Curriculum vitae of A. Yu. Orlov I was born in Moscow on 09.06.1965. I graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in February, 1988 with honour. Since July, 1988 I took a post graduate course at Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry. Since September, 1990 I was employed as a junior research scientist at. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry. I received my Ph. D. degree in January, 1997 at Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry. The title of my thesis is: «Mechanism of radiation - induced chemical processes in the polycarbonate - poly (alkylene terephthalate) systems and their components». Since April, 1997 I was employed as research scientist at the same institute. Since January, 1998 I am employed as a research scientist at the Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The field of my expertise comprises radiation chemistry of organic solids and polymers, especially as studied by low-temperature IR and ESR spectroscopy. I got experience in the spectroscopic studies of the radiation-induced intermediates, including matrix isolation experiments. I took part in several national and international scientific conferences devoted to the problems of low-temperature chemistry, radiation chemistry of polymers, spectroscopy and matrix isolation. During the past two years I was involved in the studies of organic radical cations in low-temperature matrices carried out under supervision of Prof. Feldman in the frame of joint project INTAS-RFBR 95-0008 (in co-operation with the group of Prof. Lund, University of Linkoping, Sweden). List of principal recent publications. 1. Orlov A. Yu., Feldman V. I., Sukhov F. F. Study of the radiation - chemical processes in the system of polycarbonate - poly (butylene terephthalate). High Energy Chemistry (Khimiya Vysokikh Energii), 1993, V. 27, No. 6, pp. 38 - 45. 2. Orlov A. Yu., Feldman V. I., Sukhov F. F. Formation of paramagnetic species upon radiolysis of the system of polycarbonate - poly (butylene terephthalate). High Energy Chemistry (Khimiya Vysokikh Energiy), 1995, V. 29, No. 4, pp. 274 - 279. 3. Orlov A. Yu., Feldman V. I. Radiation - induced processes in poly (alkylene terephthalate) and diethyl terephthalate: evidence for formation of cyclohexadienyl - type radicals. Polymer, 1997, V. 38, No. 15, pp. 3927 - 3930. 4. V. I. Feldman, F. F. Sukhov and A. Yu. Orlov: Formation and decay of transient xenon dihydride resulting from hydrocarbon radiolysis in a xenon matrix. Chem. Phys. Lett., 255 (1996) 425. 5. Feldman V. I., Sukhov F. F., Orlov A. Yu. Further evidence for formation of xenon dihydride from neutral hydrogen atoms: a comparison of ESR and IR spectroscopic results. Chemical Physics Letters, 1997, V. 280, pp. 507 - 512. 6. V. I. Feldman, F. F. Sukhov and A. Yu. Orlov: An ESR study of benzene radical cation in an argon matrix: evidence for favourable stabilization of 2B1g rather than 2B2g state. Chem. Phys. Lett., 300 (1999) 703. 7. V. I. Feldman, F. F. Sukhov, A. A. Zezin, A. Yu. Orlov. Selectivity of radiation-induced processes in hydrocarbons, related polymers and organized polymer systems. In:Stability and stabilizattion of polymers under irradiation./IAEA-TECDOC-1062. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1999. P. 41—63. 8. V. I. Feldman, F. F. Sukhov, A. Yu. Orlov, R. Kadam, Y. Itagaki and A. Lund: Effect of matrix and isotopic substitution on the electronic structure of trapped benzene radical cations as revealed by EPR and ENDOR studies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2 (2000), 29. 9. V. I. Feldman, F. F. Sukhov, A. Yu. Orlov, N. A. Shmakova. Effect of Matrix Electronic Characteristics on Trapping and Degradation of Organic Radical Cations in Solid Rare Gases: A Case Study of Methylal Radical Cation. J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, (2000) 3792-3799. 10. A. Yu. Orlov, V. I. Feldman. Effect of phase condition on the low-temperature radiationinduced degradation of polycabonate as studied by spectroscopic techniques. Polymer. 41 (2001) 1987-1993.