REASONS FOR DECISION TO EXERCISE POWER OF INTERVENTION UNDER SECTION 20(4) OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 STONNINGTON PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C159 The Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Heritage Act 1995 and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 provide for the intervention of the Minister for Planning in planning and heritage processes. In exercising my powers of intervention, I have agreed to: Make publicly available written reasons for each decision; and Provide a report to Parliament at least every twelve months detailing the nature of each intervention. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 1. This amendment has been prepared by the Minister for Planning, who is the planning authority for this amendment. The amendment has been made at the request of Stonnington City Council. 2. The amendment makes changes to local policy, and introduces new planning controls to give effect to the findings of the research paper titled; ‘Late night liquor licence trading in the Chapel Street Precinct: measuring the saturation levels Research Paper, (April 2010)’. 3. The amendment revises the Licensed Premises Policy at Clause 22.10 and makes minor changes to the Municipal Strategic Statement at Clauses 21.04-1 and 21.04-2. 4. The amendment maps and introduces Schedule 3 to the Incorporated Plan Overlay to control late night trading of ‘Source of Potential Harm’ Venues in the Chapel Street Precinct. 5. The amendment removes a redundant reference document and includes three new reference documents in Clause 21.06 of the Stonnington Planning Scheme: City of Stonnington Municipal Public Health Plan 2009-2013. Late night liquor licence trading in the Chapel Street Precinct: measuring the saturation levels Research Paper, April 2010. Design Guidelines for Licensed Venues, Department of Justice, 2009. WHAT POWER OF INTERVENTION IS BEING USED? 6. I have decided to exercise my powers to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect to Amendment C159 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme. 7. Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 enables the Minister for Planning to exempt an amendment which the Minister prepares from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act or the regulations. 8. In seeking to exercise this power, section 20(4) of the Act requires that the Minister must consider that compliance with any of those requirements is not warranted or that the interests of Victoria or any part of Victoria make such an exemption appropriate. BACKGROUND 9. On 3 May 2010, Council adopted as policy the key findings of the research paper ‘Late night liquor licence trading in the Chapel Street Precinct: Measuring the saturation levels (April 2010). The Research Paper defines licensed premises most likely to be associated with ‘alcohol-related harm’ as Source of Potential Harm Venues (SPH). Source of Potential Harm Venues are licensed hotels, taverns and nighclubs with more than 200 patrons, operating after 12am. The Research Paper identifies the Chapel Street Precinct as being at saturation point in terms of SPH venues. A finding of the Research Paper is that 50 SPH venues operating after 1.00am, in the Chapel Street Precinct is the saturation limit for this area. 10. Amendment C159 is required to introduce the key findings of the Research Paper into the Stonnington Planning Scheme. 11. The revised Clause 22.10 Licensed Premises Policy makes more definitive reference to the negative social impacts of SPH venues in the community and includes new requirements for applications where such venues seek to trade beyond 12am. 12. Schedule 3 to the Incorporated Plan Overlay gives effect to the clear intention within the revised Licensed Premises Policy to prevent any further SPH venues seeking to trade after 1am while there are 50 or more such venues (the acknowledged saturation level) in the Chapel Street Precinct. 13. Revised Clause 22.10 Licensed Premises Policy includes requirements relating to licensed hours of operation and patron capacity for Source of Potential Harm Venues in the Chapel Street Precinct Study Area. These requirements will assist in addressing the negative social impacts of these uses on the community, and will help manage alcohol-related harm associated with licensed venues. 14. Amendment C159 removes the report ‘Entertainment/Retail Premises Review for Chapel Street, Toorak Road and Environs; Henshall Hansen Associates, 1997’ as a Reference Document at Clause 21.06 of the Stonnington Planning Scheme. This Study is out of date and does not take into account the notion of cumulative impacts and saturation levels of licensed premises. 15. Amendment C159 inserts three new reference documents at Clause 21.06 of the Stonnington Planning Scheme. Late night liquor licence trading in the Chapel Street Precinct: measuring the saturation levels Research Paper, April 2010 Design Guidelines for Licensed Venues, Department of Justice, 2009 Council’s Municipal Public Health Plan 2009-2013 (MPHP) BENEFITS OF EXEMPTION 16. An almost identical version of the revised Licensed Premises Policy contained within Amendment C159 was the subject of amendment C129 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme which was exhibited, considered by a panel and adopted by the Council. Accordingly the policy aspects of this amendment have already gone through a comprehensive process of consultation, such that no further notification is warranted. 17. The introduction of Schedule 3 to the Incorporated Plan Overlay (IPO3) gives effect to the clear intention within the Licensed Premises Policy to prevent any further SPH venues seeking to trade after 1am while there are 50 or more other such venues (the acknowledged saturation level) in the Chapel Street Precinct. Therefore further consultation on the IPO aspect is not warranted. 18. The amendment is consistent with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Context of planning Scheme under section 7(5) of the Act. EFFECTS OF EXEMPTION ON THIRD PARTIES 19. It is considered that the views of all relevant parties are known in regards to the amendment, and that parties have already been provided with sufficient opportunity to express their views in relation to the amendment. ASSESSMENT AS TO WHETHER BENEFITS OF EXEMPTIONS OUTWEIGH EFFECTS ON THIRD PARTIES 20. The views of affected parties are known as extensive consultation in relation to very similar provisions has taken place. 21. Accordingly I consider that the benefits of exempting myself from sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act outweigh any effects of the exemption on third parties. DECISION 22. I have decided to exercise my power to exempt myself from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect of Amendment C159 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme. REASONS FOR INTERVENTION 23. I provide the following reasons for my decision to exercise my power under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. 24. I am satisfied that Compliance with any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations is not warranted because: The views of affected parties are known. Signed by the Minister MATTHEW GUY MLC Minister for Planning Date: 27 January 2012