Annual report for 2012 - Christ Church Biddulph Moor

Christ Church Biddulph Moor
Annual Report of the
Parochial Church Council
for the Year Ended
31st December 2012
1. Reference and Administration Information
The Parish of Christ Church Biddulph Moor is in the Deanery of Leek, the Rural Dean is
Matthew Parker from St Edward's, Leek. The Archdeacon is Godfrey Stone, in the archdeaconry
of Stoke-on-Trent. Jonathan Gledhill is the Bishop of Lichfield, Geoff Annas is the Bishop of
Stafford and Rowan Williams is the Archbishop of Canterbury (2012).
Christ Church Biddulph Moor
Church Lane
Biddulph Moor
Hilary Williams
17 Farmside Lane
Biddulph Moor
Rev. Darren Fraser
Priest-in-Charge (Appointed Sept 2012)
The Vicarage
62 Park Lane
01782 512240
Lloyds TSB
King Street
Independent Examiner
Major CJ Waters
Pilgrims End
Biddulph Moor
Church Wardens
Margaret Ridgway
'David's Bank'
Gun Battery lane
Biddulph Moor
Parochial Church Council (PCC) members
Dunn Kevin
Fraser Darren
Gadsden Anne
Haddock Elaine
Caron Hall
Hawley Jane
Hulme Sheila
Nicholls Nita
Nixon Ewart
Meehan Sybil
Ridgway Margaret
Child Protection Officer
Gift Aid Secretary
Parish Giving Officer
Rep. Deanery Synod
Deputy Warden
Electoral Roll Officer
Rep. Deanery Synod
Term expires
Appointed September 2012
Church Warden
Health & Safety Officer
Hall Manager
Walker Anne
Williams Hilary
Williams Terry
Children’s Advocate
Church Warden
Rep. Deanery Synod
2. Structure, Governance and Management
“The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a corporate body established by the Church of England.
The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure. The PCC is excepted
by order from registering with the Charity Commission” The method of appointment of PCC
members is set out in the Church Representative Rules. All Church attendees are encouraged to
register on the electoral roll and those who are confirmed are encouraged to stand for election.
PCC members are elected for three years and approximately one third of the committee's
termship expires each year. The elected members are elected at the Annual Vestry Meeting by
the members of the congregation who are on the electoral roll of the Parish. The PCC has
ultimate responsibility for a wide range of matters affecting the parish for example; compliance
with health & safety, disability discrimination legislation and child protection. The PCC members
are also responsible for making decisions on all matters of general concern and importance to
the parish including deciding on how the funds of the PCC are to be spent. The PCC ensures
that the relevant officers access appropriate training and that this is disseminated. Such training
is arranged by the Diocese, the Deanery or organised locally.
Health & Safety (H&S) and Risk Assessment
Twice-yearly checks were carried out by the wardens and new evacuation procedures were
introduced and instruction sheets prepared for the church and church hall.
Throughout the year work is carried out to ensure that the buildings are safe (see review of the
year p10) and ongoing assessments for all the buildings are carried out outlining the projects to
be undertaken for the following years.
 pointing needed to the church hall wall and church steps wall.
 church porch roof needs attention.
 a second exit between the kitchen and the Parish Room is required.
 bays in the Parish Room and kitchen are damp and mouldy and need attention.
 trees in the School House garden need pruning.
 some double-glazed panes in the kitchen and Parish Room need replacing.
 the small wooden windows in the hall are rotting and need replacing.
 the paths and back yard of School House need attention.
 the church boiler needs replacing. (quotes received.)
 the overgrown trees in the back garden of the school house have been inspected, one
tree is pushing over the church hall wall. (a quote has been accepted by the PCC.)
Standing Committee.
The Standing committee consists of the chair, the two church wardens, the deputy
churchwarden, the secretary and the treasurer, they have delegated powers to undertake
necessary business between PCC meetings. PCC dates and agendas are prepared and
distributed to the Chair and members in advance. The PCC met six times during 2012 in an
effort to carry out its aims and objectives.
A book of minutes is available for inspection. A copy of each of the PCC, Extraordinary General
Meeting and Annual Parochial Meeting (APM) minutes is posted on the church notice board for
the information of all members of the congregation. For the APM the notice and agenda are
prepared for the notice board one month in advance to inform the members of the congregation.
All members of the PCC receive a copy of the minutes of the previous APM in advance of the
scheduled meeting so that they can be signed as a true account by the Chair. Letters written or
received by the secretary relating to matters affecting Christ Church are discussed with the
Priest-in-Charge or the Church Wardens, circulated at meetings and are always available for
The PCC and its representatives worked with St John's PCC Knypersley, the Archdeacon;
Godfrey Stone, Rev. John Alderman, Rev. John Fisher and representatives of the Church
Pastoral Society, the patrons of Christ Church, to appoint a new minister to the Benefice. On
May 4th 2012 the representatives were pleased to announce that Reverend Darren Fraser had
been appointed as Priest-in-Charge. The licensing and institution of Darren took place at St.
John's Knypersley on the 1st September by the Bishop of Stafford. Members of both churches
attended the service with many coming from Darren's previous parish in Bentilee. During the
service Suzanne, his wife, Sian and Leah, their two daughters, were also welcomed to the
In his first newsletter to the parish Darren wrote about being called to Christ Church at a very
special, but also strategic, time in its life. After talking with people from the church it was very
clear to Darren that there was a longing for Christ Church to grow and re-connect with families in
the community, and once again become a vibrant all age family church. These words and
comments were a real encouragement to him. Darren said vision and direction was a key
ingredient to the future of any church. He used a piece of scripture from Proverbs, 29:18 'Where
there is NO VISION, the people perish.' He asked us if we were prepared to be the co-workers to
see God's Kingdom grow. He said he was up for the challenge and asked us if we were! We
hope this annual report will answer that question for him and for you.
3. Objectives and Activities
Christ Church PCC has the responsibility of cooperating with the incumbent, the Reverend
Darren Fraser, and during the interregnum, the Archdeacon and Rural Dean. in promoting the
ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelical, social and
ecumenical, according to the PCC Powers Measure of 1956. The PCC is committed to enabling
as many people as possible to become part of our parish community at Christ Church. The PCC
maintains an overview of worship throughout the parish and makes suggestions on how services
can involve the many groups that live within the parish.
The PCC also considers and discusses matters concerning the Church of England or any other
matters of religious or public interest and makes known and puts into effect any provision made
by the diocesan synod or the deanery synod. In the exercise of its functions the PCC takes into
consideration any expression of opinion at the PCC meetings. The PCC is also specifically
responsible for the maintenance of the Church, the Church Yard, the Church Hall and the
Church House.
Deanery Synod
Anne Gadsden, Darren Fraser, Nita Nicholls and Hilary Williams are the Deanery Synod
representatives. The Deanery Synod provides the PCC with an important link between the parish
and the wider structures of the church. This year four meetings and one Holy Communion
Service were held.
St Philip &
St James,
Feedback from 'Plain Speaking' and the next steps – Matthew Parker
(Rural Dean)
Meeting cancelled
St Luke's,
St John's,
Deanery Eucharist
Diocesan Advisor for Schools Outreach – Libby Leach
Healthy Growing Churches – Rev. George Fisher
The PCC is committed to enabling as many people as possible to worship at Christ Church
Biddulph Moor and to become part of our parish community. The PCC maintains an overview of
worship and makes suggestions on how the services can involve the many groups that live
within the parish, see the Mission Action Plan. The services and worship put faith into practice
through prayer, scripture and sacrament. The Mission Action Plan will be re-looked at in 20132014 to see how this can be developed further. It will be a good for the PCC to reflect on how the
Mission Action Plan has worked since 2011
Mission Action plan 2010 - 2011
ACTIONS 2010/11
through Worship & Prayer
Request a mystery worshipper report from the diocese
Serve refreshments in church after the Carol Service
through Teaching & Nurture
Aim for Sunday lunch together after worship 3 times a year,
ideally with a speaker
through Outreach & Evangelism
Explore development of ministry of churchyard teams,
including cards to hand out and a memorial service(s)
Investigate linking socials with invite to subsequent special
Continue ‘Breakfast club’ on Friday
through Justice & Care
Worship & Prayer
The PCC are keen to offer a range of services that the community find both beneficial and
spiritually fulfilling. For example the monthly evening prayer provides a quiet, intimate and
reflective environment for worship whilst the All Age service provides the opportunity for young
families to actively engage in worship. Thursday Prayers are from 9.00am to 9.20 am. All are
welcome to attend these regular services. We are grateful to the visiting ministers who preached
during the interregnum with thanks go to Terry Williams, our Lay Reader, who was leading the
majority of the services and preaching at many. We have a team of readers who read the
lessons on a regular basis. A Sunday rota has been developed to encourage further
congregation participation in services. There is also a sign-up sheet for serving refreshments.
Weekly refreshments are planned to start from April 2013.
The Tuesday Together group (ranging from 3 to 6 church members) meets during the light
evenings of the summer months for Bible Study and prayer lasting about an hour. The group
studied a series of Old Testament Readings from the Essential 100 Book, a book that several
members of the congregation purchased. There was also an opportunity for each member of the
group to bring along a favourite passage or passages of scripture to share, and say what it
meant to them. The study and prayer session is rounded up by a time of fellowship and of course
that ubiquitous cup of tea! We thank Hilary & Terry Williams for this work.
During 2012 there were 52 names on the Church Electoral Roll, 9 of whom are not resident
within the parish. A new electoral roll will come into place at the Annual Parochial Church
Meeting in 2013. The average weekly attendance was 22.
As well as the regular services, we enable the community to celebrate and thank God at the
milestones of the journey through life. Through baptism we thank God for the gift of life, in
marriage public vows are exchanged with God's blessing and through funeral services friends
and family express their grief and thanks for life which is now complete in this world and to
commend the person into God's keeping.
Any family living in the parish or on the electoral roll is eligible for baptism. If a person/family lives
outside the parish and have historical connections or are part of the worshipping community at
Christ Church, permission can be given from the Parish Priest from the Parish Church where
they are living to baptise them at Christ Church. Darren would liaise with the Priest of that Parish;
all that is asked of them is that they attend some Sunday services and a short baptism
preparation meeting:
 As baptism is partly about signing a child up as a member of a local church, it seems
appropriate to ask parents in the first place to have a little knowledge about our church’s
regular worship
 The aim of the baptism meeting is to help parents to understand the very strong pledges
of Christian commitment and church attendance that are made at the services.
A person living in the parish has the right to be married in church (assuming that a person has
not been married previously with a partner still living). In addition there is now new legislation in
force which enables a person with a demonstrable past connection to the parish to also be
married there. The PCC policy is that all who live in the parish (or have done so for a substantial
part of their lives), or are on the Church Electoral Roll, are eligible to be buried in the churchyard.
As space is less likely to become an issue in regard to the burial of cremated remains in the
‘garden of remembrance’ section of our churchyard, there is no restriction on this.
This year we celebrated one marriage and three baptisms. We held nine funerals and had three
burials of cremated remains in the remembrance garden.
Weddings: Gavin Bridgwood and Rebecca Eady.
Baptisms: Harry Thomas Richards, Mia Nicolle Fermour and Sienna Brooke Bailey-Murray.
Funerals: Muriel Rogers, Stanley Arthur Roberts, Vivian Proctor, David Yardley, Linda
Shufflebotham, Cyril Worthington, Marjorie Sutton, Robert Lewis and Edward Pointon
Burial of cremated remains: Leonard Boon, Gladys Booth and Marjorie Hooper
The thanksgiving and memorial service held in October has now become an established service
in the Christ Church calendar at which recently bereaved families are invited to attend. The
service includes the opportunity to light a candle, give thanks, by name, for those who have
passed away, and an opportunity to remember quietly and peacefully departed friends and
family. In 2012 we introduced the decorating of the church at Easter time with lilies. Each lilly
was donated in memory of a loved one whose name was read out at the Easter Service.
Teaching & Nurture
The church is a member of Biddulph Churches Together. Combined services were held on Ash
Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Ascension Day. On Good Friday many church members
joined with other Christians in the town on a march of witness to remind onlookers of the
importance of Easter in the Christian year. The march concluded with a service on the Town Hall
steps including Bible readings, songs, prayers and drama. Churches Together also organise a
pulpit swap, Terry preached at New Street Methodist and Philip Owen from Well Spring,
Congleton preached at Christ Church. During the month of July, Churches Together organised a
café outside the Town Hall. The money raised from the sales of teas, coffee and cakes at the
pavement café is distributed to charitable and missionary causes.
A Church weekend away, organised by St John's Knypersley, was supported by a couple of
members from Christ Church. This took place at Foxhill Conference Centre a Chester Diocesan
house near Frodsham, set in beautiful grounds. An excellent weekend of teaching, worship,
fellowship and relaxation.
The Ladies Fellowship enjoyed another interesting year; A host of guest speakers entertained
the group with subjects as far ranging as a house keeper to the Queen Mother, childhood
recollections, the life of a retired Salvation Army officer, ukulele playing and much more. The
group twice shared fellowship and afternoon tea with St Lawrence and St John's. Thanks go to
all who help to make the Ladies Fellowship an enjoyable time of fellowship but particularly to
Dulcie Worthington for all her hard work.
Outreach & Evangelism
Helping those in need is a demonstration of our faith. The PCC has as an agenda item each year
to decide whether the PCC should continue to give a percentage of its collection to mission
societies. If agreed the PCC then decides which mission societies should be supported, how
much should be given and where the monies should come from. The three that have benefited in
recent years have been, Crosslinks, Church Society and Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS). In
2012 the sum of £1,344 was shared between these three: Crosslinks £672, Church Society £336
and Church Pastoral Aid Society £336.
The church has once again continued to support the work of several charities. The Lenten Giving
raised £150 for the Mildmay Mission. £169.25 was collected for The Leprosy Mission; many
members of the congregation have phials or boxes at home, which are collected on an annual
basis. And finally the Friends of the Gideons at Christ Church collected £73.55 towards the work
of the North Staffordshire Gideon Branch. We thank Anne Walker for collecting the Leprosy
Mission money and Hilary Williams for collecting the money for the Gideons. If you would like to
support either charity please speak to Anne or Hilary.
The monthly newsletter is distributed to members of the congregation, keeping members
informed of the important matters affecting our Church. Copies of the annual report are sent to
friends who no longer live in Biddulph Moor but still remain in contact with the church.
Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent)
Mothering Sunday at Christ Church has been an annual celebration for many years, traditionally
people who worked away from home returned to their mother church on Mothering Sunday. At
Christ Church every mother receives a posy of daffodils, known as the lent lily, as do all the
ladies in church. And so as not to offend the men any left-over posies are offered to them! Our
thanks go to Sheila Hulme, along with her helpers for organising the making of the posies.
Harvest Festival Service (September)
The harvest festival service was a time of celebration, and people gave generously with food that
went to Stoke-on-Trent food bank . Any money given was
sent to Tear Fund Please visit their websites to see the great work they
Remembrance Sunday (November)
This year the wreath was placed on the memorial plaque in the church by Katharine Meehan.
Katharine grew up in the village attending Biddulph Moor First, Woodhouse Middle and Biddulph
High School she now serves in the RAF. Katharine gained her degree at Keele University and
went on to join the Royal Air Force and since then has, among many other things, completed two
tours of Afghanistan. It was very thought provoking to have a young serving soldier from the
armed forces lay the wreath. Her parents and Grandmother, Sybil Meehan, were all in
attendance and were very proud of Katherine, as we all were. Our thanks go to her regiment who
gave permission for Katharine to lay the wreath in memory of those who have given the ultimate
sacrifice for their country.
Christingle (December)
The Christingle was a fun event, and Biddulph Park Methodist Church came along with a number
of children and together we shared and had a fun time. Many Christingles were made and lots of
sweets were consumed! We look forward to see how this event can be developed further in
Justice & Care
The Breakfast Club continues providing a good link with some of the mums in the Parish.
Several Grandparents too are dropping in after they have dropped children at the school and
some old acquaintances are being renewed. We are beginning to see some of these families
attend special services at the church such as baptisms and harvest and it is good to welcome
them as friends rather than as newcomers to the church.
The hall has continued to be used by the Guides, Rainbows and Brownies during term time.
Slimming World is a new venture. Catherine Pranauskas who runs the club uses the hall every
Monday morning. This is bringing in much needed regular revenue and has also introduced
many new folks to the facilities that we have to offer. This year, the hall has also been used for
four children’s parties, a play rehearsal, a school disco, the Evergreens and for a book signing
event. The hall continues to be used for funeral teas and church activities. Unfortunately the hall
is not self financing due to the costs of insurance, the high oil prices and ongoing repairs and
maintenance. Our grateful thanks to Sheila and Jane for their help in keeping the hall clean and
tidy and to Margaret Ridgway the hall manager.
The Church continues to nurture the strong links it has with Biddulph Moor School and this year
once again hosted the school Harvest Festival on the 2nd October, both Darren & Terry were
involved within the service at Christ Church. On Tuesday 18 th December the school came into
the Church for their Christmas Carol Service and once again both Darren & Terry were part of
the Christmas Celebration service. Terry continues to serve as a governor at the school.
It is the duty of the PCC to do everything possible to raise awareness of the need to keep
children and young people safe within our worshipping community. Mrs. Gadsden is the Child
Protection Officer through whom all concerns about child protection should be channelled and
Mrs. Williams is the children’s advocate, someone children may choose to talk with. Members of
the church who are likely to have a greater involvement with children have all been checked with
the Criminal Records Bureau. The Child Protection Policy was reviewed in 2012.
Church Yard
Unfortunately it was a bad year for ground work, however the team persevered and though the
grounds were boggy they were kept tidy. This year another new mower had to purchased as one
of our old faithfuls packed in, the cost of repair would have been more than purchasing the
second hand showroom model. The other mowers and equipment were all serviced in house.
The old sit on mower was also serviced in house, with a few running repairs. However the cutting
pan is now getting beyond repair, it still keeps going, but for how much longer we’re not sure. A
new mower will cost in the region of £2000!
We also continued to hand out prayer cards to relatives who visited their loved one's graves,
these were always accepted with grateful thanks and we intend to continue with this practise.
Many thanks should go to Jack Bodsworth, Anne Walker, Bill Ridgway, and Michael Ward for
their sterling work in helping with the upkeep of the church grounds. Thanks must also go to
Dave Hall (tree surgery and forestry specialist) for keeping the hedges and conifers in check.
The grounds always require a lot of work throughout the year, removing Christmas wreaths,
mowing, attending to graves, hedge and tree pruning. We are always pleased to receive
donations to support this work, a gift box can be found in the vestry door near the tap. Also
physical help towards the maintenance of our church grounds is always welcome and if any
members of the church or their families would like to be part of the groundwork team please
contact Mr Kevin Dunn on 515491. We usually meet on Tuesday or Saturday mornings during
the season, March – November.
Our thanks go to Kevin for leading this team and ensuring that the church yard is a proud
witness to the work of Christ Church.
4. Achievements and Performance
Review of the year
As in previous years a considerable amount of work has been undertaken to ensure that the
buildings remain safe, weather resistant, and pleasing to the eye. Whenever possible a willing
team of 'handy men' carry out the much of the maintenance. This year:
 The roof of the church vestry has had flashing replaced and pointing done. The newly
created side room in the church was painted and carpeted and a box shelf was placed
over the heating pipes.
 In the school house the electrical system was replaced in the spring & summer of
2012 and a smoke/heat alarm was installed. A new fire extinguisher and fire blankets
were supplied. The gutters were replaced at the back of the house and newly-installed
ones at front of the house were re-aligned. Some tiles were replaced and work was
done to the roof to prevent ingress of water down the chimney breast.
 In the Church Hall the roof above the Parish Room leaked and urgent work was carried
out in January and a strip light and choke were replaced in the hall.
Fund Raising Events; to support the work of the church.
Sale of hand-crafted
Plant Sale & Croissant
Pancake Party
Rode Heath Band
Hall Floor
Christmas Cracker
Book Sale
Cycle Ride
Pancake Party (February)
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party was well attended, our numbers being swelled by a good
number from St John's. David, Heather and Dorothy did sterling work in the kitchen providing
excellent pies and accompanying veg., whilst Terry and Geoff slaved away, providing pancakes
and a great deal of amusement in the hall. There were the usual puzzles and quizzes on hand to
aid the digestive process. Many thanks to all concerned.
Sponsored Walk - Anne Walker (February).
This is an annual sponsored walk organised by John Bamford in aid of Christian Aid. In 2012
Anne walked around Tittesworth reservoir and part of the monies raised by Anne was used
towards the organ vestry project, this year the money raised will go towards the new boiler
required for the church. Anne also collects used stamps for the Leprosy Mission.
Our thanks go to Anne for all her raising funds efforts for both the missionary work supported by
the church and for her contributions to raising funds for the church itself.
Plant Sale (May)
Last year the plant sale and croissant breakfast was a great success raising £277.05 which went
towards the refurbishment of the organ vestry, fully covering the cost of the carpet and underlay
with 13p to spare! Nita would like to thank the very loyal team who run the plant and bric-a-brac
stalls, also Terry for making and selling the croissants and Anne for organising the cake stall.
This year there is to be no plant sale as the church is celebrating its 150 th anniversary. On the
18th May there will be a fun day at which amongst other things will be the plant and bric-a-brac
Staffordshire Historic Stride and Ride (September)
Once again the intrepid few set out to brave the elements and take part in the annual
Staffordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride. The aim is to visit participating Churches either cycling or walking, and be sponsored for doing so. The money raised is divided between
The S.H.C.T. and each church taking part. The Trust then helps churches to maintain their fabric
when the need arises. (Our own Church has received help in this way in the past).
Thanks to all who took part, either by venturing out, or by manning the Church during the day.
Foodbank (September)
The Stoke on Trent Foodbank operates from the Methodist Church in Noblett Road in Sneyd.
Since September 2012 members of the congregation have been most generous in making
regular weekly donations of dry grocery items for the Foodbank. The items have included, tea,
coffee, tinned meat, vegetables and fish, biscuits and confectionery, cereals, pasta and even a
Christmas pudding. In addition, the donations made at the harvest festival were also given to the
Foodbank. From May 2012 to February 2013 the Foodbank had fed 5,569 people in total which
included 54 people from the Biddulph area. Our thanks go to Mike Ward for coordinating the
collection and delivery of the food to Sneyd Methodist Church.
Rode Heath Silver Band (October)
This event proved to be a very successful evening despite there being two other events taking
place in the village on the same night!. The Chairman of Staffordshire County Council, Ian
Lawson, proposed the vote of thanks to the band for the excellent and most enjoyable
programme of music. A total of £189 was raised. Our thanks go to Ewart Nixon for all his sterling
The church is blessed with many volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes ensuring that
the church is always welcoming and well presented. Much of the work is done on a voluntary
basis with a small amount of the work offering a salary. In particular we want to mention our
church wardens Margaret Ridgway and Hilary Williams who work so tirelessly on our behalf,
Anne Gadsden who has helped us understand the church's accounts and its finances and all the
other members of the PCC for their valuable contributions to our ministry and for keeping the
church running.
Jack Bodsworth, Geoff Browne, Kevin Dunn, Anne Gadsden, Sheila Hulme, Nita
Nicholls, Sybil Meehan, Alf Walker and Cyril Worthington.
Elaine Haddock, Caron Hall, Jane Hall, Mary Hall, Sheila Hulme, Mary Pointon,
Anne Walker and Hilary Williams.
Churchyard Jack Bodsworth, Kevin Dunn, Bill Ridgway and Anne Walker
Cynthia Brassington, Geoff Browne, Bill Ridgway and Heather Shutt.
Pauline Dunn, Jane Hall, Sheila Hulme and Anne Walker.
Sheila Hulme (hall) and Nita Nicholls (church)
Anne Gadsden, Jane Hawley, Sybil Meehan, Margaret Ridgway and Hilary
Handy folks Pauline & Kevin Dunn, Margaret & Bill Ridgway, Anne Walker, Hilary & Terry
Williams and Cyril Worthington.
*denotes small salary
5. Financial Review
Total receipts were £49,156.43 which included a carry forward from 2011 of £3,074.78 (Both
receipts and payments are detailed in full, in the financial statement.) The Parish Share of
£17,496 was paid in full. The rent from the School House brought in £4,103 and the Church Hall
brought in £2,038 totalling £6,141. However the outgoings of the church hall exceed the amount
raised through rental resulting in a deficit balance of -£1,988.40.
£27,136.87 was spent on Christian ministry, including the full contribution to the Diocesan Parish
Share, the upkeep of the church and the church yard, hall running expenses, missionary giving,
salaries and clergy expenses.
The net result for the year was an excess of receipts over payments of £3,350.37. (This is an
improvement on last year, as the outgoings were in excess of the outgoings.) After adding the
bank balance brought forward at the beginning of the year, of £3,074.78, the balance carried
forward at 31st December 2012 was £6,425.15.
It is the policy of the PCC to invest some of the funds with the CBF Church of England Deposit
fund. The balance in the high interest account of £31,907.25 is made up of monies designated
for the house, the hall, the churchyard, the fabric of the building and the organ vestry project.
To support the life and workings of the church we have an envelope scheme, thirty two
envelopes have been handed out to members of the congregation. These are returned on a
regular basis, eight members use monthly payments using Direct Debit, Standing Order or
Faster Payments. This secures regular income and reduces the amount of time required of the
church wardens and treasurer in opening envelopes, counting and banking cash. The PCC urge
you to consider making your payments to the church in this way. Twenty nine people gift aided
this year, fifteen of them regularly with the others on occasional visits to the church. This, when
claimed, will bring in a minimal additional figure of £1,1504.37. Please consider monthly
payments and or gift aiding which could increase your gift by 25%. We thank all of you who give
regular gifts of time and or money.
If you are unable to attend church regularly please remember we still need your support, kindly
fill in the envelopes for the Sundays missed and bring them next time you attend or ask someone
to bring them for you or consider monthly payments. If you are not part of the envelope scheme
and would like to be please contact the Church Treasurer.
'Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also'
Approved by the Churchwardens on behalf of the PCC on 3 rd April 2013 and signed on
their behalf by Rev. Darren Fraser (PCC Chairman)
D. Fraser