BASIC CHRISTIANITY Q&A LESSON NUMBER 23 – July 13, 2014 RIO Revolution Church – 3419 East Lamar Alexander Parkway – Maryville, Tennessee www. – (865) 984.9200 – Pacer Hepperly, Pastor This lesson is written to teach basic concepts of Christianity. RIO Revolution Church desires that members and visitors begin studying the basics of Christian faith. Please study each lesson, as we learn together what we Christians should know and believe. Lessons are numbered. If you miss lessons, we have replacement lessons available for you. Please share copies of any lessons you find useful with relatives, friends, neighbors, or co-workers. Help us spread the Good News (the Gospel), which is: Jesus the Messiah died for our sins and is resurrected to live eternally with those who believe in and follow Him! WILL YOU BE PERSECUTED FOR BEING A CHRISTIAN? IF YOU ARE PERSECUTED, WILL YOU BE REWARDED? INTRODUCTION. In today's lesson, we will discuss an unpopular topic which is seldom mentioned in churches. This topic is: Will you be persecuted– or even martyred (killed) – for being a Christian? The short answer is: You may be persecuted and possibly even martyred. The good news, though, is that you will receive eternal rewards in Heaven for any hatred directed toward you while on Earth. HOSTILITIES TOWARD CHRISTIANS IN THE PAST. ●-You will be hated: Jesus warned His disciples of the certain dangers they would face, as they prepared to spread the Gospel into the world (read Matthew 10:16-18, 21-22a, 28). He promised them one danger: “And you will be hated by all for My name's sake.” ●-Early Christian martyrs: A martyr is a person killed for his or her faith. “Martyr” comes from the Greek martus, translated as “witness.” This name was probably chosen because the early church father Tertullian and others viewed the ultimate sacrifice of a person's life to be a witness, a witness which could lead to conversion of others. Martyrdom– being killed because of one's faith– is the greatest sign of devotion to the Christ that can be shown. Examples of early Christian martyrdom include: ...The Massacre of the Innocents: Although occurring before the establishment of the Christian Church (established in AD 33– read Acts, chapter 2), some include the Massacre of the Innocents as the first example of martyrdom because of the Christ. This massacre of newborn male infants was ordered by Herod the Great to kill any newborn infant male in Bethlehem who could possibly replace him as king of the Jews (read Matthew 2:16-18). ...Martyrdom of Stephen: The first recorded Christian martyr was Stephen, an uncommonly righteous believer (read Acts, chapters 6 and 7). Stephen was martyred in AD 34 because of his faith in Jesus (read Acts 7:54-60). Note one remarkable statement in this passage. Jesus was usually described as seated at the right hand of God, but Stephen saw Jesus standing (read Acts 7:56). No reason is given, but is it possible that Jesus stood because of appreciation and respect for Stephen and all martyrs who would follow him (similar to today's standing ovation)? ...Martyrs who followed Stephen: Many believers did indeed follow Stephen. Used as scapegoats by Roman emperors, many were put to death in inhumane, painful ways. Sixteenth century English historian John Foxe recorded some of the deaths in his Book of Martyrs. You may read this inspiring book online: . One inspiring impression emphasized by Foxe is that Christian martyrs went to their deaths joyfully, serenely, and expectantly. Roman guards could not understand such unusual people– people who faced certain death with joy, hopeful anticipation, and forgiveness for their captors. The Christians knew what the Roman guards did not know– they were going home to be with Jesus forever! HOSTILITIES TOWARD CHRISTIANS IN THE PRESENT. Statistics about Christian martyrdom are difficult to obtain. Probably more than 70-million Christians have been martyred since Stephen's death in AD 34. Two-thirds of these deaths occurred during the twentieth century. Approximately 7,000 to 8,000 more Christians (some say many more– up to 100,000) are martyred each year. The majority of Christian martyrs come from atrocities committed by Muslims. The world map to the right marks the most recent acts of Christian martyrdom. Christians are also martyred in North Korea, but information is so tightly controlled in that evil country that no statistics can be obtained. HOSTILITIES TOWARD CHRISTIANS IN THE FUTURE. The Bible prophesies future Christian persecution/ martyrdom, some examples of which are discussed below. TIMING CODES: [BR] = before the Rapture. [T] = during the Tribulation. ●-The first Bible prophecy, part of the Adamic Covenant, prophesied the battle between Satan and Jesus (and His followers), with Jesus' ultimate victory (read Genesis 3:15). [BR] ●-Paul warned of the perilous (dangerous) times and treachery due to evil men that will mark the last days (read 2 Timothy 3:15). [BR] ●-Jesus prophesied unimaginable distress– the worst ever experienced– during the Tribulation (read Matthew 24:21). [T] ●-John saw the Fifth Seal Judgment, when persons saved during the Tribulation will be slain by the Antichrist's government and will ask that their deaths be avenged. Most of Jesus' followers will likely be murdered during this time by the evil, God-hating Antichrist (read Revelation 6:9-11). [T] ●-Satan, knowing his time is short, will attack mankind with great fury (read Revelation 12:12). [T] ●-The False Prophet will command all persons to receive the mark of the Beast and worship the Antichrist as god. To receive the mark will permit the person to engage in commerce, but will result in God's judgment of eternal death. To refuse the mark will mean certain execution by the Antichrist, but will be rewarded eternally by God (read Revelation 13:15-17). [T] ●-Other Scriptures present the dilemma of whether to follow God or man, when the Christian will need to weigh death on Earth versus eternal life in Heaven. Foxe showed that early Christians– Christians who personally observed Jesus– would have been spared death, if only they had recanted (denied) their belief in Jesus as their Lord and King, but no person did so. During the Tribulation, the Antichrist will require either allegiance to him as god or certain death. In a future lesson, we will have a lesson about the infamous mark of the Beast. To accept this mark, a person will live but face eternity in Hell; to refuse this mark, a person will be martyred but can spend eternity in Heaven. WHAT IF YOU ARE MARTYRED? We are witnessing widespread persecution and martyrdom of Jews and Christians in many countries. Understand that martyrdom progresses through several stages, including: mockery (bigotry) ► harassment ► discrimination ►persecution ► martyrdom. We are seeing the early stages of anti-Christian persecution in the United States now. Only God knows how fast anti-Christian sentiments in America will progress to severe persecution and martyrdom, but history warns us it is coming. God will richly reward a Christian in Heaven for anything he or she loses on Earth. We are promised special rewards for any losses/ denials or for special service during life. These rewards, commonly called “crowns” in the Bible, will probably be awarded at the Bema Judgment. There are at least the following crowns: ●-The Crown of Rejoicing for Soul Winners (read 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20); ●-The Crown of Righteousness for Those Who Love His Return (read 2 Timothy 4:8); ●-The Incorruptible Crown for Victorious Lives of Purity (read 1 Corinthians 9:25, 27); ●-The Crown of Life for Christian Martyrs (read Revelation 2:10); ●-The Crown of Glory for Faithful Servants (read 1 Peter 5:4); ●-The Crown of Life to Endure Temptation for the Love of Jesus (read James 1:12); ●-The Crown of Joy for Converts (read Philippians 4:1); ●-The Crown for Faithful Perseverance (read Revelation 3:11); and ●-The Elders' Crown (read Revelation 4:4, 10). Jesus surely was thinking of these eternal rewards, when He taught (Matthew 6:19-21): “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Take courage! Whatever you may sacrifice or lose on Earth– even life itself– will be rewarded far more in Heaven. A crown will mean much more to you throughout eternity than anything you might enjoy for a few months or years in this life. FINALLY. We have only touched the highlights of this subject, but certain truths should be apparent to you: ●-We live in an apostate age, and Christians are targets for anti-Christian hostility. ●-If we permit even anti-Christian mockery in our culture, we soon may see harassment, discrimination, persecution, and martyrdom. ●-God has called us to defend His Holy Name. ●-Do not sit idly by, when our God is defiled. Defend God's holy name and Christian principles. ●-Always be mindful of our brothers and sisters in the Christ– persons whom you will never meet in this life– persons who are now being persecuted and martyred. Hold them in a special place in your heart and help them, whenever and however possible. ●-Jesus is coming soon. Pray that you will not need to apologize to Jesus that you did not stand up for Him, when others around you mocked, cursed, and debased Him. We will have more to say about this topic in future lessons. All Scriptures are taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV), © Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. Holy Scriptures are reproduced in red boldface font. ●-If you have questions about salvation or re-dedication of your life to serve God or if you wish to be counseled, call the RIO Revolution Church office at (865) 984.9200, email the pastoral staff at www. , or come to the altar during any worship service. ●-If you have questions, comments, or suggestions concerning this lesson series, contact the author, Raymond Finney, at (865) 984.1424 or raymondfinney@ . The author assumes full responsibility for any error or misstatement. qa -23