NJHS Essay Requirements

NJHS Essay Requirements
National Junior Honor Society was established to recognize students who demonstrate
outstanding qualities in scholarship, citizenship, willingness to serve others, leadership and
character. The organization provides students the opportunity to be of service to the school and
the community, as well as to be become involved in social activities. With that being said, each
one of you are responsible for creating an essay that demonstrates one, or all of the qualities
listed above.
You will be required to answer the following question in your essay:
1. As a National Junior Honor Society member, when have you demonstrated
one or more of the following qualities: scholarship, citizenship, willingness
to serve others, leadership and character?
Students are to submit an essay that meets the following criteria:
 Answers the above question.
 Uses standard essay writing techniques:
o A Title Page that includes:
 Name
 Date
 National Junior Honor Society
 Sponsor Names:
 Miss Teuber and Miss Lloyd
o Essay must be typed.
o Essay must use12 point font.
o Essay must use Times New Roman.
o Essay must be double spaced.
 Uses flawless grammar and punctuation
o Spell check = ESSENTIAL
 Mandatory Length:
o 2-3 pages in length.
 Stapled with a title page, attached.
Students must submit their essay to Miss Lloyd or Miss Teuber, NO
LATER than April 10th at our monthly meeting.