AP. Strengthening connectivity of countries in South and Central Asia, particularly Land-Locked and Least Developed Countries, to link with, sub-regional and regional transport and trade networks ESCAP jointly with ECE ($632,000) Background 1. The geographically contiguous regions of South Asia and Central Asia comprise a number of landlocked and least developed countries, natural resource rich countries and some of the fastest growing economies with highly complementary economic structures. Yet intraregional trade within and between these regions is impeded by higher costs than those applicable to their trade with the European Union, largely due to poorly developed transport links not allowing them to benefit from geographical proximity. 2. Connectivity within and between Central Asian and South Asian subregions remains inadequate because of poor infrastructure conditions, missing links, and a lack of transit agreements and transport facilitation. A number of overlapping groupings for regional cooperation have been established in the two sub-regions namely South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), and Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), in addition to the Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) and Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) programmes. Each of these groupings has proposed their own sub-regional transport corridors for the promotion of connectivity across their Member States. ESCAP’s recent analysis has shown that the countries in the region could reap greater network externalities by integrating the sub-regional transport corridors. 3. Against that backdrop, this project seeks to contribute to the capacities of the countries of the two sub regions in order to strengthen their connectivity through an innovative approach that encompasses: (i) linking the existing and proposed sub-regional road and railway networks along the Asian Highway and Trans Asian Railway routes and Europe-Asia Transport Linkages (EATL) corridors based on minimal investments; and (ii) facilitating the movement of goods along these corridors in a mutually beneficial manner especially for the benefit of the landlocked and least developed countries in these sub-regions. Furthermore, in order to maximize the economic benefits of improved connectivity, the project will also explore the possibilities for facilitating trade and investment through the creation of economic corridors at the border crossings that could be of particular interest to countries emerging from conflict, like Afghanistan, which are seeking to rebuild their economies through improved connectivity with the region’s emerging markets that could provide important economic gains and help in restoring peace and stability. 4. The project will contribute to the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Almaty Programme of Action which are heavily emphasised in the Rio+20 Outcome (paras. 14, 181, 182). Furthermore, it responds to numerous calls made by the Member States of ESCAP and ECE in the subregions of South and South-West Asia and Central Asia for a greater focus on capacity-building activities for Member States to improve connectivity between Land- Locked and Least Developed Countries (LLDCs) and their subregional and regional partners. 5. The project will build upon and leverage the tangible outcomes from ESCAP’s and ECE’s existing work in transport and trade facilitation. ESCAP has developed the Asian Highway (AH) and Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) route maps and has facilitated international agreements based on them. It is currently working on an international agreement on dry ports for facilitating intermodal transport. ECE has been managing the EATL project, has facilitated inland transport conventions and agreements including those on Euro-Asian transport, and has undertaken studies on the relevance and relative costs of different transport corridors and hinterland connections to maritime ports, etc. The project will also build upon important transport and trade facilitation tools developed jointly by ECE and ESCAP, including the guides and training materials for business process analysis, simplification and automation of trade and transport documents Objective of the Organization: To strengthen the capacities of Member States in South and South-West Asia and Central Asia, particularly LDCs and landlocked countries, to plan and implement measures to enhance intra and interregional connectivity and to harness its economic potential for inclusive and sustainable development Relationship to the strategic framework for the period 20142015 and the Millennium Development Goals: DESA subprogramme 7 (Development policy and analysis); Millennium Development Goals 1 to 8. Summary budget (Thousands of United States dollars) General temporary assistance Consultants Expert Group Meeting Travel Contractual services Operating expenses Workshops/training Total Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat Indicators of achievement (EA1) Enhanced awareness of the government officials, regional groupings and financial institutions about the possible connectivity options and their economic and social benefits including existing interregional trade opportunities (EA2) Increased skills of government officials, regional groupings and financial institutions to develop and implement measures to enhance connectivity in the region through application of standards and best practices for trade and transport facilitation at the border crossings and along the main economic corridors identified 30.0 133.0 66.0 96.0 22.0 21.0 264.0 632.0 (IA1.1) Increased number of initiatives by the Member States and other stakeholders in the sub-regions to enhance connectivity by addressing the bottlenecks including through intergovernmental discussions (IA2.1) At least 75 per cent of stakeholders participating in the project indicate that they are able to more effectively plan and implement initiatives/measures enhancing connectivity for trade and transport, as a result of their participation, in the project activities (IA2.2) Increased number of agreements between and among the Member States and accession to international conventions related to transport and trade facilitation by countries in the two sub-regions (IA2.3) Increased number of transport infrastructure projects funded by regional banks, multilateral institutions and national governments in the sub-regions Main activities 6. The main activities of the project will include: (A1.1) Identify key potential road and rail corridors along AH and TAR networks and EATL corridors in the South and Central Asian sub-regions including those proposed by SAARC, ECO and BIMSTEC with a special focus on enhancing the connectivity for the LDCs and LLDCs of the sub-region; estimation of costs of trade due to network (physical and non-physical) bottlenecks; evaluation of potential benefits especially for LDCs and LLDCs using qualitative and quantitative economic models in such areas as employment generation through increased economic activity, trade creation through enhanced competitiveness, enhanced income by providing international transport and logistics services; (A1.2) Organize two expert group meetings (one each for road and railway corridors) to select road and rail corridor(s) that would maximize the economic benefits for the Member States especially for LLDCs and LDCs; (A1.3) Organize a policy dialogue involving key stakeholders and multilateral and regional financial institutions such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, as well as regional groupings, namely the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, and the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia, to enhance their awareness about the possible connectivity options and their economic and social benefits including existing interregional trade opportunities, for policy advocacy and build public opinion based on work done in A1.1 and A1.2; (A2.1) Identify challenges for development of the selected rail and road corridors in terms of: (i) infrastructure deficiencies; and (ii) trade and transport facilitation and particularly border crossing facilitation including through collaboration of stakeholders and automation of information exchanges and develop proposals for implementation; prepare training material and guides for capacity building of government officials using output from the studies and existing stock of training materials prepared by ECE and ESCAP; (A2.2) Examine the available legal instruments (multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements) and international arrangements for entry of vehicle, cargo and driver into a country’s territory for bilateral and/or for transit purposes; and business processes - existing and required –in countries of South Asia and Central Asia to operationalize the identified road and rail corridor(s) under activity A1.2; (A2.3) Organize two sub-regional capacity-building workshops activities using training material and guides prepared under activity A2.1 and A2.2 in collaboration with sub-regional development partners like the Asian Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, as well as drawing upon existing training materials and guides prepared by ECE and ESCAP. Detailed budget (US dollars) General Temporary Assistance National officer to support activities A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2 (10 work months x $3,000 per work month = $30,000 Consultants International Consultants Two international consultants for the task(s) of developi ng study in support of activity A1.1 (4 work months x $6,000 per month x 2) = $ 48,000 One international consultant for independent project evaluation in support of activity A3.1= $13,000 Regional consultants Three regional consultants (one each for transport infrastructure, transport facilitation and trade facilitation) for task(s) of identificat ion of challenges in support of activity A2.1 (6 work months x $3,000 per month x 3) = $54,000 One regional consultant for tasks under activity A2.2 (6 work months x $3,000) = $18,000 Expert Groups Expert Group Meetings (one for road and one for rail) fo r the purpose of finalization of rail and road corridor in support of activity A1.2 ($2,200 per participant x 15 participants x 2) = $66,000 30 000 133 000 66 000 Travel of staff UN staff members from ESCAP Missions by ESCAP staff in support of activity under A1.1 (2 trips x $3,000 x 3 person) = $18,000 For organizing policy dialogue under activity A1.3 ($3,000 x 2 persons) = $6,000 For organizing two expert group meetings in support of activity A1.2 ($3,000 x 2 EGMs x 3 persons) = $18,000 For organizing capacity building workshops in support of activity A2.3 (2 trips x $3,000 x 3 persons) = $18,000 Staff members from other United Nations entities Missions by other UN staff members (ECE) for organizing policy dialogue in support of activity A1.3 ($3,000 x 2 persons) = $6,000 For organizing two expert group meetings in support of activity A1.2 ($3,000 x 2 EGMs x 2 persons) = $12,000 For organizing capacity building workshops in support of activity A2.3 (2 workshops x $3,000 x 3 persons) = $18,000 96 000 Contractual services Hiring of translation, interpretation and printing services = $22,000 22 000 Operating expenses Communications in support of all activities = $11,000 Other general operating expenses in support of all activities = $10,000 21 000 Seminars and Workshops Two capacity building workshops, one each in two sub -regions in support of activity A2.3 ($2,200 x 2 x 35 participants) = $154,000 One policy dialogue/seminar in support of A1.3 ($2,200 per participant x 264 000 50 participants) = $110,000 Total` 632 000