Course Outline SANT 301

Part One SANT 301
Week one
Drugs and Anthropology in an urban Western Context
Adler, Patricia A. and Peter Adler, 1983. Shifts and Oscillations in Deviant Careers: The Case
of Upper-Level Drug Dealers and Smugglers, Social Problems, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 195-207
Bourgois Philippe, Mark Lettiere and James Quesada. 1997. Social Misery and the Sanctions
of Substance Abuse: Confronting HIV Risk among Homeless Heroin Addicts in San
Francisco, Social Problems, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 155-173
Sveinung Sandberg. 2008. Street capital: Ethnicity and violence on the streets of Oslo,
Theoretical Criminology, vol. 12: pp. 153–171
Week Two
Crime and anthropology in a non-western urban context
Goddard, Michael. 2005. The Unseen City: Anthropological Perspectives on Port Moresby,
Papua New Guinea. Canberra: Pandanus Books, pp. 77-119
Koczberski Gina, George N. Curry, and John Connell. 2001. Full Circle or Spiralling Out of
Control? State Violence and the Control of Urbanisation in Papua New Guinea, Urban
Studies, vol. 38: pp. 2017-2036.
Kulick, Don. 1993. Heroes from Hell: Representations of 'Rascals' in a Papua New Guinean
Village. Anthropology Today, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 9-14
Week three Writing culture debate and multi-sited ethnography
Geertz, Clifford- 1988. Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author. Stanford: Stanford
University Press, pp. 73-101.
Said, Edward W. 1985. Orientalism Reconsidered Cultural Critique, No. 1, pp. 89-107
Bourdieu, P. 2003. Participant Objectivation. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9
(2), 281–294
Week four
The meaning of the white man.
Basso, Keith H. 1979. Portraits of the "Whiteman": Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols
Among the Western Apache, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 37-64
Bashkow, Ira. 2006. The Meaning of Whitemen: Race and Modernity in the Orokaiva
Cultural World. Chicago: lJniversity of Chicago Press, pp. 209-259
Week five
Death and Gender; laments in Greece
Dubisch Jill. 2001. Death and Social Change in Greece. Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 62,
No. 4, pp. 189-200
Seremetakis C. Nadia 1990. The Ethics of Antiphony: The Social Construction of Pain,
Gender, and Power in the Southern Peloponnese, Ethos, Vol. 18, No. 4 pp. 481-511
Week six
Embodiment, feminism and Anthropology
Boddy, Janice 1988. Spirits and Selves in Northern Sudan: The Cultural Therapeutics of
Possession and Trance Janice Boddy American Ethnologist, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 4-27
Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1985. Honor and the Sentiments of Loss in a Bedouin Society,
American Ethnologist, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 245-261
Week Seven. Cults in a modern world: Europe and the third World
Battaglia, Debbora. 2005 For Those Who Are Not Afraid of the Future: Raëlian Clone-hood
in the Public Sphere. In E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, ed. Deborah Battaglia,
149–79. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
Hess, D. J. 1989. Disobsessing Disobsession: Religion, Ritual, and the Social Sciences in
Brazil, Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 182-193
Week Eight. Football hooliganism and subcultures
Armstrong, G with Giulianotti, R. (2002). Avenues of Contestation. Football Hooligans
Running and Ruling Urban Spaces. Social Anthropology 10 (2) pp211-238
Gullestad Marianne. 2002. Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, nationalism and racism, Journal
of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 8(1):45−63.
Part Two SANT 301
Borchgrevink, Tordis. 1997. Et ubehag i antropologien. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift 8 (1):
26-36. (10 s.)
Grønhaug, Reidar 1978. Scale as a variable in analysis. Fields in social organizations in Herta,
Northwest Afghanistan. I Scale and Social Organizations., red. Fredrik Barth, 78-121. Oslo:
Universitetsforlaget. (43 s.)
Grønhaug, Reidar 1997. Ressstaten, det flerkulturelle og antropologien. Norsk antropologisk
tidsskrift 8 (3-4): 256-72 (16s).
Gruenbaum, Ellen. 2001. Introduction. I The Female Circumcision Controversy in an
Anthropological Perspective av Ellen Gruenbaum, 1-35, Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press. (35s.)
Kapferer, Bruce. 1997. Situations, crisis, and the anthropology of the concrete: The
Contribution of Max Gluckman. Social Analysis, Volume 49, Issue 3, Winter 2005: 85–122.
(38 s.)
Ortner, Sherry B. 2005. Subjectivity and Cultural Critique. Anthropological Theory 5 (1):3152. (22 s.)
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy and Margaret M. Lock. 1986. The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenone
to Future Work in Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, Vol.
1, No. 1, 6-41. (35 s.)
Sheehan, Elizabeth A 1996. The student of culture and the ethnography of Irish Intellectuals. I
When They Read What We Write, red. Caroline B. Brettell, 75-90, Westport, CT. : Bergin &
Garvey. (15s.)
Strathern, Marilyn 1987. The limits of auto-anthropology. Jackson. A. ed., Anthropology at
Home ASA Monographs 25:16-37 (21s).
Talle, Aud. 2001. But it is mutilation: antropologi og vanskelige temaer. Norsk antropologisk
tidsskrift, vol. 25-33. ( 8 s.)
Turner, Victor. 1974. Social Dramas and Ritual Metaphors. I Dramas, Fields and Metaphors
by Victor Turner, 23-59. Ithaca: N.Y. : Cornell University Press. (36 s.)