Anuradha Joshi Institute of Development Studies, at the University of

Anuradha Joshi
Institute of Development Studies, at the University of Sussex
Anuradha is a social scientist with a focus on policy processes and extensive experience in institutional analysis of
development. She has worked on issues related to poverty, low-income housing, public services and environmental
policy. Her current research interests focus on collective action, social accountability and service delivery - mobilising
‘demand’ in basic services and in the scaling-up of innovative service delivery approaches. She has experience of
consulting for bilateral and multilateral agencies in development and managing large, multi-country research projects
and has travelled and researched in India, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam and Ghana. Anuradha is currently on
secondment to the Research and Evidence Division at DFID.
Professional Experience
Fellow, Governance Team, IDS, University of Sussex (2000 – present)
Senior Research Fellow, Research and Evidence Division, Department for International Development, UK (2012-2013)
Part-time secondment to: identify gaps in the literature for commissioning new research; synthesise evidence from
existing DFID research portfolio; advise and peer review on research quality.
Recent Consultancy and Commissioned work
 Social Accountability and Social Inclusion, UNDP (2011-ongoing). Examined the experience with social
inclusion in social accountability initiatives for service delivery.
 Women in public bureaucracies. Concept Paper, UNIFEM (2010). Concept paper based on the literature on
the impact of increasing the number of women in public bureaucracies.
 Impact and Effectiveness of Transparency and Accountability in Service Delivery. Transparency and
Accountability Initiative, Open Society Foundation. (2010). Reviewed the literature on the impact and
effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives in health and education services.
Research projects
Service Delivery
 The politics of Service Delivery in Indonesia. Conducted research on the politics of illegal fees in basic health
and education services in Indonesia. Funded by AusAid.
 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), India and Indonesia. Conducted research on institutional factors
explaining scaling-up and success of CLTS as part of the DfID-funded, IDS-led assessment of CLTS
experience in India, Indonesia and Bangladesh.
Social Accountability
 Systematic Review of the Impact of Social Accountability Initiatives on Service Delivery. (with Naomi Hossain).
Funded by DFID supported by 3iE.
 Modes of Service Delivery, Collective Action and Social Accountability, India, Brazil (ongoing). Co-leading
research on the impact of state reforms on accountability. Funded by the Centre for the Future State, IDS.
Taxation of the Informal Economy
 The politics of taxing the informal economy—proposed research under the IDS-based International Centre for
Tax and Development, in collaboration with research partners.
 Research on associational taxation—collaboration between state agencies and informal sector unions in the
collection of income taxes in Ghana. Funded by the Future State DRC.
Politics of Policy Reform
 Research into the organizational and political aspects of anti-poverty programmes in developing countries with
a focus on the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra, India.
 Research into the institutionalization of Joint Forest Management in West Bengal, India.
Teaching and training
Programme Convenor, MA in Governance and Development at IDS (2004 – 2008)
Ongoing: convene and teach a substantial part of the Public Management and Organizational Development course (MA
programme); supervision of five DPhil students.
Other Teaching and Training experience: Short courses for Indian IAS officials; IMA course on development
management; training international students at FASID, Japan; seminar sessions for DfID Governance Advisors.
Selected Publications
Under review “Assessing the Evidence: Social Accountability, Social Inclusion and the MDGs” in Social
Accountability for Improved Governance and Achievement of the MDGs. Oslo: UNDP GC.
Forthcoming “From User Fees to Fee Free: The Politics of Realising Universal Free Basic Education in Indonesia.”
(with Andrew Rosser). Journal of Development Studies
Forthcoming “Do they Work? Assessing the Impact of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives in Service
Delivery.” Development Policy Review.
Forthcoming “Políticas Sociais: comparações entre Brasil e India” (translated) in David Trubek and Mario Schapiro.
Direito e Desenvolvimento, um Diálogo Entre os Brics, Sao Paolo: Saraiva Press.
“Widgets or Watchdogs? Conceptual Explorations in Social Accountability.” Public Management
Review, Vol. 14. No. 2, pp145-162 (with Peter Houtzager)
“Pipe Dreams? The Governance of Urban Water Supply in Informal Settlements in Delhi.” IDS Bulletin,
Vol. 43, No. 2, pp27-36 (with Suneetha Dasappa Kacker)
“Taxation of the Informal Economy: A Scoping Paper.” (with Wilson Prichard and Chris Heady). Draft
Evidence Paper International Centre for Taxation and Development. Brighton: Institute of
Development Studies.
“Institutions, Incentives: CLTS in India, Indonesia” in L. Mehta and S. Movik. Shit Matters. The Potential
of Community Led Total Sanitation. London: Practical Action
“Power, Politics and Political Entrepreneurs: Realising Universal Free Basic Education in Indonesia.”
IDS Working Paper No. 358.
“Effectiveness and Impact of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives in Service Delivery.” Paper for
the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, Open Society Institute.
“Do Rights Work? Law, Activism and the Employment Guarantee Scheme”, World Development, Vol.
38, No. 4.
“Women at the Frontline of Service Delivery.” Concept Note for UNIFEM.
“Autonomy or Organization? Reforms in the Ghanaian Internal Revenue Service”, Public Administration
and Development. Vol. 29 (with J. Ayee)
“Producing Social Accountability? The impact of service delivery reforms.” IDS Bulletin. Vol.38, No. 6
“Associational Taxation: A Road into the Informal Sector?” in Taxation and State-Building in
Developing Countries edited by D.Brautigham, M. Moore and O.H. Fjeldstad. Cambridge University
Press (with J. Ayee)
“Politics of the Right to Work in India: Employment Guarantee Schemes.” South African Labour
Bulletin. Vol. 31, No. 3
‘When do the Poor Demand Better Services? Accountability, Responsiveness and Collective Action in
Service Delivery’ in S. Devarajan and I. Widlund (eds). Politics of Service Delivery in Democracies.
EDGI, Stockholm: SIDA
“The politics of pro-poor policies in Madhya Pradesh, India.” DFID Commissioned Research Report
“Institutionalised Co-production: Unorthodox Public Service Delivery in Challenging Environments”,
Journal of Development Studies (with M. Moore)
2000 PhD (Public Policy), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
1991 M.C.P. (Urban Planning) and S.M.Arch.S (Environmental Design), Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, USA
1987 B.Arch., School of Planning and Architecture, India