Seeking God`s Vision for St Georges

God's Values, Mission and Vision for St Georges
As a PCC, we have taken two days to think about God's vision for us at St
George's. The first day focused on God's values for his people and how
he calls us to live. The second day began the process of seeking God's
specific vision for our church here in Washington. This involves thinking
about how we best serve Jesus as we follow the values he teaches in our
context across the breadth of people in the area.
In our values and mission day, we looked at many passages of scripture
to seek what God calls all Christians everywhere to be and do. These
were given out in both Focus and the APCM document last year for
everyone to spend time reading and praying about.
The values and mission God gives us are summed up with the great
commission and the great commandment.
Matthew 28v19
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I
am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 22 v36
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest
commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as
yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two
If you would like the full document again, please ask Norman in the
church office. As we seek God's specific vision for us here in this
community, it must fit with his eternal mission and purpose for all
Christians. Seeking this needs to be done prayerfully and in faith. None
of us has perfect discernment and our own preferences and desires can
often cloud our listening, but the following questions are aimed at helping
us seek God's vision as a church together, so please spend time thinking
and praying before responding.
It was very apparent on the second PCC vision day that several identical
pictures and visions for St George's came to people independently. We
feel that if they are from God, others in the church will discern God's
vision the same way. It would be great if every Christian here at St
George's gave input into where they feel God wants to take us as we try
and discern the vision God has for our future pattern of mission and
Seeking God's Vision for St George's church
Take a bible and find yourself some quiet if possible. (or noise / music if
that suits you better!)
What are the greatest needs in
Our community?
If resources and barriers were no object, what would you love to see
happen to and/or through our church. Think radically - imagine the
unlikely - nothing beyond consideration - remember, with God ALL things
are possible..
Read Ephesians 1 verse 1-16
Spend some time praying for a clear and united vision for Christ's church
here at St George's. Ask God to reveal to you HIS vision for our church
and HIS call on your own life and walk with Christ.
Take your time. Be prepared to listen and note down anything you feel
God is saying, even if it seems impossible or ridiculous. Nothing is
beyond God. When God gives a vision, it is rarely small or easy humanly
speaking. It may be a word or a picture or a verse from scripture. It
could be very detailed and specific, it might be small, it might be
massive. It will probably be challenging.
What is currently the most important/best thing about our church to you?
What are our strengths as a church?
What do you think the biggest challenge St George's church faces over
the next five years?
Dream a dream. In what areas could we grow over the next five years?
What would you most like to see change in our church?
If you were the vicar what would you change first?
Does our church help you make sense of life and help equip you to live
for God in our society?
If yes, how? If not, why not? Where do you need help and what can we
do to help you?
In five years time our church is in the Newspaper. What headline would
you like to read?
What needs to develop and improve next to prepare the ground for
spiritual and numerical growth? Below are some possible issues, there
will be others. Place a number 1-10 by each, 10 being the most urgent.
> Be more serious about our prayer lives.
> Gain confidence about our own understanding of the Good
News of Christ.
> Explore more fully what it means to be a disciple.
> Gain a more accurate idea o f the wider community in which we
are called to serve.
> Develop links with the wider community.
> Start a nurture group and build bridges so that people from the
wider community feel able to come.
> Learn together how to share our faith with others.
> Ensure we are a "joinable" church by looking at e.g. our worship
and our welcome.
> Explore ways of doing church differently
> Other(s) - please state
Is there anything else you would like to tell the PCC that is not covered
here? Note it down here.