GVCA Minutes May 13 2014 - Guildwood Village Community

Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA)
Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting
Chartwell Guildwood, May 13, 2014
Present: Dave Arnold, Judy Baribeau, Donna Milovanovic, Kathleen Wolfe, Reg Wolfe, Andy
Douglas, Audrea Douglas, John Mason, Mary Ellen Chater, Leslie Hetherington, Shelley Angus,
Jim Whitney, Bruce Villeneuve, Anne Marie Johnson
Regrets: James Gilchrist, Timo Puhakka, Andrew Macklin
1. Donna Milovanovic called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
2. M/S to adopt the Agenda with amendment of Councillor Paul Ainslie as an addition. Motion
3. Guest - Councillor Ainslie:
3.1. Councillor Ainslie advised that the roundtable for Guild Park went well. John
Mason suggested it went well because it was after a smaller stakeholder meeting. John
Mason requested a stakeholder meeting be held before the next public meeting and
Councillor Ainslie agreed to this.
3.2. A Town Hall about the Pan Am & Parapan American Games was held on May 1.
The new Aquatic Centre, which was built for the Pan/Parapan Games, is on schedule to be
completed on time and on budget. The City and the University of Toronto jointly own the
centre. A total of 40,000 hours of programming annually have been approved for the
Aquatic Centre, which will open end of August 2014.
3.3. TRCA approved $1.5 million for Guild shoreline Environmental Assessment (EA)
between Guildwood Parkway and Livingston.
3.4. Councillor Ainslie will be meeting with Fire Chief Jim Sales on May 27 to discuss
how to best serve the community’s needs. The local fire department has the lowest number
of calls in the city and uses a combined pump ladder truck. The department has advised
that it would like more community profile. Dave Arnold advised that the fire department
was invited to participate in the Guildwood Day parade but declined due to a new policy.
A Compost Day will be held at Guild Park and Gardens on May 24.
3.6. The City is still negotiating with the community about a proposed splash pad for
Simcoe Park. The splash pad will be self-draining and run on a timer, from approximately
8:30 am to 8 pm.
4. M/S to approve March 2014 meeting minutes. Motion carried.
5. M/S to approve April 2014 minutes with one amendment. Motion carried.
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
6. Communications:
6.1. Councillor Paul Ainslie issued a News Release about “Revitalizing a City Landmark
in Scarborough East - Guild Inn Revitalization.”
6.2. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Lauren Drong about the Relay for Life
being held in Scarborough on June 13. In it, Lauren asked to borrow the tug of war rope
used for Guildwood Day.
6.3. Councillor Ainslie is involved in a Youth in Policing Initiative and is looking for 15
to 18 year-olds to work on it.
6.4. Donna Milovanovic received a copy of the outage letter Toronto Hydro issued to
residents on April 12, 2014.
6.5. Councillor Ainslie has proposed changes to the zoning By-law regulations for
Group Homes and a meeting about this was held on April 15 at the Scarborough Civic
6.6. A Guild Park Management stakeholders meeting with Ruthanne Henry was held
on April 22, 2014.
6.7. 43 Division is holding a CPLC Fundraiser and submitted an article about it for the
next News & Views.
Councillor Ainslie submitted Ward 43 update reports for April and May.
6.9. Donna Milovanovic received a letter from resident Donna Mattison, who was
concerned about Dynamic’s proposed plans for the Guild and the parking lot –impact on
6.10. MPP Mitzie Hunter contacted Donna Milovanovic about the Community Cleanup Day. MPP Hunter, as well as a federal representative and Councillor Ainslie participated
in the Clean-up Day.
6.11. David Brooks from the Scarborough Softball Association contacted Donna
Milovanovic inviting the GVCA to provide a $400 softball sponsorship. Motion made for
GVCA to give $400 sponsorship to Scarborough Softball Association. Kathleen Wolfe moved
and Leslie Hetherington seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6.12. Waterfront Toronto sent April newsletter, which outlines the City’s negotiations
with the Toronto Port Authority about Billy Bishop Airport and renaming the Merchant
Street wharf.
6.13. Waterfront Toronto will be holding a public meeting on May 15 about the
Cousins Quay Precinct (near Cherry Street and south of Lakeshore Boulevard).
6.14. Donna Milovanovic received a notice from EcoSpark about a Plastic-free
initiatives fundraiser featuring a Jack Johnson Concert at the Molson Canadian
Amphitheatre on May 28, 2014.
6.15. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Paul Bussiere, Marketing & Sales
Manager at Scarborough Golf & Country Club, asking for the club to be included in the Clubs
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
& Organizations section on GVCA website. He also stated the Club would like to be more
involved in the GVCA and its events. Mary-Ellen Chater will follow-up with him about
possible donations/help with Guildwood Day.
6.16. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Bev Disney about a Voter Lookup
Service launch by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation that allows electors to
update info re. citizenship and residency. She asked if GVCA could promote this service.
Discussion ensued and decision was made to decline this request as it is outside the GVCA’s
6.17. Notice of decision issued about a variance for enlarging a building at 220
Greyabbey Trail. It has been approved but requires clearance from Urban Forestry Ravine &
Natural Feature Protection.
6.18. A Public Consultation meeting about the 2013 storms, storm management and
managing future emergencies was held on May 12 at Scarborough Civic Centre, from 6 to 9
6.19. A Public Consultation meeting was held about draft amendments to Official Plan
Transportation policies on April 30.
6.20. Donna Milovanovic received invitations to several fundraisers being held by MP
John McKay, Paul Ainslie and David Soknacki.
6.21. 4Life Foundation shared its meeting minutes and poster about the upcoming
Timeless Ball, for which GVCA is a sponsor.
6.22. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Julia Bubrin, Hardy Stevenson and
Associates Limited, about a Scarborough Renewal Strategy the Rotary Clubs of Scarborough
have launched and inviting GVCA to become involved. Jim Whitney volunteered to contact
Julia and to represent the GVCA at the Strategy meetings.
6.23. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Trish Spindel of Save the Guild Trees,
asking if GVCA has compared the City’s Forestry Plan and the recommendation letter issued
by Peter Williams on October 1, 2013. Donna Milovanovic forwarded to John Mason and
asked for input, given the focus of his portfolio on the Guild Park. (Note: Request and
response covered in latter part of meeting.)
6.24. Copies of emails were received from Deb Symington asking similar questions as
Trish Spindel (see above).
6.25. Waterfront Toronto is holding a Precinct Public Meeting on May 15 about Cherry
St., south of Lakeshore Blvd.
6.26. Donna Milovanovic received an email from Suzanne Bannister on behalf of
Sherry Stephen, who lives on Toynbee Trail, requesting a copy of the 2014 AGM’s draft
minutes. As per policy, draft GVCA minutes are available, on request, to GVCA members;
draft 2014 AGM minutes will be provided to Suzanne after they are reviewed by the
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
6.27. Janet Heise, from the Guild Renaissance Group (GRG), sent Donna Milovanovic a
copy of the GRG’s position statement about the recent tree removal work in Guild Park. Its
position statement is similar to the GVCA’s on this matter but emphasizes arts and cultural
6.28. Donna Milovanovic received a letter from Andrew Macklin about the sculptures
commissioned from Spencer Clark and given to the Ontario Heritage Foundation. He would
lke the GVCA to take on an initiative to pursue potential return of these artifacts to Guild
6.29. CPLC Community Open House and picnic was held on May 10.
6.30. Questionnaire received from City Clerk office but was sent to Harry Spindel,
former GVCA president. Update records request was sent to City Clerk to correct future
6.31. Mitzie Hunter has a new office location at 4366 Kingston Road. There is a ‘meet
and greet’ event on May 17.
6.32. Waterfront Toronto advised that ‘Merchants Wharf’ was the winning street
name for the East Bay front.
6.33. Email received from Stacey Fowler advising that the Heritage Toronto Awards
deadline is May 16.
7. Treasurer’s Report:
7.1. Jim Whitney, Treasurer, forwarded updated Financial Statements to the end of
April 2014. Membership money deposited in start of May.
7.2. To date, revenue from News & Views advertising is approximately $2,000. Based
on current trends, yearend revenue is projected as $40 to 50,000.
7.3. Jim Whitney advised that association is on track to meet overall expenses and
have a net profit. He suggested Board consider appropriate initiatives for allocating portion
of profits. Discussion ensued and tree planting was mentioned for future consideration.
8. Save the Guild Trees:
8.1. As noted in Communications report, Save the Guild Trees group is still concerned
about the trees and the outcomes. John Mason advised that the names reports/documents
are aligned. The request was discussed and Donna Milovanovic will provide a response to
the Save the Guild Trees group.
9. 4Life Foundation and Timeless Ball:
9.1. 4Life Foundation expressed its thanks to GVCA for its sponsorship/donation to
the Timeless Ball to be held on May 31, 2014.
9.2. The event is progressing well. Its dress code has changed from formal to ‘black
and white’ and the admission to attend is $5.00, with proceeds going to initiatives for the
residents of Extendicare.
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
9.3. Donna Milovanovic, Dave Arnold, and Reg and Kathleen Wolfe will attend the
event as greeters on behalf of the GVCA. GVCA invited to display an association banner at
the event, if one is available.
10. Community-wide Garage Sale Event:
An advertisement/notice is needed to promote the May 31 Garage Sale event in
the Scarborough Mirror. Shelley Angus agreed to prepare and provide notice by the
paper’s Thursday deadline.
11. News & Views:
11.1. Judy Baribeau advised Spring News & Views is out. She is now collecting
information for the summer issue, which will include a colour spread.
11.2. Deadline for submission of materials for summer issue is June 27.
12. 43 Division CPLC Meeting Update:
12.1. Reg and Kathleen Wolfe attended the April and May meetings.
13. Guildwood Day – Mary Ellen Chater:
Mary Ellen Chater advised that all permits are now in for the event, including the
BBQ details.
Mary Ellen Chater is searching for bins to use for mass camp materials for the
children to decorate their bikes. Supplies need to be replenished.
Another person is needed for traffic control. A student is also needed for crowd
control. Leslie Hetherington advised she could offer her son as a student volunteer.
Shirley Chung is the Vendor Coordinator and is following up on vendor
confirmations. Suggestion was made that Scarborough Golf and Country Club may want
to rent a table.
Zoo suggestion as children’s entertainment option will be deferred and followedup next year, as there wasn’t sufficient time to pursue it this year.
There is one confirmed sponsor: Parry Plumbing services. Mary Ellen Chater is
still waiting to hear back from Pizza Nova.
Concern was raised about some people abusing their membership by requesting
evening BBQ meal tickets for an extensive number of family members. A decision was
made to table a discussion on a policy to prevent this type of abuse in the October/
November timeframe prior to Guildwood Day 2015.
The cost of the evening BBQ is approximately $2.99 per unit. Final figures will be
available shortly.
Dave Arnold advised that Paul Ambrose is confirmed as the Grand Marshall of
the 2014 parade.
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
14. Membership Drive and Nursery Events:
Audrea Douglas advised that results for 12 of the more than 100 routes have
been submitted to date and they look positive.
All details are in place for the Sheridan Nurseries event May 14 and the Valu
mart event scheduled for May 22.
15. Garden Tour:
Judy Baribeau advised that flyers have been circulated to the local merchants
and Garden Tour gardeners will be contacted this week.
16. Guild Sub-Committee – “Friends” Group Update:
John Mason advised that about 30 volunteers, including three local politicians
participated in the Shoreline Clean-up last weekend.
Bob Kortright, from Toronto Field Naturalist group will be leading part of the
Guild Park tour through the forest on Guildwood Day. The Friends will have a booth at
Guildwood Day shared with the GRG.
Guild Park will be part of Doors Open Toronto on May 25 and there will be
walking tours every two hours, starting at 10 am. This year’s event will incorporate a
contemporary art exhibit taking place at Guild Park. John Mason invited GVCA Board
members to also volunteer at the event.
There will be similar tours on July 19 for Heritage Toronto and September 14 for
Scarborough Cultural Hotspot.
John Mason advised that Mario Bullin, Festival Producer, Scarborough Jazz
Festival, would like to hold some afternoon and early evening concerts at Guild Park, as
part of the festival. Councillor Ainslie said he would support this initiative
The permit is approved for the August 22 Movie Night featuring ‘Frozen.’ The
screen will be supplied by firefighters (Toronto Civic Employees Union Local 416),
The GRG has given its approval for John Mason to continue as the GVCA
representative to the GRG Board. The GRG AGM has been rescheduled for Sunday June
John Mason asked for help with the application for attaining a historic plaque for
Guild Park from Heritage Toronto. Donna Milovanovic suggested that she or maybe
Andrew Macklin might be able to help.
For the public consultation on the Guild Park Management plan, John Mason
recommended that the GVCA, in collaboration with Friends of Guild Park and other
groups involved in Guild Park’s future, request City officials hold a second stakeholders’
meeting in advance of the next public meeting.
Donna Milovanovic asked about the status of the GVCA participating in Guild
Alive (July 27 – 28, 2014) and sharing a tent again with GRG and Friends, as Guild Alive
has extended an invitation. John Mason advised that the GRG has its own booth this
Guildwood Village Community Association Meeting Minutes May 13, 2014
year but GVCA and Friends can share one again. Discussion ensued and decision was
made for GVCA not to have booth this year but to still support the event. Motion made
to place a half page advertisement in the event’s brochure. Dave Arnold approved and
Audrea Douglas seconded the motion. Motion carried.
17. Donna Milovanovic discussed holding end of year BBQ Board event again and July 8 was
agreed as the date.
18. Donna Milovanovic tabled motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 9:24 p.m.
Motion approved by Bruce Villeneuve and seconded by Reg Wolfe.
19. Next meeting: Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Hetherington, Interim Secretary