Name: Period: Chapters 2-4 Unit Project A Differentiated, Scholarly

Chapters 2-4 Unit Project
A Differentiated, Scholarly Approach to Leaning
Project Due Date: Thursday, November 21
These past months, we have spent time learning about the Roman and Muslim Empires. You now
have the chance to focus on an area of interest and create a product to share with the class.
Everyone will choose a TOPIC from the list below. You will complete a project (20 points) + an essay
(20 points) for a total of 40 “Q” points. All students must adhere to the following guidelines:
Partners on Projects? You may work individually or with a partner for the project section
of your grade. Partners should be people you work well with because you are sharing a
grade! It is your responsibility to work collaboratively. You should choose someone whom
you can easily work with outside of school, if necessary (i.e. they should live near you!).
However, EACH student must turn in his/her OWN essay!
Technological difficulties will NOT be accepted as an excuse for late or missing work. (ex:
the flash drive not working on the day of the presentation or being unable to print at home
will not excuse you from turning the project in on time!) Always have a back-up plan!
Research: It is expected that you will research details above and beyond the textbook.
Using the textbook as a starting point is fine, but then you will need to look for more
information. You must have a minimum of 2 sources. Don’t forget to create Research Cards
for every source that you use (NO WIKIPEDIA OR BLOGS). You will need to create a Works
Cited page using with all of your sources (including the textbook!).
COWS? Remember that access to a COW laptop is NOT guaranteed. Be prepared to use your
time wisely if you do not have access to a computer.
Plagiarism will result in a zero. All work must be original. Avoid copying/pasting,
changing around “some” words, etc.
Homework: You are required to work at home each evening on this. Class time will be
provided, too. Make sure any software program you use is both compatible at home and
Materials: Bring needed materials to class each day so you can be a productive worker.
Final Projects: All projects require color and illustration. All writing must be typed/ink.
Essay Format: All essays must be approximately 2 pages and follow the “Essay Formatting
Standards” for font size, type, etc. EVERY essay must have an original title.
Grading: Your 40 points will be based on 20 points for the project and 20 points for the
essay. See the attached rubric for further details.
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TOPIC I. Think Like an…Architect
Essential Question: What are patterns of Classical Roman design, and why did Roman
architects use them?
Project: Choose an authentic Ancient Roman structure and recreate it. Choose a
building that show the patterns in Rome’s architecture, such as domes, vaults and/or
arches (consider Roman bridges, aqueducts, temples, palaces, and churches). This
must be a three-dimensional scale model.
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, include:
Original title that reflects your essay topic
 Name of the historical site
 Background DETAILS of your site (ex: who? what? when? where? how?)
 Analyze (and explain) the Roman architectural PATTERNS found at the site.
Underline your use of the PATTERNS icon.
 Evaluate the IMPACT of these new innovations OVER TIME. Underline
your use of IMPACT and OVER TIME icons.
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
TOPIC II. Think Like a…Geographer
Essential Question: How did geographic traits CONVERGE and CONTRIBUTE to the
creation of a strong Roman empire?
Project: Create a map of the Roman Empire in approximately A.D. 120. (Refer to page
A25 in text.) Show the three traits below on the map and on the key. Consider
displaying your information in a foldable, poster board, scrapbook, etc.
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, examine each of the following traits. For
each, discuss DETAILS (ex: who? what? when? where? how?) and IMPACT on the
empire. (Underline use of icons.)
 trade routes
 protective barriers
 surrounding seas
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Original title that reflects your essay topic
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
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TOPIC III. Think Like a…Writer (Choose from A or B)
Essential Question: How would it feel to watch the fall of your empire?
Option A: Choose to focus on the Fall of Roman Empire
Option B: Choose to focus on the Fall of Umayyad Empire
Project: Write a poem or song of at least 20 lines (typed and illustrated) that reflects
the feelings a citizen might experience during the fall. (If you choose a song, you must
type the lyrics and record the song.) Include details of what life would have been like.
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, include:
 Original title that reflects your piece
PARADOX: All of these are required (underline use of icons)
 Also, consider using the following tools of learning in your piece: ETHICS,
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
TOPIC IV. Think Like a…BIOGRAPHER (Choose from A or B)
Essential Question: Who made some of the most significant CONTRIBUTIONS to an
ancient empire?
Option A: Choose a significant person from the Roman Empire OR
Option B: Choose a significant person from the Muslim Empire
Project: Detail an important historical figure of this period. Create an art piece that
will reflect this person and his/her contributions to the empire. (Collage? Scrapbook?
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, include:
 Original title that reflects your piece
PARADOX: All of these are required (underline use of icons)
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 Also, consider using the following tools of learning in your piece: ETHICS,
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
TOPIC V. Think Like an…Artist (Choose A or B)
Essential Question: What one event do you believe that the greatest IMPACT on the
history of the empire?
Option A: Choose a significant event from the Roman Empire
Option B: Choose a significant event from the Muslim Empire
Project: Develop a piece of artwork (sculpture or painting) that shows an important
historical event from the empire’s past.
 Must include a placard (typed or black felt-tip pen) that includes your name(s)
and name of art piece
**Please note that this is for true artists only: You will be evaluated on the QUALITY
of your artwork…your art must clearly depict the historical message. If it does not,
your grade will severely suffer.
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, include:
 ORIGIN of the event
 Historical DETAILS (ex: who? what? when? where? how?)
 IMPACT of the event on the people of the empire (underline use of icons)
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Original title that reflects your piece
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
TOPIC VI. Think like a…Political Scientist
Essential Question: The government of Ancient Rome went through many changes
over its history. How did each type of rule develop and how did they CONTRIBUTE to
American government today?
Project: Create a timeline (typed and illustrated) in which you highlight the different
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forms of government that existed in Rome from its early ORIGIN up until its fall (in
AD 476).
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, include the evolution of Roman
Government. Present the sections in chronological order. For each type of
government, use the following tools of learning (underline the icon words where you
use them in the project):
 ORIGIN / Historical DETAILS / RULES / PATTERN of rise, golden age, fall
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Original title that reflects your essay topic
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
VII. Think like a…Travel Agent
Essential Question: What would it be like to travel on a Hajj today?
Project: Create a colorful, realistic brochure (that folds and has panels) enticing
travelers to journey to Mecca next year. Include sites, ritual activities, and cultural
benefits, making sure you explain their value to the people. Be neat/colorful/include
pictures. All panels must contain text and pictures.
Essay: To answer the Essential Question, explain why taking this religious journey is of
significant value to Muslims.
 ORIGIN of how/why the hajj started
 DETAILS and RULES of what specifically happens on the hajj. What traditions
are followed?
 Conclude with your answer to the Essential Question!
 Original title that reflects your project
 Attach works cited page to back of essay
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