
Taylor Lester
Portfolio 1.4: Understanding Teacher/District Responsibility and Accountability
Explores the purpose of the history and organization of educational systems in the
United States
“Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the
answer to all questions." -- William Allin. Education has made the United States part of
the great country it is now. Thomas Jefferson played a main role in founding the
American educational systems that exist today. He believed education was the
foundation of making a democracy successful. He introduced public school systems, as
well as making elementary school available for no cost. His ideas influenced America’s
education systems in the next century. In 1852 Horace Mann established compulsory
education. This required all students to go to school, and still does.
Segregated schools were put in place to separate Caucasians from AfricanAmericans. These schools were discriminatory, the African-American population
received less funding and supplies for education. In the 1960s laws were passed ending
segregated schools. Education started making big changes after desegregation.
The Equal Opportunity in Education law was passed in 1972, allowing girls to
participate in all programs and activities if funded by the government. This started
movement; women became educated and got better jobs.
No Child Left Behind, passed in 2001, was George W. Bush’s plan for education
reform. Increased accountability, more choices in schools, and an increased focus on
reading were all components to the act. George W. Bush believed high expectations
and goals would lead to success for students. The United States has made great
changes toward education.
Describes the teachers responsibility/accountability in meeting both school/district and
state/national policies and requirements
Teachers have responsibilities to their students, school, district, state, and the
country. These requirements, policies and responsibilities are in place to create the best
schools possible. Teachers are given a list of responsibilities when hired so there is no
room for excuses (See Evidence A). All of these help exceptional teachers from
average ones. The policies and requirements let teachers know what is expected of
them (See Evidence B). A teacher is required to the meet the terms in his/her contract;
their responsibilities however should be more than this if they’re a good teacher.
Providing a safe environment for students to learn in, and teaching the right curriculum,
are both examples of some expectations set for teachers. Preparing students for
success and life is ultimate goal teachers must reach. Teachers reflect their school, and
district, which ultimately reflects on the state and country.
Describe the school/district’s responsibility to students, parents, and in meeting
state/national policies and requirements.
Schools and the districts they are in have a tremendous amount of responsibilities, far
more than teachers. They have to make sure that teachers are doing their job
correctly. When a student misbehaves and students are disciplined this is the schools
responsibility. They must find a punishment that is acceptable to the parents but that
also teaches the student a lesson. All rules apply to all students and the administrators
are in charge of making sure these are being enforced and followed. Districts cannot
discriminate against a certain race, sex, religion, disability, marital status, and non
communicable disease. All rules must meet national and state requirements. The district
is responsible for the safety of the school; the school is responsible for the students and
teachers. The state is in charge of making sure that the districts, and all its schools, meet
all requirements. The nation makes sure the education runs as smooth as possible.
Running an education system takes a lot of responsibility and people to help fulfill those