THE CITRUS COUNTY SCHOOLS (CCS) TEACHER-ASSESSMENT STANDARDS RUBRIC Directions: Reflect upon your performance as a designer of work for students using the CCS Teacher-Assessment Standards and Indicators in the left-hand column. Reading across the page, mark the box that most closely matches your beliefs and actions. Standard 1: The teacher supports the beliefs, shared vision, and mission adopted by the Citrus County Schools. The teacher… 1 2 3 4 Every student has the potential to learn if presented with the right opportunity. Does not present varying learning opportunities to students who are not being successful. Presents a number of varying learning opportunities to students who are not being successful. Varies learning opportunities continuously so that all students are successful at learning needed concepts. Monitors and modifies activities continuously to ensure that every child learns something new every day. Teachers are leaders, coaches, and facilitators of learning. Relies consistently on “stand and deliver” approaches for delivering new skills. Develops some work for students that allows the students to discover and identify connections between information and concepts. Develops substantial work for students that encourages students to discover and identify connections between information and concepts. Develops substantial work for students using students as resources in developing that work. Standard 2: The teacher designs quality knowledge work containing student-focused design qualities that reflect the needs of the students, parents, school system, and community. The word designed for students… 1 2 3 4 Content and Knowledge Contains few or limited use of grade-level content standards. Promotes the connection among content and standards of other subject areas. Contains activities that link content standards in ways that help students recognize the importance of the content standards. Organization of Knowledge Does not link any content and subject areas. Points out linkages to other content and subject areas. Builds on knowledge Promotes student from multiple-content and interaction among subject areas. multiple-content and subject areas. Product Focus Is not connected to any short-term or long-term products or exhibitions. Is linked to a product, performance, or exhibition. Contains a direct connection between the product, performance, exhibition, and the objectives. Provides for modifications that encourage students to create an original product, performance, or exhibition. Clear and Compelling Product Standards Does not contain relevant and clearly communicated standards. Contains teacherdeveloped standards. Contains clearly communicated standards that are relevant to the product. Contains standards that are clearly linked to the achievement of content objectives and that encourages students to exceed the standards. Protection from Adverse Consequences for Initial Failures Exists in an environment that is threatening to the students. Provides an environment that is free from initial, adverse consequences. Allows many opportunities for non graded practice by students. Allows free expression of ideas, planning, and implementation of innovative projects and prideful exhibitions of student work. Creates a need to learn next level of content and substance. The work designed for students… 1 2 3 4 Affirmation of Performance Does not allow opportunities for student recognition. Is shared and displayed, and affirms the student in non-traditional ways, i.e., grades, smiley faces. Contains strategies for student and teacher assessment as the work progresses, and is an integral part of the product. Encourages students to critique and share suggestions with others as they work, and the products are meaningful to the students and reflect interest and pride in what was created. Opportunities for Affiliation Encourages student interaction rarely, and requires the student to work independently from others. Encourages students to interact and communicate with others during the work, but the work is not dependent upon or changed by the ideas of others. Encourages students to seek the help of others to improve the quality of the work they have attempted alone. Is dependent upon students engaging in a high level of interaction and communication with others. Novelty and Variety Is presented in a limited number of formats, and requires no new skills. Is presented in a variety of formats. Promotes the use of new skills. Supports students in creating something new and applying new skills in novel and new ways. Choice Is completely directed by the teacher in all aspects. Provides students with choices in completing their product or task. Provides opportunities for Provides opportunities for students to generate their students to generate their own options/choices. own options/choices in completing their product or task using an array of choices in the resources used. Authenticity Contains no relevancy or connections for the students. Contains relevancy that is apparent to students both explicitly and implicitly. Is applied to a real-life Encourages students to situation, e.g., work in a apply/link knowledge to similar manner that real-life situations. would be found outside of the school. Standard 3: The teacher manages the resources of time, people, space, information, and technology in order to enhance the qualities of the work provided to students. The teacher… 1 2 Monitors for purposeful and appropriate use of time. 3 4 Time Rarely adjusts time periods for student work. Modifies time so its use is Uses creative, innovative varied, flexible, and ways of managing time to productive. enhance the quality of the work provided to students. People Does not manage students Monitors use of people and allocated people resources for their resources. purposeful and appropriate effect on the work. Modifies routinely people, resources, e.g., grouping of students, school resource personnel, community members, so that the work is varied, flexible, and productive. Uses creative innovative ways of managing people resources. Space Manages allocated space ineffectively. Monitors the use of space resources for its purposeful and appropriate effect on the work. Modifies routinely space so that the working environment is varied, flexible, and respectful of others. Uses creative and innovative ways of organizing space. Information Does not use core curriculum objectives in the work provided to students. Monitors and varies the forms of information to produce purposeful and appropriate effect on student work. Modifies and varies the forms of information to produce engaging work. Uses creative and innovating ways of varying the forms of information to produce engaging work. Technology Manages allocated technology ineffectively. Monitors and varies the forms of technology to produce a purposeful and appropriate effect on student work. Modifies and varies technology to produce engaging work. Uses creative and innovative technologies to produce engaging work. Standard 4: The teacher continuously monitors the extent to which students are engaging the work, persisting with the work, and experiencing satisfaction in the products of the work and modifies the work accordingly. The teacher… 1 2 3 4 Student Engagement/ Persistence Does not monitor the level of student engagement. Monitors and documents the level of student engagement. Modifies the work to increase the level of engagement and persistence. Content: -reading -mathematics -specific content area Does not monitor student learning of Sunshine State Standards. Monitors student learning, and maintains individual record of student progression. Modifies the work Reflects on student according to the identified progress, and adds to the student needs. school’s knowledge base. Variety of Assessment Tools Uses a limited number of assessment tools. Uses a variety of assessment tools and documents student progress. Modifies assessment tools Customizes assessment according to results of tools to students’ needs, assessments. and makes generalizations about assessment strategies. Students meet graduation requirements. Does not monitor student progress on skills continuum toward graduation. Monitors and documents student progress on skills continuum toward graduation. Modifies student program according to progress on skills continuum. Customizes program to maximize student success. Does not monitor student attendance. Monitors and documents student attendance. Takes appropriate action regarding attendance policies; e.g., attendance committee. Develops innovative ways to encourage attendance. Attendance Reflects on the level of engagement and persistence and sharing results with others. Standard 5: The teacher is a leader. The teacher… 1 Vision Integrity Communication Has little sense of purpose. 2 Has some sense of purpose but little direction. 3 4 Has a sense of purpose and direction, but does not inspire and motivate others. Models a sense of purpose and direction that inspire and motivate others. Sees no avenue to Is knowledgeable of influence policy decisions policy decisions affecting affecting the district. the district. Influences policy decisions sometimes affecting the district. Influences often policy decisions affecting the district. Does not understand the change process. Understands but does not manage the change process. Understands and sometimes manages the change process. Understands and manages the change process. Demonstrates little selfreflection. Examines expressed beliefs. Explores own behavior for consistency with beliefs. Demonstrates consistency between expressed beliefs and behavior. Considers values and beliefs rarely in making decisions. Sometimes explores values and beliefs when making decisions. Explores values and beliefs often when making decisions. Relies on values and beliefs as a source of direction in making decisions. Lacks many communication skills. Lacks some communication skills but works to improve them. Uses effective communication skills often. Uses effective communication skills always. Does not cooperate or collaborate with others. Cooperates but does not collaborate with others. Cooperates and collaborates with others often. Cooperates and collaborates with others always. 1 Communication (Continued) Self-knowledge 2 3 4 Does not practice group facilitation and conflict resolution skills. Has group facilitation and conflict-resolution skills, but does not practice them. Practices group facilitation and conflictresolution skills often. Practices group facilitation and conflictresolution skills always. Prevents consensus often from forming. Is gaining skills for achieving consensus. Assists often in achieving consensus. Assists always in achieving consensus. Does not organize or follow through on commitments and details. Organizes but does not follow through on commitments and details. Organizes and sometimes follows through on commitments and details. Organizes and follows through on commitments and details. Does not value involvement in leadership activities. Appreciates value of involvement in leadership activities but rarely gets involved. Demonstrates an inconsistent pattern of involvement in leadership activities. Demonstrates a consistent pattern of involvement in leadership activities. Does not demonstrate a high degree of selfawareness. Examines personal motivations but does not act on knowledge. Examines personal motivations, and acts on that knowledge. Demonstrates a high degree of self-awareness. Is not concerned about Has some awareness of Understands others’ others’ perceptions of him others’ perceptions of him perceptions of him or her. or her. or her. Demonstrates much awareness of others’ perceptions of him or her. Is not concerned about maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional responsibilities. Maintains a healthy balance between personal and professional responsibilities. Overextends self in personal or professional responsibilities. Attempts to maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional responsibilities. 1 Expanding leadership opportunities 2 3 4 Is learning to create leadership responsibilities. Seeks opportunities to create leadership in others. Creates sometimes leadership opportunities for others. Creates consistently leadership opportunities for others. Is learning about resultsoriented decisions. Seeks to enable others to make important decisions. Enables others sometimes to make important decisions. Enables others consistently to make important decisions. Is learning about the needs of the larger community. Seeks sometimes to Seeks to challenge challenge students and students and colleagues to colleagues to serve the serve the larger larger community. community. Encourages students and Seeks to encourage colleagues sometimes to students and colleagues to practice self-assessment. practice self-assessment. Encourages students and Seeks to encourage colleagues sometimes to students and colleagues to demonstrate selfdemonstrate selfdiscipline. discipline. Is learning about selfassessment. Is learning to demonstrate self-discipline. Seeks consistently to challenge students and colleagues to serve the larger community. Encourages students and colleagues consistently to practice self-assessment. Encourages students and colleagues to demonstrate self-discipline consistently.