Identity Portfolio
100 Points
Name __________________________
The Identity Portfolio is the summative project designed to assess your understanding of the key unit objectives and essential questions:
How does the past help shape our identity? & What can we learn about ourselves by asking questions about our past?
Your grades will be based on the degree to which you have successfully completed the following tasks.
2 Pts.
Cover Page (picture, name, title, & due date)
2 Pts.
Table of Contents
2 Pts.
Family Tree
2 Pts.
2 Pts.
Interview (10 Points)
Exemplary (5)
Strong (4)
Effective (3)
My interview has been skillfully and
originally written. I have:
 Provided insightful and relevant
questions about my relative’s
involvement in the historical event in
great detail
 Clearly and descriptively recorded my
relative’s responses
 Properly discovered the moment which
served as the focus of my paper using
general, specific, and detailed questions
My interview is strong. I have:
 Provided relevant questions about
my relative’s involvement in the
historical event in detail
 Descriptively recorded my
relative’s responses
 Discovered the moment which
served as the focus of my paper
My interview addresses all three
 Provided questions given to my
relative about the historic event
 Recorded their responses
 Found a moment to write about
Developing (2)
My interview does not address all
three categories of the prompt:
 Provided questions given to my
relative about the historic event
 Recorded their responses
 Found a moment to write about
Experimenting (1)
My interview is lacking in many key
areas, and needs to be revised and
edited before it can be adequately
Works Cited / Annotated Bibliography (10 Points)
Exemplary (5)
Strong (4)
Effective (3)
My Works Cited has been skillfully and
originally organized. I have:
 Provided MULTIPLE citations from a
variety of sources
 Used the correct MLA citation format
for every source
 Included a descriptive paragraph
detailing how and where I used the
sources in my paper
My Works Cited is strong. I have:
 Provided MULTIPLE citations
 Used the correct MLA citation
format for every source
 Included a paragraph explaining
how and where I used the sources in
my paper
My Works Cited addresses all
three categories:
 Provided citations
 Used the MLA format
 Included a paragraph about the
sources in my paper
Developing (2)
My Works Cited does not address
all three categories of the prompt:
 Provided citations
 Used the MLA format
 Included a paragraph about the
sources in my paper
Experimenting (1)
My Works Cited is lacking in many
key areas, and needs to be revised and
edited before it can be adequately
Reflection (10 Points)
Exemplary (5)
Strong (4)
My reflection has been skillfully and
originally written. I have:
 Provided insightful and relevant
information addressing all five
questions in great detail
 Clearly and descriptively organized
my responses so the reader can follow
and appreciate it with ease
My reflection is strong. I have:
 Provided relevant information
addressing all five questions in
 Clearly organized my responses so
the reader can follow and appreciate
it with ease
Effective (3)
My reflection addresses both
 Addressed all five questions
 Organized my responses using
Developing (2)
My reflection does not address
both categories:
 Answered all five questions
 Organized my responses using
Experimenting (1)
My reflection is lacking in many key
areas, and needs to be revised and
edited before it can be adequately
The Author’s Note (20 Points)
Exemplary (5)
Strong (4)
My author’s note has been skillfully and
originally written. I have:
 Clearly and descriptively showed the 5
W’s associated with the event
 Insightfully provided relevant
information about who was interviewed
and how they were affected by the
historical event
 Properly cited the information and data I
used in my author’s note
 I have used correct spelling on even the
more difficult words
 I have used accurate punctuation and
 The grammar and usage in my writing
contributes to its clarity
 No editing needed
My author’s note is strong. I have:
 Described and included the 5 W’s
associated with the event of my narrative
 Provided relevant information about who
was interviewed and how they were
affected by the historical event
My author’s note addresses each categories:
 Listed the 5 W’s associated with the event
of my narrative
 Provided information about who was
interviewed and their connection to the
historical event
Effective (3)
My author’s note does not properly
address both categories:
 Listed the 5 W’s associated with the
event of my narrative
 Provided information about who was
interviewed and their connection to
the historical event
Developing (2)
My author’s note is lacking in many
key areas, and needs to be revised and
edited before it can be adequately
Experimenting (1)
 I have used difficult words, and I still
have very few spelling errors
 My punctuation and capitalization are
sound with few errors
 Few grammar and usage errors do not
distort from the meaning of the writing
 Needs little editing
 My spelling is generally correct on
commonly used words
 The punctuation and capitalization needs
work, but does not impede understanding
 The grammar usage needs work, but does
not impede understanding
 Needs moderate editing
 I have numerous spelling errors,
except on common words
 My punctuation and capitalization
errors are distracting in my writing
 My grammar errors demonstrate my
misunderstanding of the rules
 Needs significant editing
 My spelling errors impedes
 My writing is full of incorrect
punctuation and capitalization
 My writing has many usage and
grammar errors an impedes the
understanding of my writing
 Needs extensive editing
The Historical Narrative (40 Points)
Exemplary (5)
Point of View
Effective (3)
Developing (2)
Experimenting (1)
My historical narrative has been skillfully and
originally written. I have:
 Provided setting, characters and situation in
great detail
 Clearly and descriptively showed the details
of the historical event throughout the
focused moment
 Thoroughly reflected on the impact this
event had on me (as my relative) with some
 I have established an immediate connection
with the reader as my relative, and have
enhanced it throughout the writing.
 I take risks and show effective originality in
my writing
 My tone is sincere, expressive, and moves
the reader
 My paper is powerful and engaging
 I have used powerful and engaging
 My wording is thoughtful and the
expressions are specific
 My writing has an artful use of figurative
 My words create meaningful pictures
My historical narrative is strong. I have:
 Provided the necessary background
information (characters, setting,
situation) of the moment
 Described and showed some details of
the historical event involved in the
focused moment
 Reflected on the impact this event had
on me (as my relative)
Strong (4)
My historical narrative addresses all
three categories:
 Setting, character, and situation
 Telling of the moment that
happened during the historical event
 Mentioning the impact this event
had on me (as my relative)
My historical narrative does not address
all three categories of the prompt:
 Setting, character, and situation
 Telling of the moment that happened
during the historical event
 Mentioning the impact this event had
on me (as my relative)
My historical narrative is lacking in many
key areas, and needs to be revised and
edited before it can be adequately assessed.
 I have established a connection with the
reader as my relative, and have
maintained it.
 My writing reflects my interest in and
commitment to my historical narrative
 I use an appropriate tone and show some
 My paper is effective, but safe
 I have used accurate and precise
 My wording is purposeful, and I
experiment with the language
 My writing is strengthened by my use of
figurative language
 My words enhance the meaning of my
 My voice as my relative is present,
but not strong
 My writing is pleasing to the reader
yet safe
 My tone is inconsistent
 The purpose of my writing is
credible but not powerful
 I struggle with becoming my relative
 I took some risks, but was unable to
connect with the reader
 I have done a lot of telling and not
enough showing
 The purpose of my narrative lacks
 I have shown no concern for my
audience, and I have failed to become my
 My writing is lifeless and mechanical
 My writing is flat & inappropriate
 The purpose of the writing in not present
 I have used some active verbs and
precise nouns
 I used functional expressions and
have some fine moments
 I have shown some use of figurative
 My words convey the intended
 I have generally used the correct
words, but they have no spice
 My language is functional
 I have made attempts at figurative
 My words convey the general
meaning of my writing
 My vocabulary is limited
 The simple words used in my narrative
are used incorrectly
 I have included no figurative language
 My words do not convey the proper
 I have used correct spelling on even the
more difficult words
 I have used accurate punctuation and
 The grammar and usage in my writing
contributes to its clarity
 No editing needed
 I have used difficult words, and I still
have very few spelling errors
 My punctuation and capitalization are
sound with few errors
 Few grammar and usage errors do not
distort from the meaning of the writing
 Needs little editing
 My spelling is generally correct on
commonly used words
 The punctuation and capitalization
needs work, but does not impede
 The grammar usage needs work, but
does not impede understanding
 Needs moderate editing
 I have numerous spelling errors,
except on common words
 My punctuation and capitalization
errors are distracting in my writing
 My grammar errors demonstrate my
misunderstanding of the rules
 Needs significant editing
 My spelling errors impedes readability
 My writing is full of incorrect
punctuation and capitalization
 My writing has many usage and grammar
errors an impedes the understanding of
my writing
 Needs extensive editing