Week: 34 “Say you`ll be there” (Love and friendship)

Engelsk fordypning 10.trinn 2015/2016
Week: 34 “Say you’ll be there” (Love and friendship)
For Friday
 Textbook: Read text A pp 10-12
 Textbook: Let’s talk p 12 (in writing)
 Textbook: Work with words p 12 (in writing)
Week: 35
For Wednesday:
 Workbook: Finish tasks 1, 3, 5, 10 pp 8-10
For Friday:
 Textbook: Read text C pp 18-20
 Practice for vocabulary test p 20
Week: 36
For Wednesday:
 Workbook: Do tasks 11-13 pp 12-13
For Friday:
 Workbook: Do task 19, 20, 25, 26 (write whole sentences) pp 17-20
Week: 37
For Wednesday: SHAKESPEARE
 Textbook: Read p 22 + 29. Write 7-10 sentences about Shakespeare. Find
information on the Internet or in an encyclopaedia.
For Friday:
 Workbook: Tasks 27-28 pp 21-22
Week: 38-39 Movie: “Shakespeare in Love”. Essay and dialogue
with evaluation
SHAKESPEARE ESSAY. Hand-in on its-learning.
Evaluation based on content, length, vocabulary, grammar, structure
Copy-paste from the textbook/Internet without sources, will be deleted
400 words +/- 10%
Theme 1: A short paragraph about Shakespeare and a summary about his play
Romeo and Juliet.
Theme 2: Who is who in the movie “Shakespeare in love”? Include a summary of
the movie, and your opinion about it.
Deadline Wednesday week 39.
Engelsk fordypning 10.trinn 2015/2016
Week: 39-40
SHAKESPEARE dialogue teacher-pupil with evaluation.
Evaluation based on content, grammar, vocabulary, talking without notes
Theme: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet and the movie “Shakespeare in love”.
- formidle egne opplevelser av musikk og filmer eller teater til andre
- produsere skriftlig og presentere muntlig selvvalgte fordypningsarbeider