizards for quick and easy creation of different types of heat sinks
Fully 3D modelling of cabinet, heat sinks, and multiple fans
Parameterized specification of fin and pin configurations
3D viewing of calculated boundary consitions (pressure, air speed, htc, etc.)
Full HTML reporting for solutions, range solves, optimizations, and transient solutions
The main Qfin 3 window is called the browser, and provides easy access to the following
Project and assembly management (including importing, exporting, mailing, copying)
Component management (heat sinks, fans, etc.)
Online documentation (overview, tutorials)
Program settings (user information for reports, unit systems)
Product support
Product license management
Qfin 3 stores all projects, assemblies and component geometries in its own internal data
repository. As such there are no "file open/save" kind of functions, but you can export and import
projects, assemblies, and components for transfer between users. To make this process even
easier, there is a one-click "e-mail selected project/assembly" function.
In the future Qfinsoft will also offer a module that will allow shared network repositories, where
engineers can share projects, assemblies and components (with password protection if required).
The new designer has a CAD-like interface and allows you to design a complete assembly,
including cabinet, heat sink, and fan geometries at once. Solving is done directly from within the
designer, allowing for quick and easy design-solve-modify-solve cycles.
The 4 views are all OpenGL based and can be independently configured and rotated. As an
example, during normal design 3 of the views can show orthographic front, top, and side views,
while the 4th shows a 3D view. After solving the 4 views can all be set to perspective projected
3D mode, showing air speed, ambient temperature, heat transfer coefficient and solution
temperature respectively.
All elements of an assembly design are parameterized, allowing range solving and optimization
using virtually any design variable available in the model.
Other features of the designer include:
Tree based view of assembly and model
Selection of geometry using tree or directly in 3D view
All elements of model visible in 3D view, including cabinet, fans, sources and local
Customizable color selection for all geometrical elements
Direct solving, range solving, transient solving and optimization from within designer
Automatic snapshots of 3D view in all reports
Automatic mesh creation, overridable for each geometrical element
Fan positioning relative to heat sink
Qfin3 uses several advanced radiation and convection models to calculate boundaries very
accurately, as well as a very efficient direct solver for heat transfer determination.
The end result of all this advanced technology is that Qfin3 can solve most assemblies in a matter
of seconds, which is especially beneficial during range solving and optimization, where multiple
solutions must to be generated.
Other features of the solver include:
User selectable radiation calculations
Full user-specified ambient conditions (including pressure calculation from altitude)
Accurate forced convection modelling for each kind of fan setup (ducted or impingement)
Effective modelling of air flow from multiple fans
Automatic determination of fan operating point if fan curve is specified
Independent meshing of heat sink elements, allowing fine grained control of mesh sizes
in different parts of heat sink
Full HTML solution reports (soon to be fully customizable)
Optimization in Qfin3 has been vastly expanded and improved from Qfin2. Because assembly
designs are fully parameterized, virtually any model parameter can be selected as an optimization
Qfin3 also allows simultaneous optimization of multiple functions, as well as flexible specification
of multiple constraints.
Most solution variables, like pressure drop and average htc, are also available as selectable
"monitors" during an optimization run. Full reporting is standard, including full reports of each
design that was solved during the optimization process.
Various optimizer settings also allow the user to specify optimization stop conditions, as well as
cabinet constraint and resizing measures to be taken during optimization.
FLUENT is the world leading CFD code for a wide range of flow modeling applications. With its
long-standing reputation of being user-friendly, FLUENT makes it easy for new users to come up
to productive speed. Its unique capabilities in an unstructured, finite volume based solver are
near-ideal in parallel performance. To ensure that FLUENT is ready to deploy right out-of-the-box,
we have put it through a comprehensive program of industrial-strength testing.
General Modeling Capabilities
Complete mesh flexibility
All speed regimes (low subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flows)
Parallel processing
Solution-based mesh adaptation
Steady-state and transient flows
Inviscid, laminar, and turbulent flows
Newtonian or non-Newtonian flows
Full range of turbulence models from simple k-epsilon models to large eddy simulation
Heat transfer including forced, natural, and mixed convection, conjugate heat transfer,
as well as several radiation models
Chemical species transport and reaction, including homogeneous and heterogeneous
combustion models and surface reaction models
Free surface, Eulerian and mixture multiphase models
Lagrangian trajectory calculation for dispersed phase modeling
Phase change model for melting/solidification applications
Cavitation model
Porous media model
Lumped parameter models for fans, radiators, and heat exchangers
Dynamic mesh capability for modeling flow around moving bodies
Inertial (stationary) or non-inertial (rotating or accelerating) reference frames
Multiple reference frame and sliding mesh options
Mixing-plane model for rotor-stator interactions
Acoustics analogy for prediction of flow-induced noise
Materials property database
Integrated problem set-up and post-processing
Extensive customization via user-defined functions
GAMBIT CFD Preprocessor
Fast geometry modeling and high quality meshing are crucial to successful use of CFD.
GAMBIT gives you both. Explore the advantages:
GAMBIT has a single interface for geometry creation and meshing that brings together all of
Fluent's preprocessing technologies in one environment. Advanced tools for journaling let you
edit and conveniently replay model building sessions for parametric studies.
Courtesy of Kommerling Kunststoff GmbH
CAD/CAE Integration
GAMBIT can import geometry from virtually any CAD/CAE software in Parasolid, ACIS, STEP or
IGES format. Native CATIA V4 import and Pro/E Integration is also available (add-on). Tolerant
modeling and healing capabilities are automatically providing connected solid geometry during
Aerospace valve solid model imported with GAMBIT's native CATIA V4 translator
Fast Modeling
GAMBIT provides a concise and powerful set of solid modeling based geometry tools. Using
these, the fluid domain can be extracted from imported geometry and further decomposition can
be performed using simple Boolean operations
Valve CFD fluid domain after geometry Boolean and construction operations in GAMBIT
CAD Cleanup
GAMBIT's semi-automatic cleanup tools can be used to repair and prepare the geometry for high
quality meshing. Holes, overlapping faces, small features, sharp corners, etc. are quickly
identified and various tools are directly accessible to resolve any problems.
Intelligent Meshing
Different CFD problems require different mesh types, and GAMBIT provides you with all of the
options you need in a single package. GAMBIT's meshing toolkit lets you decompose geometries
for structured hex meshing or perform automated hex meshing with control over clustering.
Triangular surface meshes and tetrahedral volume meshes can be created within a single
environment, along with Cartesian core, pyramids and prisms for hybrid meshing using automatic
size distribution to correctly capture sharp curvature and small gaps.
GAMBIT builds on Fluent's established leadership in tools for automated meshing combined with
user control.
Valve CFD mesh using HexCore meshing technology and automatic cell size distribution
ESP: Blue Ridge Numerics,
Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc. develops and globally markets CFdesign®, an affordable and practical fluid flow,
heat transfer and electronics cooling simulation software fully integrated in the Pro/ENGINEER environment.
Developed specifically for product development teams, CFdesign is the only CFD package in the world to
fully leverage the native Pro/ENGINEER assembly and facilitate a parametric relationship between design
and analysis. On average, a company using CFdesign for Pro/ENGINEER can reduce by 70% the time it
takes to develop, test, and prove a new product while reducing projects costs by 65%.
General Information
Address 2:
Postal Code:
Web Site:
Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc.
3315 Berkmar Drive
Suite 2B
Contact Information
Jim Spann
Vice President, Marketing
Partner Functionality: Flexible Engineering
Engineering Analysis
Product Information
PTC Approved
Product Name:
CFdesign for Pro/ENGINEER
CFdesign features a true parametric relationship with part geometry and
assemblies, and automatically produces the optimal mesh required for reliable
simulation results. Further shortening the learning curve, CFdesign even uses
the same navigation controls and part identification methodology as
Pro/ENGINEER. As added benefit, CFdesign can automatically pass thermal
analysis results to Pro/MECANICA as input for structural simulations. Powered
by proven numerical techniques and leading-edge computational methods,
CFdesign is a comprehensive tool to optimize a wide spectrum of mechanical
and electronic systems for internal/external fluid flow and heat transfer
performance. Used by more than 1,200 companies in nearly every industry,
including Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, HVAC, Materials Processing,
Medical, Plumbing, Power Generation, Pumps, Test Equipment, and Valves,
CFdesign has been embraced by Pro/ENGINEER customers around the world
as the new standard for design analysis and optimization.
Integrated with
which PTC