PLANNING A NARRATIVE SETTING: TIME AND PLACE CHARACTERS: (Names and Descriptions) PROBLEM / GOAL: IMPORTANT EVENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RESOLUTION: (How the Problem is Solved) HOW THE STORY ENDS: PROVING MY POINT TOPIC: POSITION STATEMENT: (What I Think) SUPPORTING ARGUMENT AND FACTS: (What’s the Proof?) SUPPORTING ARGUMENT AND FACTS: (What’s the Proof?) SUPPORTING ARGUMENT AND FACTS: (What’s the Proof?) SUMMARY (Remind everyone of the main things of what you argued and your beliefs) STORY SEQUENCE CHART Beginning Middle End Taken from: A Guide to Effective Instruction in Reading, Kindergarten to Grade 3 MAIN AND SUPPORTING IDEAS MAP Main Ideas Supporting Idea Supporting Idea Taken from: The Role of Writing in Reading Instruction Supporting Idea STORY PLANNER Name: __________________________________ TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________ Write ideas for your story in this story planner. Where will the adventure take place? (Setting) Who will be in your adventure? (Characters) How does the adventure begin? (Problem) What happens in your adventure? (Events) How does your adventure end? (Solution) Taken from: GeoWat Innovative Teacher Publishing 2005 REVISING MY STORY Name: ___________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ I checked that my story has: A beginning that: introduces the characters. tells where the story will take place. A middle that: tells about a problem or adventure. tells the reader interesting facts and details. An ending that: solves the problem or ends the adventure. The events are: in order clear interesting NEXT STEPS I had a teacher conference. _________ I wrote a good copy of my story. I drew illustrations to go with my story. I am ready for the author’s chair. Taken from: GeoWat Innovative Teacher Publishing 2005 EDITING CHECKLIST Name: ___________________________________ REMEMBER TO USE RED! Date: _______________________ Title: ____________________________________ 1. I used capitals at the beginning of sentences, on names and places. I did not use capitals in the middle of words or the middle of sentences. YES NO 2. I used punctuation at the end of every sentence. (period, question mark, exclamation mark) YES NO 3. All of the word wall words are spelled correctly. YES NO 4. I used a dictionary to check at least 5 words. YES NO Date: _______________________ Title: ____________________________________ 1. I used capitals at the beginning of sentences, on names and places. I did not use capitals in the middle of words or the middle of sentences. YES NO 2. I used punctuation at the end of every sentence. (period, question mark, exclamation mark) YES NO 3. All of the word wall words are spelled correctly. YES NO 4. I used a dictionary to check at least 5 words. YES NO EDITING CODES SPELLING CAPITAL PUNCTUATION INSERT A WORD REMOVE A WORD ( ) NEW PARAGRAPH AWKWARD WORDING P AWK INDENT WORD WALL WW