5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Chapter 2 May 31, 2007 To: Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA From: Tom Delsey, RDA Editor Subject: Revised draft of RDA - Part A – Chapter 2 Related documents: 5JSC/RDA/Part I 5JSC/M/62-99 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Sources of information 5JSC/LC/5/Rev 5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev 5JSC/ACOC rep/2 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Mode of issuance 5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev/2 – plus inserts from wiki Attached is a reformatted and revised draft of chapter 2, incorporating the following changes to the December 2005 draft: 1. changes to the guidelines under 2.2 (Sources of information), and related instructions in subsequent sections on sources of information for specific elements, as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 2. addition of sections on alternative title (2.3.3) and parallel alternative title (2.3.4), as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 3. addition of a section on parallel other title information (2.3.6) as a separate element subtype, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 4. changes to the captions and text in section 2.3.8 (Earlier/later variant title), as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 5. transfer of instructions on statements of responsibility relating to edition, a named revision of an edition, series, and subseries to section 2.4, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 6. addition of sections for parallel statements of responsibility relating to title, edition, a named revision of an edition, series, and subseries as separate element sub-types, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 7. renaming of the element and element sub-types under section 2.5 (Edition statement), as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 8. addition of sections for parallel statement designating edition and parallel statement designating a named revision of an edition as separate element sub-types, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 1 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Chapter 2 9. restructuring of section 2.6 (Numbering of serials) as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting, with element sub-types for designations of last issue or part of first sequence and first issue or part of new sequence, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 10. restructuring of sections 2.7 (Production statement), 2.8 (Publication statement), and 2.9 (Distribution statement), as agreed at the April 2006 JSC meeting and as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 11. changes to the prescribed terms indicating that place of production, publication, or distribution, producer, publisher, or distributor, or date of production, publication, or distribution is “not identified”, as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 12. addition of sections for title proper of subseries, parallel title of subseries, other title information of subseries, parallel other title information of subseries, ISSN of subseries, and numbering within subseries as separate sub-elements, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 13. addition of a placeholder for mode of issuance at 2.11, as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting, and as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 14. changes to section 2.13 (Resource identifier), as proposed in 5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev and agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 15. addition of a section on preferred citation (2.14), as proposed in 5JSC/ACOC rep/2 and agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 16. addition of a section on custodial history (2.15), as proposed by the CILIP rep and agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 17. addition of a section on immediate source of acquisition (2.16), as proposed by the CILIP rep and agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting 18. transfer of all instruction on “notes” to a new section on annotations (2.17) as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table 19. changes to various instructions on “Recording changes in . . .” as agreed in the discussions on 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Mode of issuance at the April 2007 JSC meeting 20. changes marked as agreed and shaded out in the response table (5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev/2 – plus inserts from wiki), including the addition of instructions on facsimiles and reproductions proposed by ALA (line 87), which was agreed but not shaded out in the table. Additional editorial changes have been made to accommodate the new numbering structure, to reflect changes in the naming of elements, and to improve consistency in wording, order of instructions, etc. All changes from the December 2005 draft (other than typographical corrections and numbering changes) are highlighted in yellow. 2 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Chapter 2 All examples that could be affected by decisions relating to the appendix on abbreviations have been highlighted in green. Also highlighted in green are examples that begin with a capital letter based on ISBD specifications for capitalizing the first word in a note (such as frequency), which need to be reviewed in light of the RDA treatment of the element. JSC should take note of the following issues: 2.2 Sources of information JSC needs to confirm whether the alternative at, in combination with the instructions under and, adequately addresses the need to allow for the use of sources of information that do not require the cataloguer to “open”, “play”, “run”, etc., a resource that requires an intermediation device. JSC needs to confirm whether the exclusion of an eye-readable label on accompanying material or container in the alternative at is necessary. Additional changes were made to the instructions on sources of information for specific elements in response to comments from the constituency review of the December 2005 draft of Part I that were marked as agreed and shaded out in 5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev/2 – plus inserts from wiki, and instructions on sources of information have been added for newly defined elements. JSC needs to review the instructions on sources of information under specific elements that have been revised or added in this draft for overall consistency. 2.3.2 Parallel title The instruction on indicating the source of a parallel title (formerly the last paragraph under has been reworded as an optional addition (at, as proposed by LC and agreed by all JSC reps (see 5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev/2 – plus inserts from wiki , line 172). However, treating an instruction to provide an annotation related to the element being recorded as an optional addition is anomalous. Optional additions, as described in the Introduction to Part A (at, provide for “the optional addition of data that supplement what is called for in the immediately preceding instruction”, and have normally been used only to indicate data that may be added within the element itself. If JSC wants to indicate that the provision of a related annotation is optional, some other method of doing so will need to be devised. 2.3.7 Variant title JSC needs to resolve the issue relating to titles of parts, sections, and supplements that was raised after the April 2007 meeting by Judy Kuhagen, and decide whether they will be covered under Variant title, or whether new title sub-types will be defined for Title of part, section, or supplement and Enumeration or alphabetic designation of part, section, or supplement. 2.3.8 Earlier/later variant title JSC will need to consider treating Earlier variant title and Later variant title as separate element sub-types, and splitting the instructions under 2.3.8 into two separate sections. 2.3.9 Abbreviated title JSC will need to revisit the issue of abbreviated titles raised in discussions on the CONSER standard record, and provide direction on the scope and instructions for abbreviated titles. 3 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Chapter 2 2.7 Production statement, 2.8 Publication statement, and 2.9 Distribution statement The restructuring of instructions on place of production, publication, or distribution, name of producer, publisher, or distributor, and date of production, publication, or distribution addresses, in part, the concerns raised by ALA about related elements through their treatment as subelements of Production statement, Publication statement, and Distribution statement, respectively. However, there will still be cases where there are two or more bodies performing the same function (i.e., production, publication, or distribution), and two or more places associated with one or more of those bodies (see,, and, where the only way to associate each place of publication with the appropriate publisher will be to overlay a record structure (e.g., MARC 21) on the RDA data. 2.7 Production statement JSC will need to review the use of the term “creation” in the scope notes for Production statement, Place of production, Producer’s name, and Date of production, to ensure that it is consistent with the use of the term “creator” in chapter 6 and with instructions in Part B on naming works. 2.7.5 Date of production, 2.8.5 Date of publication, and 2.9.5 Date of distribution The instructions on recording date of production (2.7.5), date of publication (2.8.5), and date of distribution (2.9.5) refer to the basic instructions on recording production statements (2.7.0), publication statements (2.8.0), and distribution statements (2.9.0), respectively. Those basic instructions, in turn, reference the instructions on numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.7, which were revised as agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting. JSC needs to confirm that the instructions on recording date of production, date of publication, and date of distribution should conform to the revised guidelines given under 1.7. Note specifically that there are no references to Western-style arabic numerals (or any other particular script or style) under 1.7. JSC also needs to review the condition listed as b) in the optional addition to the instruction on recording dates of production, publication, and distribution at,, and, respectively, in relation to the alternatives for recording numbers expressed as numerals or as words given at and Copyright date JSC decided at its April 2006 meeting that the copyright symbol should be used, if available, and if not, the word “copyright” should be spelled out in full. There is an example of a phonogram date under the instruction at that is not accounted for by either of the specific provisions in the instruction. JSC will need to consider whether to include the use of the phonogram symbol (which is not available in Word) and/or to include the use of the term “phonogram” in the instruction. 2.11 Mode of issuance A draft based on the categories defined under 1.1.2, aligned with the relevant attributes and values defined in the RDA/ONIX Framework, will be prepared for consideration by JSC at the October 2007 meeting. 4 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part A/Chapter 2 2.12 Frequency A controlled list of terms for frequency, derived from the code lists for frequency and regularity in MARC 21 field 008 for serials, has been added at JSC needs to review the list. 2.13 Resource identifier Separate element sub-types have been added for music publishers’ numbers and plate numbers, as listed in the RDA Element Analysis table, and the instructions have been revised so that “Publisher’s number:” and “Plate number:” can be generated as print constants based on the identification of the element sub-type rather than being recorded as part of the data. 2.15 Custodial history and 2.16 Immediate source of acquisition The CILIP rep proposal included an element for Creator of archival resource or collection. That element has not been included in chapter 2. There are provisions for including the name of the creator of an archival resource or collector as part of a devised title. In addition, the inclusion of creator of an archival collection under Creator, or adding a separate element sub-type under Persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with the work, are currently under consideration. 2.17.6 Annotations on publication statements Examples that were formerly given under an option (i.e., alternative) to instructions on recording the names of more than one publisher, distributor, etc. (under in the December 2005 draft of Part I) have been transferred to The restructuring of sections 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 does not accommodate the recording of persons or bodies performing functions defined separately in those sections to be recorded in a single element. The only alternative for recording the names and functions as they appear on the source is to record the statement as it appears in an annotation. The examples show the statements recorded arbitrarily as annotations on publication statements, although they contain the names of producers (i.e., printers) and distributors (i.e., booksellers) as well. The individual names and their respective functions would be recorded separately as producer’s name, publisher’s name, and/or distributor’s name, as applicable. 5