Inheritance Example : Aircraft Manufacturer

CPT 4 : Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a type of programming where the programmer defines objects.
Each object can store data and defines methods (or procedures) which operate on the data. Usually the
data is hidden within the object and can only be accessed by calls made to the object’s methods from
other objects.
Different objects are required for different types of data, for example a “car” object or a “linked list”
object. This is because different data needs to be stored and different operations will be required on
different types of data. Objects are often known as classes.
Two common OOP languages are C++ and SmallTalk.
All OOP languages support these key concepts : Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Advantages of OOP
Data stored in an object can only be accessed in well-defined ways via the object’s methods.
Programmers using an object can not use the data directly and risk making changes to it which could
cause the object to become unreliable. The data structures within an object can be changed without
affect any programs that use the object.
Existing objects can be easily re-used. Programmers can build up a library of commonly used objects
or purchase them from other companies.
Advantages of this are :
Reliability : If you purchase components they will probably have been extensively tested and
can be written by experts in a particular field.
Time-Saving : Re-using components means that code can be written more quickly and so less
Decreased Maintenance : If you purchase components, it is the responsibility of the company
you purchased them from to maintain them. As a programmer you have less of your own code
to maintain.
Classes and Objects
A (object) CLASS is a set of objects which share a common data structure and common behaviour.
You can think of a class as a template that is used to create an OBJECT. The template will contain a
data structure and some methods that act on the data structure. Each object that is created from the
same class will respond to the same messages/requests in an identical fashion.
An OBJECT is a MODULE that consists of a data structure and some methods (behaviours) that act
on the data structure. The data structure should only be accessible via the methods which provide a
well-defined interface to the object
i.e. a car class would be used to represent all cars in a program. A car object would represent a
particular car.
Classes are the basic building blocks of OOP. An object oriented program will consist of several
classes, one for each different type of object. For example a car rental system might contain classes for
cars, customers and loans.
Each class will contain :
A data structure to store information about objects of that particular type (properties).
Some methods (procedures) which carry out operations on the data in the object.
A PROPERTY of a class/object is an item of data that the class/object stores.
A METHOD of a class/object is an action that the class/object can perform.
The car class will store information about each car and define methods to modify the car list. A
possible data structure and methods are :
Properties / Data Structure
Engine Size
Number of Doors
Price Per Day
Usually the data structure is kept private to the object and the methods can be either private or public :
Public members of a class can be accessed and called from other classes.
Private members of a class can not be accessed from other classes. They can only be accessed
from within the same class.
ENCAPSUALTION is the technique that is used to combine operations (methods) and data into one
unit. It allows data and methods within the unit to be hidden.
It is the hiding of a data structure within an OBJECT so that programmers can only access data in the
structure through the object’s methods. Proper use of encapsulation help make OOP programs reliable
and reusable and makes it easier for several people to work simultaneously on different objects which
will work together as one program.
Code For a Class Definition
For the car class, the entire data structure would be private and all of the methods would be public. A
definition of the car class would start like this :
Class Car {
Method Add_Car (Details)
Method Delete_Car (Details)
Method Edit_Car (Details)
Method Show_Car_Details (Details)
Method (procedure) definitions
are public so they can be
accessed from outside the class.
Registration : String
Manufacturer : String
Model : String
Engine_Size : Integer
Colour : String
Location : String
Number_of_Doors : Integer
Price_Per_Day : Real
Date definitions are private so
they can not be accessed from
outside the class.
Public Method Add_Car(Details) {
// Code to add a car to list.
Public Method Delete_Car(Details) {
// Code to remove car from list.
Public Method Edit_Car(Details) {
// Code to change the details of a car.
Public Method Delete_Car(Details) {
// Code to display the details of a car.
Key points about class definitions :
The definition starts with the line XXX = Class where XXX is the name of the class.
The definition is split into two parts : a class header and method definitions.
In the class header the methods that will be available are listed as are the fields in the data
The methods are public so that other objects can call the methods. This is indicated by the
command Public: before the list of method names.
The data items (e.g. colour) are private so that other objects can not access them. The
command Private : before the data items indicate this.
Some languages assume that methods and data items are public, unless the Private: command
is used.
After the header, the code that will implement the methods is written.
INHERITANCE is a relationship between CLASSES where a sub-class shares the data structures and
methods of its parent (or base) class.
Inheritance Example : Aircraft Manufacturer
An aircraft manufacturer stores information about the aircraft that it builds and maintains. The
manufacturer makes different types of aircraft (e.g. commercial aeroplanes, helicopters). Much of the
information that is stored about each type of aircraft is the same, but some is different. For example
registration number and year of manufacturer must be stored for all aircraft but “number of missiles”
only needs to be stored for fighter aircraft and “seat configuration” only needs to be stored for
commercial aircraft.
This type of relationship can be captured in OOP by inheritance, where one class “inherits” some of the
properties of another class. The inheritance diagram below shows the relationships between different
classes used by the Aircraft Manufacturer :
The basic definition of the Aircraft class starts like this :
Class Aircraft {
Method AddAircraft(Details)
Method DeleteAircraft(Details)
Method ShowAircraft(Details)
Method (procedure) definitions
are public so they can be
accessed from outside the class.
Registration : String
Year_of_Manufacture : Integer
Model : String
Date definitions are private so
they can not be accessed from
outside the class.
Similar classes need to be defined for Aeroplanes, Helicopter etc. and links must be established
between these classes to enable inheritances. This is part of class definition for Helicopter which
inherits data from the Aircraft class :
Class Helicopter extends Aircraft {
Method AddAircraft(Details)
Method ShowAircraft(Details)
Private :
Rotor Blades : Integer
Lands on Sea : Boolean
The extends keyword indicates
that this class inherits some
properties/methods from the
Aircraft class.
The AddAircraft method in the
Helicopter class is used instead
of the AddAircraft method in the
Aircraft class when a new
helicopter is added. This is
called polymorphism and the
one method overrides the other.
This diagram shows the inheritance between the classes in more detail. It shows the data items that are
stored in each class and the data items that each class inherits from its parent classes.
Inherited Data Items :
Own Data Items :
Inherited Data Items :
Inherited Data Items :
Own Data Items :
Own Data Items :
Commercial Aeroplane
Inherited Data Items :
Inherited Data Items :
Own Data Items :
Own Data Items :
Note that each class will also have its own methods and will inherit methods from its parent classes, but
these have not been shown.
Association and Containment
An ASSOCIATION is a link between objects which allow them to communicate. Associations can be
CONTAINMENT means that one OBJECT can completely contain another object. e.g. a disk object
could completely contain many directory or file objects, a form object may contain a number of button
objects, a lest box object etc.
Class MenuForm {
LoadButton : Button;
SaveButton : Button;
Title : Label;
Username : ComboBox;
AGGREGATION : When an object is created which is aggregated from other objects the other
objects can continue to exist when the main object is destroyed as they are in some way independent of
the main class.
 Fixed Aggregation : An object is composed of a set of components that do not change.
 Variable Aggregation : An object is composed of a set of components that can change.
COMPOSITION : When an object is created which is composed of other objects the other objects are
dependent on the main object. The main object owns them. If the main object is deleted the contained
objects should also be destroyed.
e.g. A university id composed of departments. The university owns the departments. If it ceases to
exist, so do the departments. But the departments are aggregations of the professors. If the departments
cease to exist the professors do not as they are independent.
Note: Exam questions have never asked about the difference between Aggregation and Composition,
they have only asked about Containment in general.
Class Diagrams
Class diagrams are different to inheritance diagram. You can use a class diagram to show inheritance,
containment and
Classes CurrentAccount and SavingsAccount
inherit some properties and methods from
parent class BankAccount:
Looks like an inheritance diagram but with
A Menu Class contains 2 Buttons, a Label and
a Combo box.
Class MenuForm {
LoadButton : Button;
SaveButton : Button;
Title : Label;
Username : ComboBox;
Note that the black diamond indicates containment.
Two classes are related to each other but
there is no containment or inheritance. For
example, a library borrowed class, loan
class and book class.
Looks like an E-R diagram.
POLYMORPHISM means that the same name is used in the class hierarchy for a method but each
class may implement this method differently. i.e. A class derived from another class can respond to the
same message as a parent class using a different method (but with the same name), thus producing
different results.
e.g. the Aircraft class might have a “Show” method which displays the details of an aircraft. The
aeroplane and helicopter classes could each implement this method differently to show different
information. This is polymorphism, and the method that is redefined is said to override the method in
the base class.
Event-Driven Programming
Traditional programs, written to run with a command line interface or menu driven interface, have
complete control over what order the statements in the program execute in. The main part of the
program will execute the procedures that the program is composed of in an order that the programmer
has determined. This is not usually possible when programs are written for a graphical user interface
because the user can choose what happens when by clicking on buttons or selecting items from
different controls (e.g. list box, text box).
A different style of programming is therefore needed for GUIs. This is known as event driven
programming. Sections of code (usually procedures) are associated with particular user actions (known
as events). For example :
A procedure which looks up a customer’s address and displays it on the screen could be
associated with the user pressing the enter key after typing in the customer’s identity number.
A procedure which prints an invoice could be associated with pressing a button to finalise the
entry of an order on a form.
When an event occurs the procedure or function that is associated with that event is executed. Hence
the operation of the program said to be event-driven. The order in which procedures are executed is
determined by the actions the user takes.
In an EVENT-DRIVEN PROGRAM the sequence of program execution is determined by events
triggered by the user (e.g. clicking a button, selecting an option) or operating system rather than the
order of the statements in a program. Most programs written for GUIs are event-driven.
Example Class Definitions
Example Class Definition : Forms, Inheritance (Properties Only)
A class bookingform inherits some of its properties from another class, mainform. On the form there
are two buttons called canclebutton and confirmbutton together with a combobox called dateselector.
Write a class definition for bookingform.
class bookingform extends mainform {
cancelbutton : button
confirmbutton : button
dateselector : combobox
Example Class Definition : Properties and Methods, Public and Private
For an object-oriented program a car class needs to be declared to store details about a car. The class
should store a car’s registration number, model, make and colour.
Write a class definition for the class car which will allow the program to use objects of this class to add
a car’s details, display a car’s details and search for a car. No other form of access by the program is
class car {
public :
method addcar(details)
method displaycar(details)
method searchcar(details)
private :
registrationnumber : string
model : string
make : string
colour : string
enginecapacity : integer
The Exam
Previous exam questions have asked you to do four different things :
Provide definitions e.g. class, object, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, association,
containment, event-driven.
State advantages of object oriented programming over procedural programming (e.g. Pascal).
Draw inheritance diagrams.
Give examples of properties and methods for everyday objects e.g. a spider.
Key Definitions
 An OBJECT is a module that consists of a data structure and some methods (behaviours)
that act on the data structure.
 A (object) CLASS is a set of objects which share a common data structure and common
 ENCAPSUALTION is the technique that is used to combine operations (methods) and data
into one unit.
 INHERITANCE is a relationship between CLASSES where a sub-class shares the data
structures and methods of its parent (or base) class.
 POLYMORPHISM means that the same name is used in the class hierarchy for a method
but each class may implement this method differently.
 An ASSOCIATION is a link between objects which allow them to communicate.
 CONTAINMENT means that one object can completely contain another object.
 In an EVENT-DRIVEN PROGRAM the sequence of program execution is determined by
events triggered by the user (e.g. clicking a button, selecting an option) or operating system
rather than the order of the statements in a program.
The classes inside another class only exist while the main class exists.