Grammar I Oral Exam Items

Grammar I Oral Exam Items
1. Regular plural formation: nouns ending in a sibilant
2. Regular plural formation: nouns ending in -y
3. Regular plural formation: nouns ending in -o
4. The mutation plural
5. The –en plural
6. Voicing + -s plural: nouns in -f / -fe
7. The zero plural (Unchanged plural): animal names
8. The zero plural (Unchanged plural): quantitative (numerical) names
9. The zero plural (Unchanged plural): nouns in - (e)s, offspring, craft and nouns indication nations
10. The plural of compound nouns: 1st way of pluralizing compounds
11. The plural of compound nouns: 2nd way of pluralizing compounds
12. The plural of compound nouns: 3rd way of pluralizing compounds
13. The plural of foreign nouns: Greek nouns
14. The plural of foreign nouns: Latin nouns
15. The plural of foreign nouns: French nouns
16. Uncountable nouns: concrete nouns
17. Uncountable nouns: abstract nouns
18. The names of sciences ending in –ics: Subject – Verb agreement
19. The names of diseases in –s: Subject – Verb agreement
20. Plural invariable nouns
21. Pluarals with different meanings
22. Collective nouns
23. The plural of proper nouns and other parts of speech
24. The plural of titles
25. Case: The forms of the possessive case
26. The 7 meanings of the –s grenitive
27. The use of the –s genitive
28. The group genitive; the double genitive
29. The independent genitive
30. Common gender
31. Gender in inanimate nouns: the groups of nouns often referred to as feminine
32. Gender in inanimate nouns: the groups of nouns often referred to as masculine
33. Explain the terms and supply examples of: syncretism, suppletion, composition, derivation
34. Agreement between subject and verb: any of, each of, either of, neither of, none of + a plural noun
35. Agreement between subject and verb: phrases wih a plural form referring to measurements, amounts and quantites
36. Agreement between subject and verb: two or more items joined by and
37. Agreement between subject and verb: two or more items joined by (either) ... or...; (neither) ...nor...
38. Agreement between subject and verb: after per cent
39. Agreement between subject and verb: after fractions
40. The indefinite article with numerical force
41. The specifying indefinite article; the generic indefinite article
42. The indefinite article with non-countable nouns; the indefinite article with proper names
43. The indefinite article: before names of holidays; in adverbial function; with the meaning same; before nouns in apposition; in
exclamatory sentences; in fixed phrases
44. The specifying definite article: identification made by the context, in a previous sentence, by a postmodifyimg structure, by a
premodifying structure; with the meaning the only ...
45. The generic definite article
46. The definite article with material nouns
47. The definite article with abstract nouns
48. The definite article with proper names: family names; nations; poitical parties; names of persons; historical periods; titles and
49. The definite article with proper names: names of magazines; means of transport
50. The definite article with proper names: names of buildings (museums ...)
51. The definite article with proper names: geographical names
52. The definite article: with comparatives, with superlatives; common nouns followed by proper nouns; with the noun weather;
with parts of the body; in exclamations
53. Nouns in apposition: a/an, the, the zero article
54. The definite article: in fixed time expressions and in prepositional phrases
55. The definite article: limited contexts
56. The definite article: with unique items other than place names
57. The zero article with proper names: with names of persons, countries, continents, planets; with titles; with predicate nouns
58. The zero article with proper names: days, months, seasons and holidays; names of artists; proper names denoting a place +
common nouns; names of streets ...
59. The zero article with material and abstract nouns
60. The zero article with plural and singular countable nouns: sg. nouns in a material sense, predicate nouns (2); in enumerations;
idiomatic expressions; before man and woma
61. The zero article with plural and singular countable nouns: with nouns denoting meals; with the nouns school ... ; with the noun
town; before names of familiar persons
62. The zero article: most, adverbial superlatives, what and such
63. The zero and the indefinite artiles with illnesses
64. The zero article: times of the day and night; transport; pairs of nouns; social systems; philosophical movements / theories
65. Personal pronouns: Case when the pronoun functions as subject complement
66. Personal pronouns: Case after as and than
67. Personal pronouns: Case in exclamatory sentences
68. Personal pronouns: Case after such as
69. Personal pronouns: Case after between, let and except
70. Personal pronouns: The generic use of you and we
71. Personal pronouns: The generic use of they and one
72. Personal pronouns: It in the function of a formal subject
73. Personal pronouns: It in the function of a formal object
74. The introductory subject it
75. The introductory object it
76. The emphatic it – Cleft sentences
77. Reflexive pronouns
78. Reflexive verbs
79. Emphatic pronouns
80. Reciprocal pronouns
81. Possessive pronouns: short possessives
82. Possessive pronouns: long possessives
83. Demonstrative pronouns: this / these, that /those
84. Demonstrative pronouns: this / these, that /those: time references
85. Interrogative pronouns: who, whose
86. Interrogative pronouns: what
87. Interrogative pronouns: which
88. Indefinite pronouns: all
89. Indefinite pronouns: each
90. Indefinite pronouns: both
91. Indefinite pronouns: every
92. Indefinite pronouns: some
93. Indefinite pronouns: any
94. Indefinite pronouns: no
95. Indefinite pronouns: none
96. Indefinite pronouns: nobody, no one
97. Indefinite pronouns: nothing
98. Indefinite pronouns: neither, either
99. Indefinite pronouns: quantifying pronouns: much, many
100. Indefinite pronouns: quantifying pronouns: (a) little,(a) few
101. Adjectives usually used only attributively
102. Adjectives used only predicatively
103. Adjectives: Inflectional comparison
104. Adjectives: Comparison by means of more and most
105. Comparative structures
106. Comparison of adverbs
107. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of manner
108. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of degree
109. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of measure
110. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of definite time
111. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of indefinite time
112. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of frequency
113. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of place
114. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of cause
115. Position of adverbs: adjuncts of purpose