Investing in EGYPT

Investing in EGYPT
Investments Fields'
Investments Fields'
First: Recalamation and cultivation land, Animal ,
poultry and fish production:
1- Reclamation and cultivation of barren and desert lands
or either of them.
2- Animal, poultry and fish production.
3- Genetic engineering at plants and animals fields'
Second: Industry and development of industrial zones:
1. Manufacturing and mining.
2. The integrated industrial development for industrial
zones or completing the development or marketing or
management of industrial zones established due to the
prime minister’s decree.
Third: Touristic investment:
1. Hotels, motels, hotel apartments, tourist villages, tourst
camps and tourist transportation.
2. Touristic marketing and administration for hotels,
hotels, apartments and touristic villages.
3. Establishing and administration of the integrated
services of the nile ports that is entailed for their
functions and safety.
4. Establishing and administration of Golf yards, diving
centers and other integral and related activities.
5. Projects of monuments & museums which helps on
publish of monuments culture.
Forth: Transportation:
1. Refrigerated transportation of goods, refrigerators for
the purposes of storing crops, manufactured products
and foodstuffs, container stations and grain soils.
4- Air transport and directly related services.
5- Overseas maritime transport.
6- Transportation from/to urban zones.
Fifth: Specialized services:
1. Petroleum services in support of drilling, exploration as
well as gas transport and delivery.
2. Hospitals, medical and therapeutic centers that offer 10
% of their capacities free of charge.
3. Development of new urban zones.
a) planning & establishing the new urban zones and
supply them with infrastructure.
b) All services projects' which practiced completely
at the new urban zones
4. The gathering of rubbish and wastes of production and
services activities and their treatment.
Sixth: Infrastructure:
 Infrastructure operation including potable water,
sewage, electricity, roads and communications
underground trains and trains.
Seventh: Funding and financial Evaluation for
1- Financial lease.
2- Underwriting of subscription to securities.
3- Venture capital.
4- Credit classification.
5- Deductions.
Eighth: Computer System and Technological:
1- Software designing and producing the electronic
2- Designing and production of computers.
3- Designing and building data base.
4- Establishment, management of technological zones.
Ninth: Housing:
1- Housing complexes for the purposes of full,
unfurnished lease for non-commercial uses.
2- Construction investment at the industrial zones or the
urban zones or remote zones
Tenth: social monetary projects:
 Projects concerning small or integrated industrials
which is funded from social monetary fund.
Eleventh: Marketing and Promotion for investment
 Marketing and Promotion for attracting investors in
reclamation, cultivation, tourstic, and industrial
development and dry, Nile and internal ports according
to the roles declared by the minister in question.
1. Companies or establishments shall not be
nationalized nor shall their property be confiscated.
2. Administrative Guardianship shall not be imposed
on companies or establishments, nor shall their
property and funds be distrained, seized, retained,
in protective custody, blocked or confiscated.
3. No administrative authority shall interfere at
company's pricing policy nor in determining
company's profits'.
4. No administrative authority shall cancel or suspend
in whole or in part, a license granted to a company
for the use of real estate except in case of a breach of
the license conditions.
5. No criminal suit shall be initiated against any
company without first taking the opinion of the
authority firstly.
6. Disputes shall be settled amicably with the investor
or according to the international conventions
between Egypt and the country of the investor , or
according to the convention concerned with the
settlement of disputes as per Act No. 90 of 1971 or
by arbitration .
1 : Custom duties exemptions:
1/1: Complete exemptions for the free zones.
1/2: Customs duties flat rate of 5% on imported
equipment necessary for production.
2 : Tax exemptions:
2/1/1: Five Years Exemption: for the projects
financed by the Social Development Funds
2/1/2: Ten Years Exemption: for the following
 Reclamation and cultivation of barren and
desert lands or either of them.
 Animal production & bee-keeping.
 Fish farms & boots.
2/1/3: Lifetime exemption for free zones projects
3: Other exemptions:
- The charters of establishment , the mortgage and loan
agreements related to the activities of the companies are
exempted from the fiscal stamps and authentication fees
for five years from the date on which such companies
are registered in the Commercial Register .
- The title of deed of lands allocated to build such;
companies are exempted from fiscal stamps and
authentication fees.
1. A company registry application.
2. The possession contract or the allocating dead of the
project land (or present an act for presenting it
during one year from the establishing date).
3. A bank certificate proving that 10% of the issued
capital has been deposited .In case of limited
liability companies, the amount of capital is paid in
4. Non confusion certificate include the company name
(for capital companies).
5. The power of attorney to take the necessary
procedures to establish the company should be given
by the partner to the partner attorney and it should
include company establishment right and singing
contracts in the notary office.
6. A copy of the identity cards or the passports of the
partners or the owner and the birth certificate for
minors if any.
7. Criminal declaration in case the company includes
8. A copy of attorney card " not less than primary
attorney " enlisted in the lawyers syndicate , paid
participation fees , signed by a lawyer and
9. In case the company is located in Sinai, a map of the
company's location is submitted in addition to the
approval of the chairman of GAFI.
All the documents are submitted to the operation
department according to its legal status for completing
and reviewing the contract with attorney from GAFI
besides filling in the following applications for:
 Registering the company in the commercial registry
 Issuing the shares of the established company (Joint
Stock & Partnership limited by share co.).
 Publishing in the Investment magazine.
 Issuing the practice certificate by Chamber of
Commerce for the companies registered according to
law no. 159/1982.
The contract will be issued after completing and
reviewing the data.
2- The file should be handed to the operation department
a) Calculating the fees of the concerned authorities
(according to its legal status and law)
b) After paying the fees according to the central paying
system of Alexandria Bank – GAFI Branch and
handing the receipts to the operation department, the
concerned employee will finish the required
procedures in behalf of the investor with:
 Lawyers syndicate
 Capital market authority (Joint Stock &
Partnership limited by share co.)
 Notarization Office
 Chamber of Commerce Union (for the companies
registered according to law no. 159/1982)
 Commercial Registration
3- The investor or his attorney should sign the contract
by the Notarization Office.
4- Issuing the decree of the company establishing.
5- The commercial registration will be presented to the
All these procedures are done in the ONE STOP SHOP
in three working days
Fees of Law no. 8/1997
Type of fee
Amount of fee
fee of the
Five per thousand
Egyptian pounds of the
capital amount with a
maximum of 5,000 LE +
20 L.E lawyers’ stamp.
Syndicate at
Salah Salem
0.25 % of the paid
capital with a maximum
of 500 LE.
Notary at
Salah Salem
Registry fees
Sole proprietorships : 40
Type of fee
Amount of fee
Joint stock Co. : 86.5 LE
Office at
Salah Salem
Partnerships : 94.5 LE
partners): 106.5 LE
The fees of
publishing in
the investment
Joint Stock Co. in
Arabic: 2000 LE
Joint Stock Co. in Arabic The Legal
/ English:4000 LE
Partnership Co. in
of the
Arabic: 400 LE
Authority at
Salah Salem
Partnership Co. in
English / Arabic:800 LE st.
Sole proprietorships :
200 LE
Tax license
Partnership Co. : 90 LE
Joint stock Co.:
- Partnership limited by
share : 900 LE
at 5A, 26
- L.L.C : 900 LE
July Street,
- Corporations : 1800 LE Cairo.
Sole proprietorships :
Type of fee
Amount of fee
The fee for
issuing the
shares (joint
stock and
limited by
0.5 per thousand
Egyptian pounds with a
maximum of 10,000 LE.
The General
for Capital
Salah Salem
The fees of
evaluating a
corporeal share
for inland
Two per thousand
Egyptian pounds of the
value of the corporeal
share with a minimum
fee of 5000 LE and a
maximum fee of 10000
The General
& Free
Salah Salem
st. st.