Genetics Unit - MYP Sciences

MYP Unit Planner
Unit Title
Our Relationship with Life’s Blueprint (DNA); from Modern
Scientific Marvels to Mutant Monsters.
David Egan
Subject/grade level
8th Grade Science (Biology)
Time frame/duration
8 weeks
Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question.
Area of interaction focus
Significant concept(s)
Which area of interaction will be
our focus?
Why have we chosen this?
What are the big ideas? What do
we want our students to retain
for years into the future?
AOI/Global Context: Scientific &
Technical Innovation--Biotechnology & Ethics what is
our Responsibility?
Big Ideas- The importance of
ethical reasoning and decision
making when (applying the science
of genetics) making difficult
We have chosen this AOI/GT
because of Biotech’s growing impact
on humanity. While the
understanding of DNA and Genetics
continues to unravel many mysteries
regarding human health and
behavior. It also opens the
proverbial Pandora’s box to many
ethical debates regarding its
DNA is the fundamental Structure
of all living things.
ATL- Information Literacy
There are a variety of perspectives
regarding the relationship between
scientific knowledge and
understanding and its application.
Key Concepts: Form, Structure
Relationships & Perspectives
Concept StatementsThe form and function of living
things is related to the structure of
its DNA’s.
Retained into the Future- When
debating the use and application of
genetics, there are multiple points
of view. I can make a sound ethical
decision regarding my position on a
range of bioethical issues.
MYP Unit Question*
Formerly the Guiding Question
Teacher Speak Unit Question:
What are the ethical implications regarding the use and
application of scientific knowledge and understanding of DNA
and Genetics?
Turn it into a Student Speak Unit Question:
How should we use Life’s Blueprint (DNA)?
Statements of Inquiry:
Students will discuss, evaluate and debate ethical
perspectives regarding a range of biotech issues.
Students will discuss, evaluate and debate the
relationship between scientific
understanding/capabilities and their use and
Students will recognize the relationship between
DNA’s structure and how it’s related to the form and
function of all living things.
Inquiry Questions:
What is Life’s Blueprint DNA?
What is bioethics and what is biotech?
What are the positive and negative aspects of various
How has biotech changed our world and what is the
future of biotech?
How should we regulate biotech and who should
regulate it?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding?
How will students show what they have understood?
A piece of writing by the student of approximately 900–1,200 words in length. Criteria A
and B must be used to assess this task.
An end-of-unit or end-of-term test or examination. Criterion C must be one of the criteria
used to assess this task.
--What exemplars will students see so that they understand what is required?
Each Assessment will be accompanied by a task specific rubric which students receive prior to
the assessment. The rubric will be explained in detail and examples relevant to each level
descriptor will be given. The One World essay will come with a detailed project outline including
examples of student expectations.
--What will allow students the opportunity to answer the unit question at some point during the
Student understanding of the underlying concepts and principles of genetics is built through labs,
activities, problems, discussions and readings. This learning experience cumulates with a
concept based test.
Next students are introduced to ethical reasoning and decision making. This process will unfold
as students discuss and debate the use and application of genetics and its ethical implications.
Learning experiences include: inquiry into various bioethical issues via case studies, debates,
film, current events and research. Learning cumulates in the answering of the unit question
through researching and writing a One World argumentative essay on an bioethical issue of their
--How will the assessment task be differentiated?
Student understanding of the unit question will be assessed using two formats one is and
argumentative essay while the other is a test of student’s conceptual understanding.
Test- The concept based test will employ a variety and range of questions to assess student’s
knowledge and understanding. These range from simple problems involving recall and application
to complex problems involving evaluation and analysis. There will also be integration of math
concepts (probabilities) in many of the problems.
One World Essay- There will be flexibility and choice in terms of topic selection and word limit.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Directly from MYP Subject Guide.
Objective A- This objective refers to enabling students to gain a better understanding of the role
of science in society. Students should be aware that science is a global endeavor and that its
development and applications can have consequences for our lives.
One world should provide students with the opportunity to critically assess the implications of
scientific developments and their applications to local and/or global issues.
explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or
discuss the effectiveness of science and its application in solving problems or issues
describe how science and its application interact with some of the following factors:
moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental.
Objective B- This objective refers to enabling students to become competent and confident
when communicating information in science. Students should be able to use scientific language
correctly and a variety of communication modes and formats as appropriate. Students should be
aware of the importance of acknowledging and appropriately referencing the work of others when
communicating in science.
use scientific language correctly
use appropriate communication modes, such as verbal (oral, written), visual (graphic,
symbolic) and communication formats (laboratory reports, essays, presentations) to
effectively communicate theories, ideas and findings in science
acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by documenting
them using a recognized referencing system.
Objective C- This objective refers to enabling students to understand scientific knowledge
(facts, ideas, concepts, processes, laws, principles, models and theories) and to apply it to
construct scientific explanations, solve problems and formulate scientifically supported
recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific
apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and
unfamiliar situations
analyze and evaluate information critically to make judgments supported by scientific
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Directly from MYP Subject Guide.
Criterion A: One world
Maximum: 6
One world enables students to gain a better understanding of the role of science in society and
allows them to explore how scientific developments and applications are applied and used to
address specific problems or issues in local and global contexts.
Students should be able to:
• explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
• discuss the effectiveness of science and its application in solving the problem or issue
• discuss and evaluate the moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental
implications of the use of science and its application in solving specific problems or issues.
Assessment tasks should give students the opportunity to explore how science is used to address
a specific problem or issue. Students are required to critically discuss and evaluate the
implications associated with the use and application of science by considering moral, ethical,
social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors.
Suitable assessment tasks for criterion A include: written pieces of work, essays, case studies
and research projects, as well as debates, oral and multimedia presentations.
Criterion B: Communication in science
Maximum: 6
Communication in science enables students to develop the communication skills to become competent
and confident when communicating information in science.
Students should be able to use different communication modes, including verbal (oral, written) and
visual (graphic, symbolic), as well as appropriate communication formats (laboratory reports, essays,
and multimedia presentations) to effectively communicate scientific ideas, theories, findings and
arguments in science.
Students should be able to:
• use scientific language correctly
• use appropriate communication modes and formats
• acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by appropriately documenting
them using a recognized referencing system.
Suitable assessment tasks for criterion B include: scientific investigation reports, research essays,
case studies, written responses, debates and multimedia presentations among others.
Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of
Maximum: 6
Knowledge and understanding of science enables students to demonstrate their understanding of
science by applying scientific knowledge to construct scientific explanations, solve problems and
formulate scientifically supported arguments.
Students should be able to:
• recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations
• apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar
• critically analyze and evaluate information to make judgments supported by scientific
Suitable assessment tasks for criterion C include: tests, examinations, case studies, written
responses and other assignments that combine a range of problems of different complexity, and
opportunities for students to makes scientifically supported judgments.
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities
through inquiry
What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable
the student to respond to the unit question?
What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed?
How can they be unpacked to develop the significant concept(s) for stage 1?
What are the state GLCE’s or HSCE’s?
STANDARD B1: Inquiry, Reflection, and Social Implications
B1.1- Scientific Inquiry
B1.2- Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
STANDARD B4: Genetics
L4.p1 Reproduction (prerequisite)
L4.p2 Heredity and Environment (prerequisite)
B4.1 Genetics and Inherited Traits
B4.2 DNA
B4.2x DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis
B4.3 Cell Division – Mitosis and Meiosis
B4.4x Genetic Variation
B4.r5x Recombinant DNA (recommended)
STANDARD B2: Will be part of a review as students prepare for the genetics unit.
NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)
HS-LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
HS-LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes (Includes Review
Common Core Standards:
ELA/LiteracyRST.11-12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical
texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or
inconsistencies in the account. (HS-LS3-1),(HS-LS3-2)
RST.11-12.9: Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments,
simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,
resolving conflicting information when possible. (HS-LS3-1)
WHST.9-12.1: Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. (HS-LS3-2)
Mathematics –
MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS-LS3-2),(HS-LS3-3)
What skills and or concepts are embedded in those standards?
ATL’s- see below
Learner Profile Trait- Inquirer
This LP trait has been selected for explicit focus in this unit because through the inquiry
cycle students will select a specific issue that they feel passionate about, inquire into it
through research and respond to the issue by supporting their position and refuting the
opposing side. By taking a position and arguing against the opposing side the students
are taking the first step toward action on an individual level.
Skills- Analyzing, Classifying, Communicating, Defining, Evaluating, Inferring, Inquiring,
Interpreting Data, Modelling, Recognizing Patterns, Reading, Synthesizing and Using
Command TermsDescribe: to give a detailed account.
Discuss: to give an account including, where possible, a range of arguments for and
against the relative importance of various factors and comparisons of alternative
Evaluate: to assess the implications and limitations.
Explain: to give a clear account, including causes and reasons or mechanisms.
State: to give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or
Document: to credit fully all sources of information used by referencing (or citing),
following one recognized referencing system. References should be included in the text
and also at the end of the piece of work in a reference list or bibliography.
Analyze: to identify parts and relationships and to interpret information to reach a
Complex problems: refers to problems that are set in a familiar or unfamiliar context
and require analysis. These problems can often be broken down into sub-problems or
stages, each of which requires the selection and application of the appropriate principle,
rule, equation or method.
Simple problems: refers to straightforward problems that are clearly stated and set in a
familiar context, and require the student to apply the appropriate principle, rule, equation
or method.
Personal, Social and Global Awareness (Attitudes and Beliefs)- Controversial
Science Issues
Key Concepts- Change (Constancy and Change in Life Forms); Structures, Patterns
and Systems (Living Systems); Relationships, Perspectives
What is it that I must teach?
Related ConceptsMany of the related concepts or specific content expectations I will teach as part of the
genetics unit will be adapted from the HHMI & MIT Hierarchical Biological Concept
Framework. Main areas of focus include: cell division, replication, transcription and
translation, classic Mendelian genetics, genetic disorders and genetic engineering.
These concepts can be found at:
Note: Many of the concepts will also be covered as a review of cell biology in order to
prepare students for the genetics unit.
Approaches to learning
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and
general approaches to learning skills?
What Approaches to Learning are embedded in the subject-specific MYP Criteria that you are
using to assess your MYP task?
These ATL’s are embedded in my tasks which will assess Criteria’s A, B & C. These skills will
have an implicit focus.
Communication (Literacy), Thinking (Critical Thinking and Transfer) and Research
(Information and media literacy, critical literacy)
What general Approaches to Learning will I embed in my unit?
These general ATL’s will be focused on explicitly in my unit. One of these, Research and
its associated skill clusters is also implicitly contained in my assessment task. This ATL
skill has a general focus because it is easily transferable across the disciplines
throughout the MYP programme. Additionally, Research skills support school wide
expectations in relation to use of technology and referencing. Also the Social skill of
Collaboration promotes good affect within our students. It also supports a host of LP
attributes such as being open-minded and exceptional communicators.
Research- (Information and Media Literacy, Critical Literacy)
accessing information—including
researching from a variety of sources
using a range of technologies,
identifying primary and secondary
selecting and organizing information—
including identifying points of view,
bias and weaknesses, using primary and
secondary sources, making connections
between a variety of resources
referencing—including the use of
citing, footnotes and referencing of
sources, respecting the concept of
intellectual property rights
Social- (Collaboration)
accepting others—including analyzing
others’ ideas, respecting others’ points
of view, using ideas critically
Learning experiences
Teaching strategies
How will students know what is
expected of them? Will they see
examples, rubrics, templates?
How will we use formative assessment to
give students feedback during the unit?
How will students acquire the
knowledge and practise the skills
required? How will they practise
applying these?
Do the students have enough prior
knowledge? How will we know?
Pre Assessment
Prior Knowledge- Students prior
knowledge will be activated via a review
and test on cells and traits. Both of these
topics have been previously covered and
required the student to have a simple
general understanding of DNA and
Heredity. It is from this point that we will
begin to build and expand student
knowledge and understanding in detail.
We will also have an open class discussion
around an ethical dilemma in order to
activate student’s prior informal
understanding of ethics. We will then begin
building a formal understanding from this
Cell division, DNA & Genetics will be
learned throughDirect instruction and lecture
The use of visual aids
Online Activities and Labs
Collaborative Group Work
Vocabulary Definition
Mind Maps
What different teaching methodologies will
we employ?
How are we differentiating teaching and
learning for all? How have we made
provision for those learning in a language
other than their mother tongue? How have
we considered those with special
educational needs?
Cell division, DNA &
Genetics will be
assessed throughStudent will draw the
stages of cell division
(mitosis); drawings will
be labelled and
Students will print and
submit results of online
activities and labs.
Students will take notes
on all videos and
Students will be
assigned section
review and chapter
review questions on
Students will be given
practice questions
(genetic crosses) as
HW and CW all
questions will be
discussed as a class.
Bioethics will be learned throughLecture
Class Discussion
Assessment and Pre
Assessment will be
differentiated using a
variety of Learning
Styles/Intelligences such
- Kinesthetic (Hands On
- Visual (Drawing, Visual
Aids, Animation)
- Interpersonal (Group
- Intrapersonal
(Readings and HW)
- Linguistic/Audio (Books
and Lecture)
- Logical/Mathematical
(Genetic Crosses &
Word Problems)
There is a heavy focus
on math concepts in this
Answering higher level
questions aimed at
assessing conceptual
understanding and its
application (Critical
Thinking & Metacognition)
Students will answer
crosses) on the smart
board and explain their
answers to the class.
Activities will employ
different types of
technology (ppt., smart
board, audio, visual and
Students will extract
Identify students that are
struggling and use mixed
Informal Debate
Open-ended Questions
Audio/Video Analysis: Current Events,
Gattaca, Intellengence2 Debate
Note Taking
DNA from a plant and
report on their
procedure and results
Students will construct
Reebops and reflect on
their results (Meiosis &
Expression of Alleles)
Anecdotal Notes
Some activities will be modelled.
Class Discussion (Q &
A) these are based on
topics/concepts, and
inquiry activities.
Case Studies
Collaborative Group Work
Formative Assessments Students will be
given clear instructions and examples
(checklists, rubrics, templates, handouts)
which will be discussed in class.
Summative Assessments Will be
accompanied by a task specific rubric
which students receive prior to the
assessment. The rubric will be explained in
detail and examples relevant to each level
descriptor will be given.
The One World essay will come with a
detailed project outline including examples
of student expectations.
Marazano’s Vocabulary
Mind Map of DNA
Construct DNA out of
found objects
Bioethics will be
assessed throughIntroduction to Ethics
Anecdotal Notes
Check Points/Deadlines
for Project---Spot
checking by asking
students what they are
working on.
Peer evaluations.
Class Discussion (Q &
A) these are based on
topics/concepts, and
inquiry activities.
Brain Storm for One
World Essay & Bio
Ethics Topics
Research for One World
Rough Draft- One
World Essay
Gattaca Analysis
Case Study Analysis
Notes on all videos
Intelligence2 Class Poll
Informal Debate
**End of Unit Reflection
ability grouping for group
Engage and include
students who tend to be
on the outside of the
social group.
Students have degree of
choice and freedom to
choose their One World
Essays focus issue.
The concept based test
will employ a variety and
range of questions to
assess student’s
knowledge and
Identifying and correcting
student misconceptions
about core concepts.
-The assessment tasks
will be differentiated as
The unit question will be
assessed using two
formats an
argumentative essay
and a conceptual test.
Test- The concept
based test will employ a
variety and range of
questions to assess
student’s knowledge and
understanding. These
range from simple
problems involving recall
and application to
complex problems
involving evaluation and
analysis. There will also
be integration of math
concepts (probabilities)
in many of the problems.
One World EssayThere will be flexibility
and choice in terms of
topic selection and word
Special NeedsStudents with special
needs will be
accommodated on an
individual basisAccommodations may
include: use of
technology, tutoring,
on Unit Question,
ATL’s & LP
change in format,
amount and difficulty of
work, position in class,
conferencing with
parents and school
social worker ETC..,.
Language NeedsIf a student has a
language need then I will
work with either a
language B instructor if
Arabic or a Native
Speaker of the students
language to
accommodate that
What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate
students’ experiences during the unit?
Textbook: Glencoe Science Level Green & Blue
Handouts & Problems: Mendelian Genetic Crosses
DNA Extraction Lab Materials
Simulated PKU Testing Lab & Materials
Online labs and Activities:
Resources for Teaching Ethics:
DNA & Cell Division Animations
Supreme Court Decisions on Genetics Issues
NPR 1,000$ Genome
Possible Community Members as Guest Speakers (Bio-Patent Law)
Ongoing reflections and evaluation
In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further
stimulus questions at the end of the “Planning for teaching and learning” section
of MYP: From principles into practice.
Students and teachers
What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any
What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning?
Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What
opportunities were there for student-initiated action?
Possible connections
How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and
from other subject groups?
What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with
other subjects?
Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives
identified for this unit? How did I make sure students were invited to achieve at all levels
of the criteria descriptors?
Are we prepared for the next stage?
Data collection
How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?
Students will reflect on their experience of the unit by using select Learner Profile traits. Their
goal is to write a short reflection discussing how the following LP traits are essential to the
process of ethical decision making.
Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and
approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the
dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the
consequences that accompany them.
Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to
the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to
seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have
a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the