GCSE Drama – Arguments

GCSE Drama – Arguments
TWO scenarios to improvise and develop
Warm up
Lying in a space, think of the last time you were angry. What made you mad? How
did you feel? What was your physical reaction? What were you thinking? Really try
to get into that frame of mind now.
Now sit up. One by one, walk to stool (set up in room) and react to it reflecting your
Really try to take yourself back to that moment of intense anger.
Explain method acting – really experiencing emotions in order to make drama
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GCSE Drama – Arguments
GCSE Drama – Arguments
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Person A:
You asked your friend (person B) to hand in your homework for you
and she copied it. When she was caught, she said you’d copied her
so she got a B and you got a det. You suspect she is jealous of you
but you don’t know why. Maybe she thinks you are seeing her
boyfriend. You are not but he has asked you out a couple of times.
Person D:
You are a hard working man who left school with no qualifications
– well, you were thrown out to be exact. And you are still angry at
the stupid teachers who treated you so unfairly. In fact, you are
angry at a lot of people – your mum for walking out on you; your
dad for being a sad loser and your girlfriend for not earning enough
money and for not looking after you properly. Why can nobody
understand you? All you want is a decent life!! When you lose your
temper, you get violent, but who can blame you?
Person B:
You copied your mate’s homework and handed it in. When you got
caught you said she’d copied you. You did this because you are
scared of your parents finding out. Your dad can be really mean –
but you don’t want anyone to know this. Anyway, she’s so popular,
especially with the boys, it will bring her down a peg or two to have
a det.
You think person C is full of herself too. She’s been giving you
funny looks lately and you are not sure why. You often talk about
her behind her back. It makes you feel better.
Person C:
Person B called you a slag behind your back and then pretended to
be your friend. You are angry but do feel a bit guilty because you
are seeing her boyfriend behind her back. Well, she doesn’t deserve
him. She’s so moody and is always flirting with other boys.
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Person E:
You left school last year with some decent grades and started
college but then you met your boyfriend and you moved in with
him. He persuaded you to put your studies on hold and get a job in
your local Sainsbury’s to earn some money – which he enjoys
spending, mainly on beer. You really love him and he’s had a hard
life but does that excuse the fact that he sometimes lets his temper
get the better of him and pushes you about a bit? Well, a lot to be
honest. He can be so lovely but you do wonder what you might be
doing if you hadn’t met him.
Person F:
You live next door to person D and person E. They are always
arguing and it gets on your nerves. If he wasn’t such a scary
character, you’d go round there and tell him to shut up and to leave
his girlfriend alone. Mind you, she’s a bit of a wimp. Should have
left him months ago. People like him are ruining your
neighbourhood. When you left school ten years ago, you went out
and got a good job, saved up and bought your own house. You want
peace and quiet, especially as you have now got two children to
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GCSE Drama – Arguments
GCSE Drama – Arguments
Scenario 1
Scene 1
Girls in toilets – A & B only then C enters.
Next group A & C then B.
Next group C & B then A.
Scenario 2
Scene 1
D comes home from work – dinner not ready, gets angry.
In back garden, argument. D accuses E of spending some money he’d
hidden in the bedroom. She hasn’t spent it but thinks he did – last night at
the pub.
F listens from his/her garden but decides to say nothing.
Scene 2
Argument carries on in lesson – all 3 girls suspended.
Scene 3
Girls hotseated – girl B last.
Scene 4
At home of girl B – father abusive, mother sticks up for her and gets
hit too.
Girl locks self in bathroom.
Dad hammers on door.
Scene 5
 Lie on backs and say thoughts in head. Get louder.
 Thought track girl B.
Scene 3
Argument at bus stop. F waiting for bus. Tries to stop it but leaves it
when D gets nasty.
Scene 4
Hotseat D, E, F.
Scene 5
Last night, F heard a blazing row next door. Called police but decided not
to report it.
Next day, F sees D on street. D has cut on side of head. Is rude to F.
Scene 6
Police arrive at home of D & E.
F watches as E brought out on stretcher.
Asks paramedic what has happened.
He tells F she has lost the baby she was carrying.
Scene 7
One year later.
Scene 8
Conscience alley with D, F.
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