Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No 239 (29 July 2006)

Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 239
An information service provided by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
(28 July, 2006)
challenge and change: in ports, their towns and cities
Australia ICOMOS national conference
FREMANTLE western australia
__________november 9-11 2006_______
1) Start Planning Now! challenge and change: in ports, their towns and cities
2) ICOMITES Gathering in Adelaide
3) International Timber Conservation Symposium and Conference Why Save Historic
Timber Structures?
4) Presentation by Dr Joost Coté
5) Media release: Historic Icon under Threat
6) Historic Houses Trust of NSW: TRUSTeNEWS July 2006
7) News from Heritage Tasmania
8) PC Inquiry - Conservation into Australia's Historic Heritage Places
9) Getty Scholar Program
10) Short Term Voluntary Position Wanted
1) Start Planning Now!
challenge and change: in ports, their towns and cities
Australia ICOMOS national conference
FREMANTLE western australia
november 9-11 2006
Fees for registration are now listed on the web site and include early bird or full price for
members and non members. A student discount is also available. Registration will open very
join ICOMOS now at 2005 prices and receive members’ discount on your registration fees
If you are interested in joining ICOMOS, please consider this prior to the conference as new
members can join at 2005/06 rates until November 2006 and will be eligible for a significant
discount to the price of conference registration. Your application will need to be forwarded to the
membership secretary by Wednesday 9 August at the latest in order to be assessed in time for the
conference. Membership applications will be processed in time to meet the early bird registration
deadline. Application forms can be found on our website:
2) ICOMITES Gathering in Adelaide
Dinner at the Lion Hotel, North Adelaide, Saturday August 26, 7pm
The ICOMOS Executive Committee is meeting in Adelaide on 26, 27 August for their quarterly
meeting, and a gathering is proposed for members and others for catch up and networking. The
dinner will be held in North Adelaide on the above date. We have booked a table for 30 people,
and arranged for a fixed price dinner (no separate accounts are available). The cost for 2 courses
will be $45 pre paid. So first in will secure a seat to a great evening!!! with great food, at one of
Adelaide’s best restaurants.
Cheques are to be made payable to Woodhead, forwarded to Carrie Wiseman BEFORE Tuesday
22 August to secure your place.
Forward cheque and payment to
Carrie Wiseman
26 Chesser Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone (08) 8223 5013
Facsimile (08) 8232 0028
(Note - we will pay for drinks on the night via an honour pay as you go into a hat on the table the restaurant does not allow for separate tabs)
Before the dinner at 5.15 pm there will be an ICOMOS China Slides memoirs night
A video and power point show of the Xian General Assembly held in October 2005 is to be
shown by visiting EC members who attended with drinks and nibbles and lively discussion about
this interesting event. These “Chinese Memoirs” evenings have been held in other states to great
acclaim!! This gathering will allow members and others to experience the work of ICOMOS
internationally and to see images and hear enthusiastic descriptions of the heritage sites visited by
ICOMITES as part of the conference and post conference tours. This will be held at the offices
26 Chesser Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone (08) 8223 5013
Facsimile (08) 8232 0028
Please RSVP to Carrie Wilson about this there will be a $5 donation for purchase of nibbles and
wine for this event.
3) International Timber Conservation Symposium and
Conference Why Save Historic Timber Structures?
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Wood and ICOMOS Turkey present:
International Timber Conservation Symposium and Conference Why Save Historic Timber
Structures?, Istanbul, Rize and the Princes Islands, 18th 23rd September 2006
2nd notice
Now available: the updated programme and registration form for the Symposium.
Early registration is recommended, as the hotels in Istanbul will be busy at that time of year.
Further information
David Michelmore, President International Wood Committee
Emine Erdogmus
President, ICOMOS Turkey Wood Committee
Fax +90 212 292 3867
ICOMOS Symposium Secretariat:
Visitur Travel & Tourism Inc
Sehit Muhtar Cad. 17/2-3 Ozerk Ishani
34437 Taksim
Istanbul Turkey
4) Presentation by Dr Joost Coté
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Wednesday 2nd August
from 4:00pm
Dr Joost Coté
Senior Lecturer, Deakin University
The memorialisation of specific moments and sites of war time suffering seems to have become a
popular pastime of late - and one not without political significance. Although not necessarily
exclusively Australian-owned, powerful nationalist sentiment is being generated from sites where
‘the li’ll Aussie battler’ met ‘the foreign menace’, particularly in Asia. As military sites, related
personal experiences are readily transformed into iconic national histories. What, however, of
wartime sites that involve civilians? Where private memories receive only ambiguous or no
national recognition and are associated with international censure? Where the suffering of one
group was the basis of national emancipation of another? What to be done where the site of pain
is also the site of others’ legitimate gain; where the memory of pain should coincide with feelings
of shame; where what is considered as gain arguably should be remembered with shame?
This contribution to the discussion of the heritage of ‘places of pain and shame’ intends to raise
questions surrounding the anti-colonial struggle in Indonesia. The surrender and incarceration of
the entire European military and civilian population of the Netherlands East Indies (with the
exception of those of part Indonesian descent and military personnel which managed to escape to
Australia) represented the beginning of the end of 350 years of Dutch colonisation. The paper
focuses on sites and experiences of war-time incarceration of the colonial Dutch civilian
population during the Japanese occupation and Indonesian republican struggle between 1942 and
1947. The presentation will draw on photographic, autobiographical and interview material and
outline the historical context as a basis for considering the implications for heritage status.
There is no entry charge and everyone is welcome
'Moot Court', Building C Room 3.19, Deakin University
(for a map of the campus see )
5) Media release from National Trust of Australia,
Australian Capital Territory
Historic Icon under Threat
The Belconnen Naval Transmitting Station, ACT, has recently been decommissioned by the
Royal Australian Navy. The facility has been recognized by the Commonwealth Government and
National Trust for its historic value and is listed on the Register of the National Estate and
Commonwealth Heritage List.
Opened during World War Two the station was pivotal in allowing the Allies to maintain
constant communication throughout the conflict. The station was also prominent in the Korean
and Vietnam conflicts.
The National Trust of Australia (ACT) in association with Engineers Australia recently hosted a
public seminar to discuss the intentions of the Department of Defence who intend to dismantle
the station.
Commodore Adams (rtd), former Director General, Joint Communications and Electronics for the
Royal Australian Navy, stated in his keynote speech that the “[Belconnen] Naval Transmitting
Station made a vital contribution to the successful outcome of naval operations around the
Australian coast and into the Pacific and Indian and Southern oceans. It didn’t fire shells or
missiles, it didn’t shoot down any enemy aircraft, and there is no smell of cordite. Instead it fired
off invisible radio waves 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year and its impact was vital to the
successful defence of this country and the defeat of the Axis powers at sea.”
A joint National Trust and Engineers Australia communiqué was developed at the meeting and
has been sent to the Minister for Defence, Dr Brendan Nelson and the Minister for Environment
and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell.
For more information call
Dr.Peter Dowling on (02) 6230 0533
or visit
6) Historic Houses Trust of NSW
TRUSTeNEWS July 2006
Is now available
Check out their website
Historic Houses Trust of NSW: Inspiring an understanding of New South Wales histories and
diverse cultural heritage for present and future audiences
7) News from Heritage Tasmania
Heritage Council reviewing Heritage Conservation Funding Program
In the past six years, the Tasmanian Heritage Council has provided more than $1.8 million to
around 200 property owners needing help to conserve their heritage properties. As knowledge of
the program grows, ensuring funds are fairly distributed is an ongoing concern for the Heritage
Council. The program is currently being reviewed to ensure the available funds are distributed to
achieve the best conservation outcomes. Expressions of Interest for the new funding round are
expected to be announced in September. If you would like to apply for assistance in the next
funding round, please email your contact details to For further
information contact Heritage Tasmania on 1300 850 332 (local call cost) or 6233 2037.
Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme (MMAPSS)
MMAPSS is a maritime heritage assistance program jointly funded by the Australian National
Maritime Museum and the Australian Government's Distributed National Collection Program. It
provides grants of up to $4000 for approved projects encompassing collection management
(registration, storage, research); conservation (documentation and care of collections,
development of methodology); and presentation (development of exhibitions, education
programs, workshops). The current funding round closes on 31 August 2006. For further
information contact Ms Clare Power on (02) 9298 3743, or visit
Tasmanian Community Fund Grant
The Tasmanian Community Fund is committed to supporting worthwhile projects that will
provide lasting benefits to the Tasmanian community. Community organisations with projects
that will make a difference by enhancing the well being and improving the social, environmental
and economic outcomes for the Tasmanian community are encouraged to apply. Applications for
the current round close at 5.30pm on Thursday, 31 August 2006. For more information and a
copy of the application form visit
8) Productivity Commission Inquiry - Conservation into
Australia's Historic Heritage Places
The final report of the Inquiry was released by the Australian Government last week and is
available from the Productivity Commission's website .
9) Getty Scholar Program
Getty Conservation Guest Scholar Program for 2007-2008
The Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute supports new ideas
and perspectives in the field of conservation, with an emphasis on the visual arts (including sites,
buildings, objects) and the theoretical underpinnings of the field.
The program provides an opportunity for professionals to pursue scholarly research in an
interdisciplinary manner across traditional boundaries in areas of wide general interest to the
international conservation community.
These grants are for established conservators, scientists, and professionals who have attained
distinction in conservation and allied fields. Grants are not intended to fund research for the
completion of an academic degree.
Completed application materials must be received in the Getty Foundation office on or before
November 1, 2006. For detailed instructions, application forms, and additional information please
check online at:
10) Short Term Voluntary Position Wanted
Sarah writes:
I am a member of both International ICOMOS and the U. S. Committee. I am planning a trip to
Australia within the next year and wondered if you know of any short-term volunteer
opportunities in preservation or cultural heritage I have been searching for short-term (one to two
week) programs in the field and have not been able to find anything. I am willing to do almost
anything - hands-on restoration, non-profit office work, etc. If you happen to know of anything or
anyone I can contact, I would appreciate the information. Thank you so much!
Best regards,
Sarah McCullough
If you know of any short term projects which might suit Sarah, please email:
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed
from the distribution list, send an e-mail to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat at:
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive
Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS
Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of
interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Nola Miles, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood Victoria 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158