4 S TO P E ST UR Y S EA ET YO LKING G S TA ENT T ART D U U ST ABO The Feldman Method of art criticism Joan Miró 1. Description What can be seen in the artwork? Time to take inventory of what you see. Students can learn to evaluate works of art with this simple method using thoughOul discussion and terms. 2. Analysis What elements/ principles are found in the artwork? Choice of materials? 3. Interpretation What message or meaning do you think the artist is trying to say? Mood/Emotion? Method evolved during the 1960’s and “I believe teaching revolves 1970’s. What was happening around around the discussion of aestheSc this 1me in art? Pop arSsts were percepSons.”-­‐Edmund B. Feldman creaSng art inspired from real life and popular culture. h"p://www.goodreads.com/photo/author/387576.Edmund_Burke_Feldman h"p://www.joanmiroart.com Feldman, E. B. (1977). Response to George Geahigan. Journal of Aesthe/c Educa/on, 11(1), 102-­‐106. Edmund Burke Feldman, DisSnguished Professor of Art at University of Georgia 4. Judgement Evaluate the work based on what you took away from the aesthetic perceptions of description, analysis, & interpretation. Explain why you like it or not.