Eldridge papers at Jan1, 2006

Eldridge, D.J. and Semple, W. S. (1983). Cropping in marginal south-western New South Wales. Journal of the
Soil Conservation Service of NSW 38, 65-71.
Eldridge, D.J. (1988). Soil-landform and vegetation relations in the chenopod shrublands of western New South
Wales. Earth Science Reviews 25, 493-499.
Eldridge, D.J., Westoby, M. and Stanley, R.J. (1990). Population dynamics of the arid zone shrubs Atriplex
vesicaria, Maireana astrotricha and Maireana pyramidata under grazing, 1980-1987. Journal of Applied Ecology
27, 502-512.
O'Neill, A.L. and Eldridge, D.J. (1990). Satellite monitoring of soils, vegetation and grazing impacts in the semiarid region of western New South Wales. In: Saunders, D.A., Hopkins A.J.M. and How, R.A. (Eds). Australian
Ecosystems: 200 Years of Utilisation, Degradation and Reconstruction. pp. 441-447.
Eldridge, D.J. (1991). Soils and range management. In: Soils - their properties and management: A soil
conservation handbook for New South Wales, (Eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Soil Conservation
Service of New South Wales, Sydney. pp. 242-247.
Eldridge, D.J. (1991). An evaluation of cover type as a predictor of soil surface roughness in a semi-arid grassland.
Rangeland Journal 13, 61-66.
Murphy, B.W. and Eldridge, D.J. (1991). Soil landscapes of New South Wales. In: Soils - their properties and
management: A soil conservation handbook for New South Wales, (Eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Soil
Conservation Service of New South Wales, Sydney. pp. 115-128.
Murphy, B.W. and Eldridge, D.J. (1991). Soil types of New South Wales. In: Soils their properties and
management: A soil conservation handbook for New South Wales, (Eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Soil
Conservation Service of New South Wales, Sydney. pp. 128-146.
Eldridge, D.J. and Westoby, M. (1991). Recruitment and survival in Atriplex vesicaria populations in western New
South Wales, 1977-1987. Australian Journal of Ecology 16, 309-14.
10. Eldridge, D.J. and Rothon, J. (1992). Runoff and sediment removal on a semi-arid soil in eastern Australia. I. The
effect of pasture type. Rangeland Journal 14, 26-39.
11. Eldridge, D.J., Westoby, M. and Holbrook, K.G. (1992). Soil surface characteristics, microtopography and
proximity to mature shrubs: effect of survival on several cohorts of Atriplex vesicaria seedlings. Journal of Ecology
78, 357-64.
12. Eldridge, D.J. (1993). Cryptogams, vascular plants and soil hydrological relations: some preliminary results from
the semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia. Great Basin Naturalist 53, 48-58.
13. Eldridge, D.J. (1993). Cryptogam cover and soil surface condition: effects on hydrology on a semi-arid woodland
soil. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 7, 203-17.
14. Eldridge, D.J. (1993). Effect of ants on sandy soils in semi-arid eastern Australia. Local distribution of nest
entrances and their effect on infiltration of water. Australian Journal of Soil Research 31, 509-18.
15. Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (1993). Runoff and sediment removal on a semi-arid soil in eastern Australia. II.
Some variations in hydrological properties along a gradient in soil surface condition. Rangeland Journal 15, 23446.
16. Williamson, H.D. and Eldridge, D.J. (1993). Pasture status in a semi-arid grassland. International Journal of
Remote Sensing 14, 2535-2546.
17. Wood, M.K. and Eldridge, D.J. (1993). Ode to Green and Ampt's R. Rangelands 15, 228-32.
18. Eldridge, D.J. (1994). Nests of ants and termites influence infiltration in a semi-arid woodland. Pedobiologia 38,
19. Eldridge, D.J. and Bradstock, R.A. (1994). The effect of time since fire on the cover and composition of
cryptogamic soil crusts on a Eucalyptus shrubland soil. Cunninghamia 3, 521-7.
20. Eldridge, D.J. and Greene, R.S.B. (1994). Microbiotic soil crusts: a review of their roles in soil and ecological
processes in the rangelands of Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 32, 389-415.
21. Eldridge, D.J. and Greene, R.S.B. (1994). Assessment of sediment yield from a semi- arid red earth with varying
cover of cryptogams. Journal of Arid Environments 26, 221-232.
22. Eldridge, D.J. and Pickard, J. (1994). The effect of ants on sandy soils in semi-arid eastern Australia. 11. Nest
turnover and consequences for bioturbation. Australian Journal of Soil Research 32, 323-33.
23. Eldridge, D.J. and Pickard, J. (1994). The effect of ants on sandy soils in semi-arid eastern Australia. II. Nest
turnover and consequences for bioturbation. Australian Journal of Soil Research 32, 323-333.
24. Eldridge, D.J. (1995). Predicting the effects of vegetation cover on soil hydrology: a conceptual model. In: West,
N.E. (ed.) Rangelands in a Sustainable Biosphere, Proceedings of the Vth International Rangelands Congress, Salt
Lake City, Utah. pp. 132-133.
25. Eldridge, D.J., Chartres, C.J., Greene, R.S.B. and Mott, J.J. (1995). Management of crusting and hardsetting soils
under rangeland conditions. In: So, H.B., Smith, G.D., Raine, S.R., Schafer, B.M. and Loch, R.J. (eds.) Crusting,
Sealing and Hardsetting Soils, Productivity and Conservation. Australian Society of Soil Science, Brisbane. pp.
26. Eldridge, D.J., Tozer, M.E. and Koen, T.B. (1995). Bryophytes in arid soil crusts: what do they tell us about
rangeland condition? In: West, N.E. (ed.) Rangelands in a Sustainable Biosphere, Proceedings of the Vth
International Rangelands Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah. pp. 130-131.
27. Eldridge, D.J. (1996) Distribution and floristics of terricolous lichens in soil crusts in arid and semi-arid New South
Wales, Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 44, 581-599.
28. Eldridge, D.J. & Tozer, M.E. (1996) Distribution and floristics of bryophytes in soil crusts in semi-arid and arid
eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 44, 223-247.
29. Eldridge, D.J. (1996). Dispersal of microphytes by water erosion in an Australian semi-arid woodland.
Lichenologist 28, 97-100.
30. Eldridge, D.J. (1997). Caretakers of the Desert. Nature Australia. Spring 1997.
31. Eldridge, D.J. and Kinnell, P.I.A. (1997) Assessment of erosion rates from microphyte-dominated monoliths under
rain-impacted flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research 35, 475-489.
32. Eldridge, D.J. and Robson, A.D. (1997). Bladeploughing and exclosure influence soil properties in a semi-arid
Australian woodland. Journal of Range Management 50, 191-198.
33. Eldridge, D.J. and Rosentreter, R.R. (1997). Soil crust Aspicilia: how many species are there? Australasian
Lichenology 41, 18-19.
34. Eldridge, D.J. and Tozer, M.E. (1997) Environmental factors relating to the distribution of terricolous bryophytes
and lichens in semi-arid eastern Australia. Bryologist 100, 28-39.
35. Eldridge, D.J. and Tozer, M.E. (1997). A Practical Guide to Soil Lichens and Bryophytes of Australia’s Dry
Country. Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney.
36. Eldridge, D.J., Tozer, M.E. and Slangen, S. (1997) Soil hydrology is independent of microphytic crust cover: further
evidence from the semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 11, 113-126
37. Eldridge, D.J. (1998) Soil crust lichens and mosses on calcrete-dominant soils at Maralinga. Journal of the
Adelaide Botanic Gardens 18, 9-24
38. Eldridge, D.J. (1998). Dynamics of moss- and lichen-dominated soil crusts in a patterned Callitris glaucophylla
woodland in eastern Australia. Acta-Oecologica 20, 159-170.
39. Eldridge, D.J. (1998). Trampling of microphytic crusts on calcareous soils and its impact on erosion under
rain-impacted flow. Catena 33, 221-239
40. Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (1998). Cover and floristics of microphytic soil crusts in relation to indices of
landscape health. Plant Ecology 137, 101-114
41. Eldridge, D.J. and Myers, C.A. (1998). Some evidence that the ants Aphaenogaster barbigula (Myrmicinae)
enhance soil nutrients around their nest entrances in semi-arid eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research
36, 1009-1017.
42. Eldridge, D.J. (1999). Dynamics of moss- and lichen-dominated soil crusts in a patterned Callitris glaucophylla
woodland in eastern Australia. Acta Oecologica 20, 159-170
43. Eldridge, D.J. and Ferris, J.M. (1999). Recovery of populations of the soil lichen Psora crenata after disturbance in
arid South Australia. Rangeland Journal 21, 194-198
44. Eldridge, D.J. and Leys, J.F. (1999). Dispersal of the vagant lichen Chondropsis semiviridis in south-western
NSW. Australian Journal of Botany 47, 157-164.
45. Eldridge, D.J. and Rosentreter, R.R. (1999). Morphological groups: a framework for monitoring microphytic crusts
in arid landscapes. Journal of Arid Environments 41, 11-25.
46. Eldridge, D.J. and Semple, W.S. (1999). Growth rates of Xanthoparmelia reptans in a mesic grassland in eastern
Australia. Australian Lichenology 45, 36-37.
47. Leys, J.F. and Eldridge, D.J. (1999). Influence of cryptogamic crust disturbance to wind erosion on sand and loam
rangeland soils. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 23, 963-974.
48. Eldridge, D.J., Semple, W.S. and Koen, T.B. (2000). Dynamics of cryptogamic soil crusts in a derived grassland in
south-eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 25, 235-240.
49. Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Soils and rangeland management. In: Soils - their properties and management (eds.
Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. pp. 318-327.
50. Murphy, B.W., Eldridge, D.J., Chapman, G.A. and McKane, D.J. (2000). Soils of New South Wales. In: Soils their properties and management (eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press, South
Melbourne. pp. 133-149.
51. Murphy, B.W., Eldridge, D.J., McKane, D.J. and Gray, J.M. (2000). Soils landscapes of New South Wales. In:
Soils - their properties and management (eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press,
South Melbourne. pp. 150-165.
52. Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Ecology and management of biological soil crusts: recent developments and future
challenges. Bryologist 103, 742-747.
53. Eldridge, D.J. and Myers, C.A. (2000). The impact of warrens of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) on
soil and ecological processes in a semi-arid Australian woodland. Journal of Arid Environments 47, 325-337.
54. Eldridge, D.J., Zaady, E., Shachak, M. (2000). Infiltration through three contrasting biological soil crusts in
patterned landscapes in the Negev, Israel. Catena 40, 323-336.
55. Stafford, M.J. and Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Vegetation, soils and management of ‘Zara’: a sandhill remnant on the
Riverine Plain. Cunninghamia 6, 717-746.
56. Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts of Australia. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts:
Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 119-132. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
57. Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts and water relations in of Australian deserts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange
(eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 315-326. SpringerVerlag Berlin.
58. Belnap, J., Hilty, J., Rosentreter, R., Williams, J., Leonard, S. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological Soil Crusts:
Ecology and Management. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Technical
Publication No. 1730-2
59. Belnap, J. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Disturbance and recovery of biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange
(eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 363-384. SpringerVerlag Berlin.
60. Eldridge, D.J., Lepage, M., Bryannah, M.A. and Ouedraogo, P. (2001). Soil Biota. In: Valentin, C., Tongway, D.J.,
d’Herb, J.M. and Sergieri, J. (eds.) Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments: Ecological
Processes and Consequences for Management. Ecological Studies 149, pp. 105-131. Springer-Verlag, Amsterdam.
61. Rosentreter, R., Eldridge, D.J. and Kaltenecker, J.H. (2001). Monitoring and management of biological soil crusts.
In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 457470. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
62. Warren, S.D. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts and livestock in arid regions: are they compatible? In:
J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150,
pp. 401-416. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
63. Eldridge, D.J. (2002). Assessing catchment health. In: K. Kent, G. Earl., B. Mullins, I. Lunt and R. Webster (eds.)
Native Vegetation Guide for the Riverina: Notes for Land Managers on its Management and Restoration. pp. 20-24.
Charles Sturt University, Albury.
64. Eldridge, D.J. and Rath, D. (2002). Hip holes: kangaroo resting sites enhance the physical and chemical
environment of woodland soils. Austral Ecology 27, 527-536.
65. Eldridge, D.J. and Simpson, R. (2002). Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) impacts on vegetation and soils, and
implications for management of wooded rangelands. Basic and Applied Ecology 3, 19-29.
66. Eldridge, D.J. and Squires, V.R. (2002). Estimating pastoral productivity of semi-arid rangeland in northern Shaanxi
Province China using an Environmental Resource Assessment System. Land Degradation and Management 16, 3745.
67. Rosentreter, R. and Eldridge, D.J. (2002). Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: grasslands, deserts and
steppe. In: P.L. Nimis, C. Scheidegger and P.A. Wolseley (eds.) Monitoring with Lichens – Monitoring Lichens. pp.
223-237. Kluwer, Netherlands.
68. Eldridge, D.J., Zaady, E. and Shachak, M. (2002). The impact of disturbance on runoff and sediment production and
its implications for the management of desert ecosystems. Landscape Ecology 17, 587-597.
69. Eldridge, D.J. (2003). Biological soil crusts: nature’s natural soil healers. In: Brown, C.L., Hall, F. and Mill, J.
(eds). Plant Conservation: Approaches and Techniques from an Australian Perspective. Australian Network for
Plant Conservation, Canberra.
70. Eldridge, D.J. and Wilson, B.R. (2003). Storage of carbon in soil and vegetation in paired roadside sites in the box
woodlands of eastern Australia. Australian Forestry 65, 268-272.
71. Eldridge, D.J. and Leys, J.F. (2003). Exploring some relationship between biological soil crusts, soil aggregation
and wind erosion. Journal of Arid Environments 53, 457-466.
72. Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (2003). Detecting environmental change in eastern Australia: rangeland health in the
semi-arid woodlands. Science of the Total Environment 310, 211-219.
73. Hilty, J., Eldridge, D.J., Rosentreter, R. and Wicklow-Howard, M. (2003). Burning and seeding influence soil
surface morphology in an Artemisia shrubland in southern Idaho. Arid Land Research and Management 17, 1-11.
74. Hilty, J., Eldridge, D.J., Rosentreter, R., Wicklow-Howard, M. and Pellant, M. (2004). Recovery of biological soil
crusts following wildfire on the western Snake River Plain, U.S.A. Journal of Range Management 57, 89-96
75. Eldridge, D.J., Harrison, L., Parker, L. and Milligan, A. (2003). Condition and biodiversity of vegetation remnants:
MIA. Natural Resource Management June 2003, 63-66.
76. Eldridge, D.J. (2004). Mounds of the American badger (Taxidea taxus): significant geomorphic features of North
American shrub-steppe ecosystems. Journal of Mammalogy 85, 1060-1067.
77. Eldridge, D.J. and Freudenberger, D. (2005). Ecosystem wicks: woodland trees enhance water flow in a fragmented
agricultural landscape in eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 30, 336-347.
78. Eldridge, D.J. and Wong, V.N.L. (2004). Clumped and isolated trees influence soil nutrient levels in an Australian
temperate box woodland. Plant and Soil 270, 331-342.
79. Thompson, W.A. and Eldridge, D.J. (2005) White cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla): a review of its roles in
landscape and ecological processes in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 53, 555-570.
80. Thompson, W.A. and Eldridge, D.J. (2005). Plant cover and composition in relation to density of Callitris
glaucophylla (white cypress pine) along a rainfall gradient in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 53,
81. Eldridge, D.J., Constantinides, C. and Vine, A. (2006). Short-term vegetation and soil responses to mechanical
destruction of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) warrens in an Australian box woodland. Restoration Ecology (in
82. Thompson, W.A., Eldridge, D.J. and Bonser, S.R. (2006). Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris
glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Vegetation Science (in press).
83. Eldridge, D.J., Freudenberger, D. and Koen, T.B. (2006). Diversity and abundance of biological soil crust taxa in
relation to fine and coarse-scale disturbances in a grassy eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia. Plant and Soil (in
84. Mensinga, A. and Eldridge, D.J. (in review). The short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) as an ecosystem
engineer: effects on soil and ecosystem processes in an Australian woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (in