Alert: This is a formal class on principals underlying the

Alert: This is a formal class on principals underlying the Torah as found in the classic text, Derech Hashem. Please limit
room text to questions on the subject matter being discussed at the time. We will have 2 breaks for questions on the mic,
30 seconds each.
Alert: Redottext is currently on.
BCWoman61: chag samaech jacqueline, Yehoshua and home
Isibel: Shalom Yehoshua
Isibel: So
I have a question
BEHANU: The instructor has a question ... uh oh
Isibel: Would people like me to read through the
BEHANU: Ramchal's Intro -BEHANU: not the book intro
2 cents
Isibel: Ok
Isibel: anyone
BEHANU: anyone else??
dawidh_nz: i second the cents
BEHANU: haha
jacqueline_54_1953: same
of behanu
to you , BC.. I am running late.. still stuffing my
face. but wanted to make sure I got in
SueAna: 1
Isibel: This sond
Isibel: song
is a niggun
SHeMABruce: The
intro? Yes. good idea
BCWoman61: no
fair Behanu, your two cents weigh more than the rest of ours together
BEHANU: jackie
... chew, swallow, repeat
SHeMABruce: in
Isibel: Ok
my opinion
thanks bruce
BEHANU: Not with my wife BC
jacqueline_54_1953: lol
BEHANU: worth
a half shekel
BEHANU: old shekel
SueAna: altho
the music is good too
beowulf44: lets
SueAna: lol
BEHANU: This tune is
BEHANU: hum along
SHeMABruce: Isibel,
a niggun
just so you know, I weld my admin sword often and
dance music!
jacqueline_54_1953: lol
Isibel: Great
bruce . so does she
Bruce that is important
This is a formal class on principals underlying the Torah as found
in the classic text, Derech Hashem. Please limit room text to questions on the subject
matter being discussed at the time. We will have 2 breaks for questions on the mic,
30 seconds per person. Class info at - class begins at 9
pm eastern.
SHeMABruce: but
if auto redots are placed when people enter the room, my
sword will likely collect no blood
Isibel: One
last song after this and then Ill stop the music
I remember the last time you did this in a locked room. I am glad
the room is open this time
BEHANU: my 9 yr old just pointed out the number of people in the room is posted at top
... i dont need to count by hand .... duh
Isibel: Yes, well my whole understanding has changed alot since then
Isibel: Its more than worth going through the book more than once
BCWoman61: Isibel,
SHeMABruce: well,
i just learned something also from you child, behanu. lol
BCWoman61: trust a young one to know the technology Behanu
BEHANU: Everyone ready for their first "shock treatment?" LOL
beowulf44: 36
peeps in the room? kewl
first and formost I am not here to convert you to my way of
Isibel: Remember,
BCWoman61: hello
SHeMABruce: just
beowulf44: ty
SHeMABruce: i
beo. Chag samaech
before it starts everyone needs to send out invites
bc woman, chag sameach
SHeMABruce: Really folks, this is an ENORMOUSLY useful topic of study.
You will all be blessed by it and will learn a LOT
BEHANU: Bruce is just asking for it ...
BCWoman61: Stiff competition since hamekane
is debating Rock Guitarist in another
room on yshu hanotzri in the oral traditions
BEHANU: I know this tune!
Isibel: and also not trying to get anyone to agree with what the Ramchal is saying,
there are things that may be very difficult for people to take as thier own belief, but I
ask only that you try and understand things from the perspective of the Ramchal
BEHANU: This is very cool
SHeMABruce: lol
Isibel: LOL
SHeMABruce: i
can understand it now! lol
Isibel: yes
Isibel: Lashon Kodesh is understood by some part of you Bruce
BEHANU: This song is getting mega airplay on secular stations
beowulf44: matisyahu...the
rappin chassidic
SHeMABruce: i like this song.
Alert: An admin joined the room: David_42
SHeMABruce: never
BCWoman61: his
heard it
style has changed some since he broke on the scene, but he has good
Wesleyismyname: what
beowulf44: yes,
is the name of this
matisyahu always sings good messages....callin g for Messiah to come
in several
Isibel: It is called "One Day" on the Light cd
jacqueline_54_1953: westly
in the room title..
BCWoman61: hello
Isibel: by
lev, chag samaech
SHeMABruce: wow.
i REALLY like this song!
jacqueline_54_1953: ohh
sorry you are asking about the song
Wesleyismyname: the song
BCWoman61: hello warrior,
Isibel: Its my
Isibel: LOL
Isibel: it
chag samaech
Derech HaShem theme song
really is if you read the lyrics
SHeMABruce: good
BEHANU: theme
one isibel
song eh?
beowulf44: deep lyrics
BEHANU: i thought it was gonna be that tune from Veggie Tales
Isibel: LOL
SHeMABruce: ok.
where can i get this song. it gets me teary eyed.
BEHANU: Don't !
BEHANU: Play that
BEHANU: isis
BEHANU: isibel
YehoshuaBA: i'm
ready with the audio recorder
BEHANU: His new CD
warriorofyeshua: Shalom
beowulf44: i
BEHANU, Isibel, David, Yehoshua, and Bruce
can catch matisyahu on youtube . lotsa videos
SHeMABruce: same
here yehoshua.
- 2 recordings
BEHANU: better than 1
jacqueline_54_1953: torahman
SHeMABruce: maybe
BEHANU: exactly
with 2 recording we won't mess up
jacqueline_54_1953: BEHANU
BEHANU: 39 people - 1
BEHANU: 1 more tune!
Isibel: One
are you here ?
torahman is goingto record also for his room...
lash for each
more song?
SHeMABruce: i'm
sure the file size will be HUGE until it is exported to a
different format, however.
sherryr: Behanu, I watched Ushpazim, is there somewhere in Torah it
talks about the four species?
warriorofyeshua: rofl
jacqueline_54_1953: yes
behanu I watched it also. and now i know what you
meant about be careful what you pray for lol
BCWoman61: sure
another song would be good so I can get that coffee behanu ordered
is psalm 121
Isibel: Psalm 121
BEHANU: yes sherry
BEHANU: this
luminous_spirit: i
think i need to leave and return.. i still don't see a mic.. or
maybe i should just leave it.. since i can hear
BEHANU: yehoshua
you get the verses for betty
warriorofyeshua: hoo
hoo. Yosef Kardurner
YehoshuaBA: hold on
Isibel: mah kara?
Alert: An admin left the room: SHeMABruce
Isibel: warrior you dont like Karduner?
Isibel: lol
BEHANU: Ushpizin is a GREAT Torah
Alert: An admin joined the room: SHeMABruce
dawidh_nz: lol
dawidh_nz: i
movie -- rent it asap!
bought it
warriorofyeshua: yes Isibel, I like Kardurner
BCWoman61: luminous, you can reboot the room
dawidh_nz: i've
without leaving.
been waiting for them to make the sequel
dawidh_nz: but
Isibel: Ok
they haven't
Strider_100: i
don't see mic either ... but sound is good
warriorofyeshua: I
see mic
warriorofyeshua: so...
Wesleyismyname: i see
SHeMABruce: this
song is also nice. Which i could understand it. Rats! I
hate being hebrew iliterate.
luminous_spirit: it
sure is Strider
dawidh_nz: isibel.. have lyrics anywhere?
Isibel: OK we will hit the highlights of the
luminous_spirit: i
Isibel: put
love this music
if you have the book read it all its very nice
SHeMABruce: Isibel,
say "when" so we can start recording
Isibel: I
will read the sections for everyone
Isibel: Yes Im just getting my stuff organized
Isibel: then ok
BEHANU: organized?
BEHANU: not that!
warriorofyeshua: rofl... BEHANU, you saying she isn't organized?
warriorofyeshua: lolol
BCWoman61: isn't that the whole point of Derech hashem Behanu?
BEHANU: yes bc
BEHANU: you took words out of my mouth
BEHANU: record ....
jacqueline_54_1953: no
warrior the opposite.. he is the one who less
organized than the wife is
dawidh_nz: woo hoo
dawidh_nz: no sound
renkablue: no
Isibel: ok
BEHANU: switching
to mic
BCWoman61: she's
switching from sound card to mic
BEHANU: lo tech
warriorofyeshua: ah crap, we got a
warriorofyeshua: Shalom everyone
BEHANU: ancient
storm starting... now
chinese sage
BCWoman61: Behanu
send the 9 year old
dawidh_nz: 10
dawidh_nz: 9
dawidh_nz: 8
dawidh_nz: 7
renkablue: nd
renkablue: no
YehoshuaBA: 1
BCWoman61: 1
renkablue: 1
good Isibel
LevEchad: 1
jacqueline_54_1953: hey youngin
dawidh_nz: yes have lift off
make sure you dont' float away in that rain..
SHeMABruce: 1
Wesleyismyname: 1
TwinkleInHisEye: 1
luminous_spirit: 1
dawidh_nz: yes
LevEchad: yes
LadyOfWisdom: 1
YehoshuaBA: 1
SHeMABruce: 1
jacqueline_54_1953: 1
dawidh_nz: yes
BEHANU: 1.1.1
BEHANU: Ramchal
davidebyrum: has
= Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ... mid 1700's
the class started yet
BEHANU: just now david
davidebyrum: ok,
thanks...can I record for my records so I can listen again
and again
YehoshuaBA: sherryr:
read Lev 23:40 - that is where the four species comes from. There
is commentary about in the Talmud and other Jewish writings.
SHeMABruce: Please
restrict your texting please so that attention can be
focused on the speaker.
to insure this happens.
Marciyah: is anyone
recording this?
If necessary, the admins will have to act
Marciyah: 7
BlkPraiseAngel: 1
luminous_spirit: 1
dawidh_nz: i'll
want a copy cause i have to run off to work soon
Wesleyismyname: 1
rachelkeane: y
BEHANU: in text
jeremiah3131: i'm staying
out of this so u do not have to worry about this side of the
peanut factory
BEHANU: If you have a Q on something she is saying - it is OK to put it in text
SHeMABruce: there
are multiple recording efforts. The recordings will be
made available when they are formatted properly for distribution.
SHeMABruce: The material being discussed in shown in the room banner
shown about the chat area of at the top.
SHeMABruce: above the chat area
SHeMABruce: Discussion is occurring of the material shown above the chat
area in the room banner.
sherryr: Ty
SimchatTorah1880: hi YehoshuaBA
BEHANU: ok we will not start part
A D A M_3: what
page please
Marciyah: 31
Marciyah: 32
SHeMABruce: Discussion
is occurring of the material shown above the chat
area in the room banner. Please limit your texting to specific questions
regarding the material.
SHeMABruce: Point: The overriding purpose of the book is to bring you into
a relationship with The Almighty Creator God.
SHeMABruce: Point: God is unity to the utmost - an absolute ONENESS.
BCWoman61: spelt
SHeMABruce: yes,
ein sof?
BEHANU: Ein Sof = Without
Wesleyismyname: no end
entity with multiple aspects/characteristics.
BCWoman61: hebrew characters pls
Marciyah: when can we ask questions?
SHeMABruce: Discussion
is occurring of the material shown above the chat
area in the room banner. Please limit your texting to specific questions
regarding the material.
can type in text if on the current topuc
SHeMABruce: Marci,
if you type a question, i assume it will remain in the
window and be available later for answering by scrolling.
BEHANU: topic
Marciyah: I
will wait
will have a break for questions on mic ... limited to what was discussed ...
30 seconds per
SHeMABruce: I
recommend, perhaps, that you open a simple "Notepad" file
window and type questions as they come to you, then later you can
read you questions. This will prevent you forgetting your question.
Marciyah: I
always have a note pad bruce
luminous_spirit: me
too Marci.. and post-its
SHeMABruce: Point:
It is IMPOSSIBLE that a being NOT exist who is not
bound by physicial laws. Such a being MUST exist.
jacqueline_54_1953: behanu
PM please
sustains them.
ALL things exists ONLY because the Creator
Marciyah: can we have a source please
BEHANU: Marciyah -- PM me that Q
SHeMABruce: please
BCWoman61: it's
for them dropping dead
define "midrash" for those who do not know.
in the oral tradition marci
BEHANU: I will be the R&D dept
Marciyah: Bc yes I asking the source
jacqueline_54_1953: Behanu
luminous_spirit: ty
BEHANU: Midrash
are homiletical teachings based on torah principles
Isibel, thank you
LevEchad: beautiful
SHeMABruce: Existence
luminous_spirit: shalom
SHeMABruce: Point:
is overcoming to grow closer to Hashem.
Lev.. good to see you again
ONLY ONE being can be self-existent. And there can
be no more than ONE.
jacqueline_54_1953: bruce
SHeMABruce: please
Jean Elizabeth: hello everybody
Marciyah: hi
davidebyrum: I
think she means stop posting your POINT
SHeMABruce: ok
jacqueline_54_1953: ty
BCWoman61: I
appreciate it Bruce, it helps me stay on track with which section is being
jacqueline_54_1953: BC
then let him continue.. I can lower the room so I can hear and
not see. it is not helping me . but if it helps you . .I can do so you can stay on
luminous_spirit: it
was helping me as well
olivesnr: bruce are we allowed to ask quation?
renkablue: G-d put Himself in nature so that no one would have an excuse.
So did He hide Himself in Nature?
Isibel: go
do 1 person with a question on MIC then Isibel response
ahead olive
there are any
SHeMABruce: go
BCWoman61: I
am fine with what the majority wants, but thank you for the offer
BEHANU: Please limit to about 30 seconds per Q
Marciyah: 7
SHeMABruce: yes
Isibel: yes
SHeMABruce: God
desires to fellowship with us. He loves us and wishes a
jacqueline_54_1953: then
in some aspect isibel. he does need us.. because without us he
could not have that relationship or that desire fulfilled , correct?
SHeMABruce: Exodus
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
olivesnr: yes
pls isibel if u could give us the link
SHeMABruce: Loving
BEHANU: maciyah
- come back up again if you have another q
davidebyrum: what
someone requires learning about the object of your
was the question
q was 'what tradition' is rqmchal refering to
SHeMABruce: FYI:
Since this is being recorded, it would be good to
maximize your mic's output to insure it is recorded.
A D A M_3: , Isbel,,,,,can you repeat the questions for us as you answer?
Marciyah: ok
applied to questioners.
SimchatTorah1880: BE is the rqmchal the author of Derech Hashem
josephm153: Bruce I have to go how can i get a copy of this?
BCWoman61: Adam
Marci's question was on Page 31 the Ramchal references traditions
from the Patriarchs and Prophets, which ones.
David_42: audio can be adjusted in recordings
SHeMABruce: joseph,
when we format the recordings so that they can be
distributed, I'm sure we will make people aware of their availability.
Isibel: Yes
I would agree very much tha is why we are here
josephm153: thanks
BEHANU: marciya - we
can take a couple more Qs
will resume the text after a few more Qs
SHeMABruce: don't
BCWoman61: but
be mic shy folks. if you have a question, ask it.
Isibel that doesn't mean he NEEDS us, does it?
SHeMABruce: God
doesn't "need" us at all. He is self-existent.
SHeMABruce: He also has other created beings. He is not alone.
A D A M_3: not need....but desires to share HIMSELF with us.
SHeMABruce: right
luminous_spirit: not
SHeMABruce: right.
Marciyah: BC
need in the same sense that WE need
do you mean that perhaps in needing us that he is maybe inadequate?
lacking .....great question
Bruce, but a little up in the scroll jacqueline stated something "he
does need us.. because without us he could not have that relationship or that desire
BCWoman61: right
SHeMABruce: "Needing"
something means one cannot survive without it.
God can survive without us.
BCWoman61: yes
Marci, need indicates he is lacking something or is incomplete without
us, but he is not
Marciyah: ok, BC i can see him needing us without being almighty
beowulf44: G-d doesn`t need us at all. he can establish relationships with the angels,
no? so...why again did G-d create us?
SHeMABruce: I
"need" oxygen. I "need" water. I "need" food.
Marciyah: i do not think that
BEHANU: Isibel response?
renkablue: G_d's
diminishes Him
definition of Love is different than human love
BCWoman61: right
Bruce, need indicates cannot survive without whereas hashem
absolutely does not need us or any other relationship to be complete
Marciyah: I do think the would be The Most High withouting to share with us
Marciyah: he
jacqueline_54_1953: right if i die tomorrow . he will still want a relationship with others.
that is why i think it is that he desires a relationship with his creation. and i alone am
not his creation
SHeMABruce: Marci,
Marciyah: me
i can't understand what you just typed.
neither Bruce
Marciyah: lol
jacqueline_54_1953: for
his creation is more than us indivisually
understand what you are saying Marci, but I don't think any title
indicates the hashem is reliant on any part of his creation to define him
Marciyah: I do not think he would be The Most High, it is in his nature to share
jacqueline_54_1953: yes BC I agree with that..
BCWoman61: I think the titles revealed to us are simply so we can grasp aspects of the
whole which is hashem. We see fragments and those titles help us to comprehend
that which is incomprehensible.
BCWoman61: I
SHeMABruce: Also,
there are those who WILL be with God, thus satisfying
His desire for relationship (Moses, David, Isaiah, Samuel, etc., etc.,
etc.). He's already got relationships even if we choose to forsake a
relationship with Him.
Marciyah: BC
I agree he is The Most High all by himself but even the concept of him
desiring still shows a need to me and it does not in my mind makes me think that he
is in any way lacking
renkablue: His
Gllorious Being existed in eternity past - unfathomible time was only in recent past that man was created. He didn't need
us then
davidebyrum: can you speak up please....
davidebyrum: yes
Wesleyismyname: 1
BEHANU: If everyone is ok, we will resume
BCWoman61: better thank you Isibel
the text and have another mic Q@A later on.
Marciyah: Psalms
says "what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man
that you think of him"
SHeMABruce: I
think, Isibel, that even in some questions being suggested,
that the habit of applying physical things (needs) to God is difficult to
jacqueline_54_1953: yes
marciyah.. i agree
beowulf44: i keep thinking of that verse akso,
BEHANU: Keep in mind that as we move on in
this study a lot of things will be explained
jacqueline_54_1953: with what you typed , that was basically what I was tyring to say
NO_Church_n_State: shalom
BEHANU: precept
A D A M_3: does
on precept
absolute love have a desire to share LOVE?\
luminous_spirit: shalom
No Church
jacqueline_54_1953: Adam
luminous_spirit: doesn't
SHeMABruce: right
I would yes
absolute LOVE "need" to be expressed and shared??
behanu. MOST (if not all) of these questions will be
covered in depth as we progress through the study.
BCWoman61: The
concept that hashem has created a race of beings but does not "need"
to have worship from each person is hard to overcome Bruce. People tend to be a bit
self-centred as a race. No insult intended, no meaning a specific person.
BCWoman61: It took alot for me to get passed the idea that G-d needs me, instead of
me just needing G-d.
SHeMABruce: i
agree BC
beowulf44: wothout
man, that absolute love could never be manifested?
luminous_spirit: that's
MY perception of it beowulf
jacqueline_54_1953: luninious..
i would say yes. because Love alone would be lonley..
this is why I see the desire Hashem had to make a creation... he is love but he had
nothing to share that love with. thus his creation came forth ..
luminous_spirit: i
agree jacqueline
beowulf44: hmmmm
SHeMABruce: FYI:
If someone is persistently PMing you, please make it
known so that the admins can remedy the situation.
renkablue: G-d
said it was not good for Adam to be alone....The Bible says
G-d said Let Us Make Man in Our Image...Was G-d alone then?
SHeMABruce: Discussion
is occurring of the material shown above the chat
area in the room banner. Please limit your texting to specific questions
regarding the material.
Marciyah: Renk
I think is says that man was made in his image, not the heavenly
NO_Church_n_State: did
God create angelic beings to love also?
renkablue: who was the Us - I am not sure that He was alone
beowulf44: were
the heavenly beings created in his image also?
SHeMABruce: Discussion
is occurring of the material shown above the chat
area in the room banner. Please limit your texting to specific questions
regarding the material.
Marciyah: beo
I do not think so
beowulf44: hmmm
beowulf44: lol
Marciyah: just my view
BEHANU: I'd say YES in
the sense that ALL is in His image
beowulf44: ditto
BEHANU: Potential
to go higher is only with humans however
SHeMABruce: There
is time set aside for questions. Please note your
questions and ask them during the question time.
beowulf44: yes,
renkablue: my
from dust we can attain equal status with the angels
thought: Because G-d was not alone...He created a
HelpMate for Adam because Adam was alone.
BEHANU: renka
- hold those for the Q&A
Marciyah: beo we are told we will rule over them
Marciyah: that is why I think otherwise
beowulf44: we will judge the angels, yes
beowulf44: rule over them?
luminous_spirit: that's
Marciyah: it
a good thought (point) renka
says man kind will have rulership
SHeMABruce: FYI:
Unsolicited persistent PMs to room visitors will result in
being bounced from the room. Did you get that, goodlife?
BEHANU: Actually
the topic of how everything is in the world to 'serve' mankind in his
service to G-d will come up later in the study
Marciyah: ok
luminous_spirit: <
loves my "block" settings
luminous_spirit: hey cjj .. gtsy shalom
SHeMABruce: goodlife_5 was bounced from the room by SHeMABruce. If you want to learn more about the rules for
this room, read the room rules on the groups page or contact the owner: BEHANU
BEHANU: keep going
olivesnr: i
have always quation but i can wait
will have more open ended time for questions when we reach an end point
with the text tonite
BEHANU: isibel is a nite owl
olivesnr: ok
A D A M_3: what
is the end point, please
SHeMABruce: "Meriting"
BEHANU: "Patience my son"
BEHANU: Plenty between A and
BCWoman61: were
we going further than Ch 2.5 tonight?
BCWoman61: ok,
Behanu had said there would be time for more open ended questions
after the end point, so I was thinking that's what he meant
BEHANU: What section we in now isi?
BEHANU: 1.5?
BCWoman61: moving into 2.4
A D A M_3: 2.3
A D A M_3: y
BCWoman61: yes
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
renkablue: define
fault is simply the concealment of His presence.
fault bruce
SHeMABruce: We
strive to ENHANCE God's presence, and thus repair the
luminous_spirit: i
don't understand your last 2 statements Bruce.. that
confuses me.. hmm
on to the Qs Lum
SHeMABruce: FYI:
If you do not yet have the book, it is HIGHLY
recommended since it will dramatically enhance your ability to grasp
what is being said.
BCWoman61: the faults in the created world left by
Wesleyismyname: keeping torah is shining the light
BCWoman61: not
Chaveh's choice
faults in hashem
renkablue: would
Torah observance Enhance the presenced and repair the
faults Bruce
info at
SHeMABruce: renk.
BCWoman61: Renk
renkablue: bc
according to the ramchal, fault is the lack of perfection inherent in
I don't understand that
BEHANU: We can address that topic more
BCWoman61: G-d is perfect renka? do you
renkablue: yes
in a sec renk
jacqueline_54_1953: BC
are you saying this.. the lack of perfection inherent in Hashem is
our perspective so we see fault.. and until we see no fault in G-d his perfection will
never be shown to us?
olivesnr: doest
it meam that we are or we were spiritual?
davidebyrum: does or can yesua connect that missing connection?
BCWoman61: davide
davidebyrum: what
certainly not to the ramchal
is a ramchal
SHeMABruce: Please
consider noting your questions for asking during the
question time.
BCWoman61: no
Then we can rain questions down upon Isibel.
jacqueline. There is not fault in hashem
BEHANU: This is a TORAH class.
BCWoman61: Davide, the author
SHeMABruce: Ramchal
LadyOfWisdom: sound?
- "Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto"
davidebyrum: haha...ok,
BCWoman61: Moshe
A D A M_3: 1
BEHANU: Ramchal
Chaim Luzzatto
is an acronym
SHeMABruce: Acronym
TwinkleInHisEye: it's
What you think about what you learn is up to you
of the book was called the ramchal
for "Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto" (RaMCHaL)
= Rabbi M = Moshe Cha = Chaim L = Luzzatto
davidebyrum: thanks,
that clears things up for me...
SHeMABruce: afk....brb.
all - B'zrat Hashem we will continue on Wednesday nights at 9pm eastern
time on October 14th
will be open a while for more Q&A once we get to the end of tonites text
BC your statement BCWoman61: Renk according to the
ramchal, fault is the lack of perfection inherent in hashem.. then IN Hashem. says
there is a lack of perfection and this shows fault.. maybe the way you stated it ..
BCWoman61: ADMINS, may I post a tiny url for the book on google books for those who
have not yet received their copy?
BCWoman61: jacqueline I will answer when Isibel has finished, as behanu has asked
jacqueline_54_1953: then
BEHANU: The URL she is posting is to
view the text online
can read MOST of it
is to BUY the book.
text online has some missing pages but you can view the text there
BCWoman61: the
until your own copy is received
BEHANU: tikkun = repair
BEHANU: tikkun of your soul, tikkun of the world, etc
jacqueline_54_1953: yes behanu. I can see repairing the world. but not becoming like it ..
I can 't agree wtih that statement
BCWoman61: jacqueline, thank you for pointing out my typing mistake. I meant
inherent in the creation.
BEHANU: Elul = month before Tishrei which is the month with RoshHashana etc
jacqueline_54_1953: okay
renkablue: G_d
SHeMABruce: I
BC now it makes sense
created everything for Himself.
like what Ramchal says about each of us having specfic
challenges unique to us. God assigns us challenges in life as a means
to grow. "No pain, no gain" principle.
BCWoman61: Bruce,
which also ties in with the concept of transmigration later as well leaving us challenges to complete
BEHANU: BTW, the month of ELUL is an acronym. Ani Ledodi V'dodi Li = I am my
beloved's and my beloved is mine
Isibel: Go ahead olve
renkablue: bc
woman was is the transmigration>?
A D A M_3: thats
a big word...... transmigration
we end the recording, or wait until all questions are
SHeMABruce: should
A D A M_3: explain
a question at a time and we will get response and then ask more
davidebyrum: i
am still recording
beowulf44: a
30 minute question? yikes, lol
BEHANU: haha 30 sec
BCWoman61: renka, transmigration means having a second (or more) lives to complete
the challenges set before us in effecting tikkun and bonding with hashem
SHeMABruce: yes.
BEHANU: Transmigration
BCWoman61: yes
SHeMABruce: The
Isibel: Agreed
is a later topic in this study .... patience!
"rules and regulations" are a road map to the
beowulf44: i
Isibel: very
might need 490 lives
well stated
SHeMABruce: exactly
olive. bingo
BEHANU: Isibiel can you
BEHANU: Then Bruce
repond on mic?
SHeMABruce: go
ahead isibel
SHeMABruce: well said, olive.
BCWoman61: yes,
A D A M_3: its
it's hard for the recording to "hear" the answer in text
- we want it all on tape!
BEHANU: evidence
TwinkleInHisEye: there
BCWoman61: shows
are laws of the universe, hence, laws in relationships
your age Behanu, I want it on mp4
TwinkleInHisEye: otherwise
it's a big free for all ... not good
carve in rocks
what husband wants a woman who talks constantly about her
previous boyfriends and cooks their favourite meals
BEHANU: Bruce ga
Isibel: BC yes lol
BCWoman61: yes,
TwinkleInHisEye: BC
BEHANU: Exactly
olivesnr: thns
yikes, lol
how good is the cooking BC?
TwinkleInHisEye: Behanu
olivesnr: right
BCWoman61: not that
Isibel: Yes exactly
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
TwinkleInHisEye: you
good Behanu - lol
bruce thats right
break the traffic laws .... you get a ticket, etc...
BCWoman61: why
should hashem compromise his perfection and be the one always
making the compromise
TwinkleInHisEye: ..........
Bruce, define 'fault', would that be sin?
BCWoman61: we
have to show him that we have a desire to KNOW who he is and do
things to honour and personalize our relationship with him
Isibel: Yes exactly, your job here, you way to repair very well stated
BEHANU: Olive ga
jacqueline_54_1953: I thought our relationship with HaShem is different than our
relationship with each other. since he is not the creation but the creator...and now I
hear that his relationship with us is like our relationship with one another. .then why
need G-d if you have each other.. I am not understanding this at all.
Isibel: Your own
Isibel: Olive, not
corner of the world to fix
a bother
Wesleyismyname: i must go, thanks isibel and behanu, this is a good thing
BCWoman61: take care Wesley
SHeMABruce: But
the ULTIMATE "motive" (I think) is "love."
SHeMABruce: same "motive" with God.
... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
A D A M_3: yeap.....
BEHANU: Isibiel
Isibel: yes
relationship starts with obedience
can u comment on olives points
Binah_ve_daat: he
gives us the ability to follow His will
A D A M_3: perhaps the ability..... yet the desire must be ours
BCWoman61: the
hardest thing is to set aside the idea of reward and punishment and
seek the bond for it's own sake
olivesnr: so
how do i have to love God?
BCWoman61: avodah
zarah .... foreign works or idolatry
look you Hashem to understand a love. since Hashem is all love..
then his creation can't show me that love to the point of completion. only Hashem
can show this to me... and I in return love him with the love he desires and not the
love of the world and how they are loving each other
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
BEHANU: olive - that is one of the goals to this study
BEHANU: to figure that out
BCWoman61: olive first you don't HAVE to, it needs to be a free will choice
jacqueline_54_1953: I
olivesnr: so
we shouldnt love God becuse of belssing that he give us
reather we have to love him because of who he is?
have some more Qs but try to keep them focused on what we covered
is ok to love G-d for what he DOES for us -- but to love Him at a deeper
level is good
BCWoman61: mankind is hindered by the fact that he is existant only here in the
physical world. We have to use examples like human relationships to explain our
potential relationship to G-d because we can't intellectually encompass anything
BEHANU: That is in the book of "James" too Bruce
BCWoman61: anything else
iguana_8: so saying that we "earn" anything is really idolotry
jacqueline_54_1953: the love of him is perfected in us
Isibel: bc very true, but we dont want it to be one sided though, a balance of giving
and taking is vital
Isibel: when it becomes one sided things break down
BEHANU: Jackie ga
BEHANU: ALSO if anyone has suggestions for this study email them to
BCWoman61: no one is suggesting that actually
BEHANU: Jackie - did you have a Q ?
BCWoman61: Bruce is an admin
jacqueline_54_1953: it is okay I will just sit here
davidebyrum: does
davidebyrum: can
SHeMABruce: God
isibel want to respond
I ask my question
shows His love for us ALL THE TIME! Our food, our
clothing, our heating, our cooling, our health, our safe travels, etc., etc.
He is showing us love every momento of every day.
BEHANU: david
u r next up
davidebyrum: ok
TwinkleInHisEye: We
TwinkleInHisEye: We
SHeMABruce: I
could never love people the way God loves us
have to try yes
see God's love, for instance, in the fact that in an
environment of scant jobs, I seem to always have a place to go for a
job. It is really amazing the way His blessings can be seen once a
person tunes into looking for them.
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
they have worth and value
TwinkleInHisEye: giving someone a smile, a kind word
BEHANU: Isibiel
you used the term avodah zarah earlier - can you explain that
TwinkleInHisEye: no
matter who they are
moreso with the grumpy, cranky folk ... they really need it
TwinkleInHisEye: and
SHeMABruce: that
will be covered even more later.
SHeMABruce: david
BCWoman61: Twinkle,
indeed, we have no idea why those people are like that, or how
close they are to despair
SHeMABruce: The
section on "Man" and God's "providence"
WILL get to principles of Mashiach soon!
davidebyrum: i
figured does the reconnect work reguarding the
BEHANU: The Anatomy of Mashiach!
BEHANU: why, how, what, where, when,
SHeMABruce: We
are just barely touching the subjects in this book. Believe
me, all the things that have been answered are covered later in the
TwinkleInHisEye: BC
exactly, and what a difference a kind word or smile could
make in their life
BCWoman61: but
hashem is not disconnected from his creation; his creation has chosen
disconnection from him.
BEHANU: We scratched a tiny bit of surface tonite
SHeMABruce: right
SHeMABruce: this
come later.
is basically an "intro" into the meaty parts of the book to
BCWoman61: which
bodes well for the whole group Behanu. The students are eager
... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
SHeMABruce: yep
davidebyrum: right,
the Father is it seems grasping his creation to HIm and
I am wondering how and does the Torah play a vital role in that
will be a blog page and discussion forum set up this coming week for
this room
BEHANU: News will be on
BCWoman61: for those who have not yet received their copy for
Derech hashem, this link is to a google book scan of most of the book. Just until your
own copy arrives ....
SHeMABruce: It
is VERY much recommended that your obtain and read the
book prior to the section being covered here. It is truly an outstanding
davidebyrum: it
will later on..
more Qs for tonite/
SHeMABruce: getting
late for yall, behanu.
Marciyah: Bruce
Marciyah: is the room
text being saved?
BCWoman61: Sort of Behanu, but my mic is not working at this moment. There are
those who say tikkun can also be affected through recitation of certain tehillim
(psalms). Any thoughts?
SHeMABruce: if
you wish, behanu, I can open my room for a bit if yall want
to go to bed.
SHeMABruce: marci. i am not saving text. but i guess i could
jacqueline_54_1953: yes
Marciyah: ok
BC I would have to agree with that
davidebyrum: BH
Marciyah: I will save it
Marciyah: just wondering
SHeMABruce: all
relationships have "rules" (commandments), olive.
A D A M_3: guess
olivesnr: yes
oliver don't have kids
i have a child
- yes for sure
BEHANU: Rabbi Nachman was big on that
SHeMABruce: We
all have "rules" inherent to our personalities that we
implicitly expect others to "obey" if they wish to have relationship with
you have the movie Ushpizin?
the couple prays, he prays 'freestyle' and she prays from psalms
renkablue: What
does Ushpizin mean
BEHANU: Guests
BEHANU: It is specific
BEHANU: Great Movie
to guests in the sukkah during Sukkot
renkablue: 'ty
olivesnr: right
BCWoman61: Behanu,
so reading tehillim aloud help us to affect tikkun and better
establish the bond with hashem, as well as being obedient to the rules of his
BCWoman61: sorry no I haven't seen that one. I don't watch much tv or movies
davidebyrum: Behanu,
thanks so much for having this class, this is so
olivesnr: is human been spiritual?
davidebyrum: isibel, thanks to you too
BCWoman61: how
great must have been their grief in seeing the two cherubiim barring
the gates of the Garden
olivesnr: i
am not understaning how it works
have to be able to maneuver thru this life and Torah is the road
TwinkleInHisEye: we
BCWoman61: olive
TwinkleInHisEye: olive
SHeMABruce: Olive,
we're spiritual beings with skin and bones
the details are even more clearly covered later. Do you
have the book?
A D A M_3: can you describe what is spiritual?
davidebyrum: that
was good
BEHANU: olive
agree Olive
TwinkleInHisEye: Read
the book, pray first and don't 'read into it'
TwinkleInHisEye: well at least that's what i've done
BEHANU: Having a
Isibel: Its difficult
SHeMABruce: yes.
good teacher helps too
adam, but the Ramchal really gets into those concepts very soon
Good job Isibel.
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
Behanu absolutely
Isibel: No
such thing as too many questions
BEHANU: Please take the mic to reply Isi
SHeMABruce: We
are definitely spiritual entities, but we are bound to a
physical realm for the present.
BCWoman61: all
humans are spirits with skin on
SHeMABruce: right
TwinkleInHisEye: yes
TwinkleInHisEye: positive
or negative
Xplorer39: the humanity are manifestations of the spiritual
Xplorer39: the human experience are made up elements of the spiritual and
material, the wheat (eternal) and the tares (temporal)
BCWoman61: teshuvah
3AZZI_HYBOCRIZZI: are u all jooz
luminous_spirit: sorry everyone.. my daughter needs help with her
homework before bed.. i must go
Xplorer39: but since the spiritual is eternal, the temporal is what will fades away
Isibel: thank you for coming
BCWoman61: be well luminous
A D A M_3: its
circular....... the will effects the condition of our spirit...and
the spirit effects our lives
luminous_spirit: ty
all for the class.. i'm looking foward to the next one
luminous_spirit: ty shalom
jacqueline_54_1953: nite luminious
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be
Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
BCWoman61: Isibel, what should be the reading for next week, pls, before others have
to go.
Isibel: Section 3 - Man
BEHANU: ooooh ... MAN
BCWoman61: thank you Isibel
NO_Church_n_State: let's
buckle down n pray peeps...ABC news has revealed
USA has recieved quiet funding for a 30,000 lb bunker buster bomb to
bomb Iran ..i have link if anyone wants to read it later
Isibel: youre welcome
BEHANU: Please use PMs
NO_Church_n_State: oh
BCWoman61: Behanu,
you will be posting the reading requirement on yashanet each
week, so people know?
BEHANU: lots to post on the web site
BCWoman61: ok, that's good to know so I can direct people
BEHANU: also starting blog and discussion boards
Isibel: Exactly
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
olivesnr: how
do i get it
scan of most of the book so you can read until you
own copy arrives
BEHANU: olive go to the web site
BCWoman61: Olive check on behanu's website
BEHANU: has it
jacqueline_54_1953: you can get it from olive
Isibel: agreed
BEHANU: Any more questions on tonites text???
BEHANU: We will have discussion boards for more questions etc
BEHANU: That way we can stay on couse in this room
BCWoman61: Isibel, is this also something the Ramchal gets into later ....
SHeMABruce: Great
olivesnr: i
job isibel.
go down bunny trails off Paltalk
am still not clare about spiritulaity
davidebyrum: good time tonight...loved it..
BCWoman61: if
we are working to establish our bond with hashem and effect tikkun,
can we help overcome the damage done by others who are not?
Isibel: What BC?
SHeMABruce: olive,
olivesnr: i
it will become clearer as we progress, and if you get the
am afraid to come to mic because i have come to mic many
you read BCs question into the room
renkablue: shalom
BCWoman61: sorry
that the mic is not working properly Behanu
BCWoman61: ie mine not Isibels
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be
Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will be
at including links to recordings
SHeMABruce: really
COOL discussion later regaring the "tzaddik"
(righteous) and their immense value to creation.
BCWoman61: olive,
olivesnr: Behanu
if you are wondering, chances are others are as well.
if i order the book is it come from USA?
olivesnr: or canada?
BCWoman61: Maybe
what you ask is a question someone else is not brave enough to
A D A M_3: olive......
most like your questions...... thanks
SHeMABruce: Olive,
I know behanu doesn't like this (
a few days from
A D A M_3: bruce... me too
BCWoman61: where
olivesnr: canada
) but I got mine in
are you olive?
BEHANU: Pergatory
SHeMABruce: haha
cjj israel_1: what
for you!
is tikkun?
BEHANU: tikkun means repair
BCWoman61: Feldheim will ship
BEHANU: spiritual
cjj israel_1: ty
to Canada no problem
SHeMABruce: you'll
get it within a week, olive. for sure.
BCWoman61: cjj,
tikkun is the concept of repair
BEHANU: Any more Qs?
YehoshuaBA: yes olive
A D A M_3: the
degree and type of your love will depent on your
relationship and it will continue to grow.
SHeMABruce: I love God for the same reason I may fall in love with
someone - because He loves me and proves it daily.
cjj israel_1: amen
BCWoman61: Bruce,
I just checked and Derech hashem is over $55. It's
probably cheaper to get it from Feldheim
BCWoman61: love is not an emotion though, it is an action.
davidebyrum: it
is like 20 bucks
SHeMABruce: BC,
BCWoman61: you
I didn't pay 55 dollars.
aren't in Canada are you Bruce?
BCWoman61: I thought you were in Texas
SHeMABruce: maybe
hey raised their prices when they saw folks buying it.
orchid_3: what is a derech hashem?
davidebyrum: 23.99
SHeMABruce: "Derech Hashem" is the hebrew for "The Way of
orchid_3: ty
BCWoman61: olive
that's the link for the book
davidebyrum: welcome
LevEchad: v.
from Hallel: PS. 116 v. 1 I love Hashem, because He has heard my voice
and my supplications, because He has inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I call
upon Him as long as I live.
sherryr: The
very fact that He is our Creator makes Him deserving of our
love and devotion, imho
SHeMABruce: The book - in engish - is "The Way of God."
ur right oh dear i never thought it that way
TwinkleInHisEye: sherry I would agree with you
SHeMABruce: So
behanu, you gonna start ealier next week.
SHeMABruce: earlier
A D A M_3: the book is don't let the first part throw you
olivesnr: exactly
SHeMABruce: I
cjj israel_1: lol
don't expect to ever fall in love with a handsome guy.
A D A M_3: thanks
bruce.i feel so much better now
B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
SHeMABruce: All
I know is this: Whenever I tune into the blessings of God
and feel love for Him, I find that good things begin to happen to me.
cjj israel_1: He
desires none to perish
9pm next week
jacqueline_54_1953: LOL THAT is how I feel when someone comes out from hear a
teaching.. WOW they say it was a great teaching. but then when you ask them what
the teaching was about. you get .. umm I can't remember but it sure was good..
BCWoman61: Bruce and Adam, you need to fix those universal translators. You should
have automatically heard that in martian where handsome man would have been
beautiful woman
BEHANU: 9 pm for now
A D A M_3: bc...
SHeMABruce: baruch HaShem
davidebyrum: B'H
cjj israel_1: Alleluia Yeshua
cjj israel_1:
SHeMABruce: this
is just the start, olive. More to come.
SHeMABruce: LOTS more to come.
cjj israel_1: amen
BEHANU: keep ypur wednesdays
Isibel: It was a blessing
Isibel: truly
open Olive!
I shed many tears reading this book
B"H for His kindness!
Isibel: I did as well
jacqueline_54_1953: yes isibel . I am going
jacqueline_54_1953: maybe
olivesnr: i
to read the whole book
then the understanding will come
cant even move right now
A D A M_3: sometimes
it takes several readings.....
- Isibel will tell you it can cause more than 1 shift
jacqueline_54_1953: adam it will with me
olivesnr: i
never thought that God would show him selves to me this way
BCWoman61: it becomes intimate not distant
jacqueline_54_1953: I can't just read something
once or hear it once ..
olivesnr: it
took me many years to come to this point of understanding
B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
BCWoman61: olive, hashem knows when we are ready to take steps that we yearn for.
His timing is perfect.
Isibel: Very true
olivesnr: i
hope so
olivesnr: so
will post some notes online too
many years i pray to understand who hi is
BEHANU: including
olivesnr: i
ideas that may have not been part of this discussion
thought i understand but i didnt
BEHANU: send
olivesnr: but
comments and suggestions to
tonight i see him more clear
SHeMABruce: right.
It's a book you need to read multiple times, and each
time the impact becomes more profound.
sherryr: TY
for a wonderful teaching Isibel
BCWoman61: olive
did you get the tiny url link to the online version until you can get
your own copy?
SHeMABruce: Ramchal
after his death.
is bearing fruit through his insight even centuries
online google version of part of the books
BEHANU: olive
SHeMABruce: Actually,
this book is written in a rather simple manner.
That's one of the great things about it.
BEHANU: click
on that link
TwinkleInHisEye: ty
Isibel for your articulate teaching
TwinkleInHisEye: Shalom everyone
Isibel: Please
rachelkeane: todah Isabel. gn all.
BEHANU: the link BCWoman placed
the book
BEHANU: to read
BEHANU: for free
BCWoman61: although some
BCWoman61: it is our duty
olivesnr: i
pages are missing
actually should got a book becuase i want my daughter to read
it also
BEHANU: olive
- yes get it
Taz_Aharon: sorry got here late
jacqueline_54_1953: when the oracle
Taz_Aharon: had
family went out to dinner
spoke to anyone . it was for them . and not anyone
to go with heh
Marciyah: Diner Taz you infidel
jacqueline_54_1953: the same way
everyone else..
Taz_Aharon: im on page 131
when G-d shows you something . it is for you and not
... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
Marciyah: Taz you are ahead of the class then
Taz_Aharon: this book is awesome, i cannot say i agree with all of it
olivesnr: i
am going to get the book i know my daughter will love it
Taz_Aharon: i came across
BCWoman61: but until you
something today, that im not sure i agree with
can get a hard copy olive, use this link to read it online
jacqueline_54_1953: Taz that is not a bad thing.
Isibel: Taz I'm sure it will not be the first lol
Lady_Antebellum: is
Isibel: no
it will have you search further
there any sound??
Isibel: Im off the mic
BEHANU: any more Qs?
Lady_Antebellum: ok ty
BCWoman61: lady, not
at the moment
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
Taz_Aharon: well i dont wanna jump ahead
Taz_Aharon: of your studt
Taz_Aharon: study
A D A M_3: the
woman is being quiet
Taz_Aharon: so i wont say what it is that i disagree with
jacqueline_54_1953: Taz it takes me time to agree with something
someone is saying. for
it is like when you say you agree . it is almost like you are putting your approval on
what they said and if they are shown incorrect. .then you are too. and this is why I do
not agree easily with anyone
Isibel: NP
BEHANU: Well Baruch Hashem we can all say and maybe get some sleep!
Isibel: Shalom
Taz_Aharon: lol
and thank your for coming
LevEchad: Thank you for a great
BCWoman61: shavua tov isabel
jacqueline_54_1953: behanu
Taz_Aharon: shalom
SHeMABruce: cyall
night in the midst of Sukkot!!
please read your PM and if you would respond please...
later, Hashem willing.
iguana_8: ty isibel
jacqueline_54_1953: shalom
and good nite everyone
Isibel: Shalom lila tov
BEHANU: ENJOY the rest of Sukkot - that is an ORDER from G-d
Alert: An admin left the room: SHeMABruce
Alert: An admin left the room: Isibel
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern.
be at including links to recordings
olivesnr: isibel
can i add u pls?
Restn: shalom ty
olivesnr: is it finished
ALL info on this will
is offline
BEHANU: please come next
BEHANU: 9 pm eastern
BEHANU: Any other comments?
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will
be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
RedTomato: Enjoyable class. Thanks all of you.
BEHANU: it will get deeprt
BEHANU: deeper
olivesnr: i
think this was the best class that i have been in a long time
olivesnr: friut
are just warming up!
olivesnr: thnks
alot BEhanu
Watchman_33_3: I
guess I missed the fun
BEHANU: this willl be a journey
BEHANU: B"H ... Next class will
be Weds Oct 14 at 9pm eastern. ALL info on this will
be at including links to recordings
olivesnr: and
thanks to isible
there are no more Qs I will close room