
BIO260 Litterature
Berglund, B.E. 1991 (ed.). The cultural landscape during 6000 years in southern Sweden.
Ecological Bulletins 41. The following chapters/pages:
2.1. Palaeoecology, 31-35.
3. Society and environment through time, 63-106.
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Naturtype og vegetasjon i fare. NINA utredning 29, s. 8-34. (English translation).
Göransson, H. 1986. Man and the forests of nemoral broad-leafed trees during the Stone Age.
Striae 24: 143-152.
Hjelle, K.L. 1999. Use of modern pollen samples and estimated pollen representation
factors as aids in the interpretation of cultural activity in local pollen diagrams.
Norwegian Archaeological Review 32: 19-39.
Kaland, P.E. 1986. The origin and management of Norwegian coastal heaths as reflected by
pollen analysis. In: Behre, K.E. (red.). Anthropogenic indicators in pollen diagrams.
Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 19-36.
Kvamme, M. 1988. Pollen analytical studies of mountain summer-farming in western
Norway. In: Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Kaland, P.E. & Moe, D. (eds.). The Cultural
Landscape: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.
Lagerås, P. 2000. Järnålderns odlingssystem och landskapets långsiktiga förändring. I:
Lagerås, P. (red.). Arkeologi og paleoekologi i sydvästra Småland.
Riksantikvarämbetet. Skrifter No. 34: 167-229.
Losvik. M.H. 1999. Plant species diversity in old, traditionally managed hay meadows
compared to abandoned hay meadows. Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 473-487.
Losvik, M. H. 2003. Species-rich hay meadow sites in West Norway: conservation and
management. In: E. Tiezzi, C. A. Brebbia & J. L. Uso (eds.) Ecosystems and
sustainable development IV:2, pp. 1133-1141. WIT Press, Southampton.
Losvik, M. H. 1996. Consequences of agricultural land use changes in western Norway. In R.
H. G. Jongman (ed.) Ecological and landscape consequences of land use change in
Europe. Proseedings ECNC seminar Tilburg, The Netherlands 16.-18.2. 1995: 155167.
Norderhaug, A., Austad, I., Hauge, L. & Kvamme, M. 1999. Skjøtselsboka
for kulturlandskap og gamle norske kulturmarker, chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 18. (English summary: pp. 235-248). Landbruksforlaget.
Nordhagen, R. 1943: Sikilsdalen. Kapittel 3E. Gjødslete enger og grasbeiter I fjelltrakter.
Bergens Museums Skrifter nr. 22, s. 385-410.
Odgaard, B.V. 1989. Cultural landscape development through 5500 years at Lake Skånsø,
Northwestern Jutland as reflected in a regional pollen diagram. In: Journal of Danish
Archaeology 8: 200-210.
Odgaard, B.V. 2000. Origin and temporal development of macro-scale vegetation patterns in
the cultural landscape of Denmark. Journal of Ecology 88, 733-748.
Prøsch-Danielsen, L. & Simonsen, A. 2000. Palaeoecological investigations towards the
reconstruction of the history of forest clearances and coastal hethlands in southwestern Norway. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 9: 189-204.
Viklund, K. 1998. Plant finds as evidence of farming practice in the Swedish Iron Age. In:
Viklund, K. Cereals, weeds and crop processing in Iron Age Sweden. Archaeology
and Environment 14: 130-140.