2 What Transport for Cambridge? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Cambridge Futures is an independent not-for-profit organisation funded by voluntary donations from local organisations and individuals. It has an Executive Committee and employs a researcher from the University of Cambridge. Cambridge futures was founded in 1997 as a joint initiative between the City and University to inform the debate about the future development of Cambridge. The first study tested several development options and found that developing along improved transport links, increasing the density of development within the city, extending the urban area into the green belt, and providing free easily accessible internet communications were the four best options when assessed across a range of social, economic and environmental criteria. A public consultation encountered less opposition than expected to expansion into the green belt and found that people recognised the need for growth. The findings have greatly influenced the recently revised Structure Plan. However, the first Cambridge Futures study found that the large amount of proposed new development for the Sub region would cause severe traffic congestion, regardless of where the development is located. This prompted a second Cambridge Futures study, launched in 2001, called ‘What Transport for Cambridge?’ Background The recently revised Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan is a reversal of over 50 years of planning policy. The tight green belt constraints around Cambridge are being relaxed, and there are proposals for major developments around the edge of the city, that will increase the size of the urban area by around 40% by 2016. The target rate of house building across the Sub region is to be increased to 2,800 homes per year, (an increase of 40% on current levels). Clearly this level of growth will result in a corresponding increase in travel, putting an even greater strain on a transport infrastructure that is already at capacity in many areas and suffering from a deficit of investment. This study is not about designing a particular transport solution for Cambridge. Its main aim is to broadly demonstrate the limits of what could be achieved by different types of transport measures, both individually and as a combination. Method of carrying out the transport study The options were tested using the land use transport computer model of Cambridgeshire County Council. This contains large amounts of detailed information about the population, homes, jobs, and shops in the Sub region and the roads and public transport systems. A version of this has been developed, called the 2016 Reference Case, which includes forecasts the population and jobs for 2016 and contains the new housing, employment floor-space and retail space proposed in the Structure Plan up to 2016. This consists of 47,500 new dwellings from 1999 to 2016 (equivalent to building another Cambridge) and those transport schemes to which the government had already committed its support. Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 1 Significant transport schemes in the Structure Plan include, A14 widening and highway improvements, Huntingdon to Trumpington rapid transit scheme, a new rail station at Chesterton, improvements to M11 junction 13, a new A14 interchange near Fen Ditton with a road link to Airport Way, and a road link from M11 Junction 11 to Addenbrookes Hospital. (The Structure Plan proposes a rapid transit link between east Cambridge and the city centre but the route and level of service in unclear, so it has not been included in the Reference Case.) Figure 1: Transport proposals in the Structure Plan, (only the committed schemes were included in the Reference Case) Note: The options were tested before the government announced its recent proposals for a major increase in house building. Cambridge is part of one of the ‘Sustainable Community’ areas targeted for development which includes the M11 corridor and extends to Peterborough. Future house building targets are now likely to be higher than in the Structure Plan, creating an even greater need for transport improvements. Figure 2: Structure Plan development areas around the City The land use transport model represents the supply and demand for dwellings, floor-space and transport. It predicts how property values will change in the future, depending on travel conditions. If traffic congestion gets worse in an area, fewer people will want to live and work there, resulting in lower ‘rental’ values. Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 2 Conversely, if an area become more accessible, then the population, jobs and ‘rents’ tend to increase. This sophisticated model can estimate how the transport options would affect different types of people. It can predict how the options would affect the cost of living of households and the cost of production for different industrial sectors, based on an aggregation of travel time and costs, property rental values, and the cost of services. The model also predicts travel by different modes, and their environmental impacts. The computer model provides a framework within which to test and compare the options in a consistent way to show their relative merits and shortcomings. Cambridge Futures carried out an independent audit of the model and made the transport part more detailed so that it became suitable for testing the options. Cambridge Futures specified the inputs to the model and analysed the outputs. Hence, although Cambridgeshire County Council generously provided full access to the model and the resources to run it, the Cambridge Futures results are completely independent of the Council. Options The transport study took the 2016 Reference Case as the benchmark against which to compare four distinct transport options. Each option represents transport measures in addition to those proposed in the Reference Case. Each option summarised below represents an extreme example of a particular transport policy: Cycling and walking – a major expansion of the cycling network including and outer circular route, and better connections from Cambridge to surrounding villages. Unfortunately, the model did not represent the cycling and walking network in enough detail to allow new routes to be tested. Also, some of the proposals would make cycling and walking more attractive without significantly reducing travel times, and these qualitative improvements are currently difficult to represent in a transport model. It would have required resources beyond the scope of this study to adequately build this capability into the model. However, the study did show how other options would affect cycling and walking. For example, road pricing would encourage people to cycle or walk rather than travel by car. Public transport – rapid transit routes segregated from traffic to avoid delays and with tunnels under the city centre, to the rail station and east Cambridge. Figure 3: Public transport option Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 3 Figure 4: Public transport option –Entrance to the tunnel under the City centre Highways – an orbital road around Cambridge with link roads running parallel to the A14 and M11 to cater for local traffic, and tunnels under Shelford and the hills south of the city to reduce its environmental impact. The Structure Plan already contains identifies the need for new road links south of Cambridge from the M11 to Addenbrookes, and north east of Cambridge from a new A14 interchange near Fen Ditton to Airport Way. Also, there is a government commitment to widen the A14 west of Fen Ditton and the London South Midlands multi-modal study has recommended the widening of the M11. All of these schemes could be integrated within an orbital highway with parallel link roads on the A14 and M11. However, this needs to be considered urgently before schemes are built which could preclude or duplicate an orbital highway with parallel link roads. Figure 5: Orbital highway option Figure 6: Orbital around the East and South of the City Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 4 Road pricing – to manage the demand for road space by imposing a charge on drivers during the busy morning and evening periods equivalent to £3.50 per day for crossing an outer cordon and £0.50p per day for driving within the cordon. Drivers would have free access to the park and ride sites and no charge off peak 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 7 am. Figure 7: Road pricing option The road pricing option tested a system based on similar technology to the London congestion charge scheme. This uses number plate recognition cameras to detect vehicles as they cross an outer cordon. There are also roving detector vehicles within the cordon area. For Cambridge, the cordon was assumed to encompass the whole of the urban area. Figure 8: Entrance to road pricing cordon Combined option - the study also tested all of the above options together in combination. This study has not tested ‘soft’ transport measures, such as ‘green’ travel plans, or the possible effects of new technology. Currently, there is not enough evidence to predict the long term effects of these sorts of measures on travel patterns. The Findings The Reference Case: The committed transport schemes in the Structure Plan will not be sufficient to cater for the large increase in travel and many areas of the city will be gridlocked. The delays would jeopardise economic growth, worsening environmental conditions and the quality of life. Comparing conditions across the Sub region in 2016 with those in 2001, there would be increases of around 40% in the cost of living, 30% in production costs for employers. In Cambridge the increase in cost of living and cost of production would be even higher, at around 70% and 60% respectively. (Note that the economic indicators exclude inflation). There would be an increase of 30% in fuel consumption in and around the Cambridge urban area which corresponds to a 30% increase in transport related carbon dioxide emissions. (The amount of carbon dioxide released is used as a measure of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming.) The fuel consumption forecasts do not take into account future improvements in fuel efficiency. However, any fuel efficiency improvements are unlikely to compensate for the increase in car travel. Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 5 Table 1 summarises these findings using the cost of living in Cambridge as a measure of social equity and production costs for the sub region as measures of local economic conditions. Carbon dioxide emissions have only been calculated for the Cambridge urban area and its immediate surroundings, and not for the Sub region as a whole. The cost of living is an important indicator of social equity. If the cost of living increases significantly, this is generally the greatest hardship for the disadvantaged in society who would find it more difficult to afford to live in Cambridge. The higher production costs show that the Sub region would become less competitive as an exporter. Table 1: Forecast increases by 2016* unless there are additional transport measures Scenario Key Indicators Social Economic Environmental Cost of living Production costs Carbon dioxide from traffic (Cambridge) (Sub region) (Cambridge) Reference case + 70% + 30% + 30% * Note: Compared to 2001 Base case As explained earlier, cycling and walking improvements could not be explicitly tested. It is assumed that developments proposed in the Structure Plan will be designed to facilitate cycling and walking. It is important that cycling and walking provision continues to improve as Cambridge expands and average travel distances increase to try and maintain the high levels of cycling and walking. Otherwise traffic conditions are likely to be worse than forecast. Table 2 compares the following options on three of the key indicators. Public Transport: A fast and extensive local rapid transit system would not result in a significant improvement in traffic conditions. Tunnels would provide an opportunity for improving the conditions for pedestrians in bus and rail stations and the St Andrews Street area and the level of service for public transport users. However, these benefits do not justify the high construction costs of tunnels. Highway improvements: The orbital road would cater for the demand for traffic movements and provide a link between the major proposed developments around the south and east of Cambridge, such as the proposed Addenbrookes medi-park, Southern Fringe housing and Airport site. This would be particularly advantageous around the south and east of Cambridge where there is currently a lack of capacity for orbital traffic movements. The road would probably pass the governments economic value-for-money tests, even with the expensive tunnels around the south of Cambridge. It would help to contain the increases in the cost of living and production, by improving accessibility. It would improve overall traffic conditions in Cambridge and for the Sub-region as a whole, but there would be a slight increase in the number of car trips and distance travelled which results in a forecast increase in carbon emissions compared to the Reference Case. Road Pricing: This option would raise a lot of revenue, (around £40 million in the first year of operation, declining to around £30 million per year over the first 5 years as households and jobs relocate to avoid paying the congestion charge. The charges substantially increase the cost of living and production costs. Under current government legislation local authorities can re-invest this revenue locally in transport for the first 10 years of operation. However, after 10 years the Treasury can choose to keep the revenue. For the purpose of testing this option in isolation, the findings do not take into account the benefits that could results from re-investing the revenue. This option would results in a gradual segregation between those who live and work within the road pricing cordon and those who live and work outside the cordon, as firms and households relocate to avoid paying the charge. This option would adversely affect social equity because property prices within the cordon would increase, so that fewer lower income households could afford to live in the city. However, it would greatly reduce traffic levels in Cambridge and overall carbon emissions. A more optimal version of this option could have been developed if more resources had been available. For Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 6 example, by testing different charging regimes, by charging over a much wider area, and, or reducing vehicle taxation to compensate for the increases in travel costs. The option tested could raise in financial markets over £120 million of capital based on future revenues streams from the charge, depending on whether the agency responsible was public or private, and the length of time that revenue can be collected by the agency (hypothecation period), and whether there is an off-peak charge. Combined Option: The options work well together as a whole. Road pricing acts as an effective means of managing the demand for car travel in Cambridge and the rapid transit system gives people a fast and reliable alternative to the car. The orbital highway allows drivers to more easily access the park and ride service that best serves their destination without having to pay the congestion charge. This option would greatly improve traffic conditions in Cambridge. The overall cost of the combined option is high, mainly due to the cost of the public transport tunnels. The revenues from the road pricing would partly fund the scheme. Various combinations of the options ought to be tested by further studies. For example, it may be possible to achieve similar benefits at a lower cost if the road pricing reduces traffic levels in the city centre to a level where a segregated rapid transit system could be implemented at ground level. The most surprising finding is the substantial reduction the cost of living in the Sub region, (Figure 9). It is also likely that beyond 2016 this would have a knock on effect on production costs for local industry making the Sub region more competitive. The combined option would help the local economy by reducing delays due to traffic congestion, reducing the cost of services, and increasing accessibility between home and jobs thereby effectively expanding the easily commutable catchment area of the city and reducing average land prices. Road pricing Reference case Public transport Orbital highway Combined option Table 2: Differences between the options and the Reference Case Options Key Indicators Social Economic Cost of living Production costs (Cambridge) (Sub region) Environmental Carbon dioxide from traffic (Cambridge) Rapid Transit system - 8% √√√ - 3% √√√ 0% - Orbital highway - 17% √√√√ - 5% √√√ +16% xxxx Road pricing + 9% xxx + 5% xxx -8% √√√ Combined option - 20% √√√√√ - 4% √√√ 0% - Key: √ better than the Reference Case x worse than the Reference Case Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 7 The findings were presented to the public in the autumn of 2003 at an exhibition and they had extensive local media coverage in the Cambridge Evening News. The responses to a questionnaire have been analysed by Cambridge Architectural Research and the results of the public consultation will be announced at a seminar in July-04. Conclusions The committed schemes in the Structure Plan, (i.e., the A14 improvements, Huntingdon to Trumpington guided bus, and M11 to Addenbrookes link road) will not be sufficient to cater for the large increase in travel resulting from the rapid growth envisaged for the Sub region. Unless there are additional transport measures, there will be severe traffic congestion with adverse consequences for the environment and local economy. This threatens the forecast levels of growth in employment and the viability of the proposed developments. The study shows that increasing highway capacity is the only individual measure that would significantly benefit the local economy and cost of living. However, there would be more car travel unless accompanied by effective demand management. Improving public transport in isolation has little effect on reducing congestion or helping the economy. It would be necessary to improve public transport before introducing demand management measures, such as road pricing, so that people have an acceptable alternative to using their cars. Simply restraining the demand for car travel without investing in greater transport capacity would have a damaging effect on the local economy and, if done by pricing, would adversely affect those less able to pay. The study shows the importance of transport to the success of the Sub region and that a combination of transport measures could help achieve the forecast levels of growth in a sustainable way. This Cambridge Futures study demonstrates the importance of an efficient transport system to maintain the competitiveness of the Sub region. Further study is required to assess the most appropriate combination of transport measures. It is important that proposed developments are planned so that they do not preclude the implementation of appropriate transport schemes. It is hoped that this Cambridge Futures study has helped to stimulate the debate about transport policy for Cambridge and broadly demonstrate what could be achieved. References Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Joint Structure Plan Review, Deposit Draft, 2002 Echenique, M.H. & Hargreaves, A.J. (2003) ‘Cambridge Futures 2: What Transport for Cambridge?’ Cambridge Futures/University of Cambridge. Cambridge Futures Executive Summary June 2004 8