5. Side Event Title: Risk Identification and the National Capacity to Manage Risk (Tuesday 10 May 13.15 – 14.15 Room C-CCV ) LOOKING BACK TO THE FUTURE: BANGLADESH’ QUEST FOR NATIONAL CAPACITY FOR RISK IDENTIFICATION In Bangladesh, disaster occurrence is a matter of when rather than if and how bad. The frequency and intensity are only worsened by the more apparent impacts of climate change. It is a matter of national survival that Bangladesh must have a better disaster and climate change risk intelligence capabilities. This acute awareness of the need has been propelling the Country into the endless search for an effective, robust, and sustainable disaster management information management system. The government of Bangladesh adopted a revised ICT Policy of 2002 with the vision of expanding and diversifying the use of ICTs in order for supporting the national goal of becoming a middle-income country within ten years and a developed country within thirty years. A revised ICT policy 2009 is aligned with the national goals and other national policy and incorporated new policy directions in line with technological advancements. Particular action agenda was drawn for disaster management as follow: Protect citizens from disasters through ICT-based disaster warning and management technologies Utilize remote sensing technologies for disaster management and mitigation. Web-based environmental clearance certification system Promote cell phone/SMS-based disaster warning systems Utilize GIS based systems to monitor flood & cyclone shelters Promote efficient relief management and post disaster activities monitoring Utilize GIS based systems to ensure equitable distribution of relief especially for the hard-to-reach areas. Accordingly, sizeable resources have been allocated for information and communication technology. Along with the spirit of the “Digital Bangladesh”, the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management allocates formidable efforts to spur up the risk identification to generate evidence basis for risk reduction and response preparedness. In this regard the Government of Bangladesh in collaboration with development partners put together a Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) which mandate covers the development of a professional disaster management system including the automation and modernization of information management for, among others, risk identification. At this juncture after spending sizeable resources overtime, Bangladesh is looking for model and solution to break the impasse or the Country will continue operating in responsive mode – quite to the contrary to the national strategic direction to shift the paradigm from relief to risk reduction. Looking towards the future, such solution must optimize the national capacities for risk identification, address the intrinsic shortcomings of each scheme and provide the operational linkages amongst them. Ultimately, the solution MUST provide the shift from the responsive to the predictive mode and thus helps guide Bangladesh’ strategic intervention for disaster and climate change risk reduction. Information Management Needs The policy requires many action plans, updates and periodic status reports from the different stakeholders in conjunction with their respective roles and responsibilities specified. This is essential for promoting a common understanding and coordinating risk reduction and response actions. Institutions Needs for Information1 Hazard Risk Reduction Emergency Response Rehabilitation River flood Vulnerability of settlements and infrastructure Availability of shelter Availability of relief food and medicine Vulnerability of settlements and infrastructure Availability of shelter Availability of relief food and medicine Riverbank erosion Vulnerability of settlements and infrastructure Possibility of erosion induced flooding Availability of shelter and land for rehabilitation Drought Source of water for irrigation Water for drinking and other domestic purposes Monga Opportunities for alternative employment Availability of relief food stocks and programs Flood onset & extent Flood depth and duration Water level changes Affected areas and population Availability of shelter Availability of relief Flood prediction Rainfall prediction Expected time of flood recession Flood depth Affected areas and population Availability of shelter Availability of relief Erosion prediction Risk of erosion induced flooding Affected areas and population Time when erosion expected Shelter and land for resettlement Availability of food relief Duration of drought Possibility of rain Water for irrigation Water for domestic purposes Affected areas and population Availability of food relief Severity Predictions of exacerbating flood and erosion Opportunities for alternative employment Availability of relief materials Flash flood Cyclone Availability of shelter Volunteer network Cyclone prediction: severity, area affected Availability of shelter Volunteers available People affected 1 Source: CDMP-DMIC Needs Assessment Survey Report, 2006 Areas and people affected Nature of loss and damage Strategy for agricultural rehabilitation Availability of resources for rehabilitation Areas and people affected Nature of loss and damage Availability of resources for rehabilitation Extent and type of land eroded Loss of private and public infrastructure Number of people affected Availability of resources for rehabilitation Loss of crop due to drought Strategy for agricultural rehabilitation Availability of resources for rehabilitation Availability of credit Alternative employment training Alternative cropping pattern Availability of resources for rehabilitation Loss of lives Damage to private property Damage to public property Availability of food, medicine and clothing as relief National Capacities for Responding to the Information Management Needs There have been numerous projects and initiatives mounted to address the needs for risk identification. More often than not, such initiatives are costly and technology intensive. The followings are some example of such undertakings in Bangladesh that require harmonization and / or convergence. Disaster Management Information Network (DMIN) Portal This portal is to facilitate sharing, coordinating and disseminating information, programs and guidelines from source down to the last mile. It is intended to enable a national Disaster Management Information Centre (DMIC) to collect, analyze and disseminate information for risk identification, reduction and emergency response linking the DMIC with government agencies, NGOs and other organizations at the regional, national and local levels. BMD FFWC CEGIS Disaster management statistics National level water level predictions Met alerts Met observations Erosion and local level water level predictions MoFDM IWM DMB Reports Water-related analytical data DRR Directives, reports Reports BBS Reports Socio-economic data Directives, reports District Relief and Rehabiliation Officer Reports, BMD field observation stations Met observations Directives, reports DMIC Reports Assessment support information Directives Upazila Project Implementation Officer Risk reduction, early warning, emergency response information Union Parishad Chairman Reports, action plans CRA Contractors Risk reduction, early warning, emergency response information NGO and GoB disaster information users early warnings SOD outputs Community SMS subscribers A Disaster Management Network (DMIN) web portal developed for sharing and coordinating disaster management information as well as early warning messages with various features including registration, alert, database, dissemination, discussion forum , etc. Other GoB agencies with SOD roles Information on Community Risk Reduction Programme (ICRRP): In the course of developing disaster risk reduction system, Bangladesh devised the Community Risk Assessment (CRA) a participatory, community-based, and bottom up methodology to assess the disaster and climate change risks at the community level. The average one month-long process captures all elements of risk at local level, i.e. the hazards, vulnerabilities, exposure, at-risk elements and the coping mechanisms. Results of the detailed CRA provided the basis for the formulation of Risk Reduction Action Plan (RRAP) by the community themselves and government authorities. During the period of 2005 to 2010 there have been some 650 CRAs conducted in 11 Districts. The ICRRP was developed, in part, to absorb the CRAs’ outputs in a GIS based prototype MIS to allow planners and decision makers to fetch the different summarized information regarding the communities’ disaster risks particularly pertaining to prevention, preparedness, response and reconstruction. The database was then converted into the web based format for easy access to all as well as for their updating by the stakeholder organizations. Disaster Incidence Database (DIDB): This is a GIS based open source, with PostagreSQL in the back- end and a Web GIS interface in the fontend, to track and store relevant information on disasters in Bangladesh and make it accessible online. It is an interactive web-based system consists of a tabbed interface, including tables, dynamic query and maps. The database is based on the Global Identifier Number (GLIDE) with an ID number composed by: the disaster type code (i.e. FL), 4 digits for the year (2008) and 4 digits for the ID number (0008). Disaster Damage Information System (DDIS): This System is used to collect damage information from upazilla, district and national levels. It aggregates the data entered at the lower levels and archives them in a database. This software is customizable and possible to create any type of form to collect data through a web interface. There are some in built templates included within the application to be readily usable for disaster. Other features include disaster event searching, reporting, BBS data, form creator, system customization etc. Cyclone Shelter Database Cyclone Shelter Management Information System Provides detailed information on a specific cyclone shelter where people take shelter due to disaster threat. This is used by disaster managers as well as by the community for planning and own safely purposes. Climate Change Database The Database was established for planners, scientists, researchers, development professionals of government and private sectors for better management of risks associated with long-term climate change scenarios. It is designed to help access existing knowledge and information; to provide a centralised web, to to organize data and information; to promote awareness, advocacy and coordination for climate change adaptation and risk reduction. Being the first of its kind in Bangladesh, the Database was aspired to facilitate the adaptation strategies and plans based on climate-related information.