Mapping Africa Questions

Mapping Africa Questions
A. What is the strip of dry grassland on the southern border of the Sahara Desert?
a. Sahel
B. What is the mountainous region located near the horn of East Africa?
a. Ethiopian Highlands
C. What is the tallest mountain n Africa?
a. Mt Kilimanjaro
D. What is Arica’s largest lake?
a. Lake Victoria
E. What is the longest river in Africa?
a. The Nile River
F. What extensive rainforest covers a large part of central Africa and is almost completely
surrounded by mountains?
a. Congo Basin
G. What is the largest desert n southern Africa?
a. Kalahari Desert
H. What is the major river in western Africa that empties into the Gulf of Guinea?
a. The Niger River
What is the enormous desert that stretches across North Africa?
a. Sahara Desert
J. What is the mountain range in northwestern Africa?
a. Atlas Mountains
K. What is the largest river flowing through the Congo Basin and empting into the Atlantic?
a. Congo (Zaire) River
L. What ocean lies east of Africa?
a. Indian Ocean
M. What is the great valley that extends, with several breaks, from Syria to central Mozambique?
a. Great Rift Valley
N. What is the broad, level of land that is located in north central Tanzania and extends east
of the southeastern shore of Lake Victoria?
a. Serengeti Plain
O. What island is located about 240 miles off the Southeastern coast of Africa
a. Madagascar
P. What ocean lies west of Africa?
a. Atlantic Ocean
Q. What is the large body of water that separates Africa from Europe?
a. Mediterranean Sea
R. What is the sea that is actually an arm of the Indian Ocean and extends northwest between
Africa and Arabian Peninsula?
a. Red Sea